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Iron Gauntlet 2011

Brother Argent

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Hounds of the Hunt January Update: Currently working on a complete edit. No real changes to the core concepts. Streamlining the flow and clarifying some issues. I am adopting the less is more approach. Most notably I am indicating that the Hounds do not fear technology, they distrust it and expect it to fail. Hope to have the edited post up by the weekend.



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Well. Real Life has just dropped a few bombshells on me, I'm afraid. :P


I doubt I'll get anything much done until after Monday now.

When I get chance (next week), I'll tear through everything on the first few pages, and in an ideal world, have something sensible and constructive to say on each topic. ;)



EDIT: And also, that not having a link to your IA in your sig is a very silly choice.

As silly as say listing an IA in your sig and then not linking it? :P

Well, that's a constant reminder to me to get one of the other four finished.

Then I can work on the SD and TT. :P

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"I'm a genius and GW should hire me to make this canon"?


Got it in one! :)


And then either time passes and you realise that job application was a horrible mistake, ;), or someone comes along and tears it apart :P

Oh the pain, the pain :(

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You may have a point Juan. You may have a point. I'll keep thinking about it.


I always have a point, whether it's relevant and/or logical is another matter.


Try a basic scheme to begin with - pick two colours for the armour plating and a third for soft armour and see how you go.. 'cause right now that scheme is a bit of a jumble.


Obviously this is only my opinion, you are free to ignore it but if you do I may feed you to a hungry Catachan Devil.

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Whew, been writing all day and only got the Origins section done to any satisfaction. This is harder than I remember!


I got a color scheme for my Sanguinary Priests though, finally:

If I was you and I wanted a split scheme on the helmet, I'd consider looking at the White Panthers paint scheme.


Are all of the reds meant to be the same colour?

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You may have a point Juan. You may have a point. I'll keep thinking about it.

May? May?? Great heavens!

Note to self: never experiment with Marine schemes while drinking. Again.

EDIT: Worked on it a bit and toned it down some. Still not satisfied with it, but eh. Here it is with a Tactical for comparison. I never knew Apothecaries were so tricky!


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I actually quite like the first one. Though the red shoulder pad on the left (his right) that is lighter than the body colour is a little strange and doesn't fit. Maybe to take the emphasis off the different reds have black shoulders too? I don't know, I'm not the best colour critic, Ace or Heru would be the ones to whine/cry/grovel to. :D
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I actually quite like the first one. Though the red shoulder pad on the left (his right) that is lighter than the body colour is a little strange and doesn't fit. Maybe to take the emphasis off the different reds have black shoulders too? I don't know, I'm not the best colour critic, Ace or Heru would be the ones to whine/cry/grovel to. :woot:


You mean on the Tactical? I use the pauldron instead of helm to show squad assignment (Red=Tactical for BA). See, here's an Assault.



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Well the tactical colours are all fine and dandy, so long as they are clear and easily distinguishable, which the former wasn't. It would be easier to have a dark base colour and use coloured strips or markings instead. Or just not copy the BA tactical markings altogether.


And I thought helmet colour was the order of the day with BA?


I always thought tacticals had red helms because they were essentially 'regular' marines, secondly that they had no tactical niche to fall within unlike the Fast Attack and Heavy Support divisions.

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Helm color is used for the Blood Angels themselves, yes. But I think it looks kind of goofy so I use the pauldrons for my successors instead.


And that's enough on my color scheme for now I think — I'll have the IA posted soon and I've hijacked this thread enough. Though I appreciate the input!

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