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Tzen's Word Bearers!


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  • 3 months later...

Been back from uni and this is what is in the "queue".




I finished off the two last marines from that small 5 man squad, nothing new there, so not much to show.


Have quickly painted up a plaguebearer though.




I can't really claim to have put much work into this guy, I get the feeling I will probably replace all my metal daemons with plastic ones in time. They're just being painted up to basic standards so I can use them!


I'm really confused as to what I should be painting at the moment, the imminent Chaos codex changes mean it's difficult to decide what to add next.


Cultists/possessed seem like the obvious choice, but I don't want to paint up another pointless unit.

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Even though you painted him up to a "basic" standard, I think he looks really good. He's not a "realistic" Plaguebearer, but the cartoon-y style looks good :cuss


I'm looking forward to see what you decide to paint next, after having resolved your dilemma ;)



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I realised the other day that until the new codex comes out I have no idea what I "should" be painting for my army.


So instead of painting anything because I have to, I decided to try a few different techniques on some havocs.








I'm semi happy with the power sword, I need more practice at painting this sort of "mirror" look, but I think that will come with time. I have the basics down, but I lack the experience.


An airbrush would be bloody lovely too.


I love the new mephiston red base colour GW do. I don't get to blend the reds up in my standard word bearers army like I have here, because quite frankly it would take me ages. But I have more than a painted army now, and I think I can start going back to painting things "well" as opposed to trying to get things done for the table top.


I much prefer the blended dark red, seems way more "Word Bearer" to me.#


Ignore the face and the silver, I'm really painting these to experiment on. When the new Havocs arrive (if they ever do) these guys will be replaced straight away). Would like this model in finecast though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly I haven't had the perfect conditions for painting recently. However I just finished this Havoc. The over all paint job isn't that great again. These are not great models, so I don't find myself very inspired to paint them once I've finished practising the blended red.


Anyway here are some pics. Quite like the red. Ignore the rest of it ;)







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Even with the model being crappily sculpted and cast, the paint sure helps it look better. Amazing how far the models have come isn't it? Love the red your doing on them, absolutely cool.



I have some cultists that I am about to start work on for my Word Bearers but I'm in the same boat you are...no idea what beyond that to work on. I didf pick up a Huron to convert to be my Dark Apostle in PA, but not even sure it's worth it. i mean how often would I field him if we don't have some kind of 2+ power armour when I already have a version of him in TDA. Been planning out a daemon allies force as well.


I have been staying busy though. Started scratchbuilding a trio of Leman Russ tanks and 5 Chimeras for my sons IG. (Can't afford to buy the actual models atm, plus it's a challenge hehe) I have also decided to start work on a new Space Wolves force to help keep me busy and my mind off of the delay on the new codex. The damned thing can't get here fast enough.


Anyhow, can't wait to see what your projects are going to start after the new codex arrives. Always love seeing the work you do!



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Yeah I think a lot of Chaos players are really holding back at the moment in regard to what they will pick up next or paint. The Chaos Daemons now as allies ia plus for us, but without knowing what we will have as our main force its difficult to really plan ahead. I am literally just experimenting on stuff at the moment. Its a real shame because I wanted to really crack on this summer, but by the time the codex arrives I will be back at uni with very little hobby time :D
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I really like the blended effect on your Havocs. Looks good :devil: And I vote for you to continue doing your mirror blades by hand and not with an airbrush, because it makes you a minority (from what I can see) and so even more awesome than you already are :(



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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha cheers Ludo! :woot:


Well last Havoc finally done. Took me ages to build up the enthusiasm to be bothered to paint the last guy. Here he is, and here is a screen shot of the squad also. Notice from left to right the different tones of red!






I'm gonna have about 2 weeks tops to really go to town on the new starter set minis. I wont be converting them, but I imagine I will buy another box some time down the line and convert some of them up! :)

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im turning the lightning claw chosen into a raptor champion, the maul into a dark apostle and the others into squad sergeants! im excited about getting more stuff.


did you buy all of those missile launchers or did you resin cast them? i want some but am not willing to pay $14 a piece for them

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Nice to see that you're still working on these guys.


You should consider writing up a tutorial as the new technique looks to be too good not to share. :lol:

I second both points above :lol:



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Word Bearers seem all the rage. I was going to do some once, I bought the metal Word Bearer shoulder pads at a GT once, I was going to do a demon bomb style army. Still might but not Word Bearers, I decided to do another DIY warband, more flexible.


Good work, still waiting on the new codex, before deciding what to do with all my painted and unpainted models.

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I had the same idea for the Blood Angel special character, except I was going to go Khorne... Still may do some Khorne Raptors (Assault Marines) once the new Codex comes out. Good work, did you grind off all the blood angel bits?
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Haha cheers Ludo! :)


Well last Havoc finally done. Took me ages to build up the enthusiasm to be bothered to paint the last guy. Here he is, and here is a screen shot of the squad also. Notice from left to right the different tones of red!






I'm gonna have about 2 weeks tops to really go to town on the new starter set minis. I wont be converting them, but I imagine I will buy another box some time down the line and convert some of them up! :P



I hear ya on the lack of enthusiasm brother! I still have 19 converted cultists and 4 Havocs sitting with half or no paint on them at the moment. Been buried in my new wolves pretty deep. But hoping to get them done in the next two weeks and then move on back to my Word Bearers (and then likely some Dark Angels if I'm gonna be as motivated as I think I will be.) Made a major score yesterday with a suitcase full of minis and vehicles that a friend had that were just collecting dust. Most of them 3rd edition and older models. Getting out a bucket and a jug of Simple green to strip the (horrid) paint jobs off them and then gotta sort them into whatever I'm gonna use them for. Gotta say that the old metal Land Speeders are funky looking....seriously. Best score out of the lot are a trio of metal dreads that I may attempt some green stuff fu on and convert one to a Hellbrute. But the sucky news, for me, is none of the models are chaos, but my son is stoked that his Blood Ravens may finally get some attention again, lol....


Anyhow, back on topic....I love the reds you are getting on those. I'd be hard pressed to choose one, they all look great! Hope you do find time, even with uni, to keep getting some work done and sharing it. I could use the motivation ;)







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  • 10 months later...
Seems like my old posts died with the forum issues!


Here is a pic of that finished marine!






First Cultist done!






Pretty happy with him, nothing too crazy, took about a day to do, so not a huge amount of time!

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Okay, my pc died on me so I have had to spend about two days fixing that and getting a new graphics card sorted etc etc.


Luckily it was all within warranty! :D


Anyway, finished a second cultist off, done a little work on the hellbrute but nothing worth sharing, not even undercoated.



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I finished another cultist recently. Trying to plough through these as much as I can when I get time, but I haven't had anything like as much as I would like!



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I finished another cultist recently. Trying to plough through these as much as I can when I get time, but I haven't had anything like as much as I would like!


With the cloth straps so close in color to the skin, he kind of looks like he has really, really big lips. :teehee:  


The cultists are looking pretty good, but maybe a wash for the red robes to more closely resemble the darker crimson of their kind and tender overseers? ;)

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I've actually gone for lighter robes on purpose. Ranking order sort of thing. It also is a similar shade (to me) as that of the mechanicus. I see them as workers of a forge world, with robes to match that, not the Word Bearers themselves.


If I'm honest though, some time in the future I'd like to start completely fresh on a Word Bearers army and do them all much much darker red. Money and time however are always an issue! :sad.:

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