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Blood Strike


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The Angel hovered over the swarm glowering at them as the Sanguinor launched the last of his spears. The deadly missiles exploded one after another blasting a narrow opening between the Sanguinary Guard and the teeming wall of Tyranids. His deathmask frowned in anger as the silent Angel drew his long glaive. The edges of his wings were razor sharp and glittered as they turned outwards then the Sanguinor dove down into the horde. The cathonic sound of the iron bell continued to toll breaking apart the painful throbbing miasma of the hive mind saturating the living chamber. Tongues of burning promethium snaked out from the pair of incinerators setting the close by horde aflame. The Angel swept through them like a great shark breaking the wild shoals of ocean waves during a storm. Alien limbs were thrown about as the Sanguinor's wings cut through the brood like sharp steel blades.

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The Librarian Inritus silently mouthed the words to cast the Quickening. He could feel the dark cold power of the Hive Mind like flensing tendrils trying to reach into his very brain and break his steely concentration. Inritus paused for a moment to focus harder and wipe the hot sweat from his brow as the fighting continued all about the chamber. The Librarian pushed every thought from his mind except for the image of a still pond. The water was very deep and something shimmered beneath its mirrored surface. A cool breeze blew across the water casting a wake of tiny cat's paws upon the silvery dew. The shadows then lifted as the sun broke the clouds. Suddenly a blazing cherub shot out from the center trailing a long spiraling banner of golden thread. The symbol for infinity appeared as the narrow banner unfurled twisting about in the cool breeze. "Yes." said Inritus if only to himself as he felt the power from the warp begin to flow through his veins. The Hive Mind's probing was abruptly terminated just as the ancient spell was finally cast. Inritus watched as the Sanguinary Guard seemed to glow with hidden energies.
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Captain Sam, the sole survivor of the Knights of Blood First Company, drew forth his pair of falchions charging into the fray with a mad lust for death. His twin swords worked as one lopping off the heads and severing limbs from the mass of gaunts that surrounded him. The annoying tonal buzz from the hive mind that had wracked at his brain had dissipated and freed from its heavy suppressing weight he fought with new vigor. For every gaunt he laid to waste it seemed two more of the vile creatures shot forth clawing at him with their long spiked hooks. Their claws harmlessly bounced off his thick plates of admantium armor as he drove the two swords forward beheading one gaunt and skewering another one through its exposed torso. Sam formed the forward point of the Blood Saints party slowly pressing through the wall of leering aliens as they surged back using all their bound might. The winged Angel soared directly overhead tossing grenades into the swarm and hacking at them from above with his long glowing glaive. "I can smell their Norn Queen." thought Sam to himself in the prison of his mind.


Just up ahead there was a a large open orifice from which vile black and dark purple ichors oozed forth forming a slippery pool. The slime seemed to burn and wafts of acidic smoke rose up drifting about the inner confines of the living chamber. Something huge stirred within the pool of thick ichor then the armored head of great beast rose up screaming with rage. Sam spun in place lacerating a large cluster of gaunts splitting each and everyone in twain as they all toppled over. The Blood Saints had reached the back of the chamber. Quickly Sam looked around taking a quick visual count. All were still present except for the assassin.

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The monster rose up from the breeding pool. Streams of thick amniotic fluids ran from its hardened carapace as it stood in place. The gigantic beast held a pair of long gnarled bone swords in its upper set of limbs that twisted about like huge cork screws and it's other set of limbs both terminated into lash whips. It screamed shrilly as it reared up stepping out from the slimy pool of burning ichor blunting out the sound of the iron bell. Sam charged the beast driving his swords at its midsection with a furious roar. Deftly the bone swords went rigid like a pair of huge switch blades hacking down upon the terminator. Sam parried with his falchions then the monster kicked him in the gut sending the Captain across the chamber. For a moment the giant beast paused to look down upon its enemy. It had many eyes and they all sparkled with an evil intelligence. Sam felt his chestplate crack from the tremendous hooven blow as he lifted himself back up. Dark spots formed before his eyes as he shook his head to clear his vision. "Go find the Norn Queen." said a somber voice inside his head. Suddenly the Sanguinor was swooping down and plowed straight into the giant Tyranid driving his glaive through its chest. The monster cried out in pain then dropped its bone swords to grapple with the Angel. Sam watched in silence as the Sanguinor locked his arms around the creature's stout neck and headbutted the beast. "Go now!"
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Abel lead the Sanguinary Guard over to where Sam stood. Their suits of golden artificed armor were torn with great rents in many places and Fidelis had lost his deathmask. His face looked young but Sam knew the Blood Saint had lived for many years beyond any normal Marine. "You fought bravely versus the Tyranid creature." said the standard bearer. "If we live to tell this tale your name will be carved in stone beside our lot." Fidelis smiled for a moment then his face grew somber again just like a mask. Sam pointed towards the gaping orifice with one of his falchions.


"Aye there lays the final terminus of our path." said Brother Abel. "We must cross the breeding pool though and we no longer have our jump packs anymore. We must make our way quickly while the Hive Mind is distracted by the battle between our savior and it's monstrous brood.


"We will have to make a run for it." said the Librarian Inritus.


"That is a path to certain death." replied the Sanguinary Priest. "The pool is surely very deep to have spawn the beast. Not one of us will make it through—of that I'm sure."


Sam strode up to the lip of the pool then tossed a large chunk of loose bone into the boiling vat. It was immediately incinerated upon contact with the burning ichor. Sam then walked back far away from the breeding pool stowing his swords. The Captain began to run as fast as his armored legs could carry him. His speed was blinding for one clad in heavy armor as if invisible wings were grafted to his heels. He hit the edge then leapt into space hurling himself across the burning spew below. His body shot up high into the air as he sailed across the chasm landing just upon the far edge and then he was gone.


"Amazing!" said Inritus. "We must also try. The Blood Knight is clad in terminator armor. If he can make the leap then so can we." The Librarian's eyes blazed like hot coals. "We shall go one at a time. I'll guide each of you across with astral wings."


Abel looked very stern and his brow was knitted in consternation. "I will go first."

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Norn Queens are the productive parts of the Tyranid swarm. They live upon massive Hive Ships in huge chambers at the centre of the Hive Fleet and ingest genetic materials, churning out all the countless types of creatures that make up the Tyranid Hive Fleet. All Tyranids have links back to a Norn Queen, as the only way for Tyranids to reproduce is via this cloning technique. It is said that they lead the Tyranid forces and direct the evolution of the Tyranid race.

Reproductive Methods


Norn Queens require a constant supply of fuel, in the shape of genetic material, in order to reproduce or bring forth new Tyranid life forms. This mainly consists of the fluids formed in Reclamation Pools, that are pumped up into the Hive Ships through massive Capillary Towers. Genetic material is also supplied directly to the Norn Queen via living creatures and scavengers, such as Coffin Crawlers. All this, including transport creatures, is pumped into the great jaws that are located at the top of the Norn Queen, and synthesized by the Queens genetic shredder organs. The dissembled DNA structures form a gene-bank, which provides the raw material from which new creatures are created. Once a type of bio-construct has been designed more identical creatures can be cloned by the Norn Queens.

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Inritus was the last to cross over to the other side. The Sanguinary Guard and Sam found themselves in what felt like a huge cavern cast in an aura of pitch black—even the enhanced vision gifted by their auto senses failed to penetrate the abysmal darkness. They could both hear and feel heavy breathing that soaked the immediate environment and pounded like a drum upon their skulls. The fetid air inside the cavern was hot, very humid and stank of rotten death. "Norn Queens are known to generate Wyrm Holes through wit their hive fleets circumnavigate the galaxy." said Brother Abel above the throbbing din. "This is our one conduit back to our home world... The only means by which we have a chance to return. This is the very heart of the hive mind. We must all remain close together now."
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On signal from Brother Abel the Sanguinary Guard named Androcles held up his arm and fired an incendiary flare such that the trajectory of the miniature rocket traversed along a high looping arc across the top of the high walled cavern. The flare burst casting a pale source of light down upon the abys below. There were row upon row of large egg sacs covering the floor as far as the eye could see. Gigantic fleshy tubes crawled across the walls and hung down from the ceiling like an immense factory of living staglatites. Slowly they moved back and forth in a well timed chorus spewing out more spores. Many of the egg sacs writhed within as the embryonic life forms inside struggled to puncture their thorny tops. Sharp spines erupted from the close by spore puncturing the fluid membranes and thick greasy green fluids leaked out. Every man though fearless was caught up by the same feeling—the cavern was completely revolting and the desire to flee seized them all like being trapped on a sinking ship. The flare quickly died and utter blackness filled the void again. They could all feel the hive mind stirring back to life—they were the unfortunate center of attention and they sensed the insane alien hatred pouring out from the abyss like a huge tidal river bursting out from a giant rotten dam. Their skin tingled with hot burning pain and their hair stood on end as if a bank of harnessed static electricity had engulfed them. This was what it was like to finally know dread and fear. Abel began to pray out loud beckoning his brothers to join in with him.


"Though I walk through the darkest valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil—thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they protect me. Goodness and might shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the House of our Primarch Sanguinius forever."

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A single ray of light cast down from the top of the cavern. The Blood Saints and Sam looked up to see. A pair of white feathered wings unfolded from the source of light casting a prism of bright colors violating the iron grip of darkness. Up above the alien dome floating at the very top there shone the image of an Angel. The Sanguinor was lofted above the madness coolly sailing in the arc of a small circle. His golden armor began to shine casting more unfiltered light down upon the floor. He held one long spear above his like Ares the God of War. Time seemed to collapse turning to a complete stop. Again the iron bell began to toll chiming slowly one long peal after another.
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The Sanguinor let his golden armor shine upon the darkness revealing a huge brooding monstrosity of a Tyranid creature. It was unlike anything they had seen before and the very darkness emanated from its heart. They could see that the many long fleshy tubes originated from the towering mass of bone and flesh that spired up into the center of the cavern slowly slithering across the floor like a nest of giant serpents surrounded by the many wet spore they spat out like a churning factory floor. It was the Norn Queen. The creature was as large as a Kraken and hateful psychic waves rolled off its many thick black plates of carapace filling the cavern with its alien insanity. The Leviathan was embedded into the hive ship, a slave to its own preordained destiny. Like a Phoenix the Angel soared to the very top of the cavern. The Sanguinor held his spear tightly in both gauntlets and shot down like a bullet driving the sharp tip of his long spear through the bony carapace protecting the gigantic head of the Norn Queen piercing the vast psychic membrane veiling its gigantic brain. The Leviathan cried out immediately with a shrill scream that brought spasms of bright red blood to nostrils and ears of the Sanguinary Guard as the painful cry tore through the chamber like the clasp of epic thunder. Dark spots filled their vision and their breath grew short. It was hard to move and it felt like heavy gravity was weighing down upon them all down.


The Librarian Inritus broke free of the mesmerizing powers of the Leviathan and ignited his force sword. "The Norn Queen is a negative source of psychic energy." His words seemed to croak like an old frog. The Epistolary held his glowing sword above his head as he grew strong again striding towards the nemesis. Each step seems to ring in unison with the returning chime of the iron bell. Inritus cast his sword like a spear up at the vile monster and it's tip pricked the beast's hide like a tiny little dart. He then held out his gauntlets moving them in an elaborate series of protracted etheric maneuvers like a dark sorcerer. A narrow stream of tightly funneled psychic energy began to ebb from the wound. Inritus worked harder and harder willing the alien source of power over the course of an hour or more to slowly collate into a vast ring encircling the cavern. Suddenly it's radius suddenly shrunk to a span of no more than a couple meters and the ensorcelled power became very focused. The Sanguinary Guard watched in silence oblivious to the constant numbing pain. The temperature in the cavern had plummeted to subzero and the egg sacs began to shrivel. The Sanguinor stood firmly implanted atop the Leviathan's skull pressing down with all his might upon his spear. It hurt like a sharp razor had sliced through its skin and it's shrieking cry filled the void blotting out the iron bell.


The Wrym Hole began to open, first just a pinprick of darkness even blacker than the abyss then it started to blossom swirling faster and faster. Inritus fought to control it containing the powerful Syphon. There came the boom of thunder as something deeply twisted and much maligned stirred within the psychic portal. They all heard a slight whisper then a cry. A huge black gauntlet slowly rose up, it's armored fingers clutching at the abyss then it latched upon the edge as it continued to swirl round and round.

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Another huge black gauntlet rose up grasping the edge of the Wrym Hole as it spun faster and faster. It seemed as if they were now spinning and the portal was locked in place. Brother Abel thought of Inritus—the brave Epistolary had made the ultimate sacrifice. He could not help but gasp involuntarily in shock as a pearly white skull helm rose up from the depths surfacing through to the other side. "Brother..." he heard the ghostly voice whisper. "The loneliness... It's a killer. I thought I'd surely lose my mind." The terminator armor was perfect pitch black even darker than the abyss that surrounded them. The Void Walker held out an open gauntlet. "Take my hand."
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Ovid looked more closely at each statue. One had been cast in the the exact likeness of the Sanguniary Guard named Androcles. There was one that resembled Fidelis the Standard Bearer and the statue carried a banner. Another was the splitting image of War Bellum. The one beside that looked just like Brother Andromdea. There was another statue that looked like the Neophyte. The Void Walker slowly looked around the hall but could spot no statues in the likeness of Brother Abel, Captain Sam from the Knights of Blood or Ismerlda the Callidus assassin. Only the Librarian Ixyl wax left amongst the living, the rest of the august brothers from the Blood Saints had wandered out of the hall leaving as silently as they had come.


"You have fulfilled your quest." said Ixyl. "As such you are fully pardoned now of the crime committed." The Librarian lifted his hand from the shoulder of Ovid. "Of course you'll need some time to yourself to recuperate. There will be general hearing in a fortnight to let you tell your story followed by our questions." The Librarian paused for a moment to clear his breath. "Welcome home brother."


"I know these men." said the Void Walker as he pointed at the various statues. "They all fought beside me."


"We are all the same in the end." replied the Librarian Ixyl. "I'll take you to your quarters now. You need to rest."

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Ovid sat up his cot and ran his hands over his scalp. His long mane of stark white hair had been shaved and now there was only his smooth skin. He looked in a mirror across the room. His face was drawn and the many criss crossed scars ran deep. He had replaced his bionic eye with a false eye for now and the lack of peripheral vision was telling. His large suit of terminator armor had been taken from him so that the chapter's artificers could rework and repair the extensive battle damage. The large Crozius Arcanum was set in the wall with its wings retracted. The onyx skull at the top of the weapon shone under the dim glow globes and the multi faceted emeralds set in the eye sockets twinkled like stars. His guns had also been taken away for reworking. The High Chaplain stood up slowly then walked into the adjoining room. There lay a polished crimson sarcoughogus upon the floor. He pressed a rune fashioned in the shape of a drop of blood cut into the top of the lid and waited for the long cyclindrical container to open. Slowly the lid slid back revealing a pool of bright red blood within the sarcoughogus. Ovid removed his long white tunic and climbed down inside the container. He took a long bitter draught from his cup and then set it down beside the container. The liquid was steeped with heavy narcotics that immediately went to work filing him with the desire to slumber. Ovid then laid down in the pool of warm blood letting it wash over his naked skin. Slowly the lid slid shut and there was darkness again.
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