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Tzen's Word Bearers!


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Tzen, I already commented on the Drake in your WIP thread, but I had another comment I thought would be more fitting in here.


You're army, conversion work, and painting are all amazing. As a new follower of Lorgar, I am immensely inspired by your work. Bravo!!


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After finishing something as big as the Heldrake, whatever came next would end up being a little dull. So I decided to make a start on finishing the last ten cultists I had (knowing I need to paint at least another ten or twenty more in future!).


Here is a rather poor photo.




He isn't very good but I don't care too much. I thought I'd enjoy painting the cultists more than I actually am.

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First real possessed miniature done!


I think eventually I will paint another squad of these up but put a lot more time into each mini. To me, the possessed models epitomise what Chaos Space Marines are all about. The only part of the models I don’t like is that the odd pair of legs is a bit off or in the case of the one that is running just seem a little silly. But that’s the beauty of possessed, you can convert them loads!









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That Possessed Marine is a real beauty. Wow.


With the rumours of new Chaos kits just around the corner, I may have found what my secondary 40k project is and your threads will be my primary inspiration :D

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I'm going to be adding some parchment to them all eventually. I just don't have any green stuff :(


I don't really like script directly on a model, I have tried it a few times and it just looks out of place. But eventually they will all have parchment!

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  • 2 months later...
Well, this guy is pretty much finished. I need to fix the bone spine on the backpack, it's too yellow for my liking. Also need to add some blood to the joints of the armour, to show how his body is struggling against the mutations he is suffering! 







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  • 2 weeks later...

CURSE YOU! Here I am trying to turn a new leaf, having a modest Grey Knight army in the works, getting away from my heretical ways, and you come through with your AWESOME Word Bearers leading my mind back into those dark passages! Killing me, man! In other words: awesome work! :wink:  

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Haha! I know hwo you feel, whenever I paint something none chaos I always wish I was painting something Chaos. My Ultras and GK's suffer for this too much! :D

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  • 1 month later...
Finished, five more to go...





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Thanks Lord Morphail!



Sixth one done!





Squad so far!





Squad with the metal limited edition possessed champion who I will replace (cos the model sucks).



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