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++ Knights Sanguine ++

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First off the Liber Astartes is generally more concerned with fluff than rules creation, so going there for help might pay dividends and if you have rules for these dudes then Homegrown Rules is your best bet.


First off, given that you are obviously of a Germanic persuasion - I don't get to use the word Germanic often enough, I like how it sounds like a crazed or energetic German :lol: - you might want to consider running things through an online spell check with an English facility.


The 26th is a late Founding; the last unless the 27th has happend - Im still waiting ;) - so there would be a huge reluctance to use Blood Angel gene-heritage because of the inherent deficiencies.


It is accepted by the Liber and formerly ratified - another word I love - by the Imperial Armour books that a Chapter is created using a gene-heritage from a Primarch/Legion and then created from a Successor who bears that geneseed. I find it hard to credit that a host of Chapters would contribute to their creation.


Generally there is a specific reason for the creation of a Chapter - one sactioned by the HLoT or the Inquisition - so having the Blood Angels decide to contribute to the Founding of one is... Out of the window.


Lots of interesting and powerful worlds within a system, that your Chapter happens to call its own? That smacks of "I Am Awesome" syndrome; in an IA you want cool not Awesome!.


I wouldn't say they lack the mechanized elements of warfare, they just may not have enough of them to complete operate in that way due to being a relatively new Chapter.


Why have two Companies been wiped out? Also, if they are Successors of the Blood Angels then chances are they wouldn not be Codex adherent as standard, but you need to explain if and why they differ from the Blood Angels.


The beliefs pretty much echo what most Astartes will believe.


The "Red Angel" is a name given to Angron during the Horus Heresy.

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