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Initial thoughts for my traitor entry into Iron Gauntlet


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Well yeah. But I just don't want the whole meat face kind of thing with jagged metal and all that. they aren't quite zombies-like. I am having difficulty exactly explaining how they are. They aren't growling and inarticulate if that helps.


So you're trying to get Daemonettes in Marine form, basically. Daemonettes of Slaanesh, notorious for being both inhumanly beautiful and sexually alluring (though less of the latter in PG land) and still being somewhat mutated and 'wrong' as all Daemons are.


That came out wrong, I mean in concept. The fact that they look and are beautiful and attractive, moreso than any mortal woman, despite the fact that they are also hideously twisted somewhat in form but mostly in mind and action.


YES! That is EXACTLY what I'm going for! I didn't realize it until you said it. And they are going to be"beautiful even though some of them have beastial characteristics or things like tentacles (tentacles in the distrbing japanese sense)


Much more of a Forge WOrld Keeper of Secrets than a Citadel Keeper of Secrets kinda thing.

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I want to bring back that old school depravity and debauchery from Slaanesh used to be portrayed. A bunch of Marines where Gacy or Dahmer would be considered tame initiates. Stuff that would make Caligula blush and wince.

Gotta say, I'm not sure if Slaanesh was ever actually portrayed this way - I've got a copy of Slaves to Darkness on hand, and I'm always surprised at how tame this stuff is, given the way it's talked up.


More, I think this is actually a fairly narrow view of Slaanesh. Yes, (s)he is the Prince of Pleasure and all, but I think it's more interesting to see Slaanesh as a god of experiences. After all, Slaaneshi Cult Troops are Noise Marines, whose weapons belt out hideous cacophonies that cause mortals to explode. I didn't love the 3.5 Chaos Codex as much as some, but one element I really remember and enjoy was a full-page illustration of a Slaaneshi Marine with a (relatively) emaciated body, enormous bug eyes with several other sets emerging from his flesh, and a strange, mandibled jaw that opened into a doom siren. There's nothing particularly sexual about it, but it's strikingly Slaaneshi anyway, and I think there's a very good reason for that.

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I want to bring back that old school depravity and debauchery from Slaanesh used to be portrayed. A bunch of Marines where Gacy or Dahmer would be considered tame initiates. Stuff that would make Caligula blush and wince.

Gotta say, I'm not sure if Slaanesh was ever actually portrayed this way - I've got a copy of Slaves to Darkness on hand, and I'm always surprised at how tame this stuff is, given the way it's talked up.


To say nothing of the fact that — honestly — it sounds far less mature than the "PG-rated" stuff it's lamenting.

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I want to bring back that old school depravity and debauchery from Slaanesh used to be portrayed. A bunch of Marines where Gacy or Dahmer would be considered tame initiates. Stuff that would make Caligula blush and wince.

Gotta say, I'm not sure if Slaanesh was ever actually portrayed this way - I've got a copy of Slaves to Darkness on hand, and I'm always surprised at how tame this stuff is, given the way it's talked up.


More, I think this is actually a fairly narrow view of Slaanesh. Yes, (s)he is the Prince of Pleasure and all, but I think it's more interesting to see Slaanesh as a god of experiences. After all, Slaaneshi Cult Troops are Noise Marines, whose weapons belt out hideous cacophonies that cause mortals to explode. I didn't love the 3.5 Chaos Codex as much as some, but one element I really remember and enjoy was a full-page illustration of a Slaaneshi Marine with a (relatively) emaciated body, enormous bug eyes with several other sets emerging from his flesh, and a strange, mandibled jaw that opened into a doom siren. There's nothing particularly sexual about it, but it's strikingly Slaaneshi anyway, and I think there's a very good reason for that.



Hmmm. I'll have to go back and recheck. I certainly remember of always thinking of Slaanesh=sexual depravity. It might have been projection by myself (I can useually label various times in my life with one of the seven deadly sins...it just so happens that RT happened to fall mightily in my Lust phase.)


It might also have been local culture, I dunno. SOmething for me to ponder. Thanks!

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I want to bring back that old school depravity and debauchery from Slaanesh used to be portrayed. A bunch of Marines where Gacy or Dahmer would be considered tame initiates. Stuff that would make Caligula blush and wince.

Gotta say, I'm not sure if Slaanesh was ever actually portrayed this way - I've got a copy of Slaves to Darkness on hand, and I'm always surprised at how tame this stuff is, given the way it's talked up.




Ok, I went and looked at StD online. Under the description of Emperor's Children it pretty explicitly states that they (and other Slaaneshi marines by extension) are lewd and lascivious to the extreme.


Emperor's Children Army list, 4th paragraph: "As one of the Traitor Legions, the Emperor's Children invaded Earth, but took little part in the fighting around the Imperial Palace. Simple pleasures had given way to complex debaucheries. While their allies fought and died the Emperor's CHildren slaughtered more than a million people and rendered them down to create endless variaties of drugs and stimulants. Countless thousands more died to give the Legionnaires more direct, if cruder, enjoyment."


5th paragraph. "...Their excesses soon knew no bounds and simple raiding colud not supply enough raw human material for their orgies of worship"


6th paragraph. "...The danger of combat is a rediscovered thrill and aphrodesiac, allowing them to reach new extremes of debauchery."


side panel, a couple of pages in "Take care, lest your protests grow tiresome. I have asked for so little! Anyone would think i had asked you to sacrifice yourself and your sons! And yet, Slaanesh's boundless and pleasing mercy, I have asked only for your daughters. Surely you would not deny me my small enjoyments?" Tyrell, Renegade Lord of Arden IX


and there is more. Also, no mention of any sonic weapons in this list.


So this is old school debauchery Slaanesh.

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So, I've been thinking. Slaanesh is about sensuality...experiencing things...gettign a rush from everything. I've also been reading the Black Lantern saga in comics, and how the Black Lanterns try to get everyone riled with various emotions before they eat them. I like that, and I'd like to steal that. Except just not any emotions.


These renegades use terror tactics to feed and keep certain planets subserviant. Slaanesh has made them able to breed, so the renegades force them selves upon a population and recruit from their offspring. They revisit the same planet at random times, attacking different populations. SOmeone who is ignored one raid is chosen the next, someone who was chosen to bear one time is ignored the next. Those who resist are eaten.

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Those who resist are eaten.


Now this comes out of absolutely nowhere. Why?


Why not? Slaanesh is all about new sensations and new pleasures...why not the palate? Why not get off on the terrorized screams of someone you are literally eating alive? I think it is a very Slaaneshi thing. Especially since the victims would have adrenaline and all sorts of othe rnatural chemicals pumping through their body.


Fear haz a flavor. Nom Nom Nom Nom.

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