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Blood Strike


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Kane shouted as the blood lust stirred from deep within his core. The warlord swung his warhammer in a long looping figure eight around his head. The bronze sang as it sailed through the night air. His brass collar of Khorne was fastened tightly around his bulging neck. His giant juggernaught leapt out in front of the pack breathing scalding flames of dark fire from the ends of its short blackened iron nostrils. Kane's seven champions also had collars of Khorne. Each champion was a brute of Marine, each possessed by deranged daemons... Each more daemon than man. Dark energies poured off their bright red armored forms as they lunged forward on their mounts onto the open street. Kane cajoled them with mad taunts and tales of epic death. Their long snaking braces of polished skulls rattled against the iron hides of the lurching juggernaughts. Kane's eyes turned bright red burning with a hate so intense they smoldered like an exploding nova escaping from the unfolding layers of the deadly warp. Knights of Blood versus Knights of Blood. It would be an epic battle and the surviving victors would carve a place for themselves in the very legends of the universe.


From the other side of the street the squad of terminators emerged onto open ground. They ripped off their bright chrome helmets snarling like fiends as their long sharp pointed fangs extended from their gaping jaws. They unleashed their Black Rage hungrily feeding on the potent energies sparked by mad visions of the death of their Primarch Sanguinius. Sam chucked a huge pair of smoke grenades onto the broken asphalt exploding the huge admantium globes. Tendrils of oily black smoke spilled out twisting up into the frigid night air mixing with the icy mists. The terminators slipped into the dark folds of cloud seeming to dissappear. The traitors plunged headlong into the darkness ready to confront their counterparts. It was like a particle of matter colliding with a particle of anti matter. The terminators emerged from the black void thrusting their long spiked weapons up into the juggernaughts. Brother Mercury leapt out catching a traitorous champion by the arm and pulled the daemonic warrior off it's mount. The sound of cold blade clashing against cold lade filled the night.

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"Blood and Honor!" cried Ardwin above the battle din. Sam had drawn his dueling swords driving his left shoulder into the side of the closest juggernaught. The beast stumbled back then righted itself lifting up it's front pair of legs to brandish it's bronze shod hooves at the Captain. One of the hooves came thundering down crashing into Sam's helmet. The Captain shrugged off the hard blow with a muffled grunt then drove his swords straight into the exposed and vulnerable underbelly of the daemonic beast. The juggernaught stumbled again then crashed over falling in such a manner as to trap it's rider's leg under it's heavy iron clad body. The beast snorted once then quickly faded away as it's material form was vanquished back to the warp. Sam lifted up a boot and brought it down hard smashing the head of the fallen champion. Three of the terminators converged upon the fallen rider to press the sudden counter attack. The Warlord crossed over upon his mount swinging his warhammer into the Captain's chestplate. Sam stood still as he absorbed the blow letting the blunt head of the hammer bounce off. His chestplate cracked from the forceful impact and the chrome plated Aquila peeled away. Sam then crossed his swords over each other forming a cross of steel. The blades began to glow, blazing to life as their inner energies poured out from the long leather wrapped hilts enveloping the Captain. The Knight of Blood seemed to expand in size and his stature swelled. Sam was blanketed by the etheric forces released from his swords. Silently he laughed as he uncrossed the blades then stomped his right boot down upon the broken earth. The ground underneath them shook then the sharp edge of a rapidly expanding massive shock wave blew out releasing it's power in the form of an invisible cylinder. The ground rippled as the juggernaughts pawed at the earth in an attempt to remain upright. Their mounts clutched hard to their stiff brass plated saddle horns while digging their sharp iron spurs deep into the iron hides. The beasts all snorted in sudden consternation.


"Dirty! Very dirty indeed." shouted Kane as he righted himself on top his saddle lifting up his heavy weapon to unleash another mighty blow. Again the warhammer swooped down crashing into the Captain but this time it bounced off harmlessly. "Their leader has ensorcled himself with some arcane warding. Direct all your attacks upon the rest of them! We will finish him last." commanded the Warlord.

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Brother Champion Saul Atreedes of the Grey Knight detachment looked through his magnoculars at the battle taking place between the two warring parties. He and his squad of Purifiers stood atop a burnt out tower overlooking the street below. Saul motioned to the Vindicare. "Take aim on the heretic. It's an abomination. It must die first."


The assassin unslung his sniper rifle pulling the cap off of the scope. "Is there a particular round you want fired?"


"Use your Shield Breaker. I want to watch that animal dragged down. It will be a fitting end to the albino." said Saul. The air still stank of freshly burned ozone left over from the recent teleportation. The Purifiers hefted their assault cannons as they lifted the heavy weapons onto the tripods. "Once the heretic has been eliminated make sure not to harm the warlord. He must be brought back to Titan for a complete program of interrogation." The Brother Champion ran his finger along the deep dueling scar that marred the left side of his face.


"That will be quite the task. They are all locked in heavy melee." said Brother Adam the Keeper of the Flame.


"Practice has made your aim perfect. Divine providence will intervene to guide your shots. Once the heretic has died I'll give the order to commence fire. Be ready. We cannot allow them any opportunity to escape." replied Saul.


"What about the Librarian?" asked Brother Adam.


"He is of no concern. Waste him along with the rest."

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Brother Mercury heard a voice within his head. It's sound was solemn and deep ringing with a hard cadence. "Bleed for me brother. I bled for you. Embrace me now brother." The Librarian's vision dimmed and he felt the air around him grow ice cold through his heavy plates of battle armor. He was then spinning about like he had been lifted up by a raging cyclone. Mercury lost his sense of orientation for a moment, there was no up or down, there was no right or left. There came the stinging bite of the metal serpent bound on his finger then he was lifted up thrown out from the swirling melee. An intense feeling of malovelence spit into his bloodstream as the viper continued to pump it's poison into his helix. The Librarian's vision returned in an instant and he found he stood a top a high tower. A party of Grey Knights stared at him and Mercury could see the look of amazement etched on the scarred face of the Brother Champion. Quickly the Purifiers began to turn their assault cannons in place directing their aim at him. An assassin stood hunched over beside the Brother Champion sighting along the long barrel of his sniper rifle. "Death and damnation to you villains!" shouted the Librarian through his vox. He held up his bionic arm while he silently cast the dark words to direct his hate. A ball of fire suddenly enveloped his metal fist and he cast it at the sniper. The fiery ball shot off his fist striking the Vindicare in the chest. The assassin immediately lit up like a torch then toppled over the side of the tower. The Purifiers began to fire their cannons slowly turning the gunnery cranks. Mercury brought up his stormshield deflecting the first salvo. The Librarian felt the impact as the heavy shells exploded against his shield.


"Kill him! Kill him now!" commanded Saul as he drew his ornate sword from it's jeweled sheath.

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The air grew hot as Brother Mercury concentrated pulling vast amounts of power from the warp. The Purifiers started to sweat inside their armor and the night air grew hazy as waves of heat rolled off the approaching Librarian. It was just as if a burning ball of intense fire was moving towards them. Saul dropped back taking up a position of safety behind his Grey Knights. Suddenly one of the Purifiers burst into flames and was quickly incinerated leaving a small pile of ash in his place. The rest of the Purifiers continued to shoot directing their shots into the very heart of the raging conflagration. Mercury was consumed with hate focusing all of his attention on the closest enemy squad. A ring of fire swept out pinning the other two squads back in the corner of the top of the tower.


"It's only one!" shouted Saul. "Cease your fire!"


The Purifiers stopped turning the cranks on their psycannons and released the triggers on their stormbolters. The Brother Champion then drew up his sword holding the long silver filigreed hilt with both gauntlets. Saul stepped through the squad as they broke apart to let him through. Waves of scorching heat reflected off his pearl white armor as the Brother Champion came face to face with the Librarian. Saul felt both his hearts beating like a pair of big brass drums and the pounding in his ears shut off all other sounds. Mercury lowered his stormshield just enough so he could look directly into the eyes of the Grey Knight. His eyes burned hot crimson with hate and tears of burning flame wept from the corners. Saul pirouetted in place placing all his strength into an enormous thrust. The tip punched through the shield and caught Brother Mercury in the abdomen splitting out through the rear side of his armor. Mercury grunted, involuntarily releasing his grip on the stormshield. His bionic arm shot out like a harpoon catching an arm of the Brother Champion. As the inner flames of psychic power started to smolder Mercury tightened his gauntlet snapping the arm in twain. Shards of bare bone jutted out as the forearm broke off dangling by the torn ligaments.


"Give it all you've got." whispered Saul. A rush of endomorphins filled his bloodstream to blank out the staggering pain. The Brother Champion calmly stepped back twisting his broken elbow so that the detached forearm broke off cleanly. Gripping his long sword with one gauntlet he spun in place. The sword lofted about like an executioner's axe and struck the Librarian squarely at the neck. Brother Mercury's head rolled off his shoulders striking the pavement with a hard thump. Saul then head butted the decapitated Blood Saint and the body toppled over. "It is done." said Saul. "Just like that. The Purifiers looked on and a sudden sense of relief filled their minds.

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Saul bent down and scooped up the skull with his gauntlet after laying aside his sword. The Brother Champion placed the skull in a nook on top a parapet on the wall. He then pulled loose a combat knife and traced an edge around the crown of the skull separating the top. Saul then tapped the bone apart revealing the still wet cortex. Gingerly he ate a bit of the grey matter and let it settle. Saul continued to eat the brain until the skull was empty until there was only the top of the spine left. His scar throbbed. "I have digested the Librarian's matter and their plan has unfolded to me." said the Grey Knight as he licked his thin lips. The Purifiers waited for his next response. "Gather round. There is still much left to be done."
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The Purifiers helped Saul bandage his rended arm. The Brother Champion then motioned his squad over to the wall so they could see how the battle below had fared since the disturbance. Only the terminator Captain and his sergeant in arms remained locked in melee with the Warlord and one champion. Both of the Chaos Space Marines were dismounted fighting on foot now. The dead laid in fresh piles on top of one another all torn to bloody bits. It was impossible to tell side from the other. They could hear the the Warlord's hammer banging against the Captain's armor. It sounded like a deep gong resonating through the still night. "We've got to get down there immediately." said Saul impatiently. "I'm sure reserves from both sides will soon be arriving."


The party then made their way quickly to the exit and started down the spiraling staircase. The Brother Champion carried his sword across one shoulder leading his men down into the dark pit below. Bits of burning ash floated in the air casting slits of sharp shadows across the curved walls. Silence filled their ears as they continued to descend and they relied upon their keen auto senses to find their steps. Soon the Brother Champion and the Purifiers found themselves on the ground level. The terminus was located on the opposite side from the battle outside. Saul set down his sword and pulled a grenade pack from his belt. "This is a stasis bomb. Stay here and wait for my signal."

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Saul split off from the squad and disappeared into the darkness of the night as he crept around the curved wall of the tower. The Purifiers stood at attention waiting in silence while they listened to the battle. They could hear the heavy blows and the mad shouting from the Chaos Warlord. A long shadow then separated from a pool of pitch black jutting out from the open doorway taking the form of a terminator clad in dark armor. The Chaplain moved quickly reaching out to crush the skull of the Keeper of the Flame with his power fist. Startled by the unexpected attack the last of the squad began to unlimber their close combat weapons. The Blood Saint chopped one of the Purifiers in the neck with his Crozius Arcanum taking the head off with one deft blow. The helmet rolled from the shoulders fallling at the feet of the dead Grey Knight. The Void Walker's corporeal form was still murky blending into with the blackness of the fading night. Striking swift blows in return the squad fell back into through the doorway as the Chaplain pursued them. Again the Blood Saint's power fist reached out clutching another Grey Knight by his chestplate. The huge admantium tipped fingers dug through the plate armor as it was tinfoil crushing the pair of hearts inside. The last two Purifiers turned to run up the twisting staircase. Timing two shots to perfectly coincide with the shouts from the Warlord the Void Walker aimed into the back of their helmets exploding their skulls. All was silent again except for more blood curdling cries from Kane. Slowly the Blood Saint stepped outside again carefully looking to see if there was anyone else nearby but the immediate area was clear. The Chaplain slid his combi bolter back into it's leather holster and began to make his way towards the Brother Champion.
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The Void Walker slipped around the building to find the Brother Champion of the Grey Knights poised ready to chuck his grenade onto the last of the combatants. He slipped his arm around Saul's neck gripping it tightly. The Grey Knight at first struggled then quickly realized he could not break the arm lock and conceded. "Drop the grenade." said the Blood Saint. Saul let the bomb slip from his hand dropping it on the ground. "I know you." said the Void Walker in a tight whisper. "You are the sole twin of Paul Atreedes. Just like him you like to manipulate fate and twist it to your own ends. That cannot be here. I won't allow it. We must accept the outcome of what occurs here tonight."


"You think your kind are superior, that you know best. Everything and everyone thinks the same but it cannot be. We are responsible for everything that happens. Your nihilistic view of nature has always been the shortcoming of your chapter. I know who you are too." said Saul. "I know what you did and I've been waiting for you."


"You seek vengeance pure and simple." replied the Chaplain. "You are still human after all."


Suddenly Saul twisted about bringing his boot down on the grenade. There was an immediate blast followed by the booming sound of an immense explosion. The Grey Knight evaporated as the shock wave rippled across the battlefield.

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The Void Walker felt the super radiated subatomic particles from the grenade coursing through his corporeal form. Willing his body to shift to another plane the Blood Saint kept his id intact sensing the destruction released in the immediate vicinity. Time slowed to a mere crawl and he watched intently as the outer perimeter of the blast spread like ripples on the surface of a shallow lake. The Knights of Blood would soon be consumed and there was nothing he could to prevent their dispersion. Sam the albino reached out to grip Kane by the throat lifting the Warlord off the ground and hurled the traitor clear of the coming blast. The shock wave then coursed through where he was standing, dissolving the two remaining terminators and Chaos champion like a surge wave toppling a sand castle. In the blink of an eye the three were gone then the explosion subsided almost as soon as it had started. The Void Walker shifted back to his solid form pulling cold dark matter from the surrounding ether to repair himself. Kane righted himself and looked on at the Chaplain in stark silence. The Warlord's armor was rended in many places and blood flowed freely from the open wounds. Kane held his warhammer limply and continued to stare at the Blood Saint.


"So it is just you and I again." said the Chaplain. "It seems like only yesterday you were my young alcoyate I had taken under my protective wing. Did I fail you so badly?" asked the Blood Saint.


"I don't know what to say... I felt heaven and earth move beneath my feet when I drank the blood from the chalice. I couldn't resist the urge." whispered Kane.


"That's your excuse?" scoffed the Chaplain in open contempt. "I showed you sacred secrets few will ever know... Even less few that could even comprehend them. You threw it all away for the lust of more power. Just look at you now. You've fallen so low. It's a disgrace to everything our chapters stand for in these long dark times. Honestly I don't know how you can live with yourself knowing all that you know."


"You couldn't ever understand being the mighty Blood Saint that you are." said Kane as he brought himself about squaring his shoulders straight. You had an entire world of wisdom at your fingertips so of course what you think is right and just was easy for you. I was young and foolish. You being so proud as you are you'd never understand what I had to struggle with at the time. Your trust in me was your own folly."


"That will be corrected now and everything will finally be put back in its proper place again. It is time now. Know this... Many died needlessly because of your selfishness. You are nothing more than a giant oaf. My only mistake was taking you for a better man." The Blood Saint lifted up his power fist activating the core with his glove. "I'll fight you to the death. I have no fear of you, that you surely know."


"So be it then." said Kane. The Void Walker's words stung hurting more than any injury ever could. "This will truly be the final end."

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The Blood Saint gripped his power fist into a huge bristling knot and stepped towards Kane punching the hard shaft of the warhammer. It bent, irreparably warped from the sudden powerful blow. Kane cursed under his breath tossing aside the spent weapon and started to draw loose his sword. Again the Void Walker landed another brutal punch with the huge fist hitting Kane square in the chest. Blood gushed out from the Warlord's mouth spraying the ground with the visceral fluids. The Chaplain followed his attack swinging his Crozius Arcanum in a wide soaring arc. The pair of wings fanned out projecting the razor sharp monomolecular cutting edges. Cutting through armor, skin and bone the fluid weapon parted Kane's left arm from the shoulder. The Warlord dropped his sword in a feeble effort to parry the coming blow. Pressing his attack the Blood Saint swung down his power fist hammering the top of Kane's skull. The Warlord's eye popped and his teeth shattered against each from the deadly force of the gigantic fist. The Blood Saint kicked out knocking Kane to the ground. "It's over." he said as he stomped down with the sole of his boot crushing Kane's skull like a ripe piece of fruit.
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1st Epilogue


The Void Walker bent back the neck of his dead foe sinking his fangs deep into the still swollen artery. Hot spikes of blood shot into his mouth spraying his teeth. He felt the liquid seep down. The taste on the back of his throat was awful. He could feel the memories of Kane play before his closed eyes and quickly the Chaplain searched through them. It was a nightmare to behold even for one as stoic as he. Slowly he ripped loose the head and stowed it in his leather satchel. His chapter would need proof of the deed for full pardon of their crime. Where there is one rat there is many. The ancient ryhme popped up in his mind. He sensed the death of Brother Mercury. Heroes had died here and their lives must be honored. The Void Walker spit out the poisoned blood and wiped his mouth with his clenched fist. An impossible goal had just been accomplished but it would all be for naught if he did not return to give proof. Soon others would arrive... Many more bad than good. Ovid slipped off into the shadows.

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