hushrong Posted May 3, 2011 Author Share Posted May 3, 2011 I was thinking that they rid themselves of individuality and become known by their deeds and not their names. It would be like seeing a faceless warrior wreaking havoc in the battlefield. The memory of what you see becomes how you identify that warrior. You do not fear the sound of their name but the nightmares of their actions haunt you. That right there sounds so frikkin' bad ass. I think that was my biggest problem when I first started working on my Sons, I focused way too much on names and all that jazz instead of giving them that ancient/malicious/conqueror type of set-up. Names are important but I think its what they accomplish is what scares men more then anything. Knowing that this giant that's coming at you is capable of destroying everything you hold near and dear and there's nothing you can do to stop him is so sadistic and just evil. If you don't mind I think I'm going to run with this and get back to fleshing out my Sons again. Go forth and make it so! For Malal! It would be easy to run with that idea, especially if its the same chapter. I just like it because it is like the Immortals who were the elite and were unidentifiable from one another. You didn't know any of their names or faces but you would know an Immortal on the battlefield when you saw one. This even goes for the Kings Guard drill team in Hawaii. Faceless but their skills engrain themselves upon you. For my Sons, this will be the case for the Corpse Guard only I think as they are the elite. My berzerkers, who could use some suggestions for poses, are the frothing, violent, madmen that they are because of flesh consumption. Eating enemies you slain and experiencing their memories, especially like violent deaths, will drive you insane with time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 I'm really keen on your Sons of Malice hushrong. I'll have to take some time to read the fluff though, as it looks quite good from the snippets I've read :) Looking forward to the next update! Ludovic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 10, 2011 Author Share Posted May 10, 2011 A few changes have occurred with the Anarchist's Fist, all Corpse Guard Warriors no longer bear names. Fluff-wise, they are known by titles of the terrible deeds and atrocious acts they have committed. And some new stuff (the fluff has already been posted on The Labyrinth thread but with some revisions): They were called Reaper and Harvester, the tools of his trade. The dual blades which he had severed arteries, removed limbs, and decapitated his foes. Clad in his armor with such weapons in hands, he was unstoppable. He moved with the grace his armored allowed him. He knew his armor and his weapons well and had mastered them in his bloody craft. To gain another victory he would draw in close and tear away at his opponent as they met eye to eye. Each swipe cut the surface of his opponent’s armor. Again and again he removed paint and chips of armor in a flurry of slashes. The sparks putting on a show for the observers, letting them know he was toying with his prey. Soon, he would draw blood from the soft armored joints of his enemy. He dodged another blow from this foe’s axe. Such brute weapons lacked finesse. One needed only momentum and the weapon took care of the rest. It also slowed the attack, a matter he would take an advantage from. Circling around his opponent, he stayed in constant motion while his foe was centered on a single position. If he could, he would have driven him into a corner and strip the opponent the room needed to wield his weapons. Then cut away at him to show his superiority. Again, he dodged another sweep of the axe, barely making contact with his armor but removing a few trinkets and trophies. That was close, and worse, he did not realize the razor edge of the axe had come for him until the last possible second. Then another sweep of the axe had come to bury itself in his armor. He leapt back, dodging with his blades. The impact would have ruined the arm of a mortal. His own enhanced biology and armor struggled to not collapse or shatter. His thoughts raced to determine the ever flowing ebb and flow of battle. He had no time to draw conclusions as he parried sweep after sweep of the axe’s blades coming for him. Each blow causing a tremor in his arms and his beloved blades had begun to chip. The attack had turned. He was now defending as he was assailed by the onslaught of his opponent. Finally, his grip had lost the blade in his right hand. It took milliseconds for him to think of his next course of action. It had taken his foe less time to finish this game. The thrust of an axe’s dull end into his helmet shattered a lens, dented its frame, and forced the armor of his helm onto his flesh and skull. The next hit removed the helm from its clamps and a ramming shoulder guard knocked him from his feet. The skull was broken, pressure was on his brain, his eye may be salvageable but it was unlikely. He was hasty in his assessment. Before he could raise himself from the decking, the cold bite of metal on metal echoed. His right hand, it had been severed. --- The Abhorred looked down, his expressionless helm offering no emotion. He slammed his heel onto the remaining hand of his challenger. The Beast of Fang’s Bite, he was an upstart and sought power, his challenge was not unexpected. The Abhorred brought an axe’s blade between the warrior’s bare chin and the layer of armor that protected his torso. The one good eye showed defiance and hatred at this defeat. This is not how he planned to die. The humiliation pained him more than his wounds. Then she laughed, the Voice, and it echoed amongst the throne room where the Anarchist’s Fist had gathered, before the challenge had been issued and accepted. Among the crowd of monsters, her pale and porcelain features was in stark contrast. Her dress would have been the envy of any Imperial royal had it not be torn and tattered. Yet her eyes gave away a hint of a beast among monsters. Her laughter stopped as The Abhorred withdrew his axe and returned to his throne. Two slaves awaited him, holding out large cloths of red. Each would hold one of his axes and knew full and well that to touch them with their unworthy flesh would mean its components would be lubricated with their blood. They took hold of their master’s weapons and bowed, only to follow him to the throne and take their place at either side. Many of the assembled warriors looked on in disgust at the beaten veteran. His armor mirrored his lords, where axe marks had cleaved into its plate. He still drew breath, and that is what angered his brothers. None would be claiming his sacred armor of terminator plate. A hunched creature raced from behind the throne and took the severed hand back to its master. Offering it up, the Abhorred took it and placed it on his arm rest. With the flesh, his intentions were obvious, and the taking of the armored glove even more so. It bore the title of the warrior. If he ever wished to reclaim it, he would have to kill the victor. The Abhorred would not be replaced. He was unstoppable. He feared no enemy, even to the point of keeping this challenger alive to plot another day. Only pain and death would await those to cross him. The gathered warriors bowed their heads in recognition. The Abhorred’s message was clear. and now for the Boss-Man himself: This is as far as i got with the painting. I am wondering what color to paint the bolters or just leave them black and metallic. I also need to find a better way to paint stone. Hope you enjoyed, C&C is always welcomed here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted May 10, 2011 Share Posted May 10, 2011 I LOVE it! You did an awesome job on the white. As far as the bolters, I'd say leave them black and silver. I was thinking maybe red but unless your adding red or a red hue somewhere on him it would look out of place. Now with painting stone, I've always found great success in dry-brushing lots of layers. I mean working from the darkest to lightest and taking your time. Hope I helped in some way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 Thanks Mr. Malevolent! For the storm bolters, I may do a really dark red. Perhaps scab red with a lip chaos black in the mix. On another forum some suggested red as well because the bolters would blend in. I may do the cape in that color as well. It seems like it would be a good balance with all the black and white. The stone is going to take me awhile to pull off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 16, 2011 Author Share Posted May 16, 2011 Well I was able to get some work done these last couple of days. -I got 90% of my LRC primed (by hand) -Got more paint on 2 Berzerkers -Started on one of my Wolves -Made some neat-o wound counters. New Army shot: Hopefully in another week, I will have the second squad all put on their bases. Keeping my fingers crossed that my order comes in this week for the CoD floor pack. Berzerker: Berzerker: Sooner or later I will get these up to date with the rest of their squad. Still a few things here and there that need paint but I am happy with them so far. and last night I decided to sit down and make some wound counters. I decided to use enemy helms as the markers with this thought: the more hits they take the more of their trophies fall off. Wound Counters: So we have a Black Legionnaire, a Red Corsair (was going to be a Word Bearer), and a Novamarine. Hope you liked it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted May 16, 2011 Share Posted May 16, 2011 Aww NICE skin cloak thing, it looks gruesome! The berzerker's paint looks a little thick, white can get chalky really easy; are you watering your paints out? Otherwise the colour and the shading looks great. Good idea with the wound counters haha clever Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pasta Posted May 17, 2011 Share Posted May 17, 2011 You have some great conversions, hushrong! Also, I love how you get that white so well painted, any chance of any tips for that? Pasta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 17, 2011 Author Share Posted May 17, 2011 Aww NICE skin cloak thing, it looks gruesome! The berzerker's paint looks a little thick, white can get chalky really easy; are you watering your paints out? Otherwise the colour and the shading looks great. Good idea with the wound counters haha clever Thanks Gooose! I am happy that it looks like a skin cloak because painting flesh isn't my forte. At least it is identifiable. ^_^ The paint is actually smooth in the flesh. What you may see areas that are uneven because of glue on the plastic surface and parts were I shaved/filed off unwanted decor. Like the shoulder pads for example. And I just looked on the recent article from GWs site and the featured DE army has some really cool looking counters/objectives that are similar. I'm going to take note for future ideas. You have some great conversions, hushrong! Also, I love how you get that white so well painted, any chance of any tips for that? Pasta Thanks Pasta! For the white, mixing fortress grey into skull white is the best. Combined with the use of a wet pallette, it's even better. I start with a black primer coat. The parts I want white are first painted fortress grey and then washed with badab black. *grey is a great paint color when painting something lighter on a black undercoat. When the wash is dry, paint two or three coats, should be even and covers well by then, with the mixed fortress grey/skull white. A homemade recipe based on helpful tips and a lot of trial and error. :tu: If you need any more assistance feel free to shoot a PM. Otherwise, have fun painting! **edited because of iPhone's auto correct rewriting my words. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted May 18, 2011 Share Posted May 18, 2011 The skin cloak looks awesome! Loving the wound counters as well, consider that idea "taken" :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Natanael Posted May 18, 2011 Share Posted May 18, 2011 A very nice peice of fluff about the Abhorred. Like it. The army is coming along nicely =) - Natanael Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted May 18, 2011 Share Posted May 18, 2011 Ah my bad man, cool beans. Do you ever wash the models in soapy water before spraying them? Do you know if that helps? I've heard of it being good to remove the lube stuff they put on sprues but I'm worried it'll have some effect on all the glue and greenstuff.. Do you know anything bout that kinda stuff? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 18, 2011 Author Share Posted May 18, 2011 The skin cloak looks awesome! Loving the wound counters as well, consider that idea "taken" :rolleyes: Thanks Mr. Malevolent! I would say to add some bones or skulls to them to take up more space. I plan on doing that if I make more. For the Abhorred, I want go use the little guy from the termie lord box and maybe the watcher in the dark. It will be the same idea that when he takes damage, his armor will fall apart, and those litte half pints will snatch up his damaged stuff and try to chase him around the battlefield with it so he can have it. A very nice peice of fluff about the Abhorred. Like it. The army is coming along nicely =) - Natanael Thanks and i am glad you liked the fluff Natanael. Ah my bad man, cool beans. Do you ever wash the models in soapy water before spraying them? Do you know if that helps? I've heard of it being good to remove the lube stuff they put on sprues but I'm worried it'll have some effect on all the glue and greenstuff.. Do you know anything bout that kinda stuff? Yeah, I didn't do a great job at removing chaos stars on the armor and was real liberal with glue when adding stuff like the spikes. I do wash the models with soapy, warm water, especially metal ones. It does get rid of dust and that molding lubricant mess. However, I don't use spray paints, I had lived in a very humid region of Japan and unknown to me at the time, humidity doesn't help spraying. So I just don't like using it. Washing it shouldnt have an effect on glue (depending on the brand maybe) or greenstuff if it is completely dried. If you try to remove paint froma mini and wash it afterwords, perhaps, but it just depends on what products you use. Hope that helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted May 18, 2011 Share Posted May 18, 2011 Thanks! That's great help, I guess I'll start washing my miniatures before spraying now, especially since spray paint has a hard time adhering to the stuff I use to keep my utensils from sticking to the greenstuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 23, 2011 Author Share Posted May 23, 2011 Well, I was able to get two more minis built for my Berzerker Squad. I am really happy with my power-fist Skull Champion and I like where I had gotten with my final marine...just wished I did some things differently for his pose. I really like the pose on this fella very much. I think he is my favorite PA marine I have made yet. For this guy, I wanted a gunslinger. I know he can't have two pistols but I don't think that will be too much of a problem, its not like he will get an extra shot if I use him. As for his CCW...he has fists of fury when his ammo runs dry! as always, C&C is always welcomed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted May 23, 2011 Share Posted May 23, 2011 Ah my bad man, cool beans. Do you ever wash the models in soapy water before spraying them? Do you know if that helps? I've heard of it being good to remove the lube stuff they put on sprues but I'm worried it'll have some effect on all the glue and greenstuff.. Do you know anything bout that kinda stuff? Oh you should def. give washing the minis a try before assembling them. Just a quick warm soapy (use dish washing soap, its cheap and safe on your skin) water bath and let them dry and you'll probably notice a huge difference. Primer will hold better and paint will not fight with you as bad. @hushrong: Love the gunslinger! I always try to have at least one model in every squad with dual pistols. My original World Eaters army had so many gunslingers it was ridiculous :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted May 23, 2011 Share Posted May 23, 2011 Ah, you might be better off giving the power fist guy a closed power fist. I'm not sure if that's an option, but it would make an already awesome pose so much better :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 25, 2011 Author Share Posted May 25, 2011 @hushrong: Love the gunslinger! I always try to have at least one model in every squad with dual pistols. My original World Eaters army had so many gunslingers it was ridiculous :D Sounds awesome! I do not know where I saw it...but I always like this dual-wielding berzerker I had seen once. He had a very cool 'Neo' pose. I also got a suggestion to remove the ammo clip from the right hand pistol to make it look like he is about to slam in a fresh one. So I will be trying that sooner or later. Ah, you might be better off giving the power fist guy a closed power fist. I'm not sure if that's an option, but it would make an already awesome pose so much better ^_^ I think the only closed power fists I have are for termies. I could try it, I even have a nice idea for making cheap cabling but I may have to wait to see if I use that arm on my new squad. Right now, I just like how he is ready to Thumb-Wrassle.:) On Monday I received my floor pack order and got some work done on my terminators. Many wonder, if the Sons of Malice fight in complete silence, how do they communicate? The use of internal vox channels? Psyker-backed telepathic communication? Use of clicking sounds? Hand gestures? What many within the ranks of the Holy Inquisition overlook is the overall expressions pass on by the body. This being the perfect example: What has been analyzed by the brightest and sharpest minds have translated the message of the damned warrior as such: See that guy over there? :cuss him and everyone around him! These bad boys are ready for a basecoat :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted May 25, 2011 Share Posted May 25, 2011 That Icon Bearer is so beautiful :D He looks just a terminator should - like a large, utterly unaffectable warrior. That second guy is a little wild, though. Maybe tuck his scythe arm in a little? Also, my Mod sense is telling me to warn you not replace :cuss: with **** ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Natanael Posted May 25, 2011 Share Posted May 25, 2011 The standard bearer looks like a T-Son and, as Thirst said, like a true terminator. Great stuff! - Natanael Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted May 25, 2011 Share Posted May 25, 2011 Oh man hushrong these are looking mighty fine. Cant wait to see them painted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted May 25, 2011 Author Share Posted May 25, 2011 That Icon Bearer is so beautiful :D He looks just a terminator should - like a large, utterly unaffectable warrior. That second guy is a little wild, though. Maybe tuck his scythe arm in a little? Also, my Mod sense is telling me to warn you not replace :lol:: with **** ;) Changed the censored bit. Thanks Dark Apostle Thirst, and congrats on being a Mod (you just received that right?)! The guy with the staff is actually my sorcerer (rune priest/Njal). I really like him more now...and that is just from his base. As for the second guy, he is supposed to be wild when in combat...but I see what you are saying about the arm. Hmmm, I will have to think on it. The standard bearer looks like a T-Son and, as Thirst said, like a true terminator. Great stuff! - Natanael Thanks Nataneal. I hope I can give off the same vibe with the others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted May 26, 2011 Share Posted May 26, 2011 That Icon Bearer is so beautiful :o He looks just a terminator should - like a large, utterly unaffectable warrior. That second guy is a little wild, though. Maybe tuck his scythe arm in a little? Also, my Mod sense is telling me to warn you not replace :D: with **** ^_^ Changed the censored bit. Thanks Dark Apostle Thirst, and congrats on being a Mod (you just received that right?)! The guy with the staff is actually my sorcerer (rune priest/Njal). I really like him more now...and that is just from his base. As for the second guy, he is supposed to be wild when in combat...but I see what you are saying about the arm. Hmmm, I will have to think on it. Thanks, and yes, I just received that :D So you mean you're going to do more to him? ;) The only reccomendation I have is to balance out his daemon skull shoulderpad, but whatever happens he already looks awesome :tu: On the wild guy, it's your decision ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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