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Blood Angels 5th Company


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Hello peepz. long time lurker. you might have seen some of my blood angel tactical marines a a friends Imperial fist topic a while back. I picked up my blood angels project again and finished my rhino. figured I'd make a rolling topic, get some feed back. :P


Here goes, Enjoy











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Work in Progress Tactical squad it is then :P got 1 guy done fully (the sarg) and the rest are in various stages of done. shouldnt be to long untill the full unit is ready to rock.





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Quick question:


Death Company in a rhino. Workable with CCW + Pistol? It just looks so much cooler. Same @ rhino with FW doors.


Definately workable. With the Rhino it's a lot easier to guide them where you want plus it's also cheaper than JP's.

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I'll elaborate. and while Im at it Ill also make do the chipping guide.


The red is abit of work. Make sure you always use wet paint. Starts off with Macrite red. dont paint the deep recesses (like the parts between armour)


Then its off to blood red. Leave a small amount of macrite where it gets darker as per normal highlighting. you'll need 2 layers on bigger surfaces (like the shoulderpads) to get a good coverage. Then its a highlight of Blazing Orange.


Then get some black to fix the red parts if u spilled some :P


After thats all done, wash the entire thing with Baal red. it toons down the blazing orange (making it more red) and gets the macrite closer to blood red.


Then get Devlan Mud to add some shadow where needed.



As for the chipping its easiest to show. Right to left ;)



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Just had a second look at your beautiful minis and just a couple of bits of constructive criticism for you. First, as someone else mentioned, drilling thw barrels really makes a difference with minis if you can get your hands on a pin vice. Secondly, and I'm surprised I missed this first time round, the rhino appears to have a tactical marking on the roof, though I've never seen BAs use the standard tactical/assault/dev markings, usually a blood drop. Just some thoughts. Keep up the good work.
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Secondly, and I'm surprised I missed this first time round, the rhino appears to have a tactical marking on the roof, though I've never seen BAs use the standard tactical/assault/dev markings, usually a blood drop.


Its old skool but there is precedent for it:




Top hatch would be painted up in (apocryphal) company colour with a codex squad marking, command squad would have the chapter badge in lieu of squad badges (as there was no codex command squad at the time). Personally I'm a big fan of it but then I'm an epic player at heart.

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Dc Unit




First DC dude almost done.








and the Tactical Squad done





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