hushrong Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 Last Spring I started painting the Sons of Malice and what started as a Kill-Team became a Terminator Army. The warband is called the Anarchist's Fist and will be comprised of 3 characters and 11 Sons at the least. My hope is to continuously upgrade this army. So what I have can change, such as the addition of new Terminators to bulk up the list, shiney new vehicles, or just better minis with new poses and conversions. I hope to use this thread to stay focused on the Sons of Malice and the fluff regarding the Anarchist's Fist warband. Hope you enjoy what you see! ---. M40 – It is speculated that Sons of Malice 2nd Company had separated from the Chapter in its entirety well after the Betrayal. The reasoning for their departure is unknown and their agenda just as mysterious. Aboard the Screaming King, the Astartes Strike Cruiser of the 2nd Company, they made their way from the Eye of Terror to the Ultima Segmentum. Current State of the Army: *This Photo will be updated with the Progression of the army. Army List: HQ • The Abhorred (Logan Grimnar) • The Blind (Njal Stormcaller)/(Rune Priest) Terminator Armor • The War-Caller (Wolf Priest) -Terminator Armor • The Veteran of Midas Bella (Wolf Guard Battle Leader) -Terminator Armor -SB to Wolf Claw -PW to Wolf Claw -x2 Fenrisian Wolves Elites The Corpse Guard Squad 1 •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -SB for A.Cannon -PW to Power Fist •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -SB for Combi-Melta -PW to Power Fist • (Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -PW to Power Fist •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -PW for Chainfist •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -PW to Chainfist Squad 2 •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -Cyclone Launcher •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -SB for Combi-Melta -PW to Power Fist •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -PW to Power Fist •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -PW to Power Fist •(Wolf Guard) -Terminator Armor -PW to Chainfist Heavy Support • “Monarch’s Agony” Land Raider Crusader -Multi-melta -Extra armor • “Great Maw” Lander Raider Redeemer Estimated Total: (1590) Lord Hister A'dol the Abhorred Mk1: -He is sitting on my desk and waiting for a new pot of grey paint so I can try my hand at highlighting. This mini will be my "MKI" because he does not, in any way, come off as a Logan Grimnar. He basically is the Terminator Lord pictured on the box. So When I am done painting him he may just end up as an extra body while I try to make a better Hister. Nay'Pal the War-Caller Brother-Anarch Roh Mal The white paint does not go on as smoothly so I am going to have to work on that more. I also want to work on highlighting as I have never really done it. The black parts of the mini will need it the most. I also think I will keep the storm-bolter weapons black with metallics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pegasus Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 Niiiice. Black/white colour schemes are a b**ch to get right. Are you basecoating black then painting the white, or BS white then paint in the black? I can't help but think that BSing white then putting the black on with a brush would work better, as black doesn't show up lumpy anywhere near as easily as white. Looking forward to seeing more, these guys look badarse :) Cheers, John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 Yo, good to see some more fluff, but I think Anarch is the title for Chapter Master for the Sons of Malice :unsure: Also, someone may have asked this before (maybe I did lol) but where is the scythe from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janitor101 Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 That counts as wolf priest is amazing, how the hell did you manage to articulate the lower jaw separately for the skull helmet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaplain belisarius Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 very nice...:( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted January 13, 2011 Author Share Posted January 13, 2011 Thanks for the comments everyone! Pegasus: It is a black undercoat. Over that I put down a codex grey coat and then applied my white. I have decent success with painting over the grey for colors like yellow but I would like to try a white undercoat as that seems like the simplest way to do it. At a distance the white looks alright but upon close inspection you can see that it is uneven here an there. Goose: Anarch is the title for the chapter master but sadly there are no other cool names/words for something that wants to bring down the system. so the name Anarchist's Fist comes from me not wanting to call this army The Malice Wing. Other termie armiesI've seen had names like the original Deathwing, then there was the Wolf/Logan-wing, and a few Khorne/Gore-Wings so I wanted something that stood out and sounded cool...and it made for a good warband name to identify these Sons specifically. The same thing goes for Brother Anarch. One hobbyist had a Gore-Wing and I loved how each terminator was addressed as I wanted something similar. In the end Brother-Anarch sounded a lot cooler than Brother-Rebel. The scythe is from The Empire Wizard kit. I used the scythe bit with chopped up parts of the Termie Lords staff which I pinned together. I may have to take it apart to make it more sturdy/secure as I fear it breaking. The reason for the roses was that the weapon came from a fallen Sister of Battle and it seemed to fit. Janitor: The skull is actually one whole piece. It comes from the Vampire Counts skeleton kit. I always imagined that Chaplains(my favorite looking units) would go into battle shouting an screaming and that their skull helmets would mimic their own mouth movement. So when I saw that bit on a skellie I knew I wanted to have it. to Make the skull I simply filed the back of it down while I filed away the fron of a CSM Termie champ's bare head. an early WIP of it: Seeing these old pics makes me think it is time to get some work done so I have something new to post! Thanks once again for taking a look at my humble army! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mabrothrax Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 Nice work so far, but you need more! Demagogue would be a good title other than Anarch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted January 13, 2011 Share Posted January 13, 2011 Cool, yeah I actually quite like the roses :P Maybe Brother-Insurgent BlahBlah? Revolutionary-Brother BlahBlah? Insurrectionary-Brother BlahBlah? Yeah they don't sound so good.. <_< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted January 14, 2011 Author Share Posted January 14, 2011 Goose Yeah haha, "anarch" is the way to go. I do think I will be spending time with a Thesarus though and come up with something haha. Mabrothrax, ask and ye shall receive: 998. M40 – Imperial Navy vessels respond to a psychic distress beacon emanating from unpatrolled regions of Ultima Segmentum. All that is found were the wreckages of several vessels and two highly damaged cruisers. It has been identified that the ships belonged two different Rogue Trader dynasties accompanied by their escorts. All escort vessels were destroyed while the two largest vessels showed signs of boarding actions from hull breaches and possibly teleportation. Survivors had been found but had been driven insane. Evidence of brutal, close quarters fighting left much of the decks in ruins and riddled with corpses. Comparison of logistic catalogues and inventory indicate that certain artefacts were taken. On the bridge of one Rogue Trader cruiser, a monitoring station catalogued the ships records. Among the last vessels to come into sensors range of the ship was identified and registered as the Screaming King. May I present my Geor the Blind WIP: A few notes: -The head pictured here will not be used, it is the only part not glued to the body in this pic. I may used the tusked helm from the Termie lord box but with a horn swap to make it look different than the same helm I am using from my count-as Lone Wolf Guard Battle Leader. -I am still trying to think of a better headpiece for the staff. -I also hope to pose is alright. I was thinking of the Librarian from the Space Hulk set where he is just walking(but looking tough). -Still debating on how I will paint him. -And even though he is a Njal count-as...I gave him a storm-bolter. Not a part of the Terminator army but a part of the Anarchist's Fist is Brother-Anarch Fovvus. I got bored one day and flipped through either the little WH40k rule book or SM codex and really liked the pose of an Ultramarine Apothecary. So with my kindergarten-level drawing skills I made a sketch: Then today I made a mini of him. Not exactly the pose i wanted but one that I still like. Gathered lots of ideas from AlanofAngels and his Khârn count-as. I may be able to use him as a Wolf Guard but I see him more of a Khârn count-as. and a little fluff... Brother- Anarch Fovvus: The story of Brother Fovvus, like his fellow Sons of Malice, starts upon the desolate world of Scelus. Among his tribe and clan, his desire to shed first blood set him apart from his kin as he rushed headlong towards his enemies. Such desire and skills learned from his youth propelled the new initiate up through the ranks of the assault squads as an Astartes. During the Betrayal, Brother Fovvus had become death on wings as he launched himself across the battlefield with his squad. When a stray shot from a Sororita’s metal gun robbed him of the use of his jump pack he charged on foot with chainaxe in hand. Hacking and slashing through the traitorous sisters, his armor had become slick with gore. As the mortal inquisitor was sacrificed Fovvus, like his brothers, feasted upon the flesh of the fallen. He consumed the dead Sororitas with the appetite of a maddened beast. Brother-Anarch Fovvus' descent into madness began with these acts of butchery and flesh-consumption. Not pictured is my first "Fenrisian" Wolf that I had assembled...but that will be for another day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminatorinhell Posted January 14, 2011 Share Posted January 14, 2011 I like the minis dude! I definitely want one of those Skull heads! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Melice Posted January 14, 2011 Share Posted January 14, 2011 great use of bits, love the mace termie... have you come up with an idea for the bases?? would love to see that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted January 14, 2011 Author Share Posted January 14, 2011 Thanks Terminatorinhell and Brother Melice! For the bases I was thinking of a battlefield strewn with remains of Loyalist and Chaos here an there. Paint wise I want to go with a rocky grey instead of muddy brown colors like i started on Nay'Pals base. So a lasgun and IG arm there, traitor Astartes torso and head there. I just wish they SoB in plastic so I could include them too. *i really don't want to chop my metal minis. So some fluff to kick off the new post! 034. M41 – Battle of the Scarred Rock occurred, where Imperial forces were directly involved in actions against the Sons of Malice 2nd Company. The massive Space Hulk, now known as the Scarred Rock, had appeared in a region of space between Segmentum Obscurus and the Ultima Segmentum. Within an hour of its appearance the Screaming King of the Sons of Malice had already completed boarding actions. Two Imperial Naval vessels, The Searing Star & the Blade of Light, are accompanied by a Strike Cruiser of the Novamarines to investigate the Space Hulks appearance hours later. First to arrive out of a warp opening is the Searing Star. Upon their arrival the Screaming King attacks. The opening barrage delivered by the Sons of Malice Strike Cruiser breaks the back of the Searing Star while its systems experienced malfunctions. Gun decks, living quarters, armories, and the command deck are lost immediately. The Blade of Light exits the warp and is unable to either assist their sister ship or attack the enemy from a mass of teleported boarders. Before its alarm klaxon can sound they have suffered losses on various parts of the ship. Due to the devastating attack of the Sons of Malice, the Novamarines send warriors to assist aboard the Blade of Light while preparing their own boarding actions. The two Astartes Strike Cruisers engage one on one. Gun decks exchange fire between the two vessels as boarding torpedoes are fired at one another. Aboard both vessels vicious, close quarters combat wreaks bloody havoc. Both the Sons of Malice and Novamarines boarding crews fight with immeasurable aggression and hostility to bring down their enemy’s vessel from the inside out. Despite serious losses, the Sons of Malice are able to exterminate all enemy boarders while their forces aboard the Novamarine Strike Cruiser succeed in crippling its engines. Having split their forces to engage both the Sons of Malice within the Space Hulk, the Blade of Light, and then losing those engaged in ship boarding, the Loyalist Marines are strained. Intense firefights at chokeholds on board the Blade of Light results in grievous losses of Loyalist manpower. Brother-Anarch Fovvus of the Sons of Malice gains renown among his kin for leading his squad into the heart of the ships reactors while reaping a bloody toll among the naval crewmen and Novamarines. Armed with melta weapons, the Sons of Malice destroy the vital systems to power the ship. Unable to maneuver, the Blade of Light is taken out of the fight entirely. Many Imperial Navy personnel witness the Sons of Malice simply vanishing like a black fog from sight. Having penetrated deep into the Space Hulk, the Novamarines found only empty corridors littered with empty bolter cases, scorched from flamers, and filled with the corpses of uncountable genestealers. The Sons of Malice had made much progress through the Space Hulk and Techmarine Valus of the Novamarines is filled with disgust over the possible loss of any technological finds. While making way through another corpse filled corridor a Novamarine trips a hidden trigger, setting off a series of explosions throughout the Scarred Rock planted by the Sons of Malice. Their foes had prepared and their trap left many killed, wounded, and stranded aboard the Space Hulk. The Sons of Malice aboard the enemy Strike cruiser fight off defenders comprised of mortals, servitors, and the Novamarines themselves. Simultaneously, the Sons of Malice make way for the engine deck while keeping enemies off their back. When reaching their destination, the mortal crew, servitors, and techmarine are executed and the systems then sabotaged. Possibly through sorcery and arcane machinations, the Sons of Malice aboard the Novamarine vessel had teleported from the engine decks to the armory. Vicious fighting continued as Novamarines howled their chapter’s battle cries while their foes fought on in silence. The armory was taken within minutes and as the Novamarines regrouped to take back the facility. All they had found when they had arrived were their arms, ammo, and slain brethren whisked away by the traitors as melta bombs counted down to their detonation. The Screaming King entered the warp leaving behind a scene of destruction. Two cruisers of the Imperial Navy and a Strike Cruise of the Novamarine were left crippled and desperately calling for aide. From the enemy, the Sons of Malice had taken the bodies and armor of their slain foe as well as their arms and ammunition. Most precious of all were the artefacts taken from the bowels of the Scarred Rock. The Novamarines vow vengeance upon the traitorous forces. Now presenting my PIP, Brother-Anarch Pat'onh: And Fovvus with a bit of paint on him: Right now with my white...I think I am going to go back to mixing drops of grey into my white paint. I did this for Hister and it does the job well. However, the White doesn't "pop" out as much compared to Roh Mal and Pat'onh due to the grey but at least it will be even. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted January 14, 2011 Share Posted January 14, 2011 Is Hister's white done? Cuz I think it could do with another layer of a cleaner white to at least give the illusion of white. It just looks a tad grey now :D But the model itself is really cool, as is the deamon on the pauldron of Geor the Blind! Wicked! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Melice Posted January 15, 2011 Share Posted January 15, 2011 I would suggest to thin your paints, it seems a little thick... a smoother paint job will increase the quality of the work greatly... Keep it rolling! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted January 16, 2011 Author Share Posted January 16, 2011 @Goose: Thanks! When I saw the bloodletter's head I knew it would make for a great trophy. I also think you may be looking at the wrong guy bud. Hister is the fella in post 1 in the 2nd pic and he's got white on him. @Brother Melice: I agree wholeheartedly about better paint job will increase the quality. I want these guys to look great. I just wish I had the skills to make each one a show piece...but that'll be a good few years before that'll happen ;) I will have to retry the thinned down white in the future. However I tried a different path and I think it is working quite alright. So, thanks to a suggestion from a friend, I think I am well on the way of overcoming the white paint dilemma. So to show some results: Early PIP of Brother-Anarch Nostras: You can see a bit of the streaks but another coat or two and that will be a thing of the past! And more work on Fovvus! Sadly, these pics do not show off the white very well at all(night time, not a great lamp, etc) and on my other computer it looked grey. So I had to take this pic below to show the how it actually looks. *the left shin is lumpy looking because I removed a skull emblem there with a knife WAAAY back in the day. So it is the plastic, not the paint job. One thing I am considering for Fovvus is not paint silver trim on the white portions of the armor. Like around the shoulder guard, the knee & ankle, and the trim on the fore-arm I would keep that black and white contrast. I would paint the trim silver on the black portion though. I need to do some basing for my Iron Warriors(nothing fancy though)...but I hope to finish up Fovvus soon and get back to work on the terminators. Thanks for stopping by! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solid Zaku Posted January 16, 2011 Share Posted January 16, 2011 Waitasecond. Wasn't Malal's colors black and white? Sneaky, if that's what you're trying to do with this army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted January 16, 2011 Share Posted January 16, 2011 Ah yes, my bad, I meant Fovvus, but you've fixed it now so nevermind ^_^ And yes Solid Zaku, the Sons of Malice are widely considered Malal worshippers by, well, everyone except Games Workshop.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Melice Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 First of all, I just understood whats going on with the paint dilemma, in my opinion... Lets start with the basics. What kind of primer are you using for these models???? What kind of paints? what colors are used in painting these models? are the brushes in good condition???? For the lumpy leg, make it look like battle damage, weather it, and it won't pop out as much... Don't silver line on the white areas, as you have said, it will just ruin the contrast, and you don't want that... One option to consider is the Checker board approach, so white trim on black armor plates, black on white plates... One Idea... Another might be actually, if you work on the whites some more, and add highlits to the black, that will do the trick in itself.... because right now. the white and black just eats up all the gread details, and that's a sad thing, you have worked a lot on these, and all that will be lost in end result if ruined by two paints? Try this... When painting white, start with a thin, smooth coat of light brown, then some brown mixed with grey, earth, doesn't matter. Then finish of with thin coats of 50/50 white and bleached bone, highlight with 20/80 bleached bone and white... Check out this guy's thread, he had made a great harmoy with the blacks and whites... and check out this guy's thread...;showentry=5572 Note how he works in parts on the model, insuring that he covers all surface, does a neat paint job, an minimum of handling, not using primer insures a smoother finish, but a very fragile, so varnish is a must on a completed model. when you paint< just leave the joint surfaces plain plastic for later glueing. I've given this technique a try, works really well, but you start from a darker tone, and gradually work toward white, remember, thin clean coats of pain. Hope this helps you out some what. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sons of Horus Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 I love this thread :) awesome Sons of Malice :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted January 18, 2011 Author Share Posted January 18, 2011 Thanks for the comments and support everyone! This is the kind of stuff I need to keep me going :) Solid Zaku:I cannot take credit for them but I know wonder who originally painted that mini in the 3rd(?) edition Chaos Codex. I wonder if that painter truly wanted to represent the outcast in 40k OR they just liked the name and those colors. Then may be best to leave it a mystery. Also, I have one of my Master Grade Zaku's sitting near me. I miss Gundam when it actually used to be really cool. Goose: You had me worried there for a minute honestly haha. I kept looking at my mini of Hister and began to wonder if I had impaired vision. Sons of Horus: Thanks bud! What kind of primer are you using for these models???? Chaos Black, applied by brushWhat kind of paints? GW's paint, foundation and wash lines. what colors are used in painting these models? Codex Grey(has been applied but I will not use it anymore as it is dark), Fortress Grey, Astronomicon Grey, Chaos Black, Boltgun Metal, Tin Bitz, and Badab Black wash. I will also use different Blue paints for the Eyes, perhaps either Ultramarine, Regal, and possibly Necron Abyss. are the brushes in good condition???? The ones being used, yes. For the lumpy leg, make it look like battle damage, weather it, and it won't pop out as much... I like this idea, any good tutorials on doing weathering? Don't silver line on the white areas, as you have said, it will just ruin the contrast, and you don't want that... One option to consider is the Checker board approach, so white trim on black armor plates, black on white plates... One Idea... Another might be actually, if you work on the whites some more, and add highlits to the black, that will do the trick in itself.... because right now. the white and black just eats up all the gread details, and that's a sad thing, you have worked a lot on these, and all that will be lost in end result if ruined by two paints? the black paint worries me most. I need to practice highlighting more to overcome this otherwise it will look blank on my minis. For white, I will trim it with black as much as possibly. I actually like it that way (scroll down to see some more work on Fovvus). Perhaps, I may try the checker board Idea on one of the termies to give it a shot as I have some that have yet to get metal trim painted on Try this... When painting white, start with a thin, smooth coat of light brown, then some brown mixed with grey, earth, doesn't matter. Then finish of with thin coats of 50/50 white and bleached bone, highlight with 20/80 bleached bone and white... Check out this guy's thread, he had made a great harmoy with the blacks and whites... and check out this guy's thread...;showentry=5572 Note how he works in parts on the model, insuring that he covers all surface, does a neat paint job, an minimum of handling, not using primer insures a smoother finish, but a very fragile, so varnish is a must on a completed model. when you paint< just leave the joint surfaces plain plastic for later glueing. I've given this technique a try, works really well, but you start from a darker tone, and gradually work toward white, remember, thin clean coats of pain. These are some nifty things I will have to try out. I quite like the Black Templars with this style. Hope this helps you out some what. Cheers Thanks for that support bud! My hats of to you for this! Greedily he ate at the flesh in hand. It was no longer fresh having died days ago and rotted under the sun and elements. He bit down on another hunk of meat he flensed from the corpse. His lips, having chewed them away centuries ago, now left a nightmarish visage as the rot and drool from his feasting trickled out through his teeth. Like a savage beast he chewed and gnawed away while spitting out the bits of shrapnel and rocks that dug into pitiful creature. The taste meant nothing even though the meats decay was evident by its smell and effects. Then, as though a spike had been driven though his skull, he dropped the flesh and grabbed his head with filth covered hands. Memories were forced upon his own as he a life he never lived replayed in his mind. Worst was the pain he felt from the creature’s death. Brother-Anarch Hizar laughed at the sensation until the agony wracked his sanity. His jaw opened and the dead man’s gnarled flesh fell from his open mouth while his eyes were wide and staring down at the corpse before him. This was not the first time he had tasted it. The memories of the battle, the emotions, and the death of the guardsmen became so vivid. He could feel, as the mortal had, the bolter round piercing the helmet with neck-snapping pain before the shell exploded. His demise was instantaneous but its sensations were torturous. He continued to laugh as he reached for the dropped flesh and began to tear another bite out of it. Every bite the memories became more and more alive. With every taste the memories became real. Bloody tears poured from his straining eyes sockets and down to his lipless mouth as he gnarled and chewed on flesh. He had tasted this a thousand times and the pains reinvigorated him as his mind was driven to madness. Amidst the killing fields Brother-Anarch Hizar continued to feast upon the dead with his brothers. Their hard earned victory had called for this celebration. Together they consumed and each experienced the pain. As though losing their minds they would continue to eat for this offering was not for them but for their God. So, for some pics: a bit more paint on Fovvus Nothing too extraordinary, just a little bit of metal work on him. And my "Fenrisian Wolves" The reasoning to use the juggernauts stems from the fact that 1.) they look cooler than the chaos hounds and 2.) I like the idea of the Sons of Malice enslaving and utilizing daemons of other deities. I am thinking of painting the "shoulder guards" of the front legs and the hind legs in the quatered black & white style. So front left will be white, front right will be black, then back left black and back right in black. the upper plates will correspond to this as well. then the rest will be metallic. I also need to think of what base to properly use for them. stick with the one they came with or maybe the biker ones? I don't really play but if i get the chance I want them to be fit and legit for battle. And I would have done more painting but a little side project, that may have a future with the Sons Of Malice, has caught my attention. I am writing up my ideas on it and hope to share it soon with everyone for ideas and critique! So I will leave you all with a teaser: "The Sons of Malice, loathed be their name, are a cancer among the Imperium of Man. Although they number in the handfuls, their actions bring chaos and disorder on a scale that goes unnoticed. A rebellion in one system and a hive riot a galaxy away are witnessed as unrelated incidents but at the heart of each something sinister had fanned the fires. Among the uncounted masses of Imperial Citizens they find the bitter and enraged. They whisper to those who think themselves betrayed and promise revenge and retribution. In the lowest depths of our blessed Imperium they form venomous cells intent on death that spread silently throughout systems. In the shadows they plot the downfall of countless souls to feed their war of hatred. This, 'Cult of the Skulls' must be dealt with." Inquisitor Adrianna Von Huth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sons of Horus Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 not only are the minis fantastic but those pseudo-IA articles are entertaining too. great work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Melice Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 There's your answer right there... the foremost mistake, you first undercoat them black, then try to paint on the white, it will always result in a mess, unless you do about 15, evenly applied, very smoothly applied coats of thinned down white, (a pain in His royal behind, but since you're renegade, that might be all right))))))))) But, if you try to paint on top of black, with white, usually you try to get that nasty black to stop showing through... and end up using thicker coats, and that's the result... So, Thin base coat of ether greys, earths, or browns... gradually work your way up to the white.... It might be a good idea to paint the whites first, and as soon as those are done, finish off with black. Cool Templars Huh??? That guy is great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 I figured I would add a little tidbit for you if your still struggling with painting white from black. The best and most simple way to do it is to go straight from Codex Grey to Fortress Grey to Skull White. Each color should be done in a nice thin consistency, if you have some extra bucks grab yourself some Future Floor Wax and add a bit while you paint to keep the paint from chalking up on you. Surprisingly the floor wax helps keep the paint moist and also makes it more susceptible to forming on those lovely round edges of power armour. Also, keep yourself from letting the paint build up too much on the brush, just keep reminding yourself "smooth and thin". Hope that helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AL. Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 very nice work dude :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Melice Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 I agree with MR. Malevolent here, it's one way to go with painting white... But i gives you that cold shade of white, that seems too much together with black for me personally, that is why I suggested going with a warmer base. A matter of preference really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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