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True scale marine


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Hello all, here are some pictures of my latest project a true scale space marine. The work on this is far from over as I need to make a more acurate size backpack and bolter along with finishing off the gun arm ( sculpting on the end of the elbow guard) and add lots of detail like skulls and eagles etc. As you can see I am just holding bits like the arms and back pack on with blue tack to make sculpting easier and so I can change the pose if needed.






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Wow, you have undeniable talent and skill in the art of sculpting GS.

Great work.

However, I must say, with all respects, that I think the torso is a little out of propotion as it looks a bit to 'beefy' [EDIT: Any chance of some pics without the arms? And side view the torso?]

Everything else is just :( whoa


I look forward to seeing more of your work!!


Yours in Honour and Faith

Chaplain Hiltraud

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I kid you not that i was left speechless when I opened this thread, absolutely stunning. Your green stuff skill are certainly amazing, although I have to agree with Chaplain Hiltraud that his torso is a bit too large, and also (as it is just now) his powerfist arm looks to short and his backpack too small
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That is fantastic sculpting.

How are you getting that so smooth? Are you using metal sculpting tools or the rubber (?) ended ones?

Both styles along with some home made tools and vaseline instead of water as the smoothing medium helps loads ;) just take your time with it and that way you dont foul the fresh putty on something you just got smooth while tryin to work on adding more to your sculpt.

In terms of proportion and true scale most of it is just getting rid of the heroic proportion ( standard G.W sculpts are roughly 5 heads tall and have enourmous hands ^_^ ) and getting a more life like set of proportions to it ( an average man is roughly 6 heads tall but looks more acurate represented as 7-8 heads tall). Also adding to this that a space marine grows extra muscle and ribs fuse together gives us a hulking giant of a man wearing a suit of massive armour and that is the main thing that I wanted to show with this piece. This is my first go at a sculpt heavy conversion as I have only been sculpting for the past 5 months and I want to give a true scale Terminator a go in the future but as it would be 95% sculpt I want to build my skill level on this and a few other peices first.


I have just slaped this together to show that my proportions are pretty acurate so far, the chest is slightly bigger in length on my sculpt as the sternum / rib arch is slightly lower not intentional but I dont feel that it will matter that much when the extra detail is added. As for the power fist its definatly not as long as the one on the normal marine but personaly I feel that the hand inside is always clenched in a fist as this is the strongest position for the hand to be in and the motion in the hand is controled by neuro fiber bundles saving space in the glove for the energy field generator and servos ( also stops the ape like knuckle dragging :blink: )

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Very nice work!


May i ask, what did you use for the tubing?


Pro cheat for cables is guitar string or you can make your own using thin wire and wraping more thin wire round it :)

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I kid you not that i was left speechless when I opened this thread, absolutely stunning. Your green stuff skill are certainly amazing, although I have to agree with Chaplain Hiltraud that his torso is a bit too large, and also (as it is just now) his powerfist arm looks to short and his backpack too small


I wholeheartedly second this, amazing work, needing a few edits.

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O.k been a while since last post so sorry for leaving it for a while :) but the ninja is back.... First up are a couple of pictures of a little test piece working from a zenithal undercoat to do a nice looking white with good blends.



As usual my painting is better than the photos :lol: its a lil bit blury but you get the jist, the inspiration for giving it a try comes from an article on CMON about glowing eyes but also has a very nice way of painting white.

Anyhow without further distraction the real subject of this thread true scale goodness, most of my time has been taken up by painting some thing for a friend so all I have been up to really is sculpting skulls and a few minor tweaks to the belt buckle ( filling in open areas that shouldn't be there). The first skull sculpted is the one on the power fist and I was quite happy with how it came out untill I did the one on the chest area that is loads better and now I am stuck do I remove the one on the power fist and resculpt a new one to match the one on the chest or not?? I could end up just sculpting skulls for ever B) !

first one on the power fist



and the last one on the torso


And finaly the bare bones of the back pack that I have been putting together, please keep in mind that this has only just been started and there is a hell of a lot more work to be done on it. The proportions are there and all of the visible cable is in place ready to be sculpted around the seams will be filled and sanded and all the extra details will be added as work moves forward




And there you have it, not a lot done but its getting there slowly. The next big challenge is sculpting the wings on either side of the skull for the chest peice and a smaller skull for the belt buckle to replace the one I originaly made and decided was a poor effort ;) .

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