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You know you're a Black Templar when you try a new flavor of ice cream, and the first thing you notice is that it tastes like Chaos Black paint.


Yes, it actually tasted like that. :tu:

Edited by KhorneHunter57x
  ScottishSmurf96 said:
You know you're a Black Templar when one of the buildings at your school is called 'The LRC' (it stands for learning resource center but oh well)


A pit of chaos of which I will never see again.



You know you're a Black Templar if you watch Ironclad and simply smile through it all... while painting an Sword Brethren.

Edited by Woodblade
  Aturm said:
You know you're a Black Templar when:


On RTO Duty you End Radio traffic for units leaving base with May the Emperor Guide your path. (YEP still doing extra Duty)


When passing by your base Chaplin you ask where is his helm and mace. (he always says it's in the Chapel)


You try to find ways to turn your base QRF vehicles into Land Raider Crusaders (They won't let me near the trucks anymore.)


You try to trade your weapons in for a Sword claiming that you would rather fight the enemy like a man then like a child. ( They are still thinking of how to punish me for this one.)


Dude...Ka-bar. It's pretty much a short sword as is. Maybe lengthen the blade a bit and there you go, it's a sword. Want a power sword? Attach a car battery to it. Or maybe just a bunch of spare batteries that you would otherwise use for your NODs. I mean come on, you shouldn't even need NODs in the first place. If you can't smell out the enemy, then you aren't a true Templar, anyways!

Edited by arbogast1
  ScottishSmurf96 said:
You know you're a Black Templar when one of the buildings at your school is called 'The LRC' (it stands for learning resource center but oh well)


HERESY-this must be changed into a real LRC at once.


That, and if you don't want to go there, claim that there are already 15 people in there.



You wonder why people claim they need to play apocalypse to use 14 land raiders

You know you are a Black Templar when you lurk around Darkwynn's games at Adepticon, just to soak up Templary goodness.


You know you're a Black Templar when your heart swells in your chest with pride as you watch the good Marshal cast down a huge handful of dice to gut some herd of useless heretics.


You know you are a true Black Templar when, during one of the Adepticon missions, you tell another Black Templar you can no longer stomach watching his game, as the mission calls for one model to become a ... a ... a FILTHY PSYKER! Indeed, as I watched the fallen Templar brother take up two dice to roll a (gag) PSYCHIC TEST, mine eyes did fly wide and I did quiver in mine seat to avoid flipping the table!

You know you are a Black Templar when...


You notice that none of your Templars have no swords, so you immediately start painting Sword-wielding Initiates with the zeal of Sigismund behind you.


You just played your first match against a Ork, and you realize you completely dominated him through pure CC.


When your pansy of a Dark Angel friend says that 'Dual CC sucks.' So you deck his army with a wave of chainswords and powerweapons alone.


When people start singing 'Everyday I'm Shufflin' a massive burning passion of hatred swims through you and you silently wish you had a chainsword, muttering the Litanies of Hate.

  Roesor said:
You know you're a Templar when you go around all day singing 'Everyday I'm Shufflin' and wish someone had visited upon you this righteous justice to put you on the right path again.

*slowly draws blade* You know you are a Templar when you look at the situation in Afgan and think to yourself... "Just run into the hills and smash them!"

Okay so several of the ones I'd say at this point are old news, and I actually do not play BT or own their codex.

I do have a similar paint scheme though, and have used some of their bits for units, and weird things have happened with said units since then. (They must be BTs in hiding)


One is a tac squad that can make 20 armor saves on 1 model, kill a tank and 2 veteran guard squads with plasma guns, and still walk away looking for a new opponent.


The other is an assault termie squad with a chaplain, who ate 2 squads of death cult assassins with crusaders, and coteaz, and only lost 2 people. And they went last both times.



- Also you know you might be a BT player if your Vanilla marine army could turn into BT simply by finishing painting them.


- If you bought an EC before you had your second squad.


- You refuse to trade people your BT bitz.


- Even your Tactical squads seem to want to fight in close combat.


- Your chaplain can walk through lava without taking a wound but your Librarian kills himself faster then the enemy can kill him.


Honestly i'm tempted to drop my bolters for chainswords and just run BT. That's what my mini's have pretty much done so far.

if the GK player did it right it would be 10 Death Cult Assassins with a Inq w/nades, and a champion. So if they assault you, they drop your T by -1, whatever the psychoc grenades do, re roll to hit, get 40 power weapon attacks, plus the Champion vs the Chaplin. You have luck dice to survive that...All at I6 and S5 if hammer hand is passed, so 2s to wound when the T4 is dropped to T3.
  DK1 said:
if the GK player did it right it would be 10 Death Cult Assassins with a Inq w/nades, and a champion. So if they assault you, they drop your T by -1, whatever the psychoc grenades do, re roll to hit, get 40 power weapon attacks, plus the Champion vs the Chaplin. You have luck dice to survive that...All at I6 and S5 if hammer hand is passed, so 2s to wound when the T4 is dropped to T3.


That's a squad he did kinda have but it was about 3 feet away pinned due to exploding storm raven. Also knowing his luck I still would have won.

  DK1 said:
You have luck dice to survive that...

You know you're a Black Templar when you respond "Luck? The Emperor Protects; my Templars have no need for luck."


  DK1 said:
You know your a black temp when you realize this thread is at 666 (mine is now 668) posts and your first thought is "kill the witch"

Isn't it funny that the 666th post was about a unit from Codex: Grey Knights?

  Marshal Severarse said:
You know you are a Black Templar when you lurk around Darkwynn's games at Adepticon, just to soak up Templary goodness.


You know you're a Black Templar when your heart swells in your chest with pride as you watch the good Marshal cast down a huge handful of dice to gut some herd of useless heretics.


You know you are a true Black Templar when, during one of the Adepticon missions, you tell another Black Templar you can no longer stomach watching his game, as the mission calls for one model to become a ... a ... a FILTHY PSYKER! Indeed, as I watched the fallen Templar brother take up two dice to roll a (gag) PSYCHIC TEST, mine eyes did fly wide and I did quiver in mine seat to avoid flipping the table!


Thanks Severase,


Too bad I sucked it up on round 2 against a strong player Chris Courtney but it was a close game. Team we won all of our games and it was fun destroying grey knights :lol:

Splendid! I wish I had seen the embuggering of Grey Knights.


I did witness the foul xenos trickery at work in your round two game. We hadn't met yet, but by way of introduction, I was quite tempted to climb up on your chair and elbow drop the eldar army!


I suppose that is how you would have known I was a Black Templar.

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