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Blood Angels 5th Company


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with new minis I test 1, then batch in 5's at this point. its cuz I put some more effort in it then I usually do. Im a speed painter by heart, so this is basicly a challenge ive got going with a mate. Actually trying to paint ^_^ Ive been hoobying for 13 years though so I guess some things stuck :blink: Working for GW helps abit aswell. Paint every day.

Other armies I tend to mass paint. like my beastmen. 30 gors a day if Ive got a day for it ;)


and thnx on the positive comments! Ill keep um comin'

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It's great to see people who can paint neatly and have effective use of subtle highlights and shading.


What does let you down is your attention to the details, and it isn't even the painting....


If you did something as simple as drilling out the storm bolter barrels and taking more care and attention on the basing you would have a model which looks close to a display piece

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Great looking Chaplain - the bone looks really nice. Like SamaNagol says, the final finishing touches will really raise the level of the model as a whole. I'm the same, I've been guilty of getting bored with the bases and leaving them in the past, but now, I kind of see it as a little finishing ceremony.


What have you got for us next?

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new update:


work in progress shots of my power armour chaplain. Didnt have as much time as I thought today. well, I did. But choose to spend it sleeping ;)

lot of highlight work to be done besides the obvious. Enjoy.









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Worked on building some squads this morning, finished the chaplain and started on 4 of my DC marines. Dont mention bolter holes :)


Start of ASM unit



Terminator Unit












WIP Death Company




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Rest of the DC pre basing and gems etc:





Finished Chaplain in termi armour



primed DC dread


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Very nice work. I'm sure the lure of speed painting is strong, but if you can produce minis like this I don't see why you wouldn't. I've just been trying to highlight black myself and have been less than thrilled with the results. I'll have to give your method a shot.
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