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What infantry goes into your Storm Raven?


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Dear Brothers,


I have recently been pondering on what kind of infantry to load into the upcoming Storm Raven that I will buy for sure. My pondering got triggered by the Descent of Angels article on BoLS. It provides good input on how to equip the Storm raven, but not on one should put in there.


When it comes to Jump Infantry, I don't know why I should put any in there as I believe it's better to drop them directly onto the table.


I also don't really see a benefit in putting a Tactical Squad or the Death Company (without Jump packs) in there.


So last but not least I came up with the following insane idea: why not put a Techmarine with a Servo Harness and Servitors in there?


I know, the Techmarine is not the most loved model in the Codex, but I don't see any other infantry unit that could clearly profit from the Storm Raven. The Techmarine and his two Servitors, however, would be a low cost unit that could repair the Storm Raven and keep it in the game longer. Since the last FAQ has appeared, the Techmarine wouldn't even have to leave the Storm Raven if he wanted to repair it.


So here we go:


  1. What do you put into your Storm Raven?
  2. A Techmarine in a Storm Raven - brilliant or insane? Yea or nay?

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My favorite load out for the Stormraven would have to be a 5 man DC with Lemartes and a DC Dread. It is a hard hitting hammer that is hard to avoid, but a lot of points for something that will be such a main target.


So the way I plan to make it.. is to add a Stormraven with a RAS in there accompanied by other ICs and a normal Furioso. With two of these up their lines taking down one will mean they still get hurt from the other.


Anyway: I think a Stormraven is a good vehicle, but it really shines when it is used to move a CC Dreadnought around the battlefield and drops it in a combined assault with another dedicated assault unit.

That's my theory at least. The idea to put a Tactical Squad in it to drop it anywhere on the battlefield to hold an objective is actually quite interesting too.

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It's not that placing a Tech Marine in a Thunder Duck is a bad idea. Rather, it's taking a Tech Marine in the first place is kind of a bad idea. The Tech Marine and Servitors will cost ya around 100 points. This would be a stripped down unit so you could fully benefit from his abilities... such as they are in a Blood Angels army. Taking a look at his abilities reveals a few glaring weaknesses.

Bolster Defences: OK, you have now fortified a ruin in your deployment zone. Could be useful if you had an objective in your deployment zone and you want to hold it. However, the Blood Angels are pretty much an assault army. You really don't make a static gun line and stand back to shoot. It's also a bit of a double edged sword- your opponent can benefit from the bolstered cover save as well.


Repairing Vehicles: Great ability, but a bit limited. Even if you bought all five Servitors and a Servoharness giving you a +6 to the repair roll, a 1 always fails. Only one repair attempt can be made each turn. Unless a recent FAQ came out, you can't repair while inside the vehicle, so the Techmarine and Servitors have to disembark and attempt repairs. If the Servitors have the stupid expensive heavy weapons, they won't be able to shoot. You can only repair two things- Immobilized, and Weapon Destroyed. This is where buying Extra Armor or that extra Storm Bolter comes in handy, as it all acts like ablative armor. Most Blood Angel vehicles have multiple weapons, so unless the vehicle has been stripped of everything, it can still shoot the other weapons. Immobilized sucks, but Rhino's can self repair, and while an Immobilized Thunder Duck, Razor Back, Land Raider, Vindi, and Preds all suck for transporting troops or moving to objectives, they can still shoot. Land Speeders... well, chances are, they crashed and burned, or are so far out on a flank, it becomes impractical to fly your Storm Raven over there, drop off the Tech Marine and attempt a repair. In other words, taking a Tech Marine to just fix Immobilized or Weapon Destroyed vehicles is not a good idea. An exception could be made for a Dreadnought- but there are too many battlefield variables to make a good case here. Final thoughts on this ability: It's a once a turn ability, you have to get the Tech Marine to the damaged vehicle, and you have to make the roll.


Here comes the nail in the coffin as far as I am concerned. The Tech Marine is an Elites choice. The Blood Angels have some of the best Elites choices in the game- Chaplains, Sanguinary Guard, Furioso Dreads (and the Libby Dread), Termys, Sternguard, and the most important part- Sanguinary Priest. Which one of those excellent units, that can do so much on the table, will you sacrifice for the Tech Marine and his once a turn repair skill?


It would be interesting to field multiple Tech Marines in a vehicle heavy list, but I can't help but think that they would have a relatively minor impact on the game, and you would have used up a valuable Elites choice.

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It should be combat unit A and a Dread really.


In my case , I run two ravens. One carrying libby with tda and ss , 5 th/ss termies and a furioso dread with extra armour and blood talons and the other raven carrying a single furioso dreadnaught with extra armour and blood talons.

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Repairing Vehicles: Great ability, but a bit limited. Even if you bought all five Servitors and a Servoharness giving you a +6 to the repair roll, a 1 always fails. Only one repair attempt can be made each turn. Unless a recent FAQ came out, you can't repair while inside the vehicle, so the Techmarine and Servitors have to disembark and attempt repairs..



A recent FAQ indeed came out, and you can attempt to repair from inside the vehicle.


Not sure you'd want devote points for this, but you can.

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I think shield+fear/BLance/BBoil libby + priest + sternguard (combi-melata & HFs) & fragnaught is a pretty deadly combo. Certainly of the most effective DStriking cargo option.


Techmarine & servitors? It's not a terrible idea as it's cheap when bare boned and does have some role versatility for the price. But not a powerful or great idea. Would only be useful as a (table edge) reserved SR or 1st turn deployed I think. Although it is possible to support 4 vehicles with that single repair option... when a SR is one and on a flying base. But all those points to fix weapons worth far less than the squad... not so efficient if that's all the techmarine is doing.

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I also don't really see a benefit in putting a Tactical Squad or the Death Company (without Jump packs) in there.



Tac Squad, i'll agree with ya, but DC belong in a Storm Raven.

1. Its fast, throwing them into the fight quicker

2. Its an assault vehicle, so they can just come right on out swingin

3. It can tote a Dreadnought!!! DC + DC Dread = deadness

5. Even if it blows up, your DC are already at least halfway across the board, so less chance rage will hurt you.



I run -

---Storm Raven - EA, MM, AC


---10x Death Company

------1x PF, 3x PW, 6x BP/CCW

---DC Dread w/ BT


It makes things dead. Quick.


taking the techmarine in the SR seems to me like trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. You are missing out on the SR's greatest assets - a fast, dreadnought totin, assault vehicle. That is what it is made to do.

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Thanks to all for your replies, they are greatly appreciated.


The reason I came up with the Techmarine idea was that in the BoLS article they are using the Storm Raven (Multimelta, Lascanons) primarily as a tank hunting device to support the Jump Infantry. Putting a Techmarine made me think that the Storm Raven could fulfill this role longer, especially when the Jump Infantry draws some of the fire on itself. I see that him blocking a precious elite choice and repair once per turn only is a handicap, though - but yes, he can do that while he's inside the vehicle. :(


You all made very good suggestions, especially those with Sternguard and all Death Company make sense. However:


  1. how much are you in a hurry to disembark all those loaded troops before the Storm Raven gets shot down?
  2. if you load Jump Infantry into your Storm Raven, what are you doing with a squad of 5 to six Marines as their stamina will be far lower than a full 10 man squad?


If you put Jump Infantry into the Storm Raven, Dante with Honor Guard seems to be best combo at six men strong, but Dante is exactly the case where it makes most sense to drop him directly onto the table. Can you see why I am sort of a skeptic and came up with the crazy Techmarine idea?

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You are giving up a precious elite slot for something that is not guaranteed to work on a consistent basis. It is good to consider your options but I don't think this one is going to be very competitive. You have a fast assault boat - best to load it up with stone cold killers.


G :P

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I have not used a Raven yet, but I have been playing primarily Jump Pack lists, but I have also enjoyed using death company in a rhino. So I rekon once I get one of the models I shall try out using either a sanguinary guard with priest or an honour guard with my librarian, or alternately a dc squad on foot, as I think both of these units will benfit alot from being able to get stuck straight into the enemy without having to wait a turn after deep striking in, or waiting in a rhino.


I plan to reserve the Raven and hopefully draw the opponent in close enough to my table edge to allow me to assault straight from bringing them in from reserve-add in a dreadnought and I think thats alot of damage output.


On a kind of related note, I noticed in the pictures for the Raven the pilot looks like he is a techmarine? Or at least could be used to make a plastic one quite well, I am thinking I might use the parts to make a Techmarine, as I have never used one and fancy giving it a try, although I can agree with alot of the points not in favour of their use.



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I'm thinking of running a 10 man assault squad Sgt with PW and Meltabombs......combat squaded....attach a SP and thats 6, the other half...the 5 man with 2 melta guns using DOA to drop in and hunt armor.....add Blood Taloned Furioso.....done!
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I started off running the Sanguinor and a Furioso in my Stormraven. That was back around mid summer when I first started using a Stormraven for my DoA army. I have since switched over to carrying an Epistolary with a choppy Honor Guard and the Furioso. I have found the Librarian with a choppy Honor Guard to be the hardest hitting unit plus they can soak up a lot of wounds due to FNP (Novitiate) and stormshields. They are expensive but they hit like a ton of bricks. You are pretty much guaranteed to get off a charge if you play it right - it's really devastating.


If you are not playing a DoA army then I think there are lots of options but running a hard hitting assault unit is the way to go. The Stormraven is a great transport for assault terminators as well.


G :devil:

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Why would you want to put troops with JP's in the raven? Apart from the ability of jumping out even when it has moved flat out, which counts as deep striking anyway. With the raven being an assault veichle it gives the foot sluggers inside the same effective range as a unit with JPs. Using it's capacity on 6 guys that can get into CC from 18" anywho seems like a waste. I'm going to put 10 assault marines in mine, Gabriel Seth and a SP. (And eventually a dread with blood talons)
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Why would you want to put troops with JP's in the raven? Apart from the ability of jumping out even when it has moved flat out, which counts as deep striking anyway. With the raven being an assault veichle it gives the foot sluggers inside the same effective range as a unit with JPs. Using it's capacity on 6 guys that can get into CC from 18" anywho seems like a waste. I'm going to put 10 assault marines in mine, Gabriel Seth and a SP. (And eventually a dread with blood talons)

We're not talking about just any troops, we're talking about some of the best jump infantry in the game! The Storm Raven provides them with that extra little bit of protection, not to mention the Jump Infantry can assault when they disembark from the Thunder Duck. The options available to these guys are far, far better then just regular troops, and by using Jump Packs, you're giving them unmatched maneuverability. All this comes with a premium points price, and it's a big one.


The load out you propose will work as well!


This is the beauty of the Thunder Duck (Storm Raven): it makes an already great assault army better. Not too many other vehicles in 40K accomplish that.

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Thanks to all for your replies, they are greatly appreciated.


The reason I came up with the Techmarine idea was that in the BoLS article they are using the Storm Raven (Multimelta, Lascanons) primarily as a tank hunting device to support the Jump Infantry.


Tank hunting? For 200 points? I am no master tactician and everyone plays to their own style, but I wouldn't waste a 200 point skimmer on tank hunting. I can see that as a secondary function, but not the main point of taking one.


You want tank hunting, take a Land Speeder or an Attack Bike with a multimelta. Granted, I'll take the twin-linked lascannon and multimelta on my Stormraven, but I'm going to be using mine to tote around my Death Company sans jump packs with Lemartes and a Death Company Dread with Blood Talons.

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As I run an SG force this question is always easy. I put in an SG squad and one of my two Dreads.


The Raven is an assault transport, in all honesty you need to be carrying n assault unit that can make best use of the mobility of the Raven. Terminators could be a good choice, 5 with Claws led by a priest can do allot of damage piling out of the Raven and into a fight.

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