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Need scripting help.. Need a DA Techmarine/MotF scripted


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To the Community.. we're in the advanced stages of the massive Dark Angels mod for Dawn of War 1 but have recently decided to extend the builder options and throw in a Techmarine Master of the Forge so we need someone to write some lines for it so the Techmarine is appropriate to the Dark Angels chapter.




Its complete..



Notes: Voiced as Metallic. Completely tonally flat.

Unit_Complete1: The Lion too was a great craftsman

Unit_Complete2: It has been long since I labored beneath the Rock

Unit_Complete3: Speak no more of resublimated thiotimoline [pronounced "ree-sub-li-mate-ed theo-timo-lean"]

Unit_Complete4: For ten thousands years, the Mechanicus have been with us

Unit_Complete5: I have meditated on the factual and the recursive

Unit_Complete6: It is said no Techmarine ever ascended to the Inner Circle

Unit_Complete7: Sensation is a small sacrifice for understanding

Unit_Complete8: You have need of the the supreme Artificer?

Unit_Complete9: For the Lion I live, for the Emperor I die!

Selection1: Loyalty is the strongest sanctuary

Selection2: Speak to me of glories past

Selection3: Victory comes to the prepared

Selection4: We are the powered sword and fist

Selection5: The Machine serves the Angels

Selection6: I, Techmarine

Selection7: Iron One-Ten-Eight-Thirteen

Selection8: I hear the Lion's roar in every machine spirit.

Selection9: How may I best serve the Lion?

Move1: Clad in technology, fired by faith

Move2: Glory to the forge of the Unforgiven

Move3: Ours is a different quest

Move4: The most worthy odysseys are through the fires of battle

Move5: Even the greatest heroes may be rebuilt in metal

Move6: Austerity of mind, indomitable of faith

Move7: The distance is not substantial

Move8: As the Lion wills it

Move9: Will these actions secure my position in the chapter's conclave?

Move10: Without hesitation, my Lord.

Move11: By the sons of the Lion

Attack1: Thus the baptism of the machine

Attack2: We shall sing of glory after this day

Attack3: The Chapter turns my hands to combat once more

Attack4: Heed well the wrath of Machine and Angel

Attack5: We are steel and we are doom

Attack6: Purity in combat

Attack7: Emperor, Lion, Mars

Build1: Not all fortresses are raised by faith alone

Build2: Such wonders are cast from the lore of ancients

Build3: Deployed on location

Build4: Output has holiness all its own

Build5: May it be a foundation for greater things

Build6: It is the Martian way

Build7: This alchemy is reserved to the Techmarines

Build8: The Omnissiah guides my hand

Build9: (sarcastic tone) I see you have deemed me worthy of this menial task.

Capture1: The best efforts of a Marine seldom fail

Capture2: The probability is promising

Capture3: Failure is blasphemy

Capture4: Bind that cur for the Interrogator!

Capped1: Scanning strong and clear

Capped2: It functions under our control

Capped3: We control the area

Lay_Mines1: The misfeasor comes this way at his peril

Lay_Mines2: Little servants of the Chapters

Lay_Mines3: Sacrifice yourself, that the enemy will perish

Load_Transport1: Carry me well

Load_Transport2: I take shelter at your order

Unload_Transport1: I stand ready

Unload_Transport2: I am optimal, master

Morale_Break1: Withdraw me, or I will die

Morale_Break2: My armor is compromised

Morale_Break3: I am losing power

Morale_Restored1: Not one deci-second has my faith wavered

Morale_Restored2: An Angel’s mistress is unending devotion

Morale_Restored3: No shadow hangs over me

Charge1: Wrath of the machine

Charge2: Break before my sanction

Charge3: Into the baptism of combat

Ability1: Deus ex mechanicus

Ability2: As the fire of the atom, we smite them

Ability3: We call forces beyond their comprehension

Ability4: Ceramite is our skin and loyalty is our soul

Ability5: In the machine… immortality

Repair1: This will be most painful to its spirit

Repair2: It’s performance is acceptable

Repair3: It’s spirit is strong

Repair4: The machine roars like the lion once more.

Combat1: I destroy just as I create

Combat2: I am the last answer. The final alliance of metal and flesh.

Combat3: I can predict your every move.

Combat4: The Lion will protect!

Combat5: Death to the Xenos!

Combat6: Into the enemy!

Under_Fire1: I have engaged the enemy

Under_Fire2: The enemy are too bold

Under_Fire3: I am under attack

Under_Fire4: Emperor's hairy ass!

Damage1: I no longer feel pain.

Damage2: My death only goes to His greater glory.

Damage3: I will not break so easily.

Death1: I die not in vain

Death2: It grows dim…

Death3: For the Chapter…

Death4: My death is not in vain

Death5: What happened?

Death6: The Lion's spirit lives on within!

Death7: Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?


As an example of how we script builder units here is a Blood Angels Servitor (used only as a reference)


Servitor (Helot / Machine-Helot)

Notes: vanilla servitor voice

Unit_Complete1: I have value only by your command

Unit_Complete2: Your attention commands me

Unit_Complete3: Chapter Servitor operational

Unit_Complete4: Helot is yours to command

Unit_Complete5: Deployment transport successful

Unit_Complete6: Servitor serves the Chapter forge

Unit_Complete7: How show I proceed?

Selection1: Your eminence?

Selection2: How may I assist you?

Selection3: At your discretion

Selection4: Loyal servant

Selection5: Confirm, signal

Selection6: Lord?

Selection7: Key code valid

Move1: Your will

Move2: As your orders command

Move3: Be it your decree

Move4: By your leave

Move5: To your glory

Move6: Confirm

Move7: Datum acknowledged

Attack1: As you explain, lord

Attack2: Yes, lord

Attack3: As you command

Attack4: Weapon mode activation

Attack5: Aggression protocols

Attack6: Attack order given

Attack7: I obey

Build1: With your permission

Build2: Overseeing

Build3: Confirmed

Build4: Vox traffic concur

Build5: I bow to your will

Build6: My task lies undone

Build7: Permit to serve

Capture1: Setting up position

Capture2: As you order it

Capture3: Objective is input

Capped1: Task is complete

Capped2: It is complete

Capped3: Servitor requires new instruction

Lay_Mines1: Deploying mines

Lay_Mines2: Mines in Baal pattern spread

Lay_Mines3: Laying Proximity mines

Load_Transport1: Stowing servitor unit

Load_Transport2: Helot unit to hibernation

Unload_Transport1: Reactivate

Unload_Transport2: Helot activated

Morale_Break1: Unit damaged

Morale_Break2: Helot nearing shutdown

Morale_Break3: Servitor requires maintenance

Morale_Restored1: Servitor online

Morale_Restored2: Helot power levels within tolerance

Morale_Restored3: Helot structural failure postponed

Charge1: Moving forward

Charge2: Disassembling

Charge3: Moving

Ability1: [offensive] So ordered

Ability2: [offensive] At your command

Ability3: [offensive] Yes, lord

Ability4: [defensive] Assessing damage

Ability5: [defensive] Preventing power failure

Repair1: Repairing

Repair2: Isolating malfunction

Repair3: Restoring damage

Combat1: Deconstructing

Combat2: Task set

Combat3: Demolition

Under_Fire1: Multiple discharges detected

Under_Fire2: Small-arms fire detected

Under_Fire3: Medium-yield tactical detonations detected

Damage1: Helot damaged

Damage2: Systems offline

Damage3: Cortex damaged

Death1: *thunk of falling over*

Death2: Power failure

Death3: Unit lost

Death4: Maintenance required


Of course, a Techmarine would be far more expressive so we're looking for a custom Dark Angels Techmarine with lines that would suit it being stationed with the chapter.


Thanks everyone!

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Unit_Complete1: You have need of the the supreme Artificer?


Selection1: I hear the Lion's roar in every machine spirit.


Move2:Will these actions secure my position in the chapter's conclave?


Build7:(sarcastic tone) I see you have deemed me worthy of this menial task.



I avoided going with the first line on some, as they are rather wordy.

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Update -- still looking for contributors to the DA Techmarine/Master of the Forge to fill in the list in the first post.


As a gift I present to you our Techmarine Builder as it moves towards being a Master of the Forge.


Standard Techmarine with Adapetus Power Axe and Combi Bolter



Enhanced Techmarine with Thunderhammer and Stormbolter



Master of the Forge with full servo-harness, plasma cutter, and flamer.



There are other options like Combi-Melta, Combi-Plasma, and Combi-Flamer but haven't decided if we are adding those.


Any scripting help to fill in the first post is MOST appreciated!

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  • 2 weeks later...

no worries. love DoW and have spent years in college and uni doing computer programming and such so i know how hard it can be at times. just hope we get too see the mod some time soon


there's some really good expletives in the purging of kadillus book that will warrant a gander. i'll dig it out when i get 2 minutes

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here are a few more though


Unit_Complete1: You have need of the the supreme Artificer?

Unit_Complete2:For the Lion I live, for the Emperor I die!






Selection1: I hear the Lion's roar in every machine spirit.

Selection2: How may I best serve the Lion?






Move1:As the Lion wills it

Move2: Will these actions secure my position in the chapter's conclave?

Move3:Without hesitation, my Lord.

Move4:By the sons of the Lion











Build1: The Omnissiah guides my hand






Build7:(sarcastic tone) I see you have deemed me worthy of this menial task.

Capture1: Bind that cur for the Interrogator!























Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]

Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]

Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Repair1: The machine roars like the lion once more.



Combat1: The Lion will protect!

Combat2:Death to the Xenos!

Combat3:Into the enemy!

Under_Fire1: Emperor's hairy ass!






Death1:What happened?

Death2: The Lion's spirit lives on within!


Death4:Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?


not sure how much i can come up with. hopefully more brothers will join the cause soon

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