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Land Raider vs. Storm Raven


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Just like the title/despcription says: Which would you prefer to field to scare the ever-living poop out of your enemy? Sure they both demand different strategies, but since rumor has it that the SR may eventually be available to the masses, I believe deep-striking Land Raiders within 6" of a locator beacon (Scouts, Scout Bikes or Drop Pods) is a sight that only the enemies of Blood Angels will see. Not to mention AV14 all around, which I think outweighs the SR's speed, I believe for me the LR > SR. How about you?
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Raiders are old news, tactics for their destruction are common knowledge and every race has it's own raider-buster.


'Ravens are new and shiny. For a while they will inspire more attention than they are worth from the enemy till people get used to them and figure out the best ways to shoot them down.


Traditional use of Land Raiders, I agree. But what about DEEP-STRIKING LAND RAIDERS??? Has anyone used them to their full advantage yet? For the most part I drop my LRR full of DC behind the enemy after they've overcommitted to everything knocking on their frontdoor. I haven't played IG yet or anyone that castles up in a corner but even then, as opposed to coming on from the opposite table edge, it still has to pose a greater threat, thus leading to tactical misplanning by the opponent when they have to account for it/them.

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I normally play against a Deathwing player. When I play as my 'nids, I can say with confidence that nothing is quite as terrifying as a standard land raider and 2 land raider crusaders all carrying terminators coming at me. (14 armor all around vs. bioweapons that seldom surpass S6... yeah, it's frightening. Try to go to close combat with the beasties and he pops the terminator squads...)


I don't really fear the stormraven as much. I think my 2 tyranofexes should do well against one. My opponent's new Land Raider Achilles is another story... goodbye zoanthrope advantage.

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While the new Storm Ravens are nice, IMHO the Land Raider (and all varients) are feared by far more. I'll grant you every army has ways of dealing with the LR.... but that's because the LR's reputation demands that it be dealt with. Ask yourself this. If you saw a Storm Raven and a Land Raider coming at you, which vehicle would you focus on? For me, I'd be hammering the LR, and then deal with the Storm Raven later. Fortunately, not many armies take both. Just my 2 cents...




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The Storm Raven. It inspires incredible amounts of disorder in the enemy, often winning you the battle. After all, everyone would be confused if a Playmobil kit was catapulted towards them.


:ph34r: Nice one mate! That made my day :lol:

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I'm pretty sure the Land Riader would win everytime, the Storm Raven has the fire power to take the Raider down but the Bloodstrike Missiles are only S8 and you'd need a 6 to even glance the Land Raider :ph34r: Depends who got the first turn, Storm Raven has the advantage if armed with Multi Melta were as the Land Raider has the long range firepwoer.


Both have their negatives and positives.

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Which one will people fear?

How about a 2000pt list that has 2 land raiders and a storm raven in it? :(


In all seriousness, people have been dealing with land raiders for years and should know how to effectively combat them. Storm Ravens however are new and shiny, and not many people will have played against them.


Plus the storm raven is a bit more versitile (the land raider is generally used as an armoured taxi with guns IMO), plus it can carry potentially 2 things compared to the land raider. Also its super fast and can get a cover save.


Furthermore it has more guns and more choice of said guns. I think intially it'll be the storm raven who people will fear. After all people fear the unknown and do not like change...

Hope this helps brothers,

Peace out,


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The Raven is to some extent like a glass cannon version of the raider:


Higher transport capacity (depending how you feel a dread compares to the 4 extra dudes in a crusader)

More firepower (potentially way more when you consider the missiles and optional huricanes)

Much Faster (and can dump its cargo)


Lower armour


Assuming the raven can deliver its cargo it can put a raider to shame, emptying about as many troops + a dreadnaught directly into CC. and when shooting vs just about any target I can think of, the raven has more and/or better shots.


However armour 12 does not compare to armour 14. Raiders work by being very hard to stop before the unit inside assaults you, it requires little subtletey. The raven works best IMHO comming from reserve where its massive movement, skies of blood and POTMS mean it can catch up and support the rest of your army more or less regardless of where they are once you have a better idea what the enemy are doing. Or alternativeley allows you to make a insanely powerfull reactionary counter charge against anyone that ventures within 18"ish of your backline.


Deploying it turn 1 it had better start empty (or maybe a basic 5 man assault squad) or dump its cargo with skies of blood before the enemy gets to shoot at it, cause an av12 assault vehicle with super slashy contents is going to be a no brainer when it commes to target selection. Maybe if you have a stupidly nasty landraider unit rumbleing in alongside, but the raven will be too tempting for most I fear. That said if the units inside all have jump packs being shot down isent so much of a drag, and you can jump out before the raven moves and still get an "18ish charge off, leaving the raven to do whatever (best use of a libby dread imho is in a raven for this reason).



Ravens are awsome and can launch an (arguably) harder/larger assault than anyother transport in the game, but they are fragile and need to be supported by the rest of your army. Landraiders are big, brutish and very durable, but lact the sheere oomph and versatility of the storm raven.

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I love the stormraven it allows you to redeploy at a moments notice as well as offering a bit of support to the troops o n the ground in my case a full assault squad and furioso with claws, also it allows the normally slow dreads to get into the front line really rapidly which is also very scary for an opponent
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Dealing with a SR is like dealing with a Waveserpent. You shoot it with melta and you get no 2D6. Other weapons above str8 though still work. The SR isn't scary. It's no worse than the afformentioned WS or a Valkyrie. Now an AV14 tank with frags, huge cargo capacity, and lots of dakka is scary. Sure the LR has been around but so have the tactics to use them against the tactics designed to kill them. Using SR for heavy support with troops in LR sounds hilarious though. I may have to try that.
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I was looking at doing 2 Storm Ravens with full weapon load out, 2 10 man Melta/Fist Assault Squads with Priests minus Jump Packs with 2 empty Razorbacks with TL Lascannon, 2 Furiosos and a Librarian. Will give it a go at 1500. Add in a 10 man VGV unit and some Predators at 2k
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Land Raiders, hands down, especially as Wolves. Storm Ravens just blow up too easily on Turn 1. Some times, they do it all on their lonesome! Damned unreliable, they. Land Raiders don't have any circumstances as to how hard they are to pop; You know exactly what it takes, and some times (especially when outranged in firepower) that knowledge is fearsome in and of itself. Ravens... They're worth maybe a shot or two from a nearby plasmagun if one happens to be nearby, but I've never felt threatened by them. If anything, I tend to point and laugh, and then annihilate the rest of the army.
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Storm Ravens are number 1 threat. Unless your opponent is putting kittens and gummi bears inside them. I would personally have 10 frothing mad men painted black with Lemartes and a Dreadnought. But feel free to ignore that if you like :P


They are incredibly easy to blow up though, so I will assume you meant that.


Storm Ravens OWN spearhead though. OWN it.

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I think the Storm-Raven has much more threat potential over the Land-Raider and that's why it is more dangerous. People thinking it's weaker is actually a benefit in my eyes as they will focus less on it and let it do it's job, I.e transporting a Dreadnought and some Assault Specialists into the heart of the enemy army quickly. With two NEW big threats pouring down on thier army, it means the Storm-Raven can maybe survive that much longer to zoom things where they need to be :)

I think it's like comparing 5 Jumpack Lightning-Claw Vanguard Veterans to 5 Thunder-Hammer Terminators. The Veterans have speed and damage potential on thier side but the Terminators are much more durable and can be relied upon to do a certain amount of damage.

Just my $0.02 :)


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Who said that the LR has target priority....?

SR is faster, and carries more firepower, and a more deadly cargo..... its also easier to kill. Its the #1 priority.


Smart players will easily deal with the LR, its slow, and that makes in vulnerable. DS'ing is ok, but you can't assault from it when you land, so its not exactly that amazing. Why not just go with the VV who can for cheaper...

The SR is infinitely more flexible, plus the official model looks like ass so your opponent will feel an irresistable urge to destroy the eye sore first.


They fill totally different roles afterall.

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