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Blood Strike


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Brother Ardwin of the Knights of Blood First Company drove his weapon through the torso of a closing enemy splitting the traitor apart like a sack of beans. Dark red blood and filthy black ichor spilt from the rended armor as the Berzerker slipped in half. Ardwin grabbed his Captain by the gauntlet pulling hard. "We must fall back to a point of safety and re assess this new situation. We've been caught off guard by this maddening show of sudden brute force. There must be more of the enemy than we had originally estimated." his graveled voice broke through the sounds of madness filling the morning air. Sam grunted in disastifaction driving his short dueling swords lashing out with sharp blinding uppercuts that beheaded another pressing pair of traitors. "You can't ignore me now my Captain!" barked Ardwin. "There is nothing to be gained here now. Our prey has slipped beyond our grasp and is well guarded. The pair of us alone... It's utterly futile now sir" the sergeant turned to parry an axe stroke from one of the traitors then slipped past his opponent's guard driving the tip of his sword up through it's chin skewering the brainpan encased in the blood red helmet.


Sam grunted again then slashed out with his swords like a flattened windmill forcing back the heavy press of the surging enemy. The Captain mouthed a few silent words of power and the ground underneath began to tremble yet again. A huge gigantic flagstone of granite rose up like a rocket breaking loose from a heavy gravity well. Sam and Ardwin stood precariously perched up an slight edge along the top riding it out beyond the immediate confines of the swarming horde. The open ground fell in revealing a deep crevasse of rock lying hidden behind the lumbering boulder. Looking down upon the horde the two last terminators watched in silence as the Berzerkers raised their axes and ground their teeth spitting frothing blood. Those not careful fell into chasm and it closed back up crushing them between the hard rocky walls then again it opened even wider creating a sudden barrier to stop the enemy pursuit.

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Suddenly the giant flagstone toppled over providing a bridge across the growing chasm. Sam shouted "QAHHH!!!" The Captain leapt off the falling rock lashing out with his swords like a mad dervish. He was engulfed by the horde strking off limbs and eviscerating the traitors to his right and left. Again he shouted the word of power. It's psychic residue blasted at their unshielded minds causing the enemy to experience a momentary sense of disorientation. One Berzerker after another fell to his striking blades as the albino felt a second wind come upon him.
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Saul Atreedes followed the Keeper of the Flame as they stepped inside a confiscated building and made their way towards a small table in the back room. A piece of communications equipment sat on the table slowly bleeping a heavily cyphered code. The Keeper of the Flame switched on the vox opening a private channel to the War Angel, the Grey Knight battle barge in hidden orbit. "Tell the Brother Champion exactly what you just told me." he commanded as he spoke into the headset.


The bright red LED mounted on the front of the com set extinguished and then the dull green LED illuminated. "My Lord Atreedes." came the mechanical sound of a lisping voice through the vox. Saul reached over the Keeper of the Flame switching off the steady bleep. The room was very dark, only a few lit black candles shed any light. "Our navigator was recently discovered dead in his chamber. The back of his head had exploded and he had clawed out his third eye prior to death. The walls are covered in mad sigils painted from the blood of a dead servitor. The psycounters onboard the ship have gone off scale. From what we can gather some epic level of shifting the warp has recently taken place close by to your immediate vicinity. Warp space in the general area is rift with heavy odd harmonic distortion - as such our communication channels to Titan are cut off. I should also mention that the onboard main nuclear clock actually counted backwards for over a whole minute before righting itself and counting forward again. I believe you are grave danger. As such I urge you to consider shortly returning to the ship as soon as possible. At this point there is no telling just exactly will happen in real time and space as a direct consequence of this grand level of psychic meddling." The green LED then extinguished and the red LED re-illuminated.


Saul drew his hand across his neck and the Keeper of the Flame immediately disengaged the remote channel. "Damn them to the ninth plane of Hades these novice Blood Saints!" cursed the Brother Champion. "They've gone and somehow reversed the course of time... Over a whole minute, that's unheard of!" Saul gripped his hands together lifting the bionic limb taken from the dead Blood Saint Librarian he just had attached to his long frame. He looked hard at the Keeper of the Flame as he frowned. "There is no telling what they are up to but I'll be damned if I'm leaving here before we accomplish our mission. Prepare our troops of battle!"

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There came the sound of a hard crash followed by an intense explosion. An outer wall immediately imploded and there stood the Void Walker in his suit of dull ochre terminator armor. His power fist glowed with ethereal energies shrouding the huge weapon in wreaths of bright green trails of power. "You have something that belongs to us." said the Blood Saint, his voice greatly amplified by the vox. The high Chaplain was surrounded by a small cadre of Sanguinary Guard who had divested of their artificer armor to be replaced by brightly polished suits of golden tactical dreadnaught armor. "Your end is nigh."
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"Even a cat has at most only nine lives at best." replied Saul. "Your mangy carcass is long overdo." The Brother Champion held up his mechanical arm to give a signal. "Fire at will!" A host of Purifiers surged into the room firing their psycannons from the hip. Saul drew his long sword motioning for the forward most of his small company to advance. Purifiers carrying halberds leveled their stormbolters lending more firepower to the fore. Ovid and his host of Sanguinary Guard immediately dropped down low behind overturned tables and desks answering back with the report of their combi weapons. Tracer rounds streaked across the open ground from both sides as a thick haze of smoke began to fill the air.


"For the glory of our chapter!" shouted the Void Walker as he marched through the room. Bolter shells exploded as they crashed into his thick black plates of armor. The High Chaplain became a focal point drawing the bulk of the enemy fire. His cadre quickly slipped around moving from point to point. "Today a promise will answered!" shouted the Blood Saint.

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Saul gave another signal sending in a squad of five of his Purfiers armed with Nemesis force halberds to attack the Void Walker. The High Chaplain parried the first blow with his power fist and drove his Crozius Arcanum low swiping at the torso of his foe. The razor sharp wings fanned out cutting into the power armor and cable hidden within it's housing. Bright red blood sprayed out from the wound gushing out from the rended armor. The Purifier crumpled and fell aside incapitated by the deep bleeding wound. Reaching out with the power fist the Void Walker grabbed another Purifier and threw the charging Grey Knight across the room as if the enemy was nothing more than a limp rag doll. The Purifier crashed against the back wall. Striking as one the last three Purifiers speared at the Blood Saint with their halberds aiming at his midsection. Angelus bolters answered targeting the Grey Knights and forcing them to drop back for a moment. The Sanguinary Guard named Warbellum let loose a warcry that was highly charged with sonic energy. The shout was ear splitting and some of the Grey Knights felt their ear drums rupture from the piercing shrill scream. Suddenly the High Chaplain was surrounded by his small cadre. Their golden armor shone in the dark room casting bright rays of ethereal light. Their glaives struck quickly severing limbs and eviscerating the enemy as ropey bits of gut spilled out from the enemy's shredded armor. The Sanguinary Guard named Androcles then fired his infernus pistol incinerating one of the Purifiers.
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The room went pitch black and Saul could feel his stomach suddenly churning as bitter bile spewed up into his throat. The Brother Champion felt his mass increase to the point where he could no longer move then it passed as suddenly as it had come and dim light returned within the back room. Saul's ears still throbbed from the Sanguinary Guard's fierce warcry. Again the room went pitch black and the sensation of heavy mass returned briefly. This time the period of the blackout lasted longer. It grew frigid cold until it was utterly freezing and burned his flesh. Slowly the feeling of heavy weight faded away along with the total darkness. The floor seemed slanted at an extreme angle and loose pieces of furniture and wargear tumbled down the stiff slope.


"That was the first pole slip." Saul heard the Void Walker say to his retinue as the freezing cold began to subside and the floor righted itself flat again. His comm bead croaked to life as a heavily encrypted message played back "You must capture the Blood Saint and take him alive. Do not terminate him."

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-bump- :confused: sorry, I just couldn't resist.


I come by this forum and this thread once or twice a day checking for news or knowledge.

Please don't rush the writing. Stick with the quality as you usually do. :angry:


As I said, I just couldn't resist. Please do keep going.

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A tiny spot of total darkness erupted in the center of the room. It seemed to suck in the surrounding matter and slowly it expanded and the sound of unbridled fury spilled out blotting out everything else. It was a tear in the fabric of real time. As it opened up like a blossom it flattened out and started to descend growing in the shape of a whirling circle. Pieces of unfastened furniture and debris were immediately sucked into the black hole.


"Drop back!" shouted the Void Walker warning his golden cadre. War Bellum felt the hard pull of the abyss sucking at his very being. He fired his jump pack to counter the heavy gravitional pull. The Chaplain stood right upon the boundary of the yawning chasm and took a step back to avoid the danger. The Brother Champion stood directly across from the Void Walker on the other side. Saul's boots slipped breaking free and the Grey Knight was folded into the darkness gone and never to be seen again. The remaining Purifiers lowered their weapons slowly stepping back. The closest Grey Knight was also sucked into the void instantly pulled through the thin veil of screaming anti matter. His form quickly dematerialized as he fell into the hole. The abyss continued to seep forth filling more of the room then the roof caved in and collasped into the void as well. A trace of the maddening maelstrom collided into the Void Walker and the Blood Saint involuntarily flipped over slipping into the dead space. The Chaplain was thrown about as he spun along the inside of the cold lip slowly sinking as if he had stepped into a quagmire of quicksand. War Bellum reached out his gauntlet but the Void Walker shook his head and then he too was whisked away. It sounded like a million screaming banshees cursing as the pitch heightened. As quickly as it had started suddenly the void began to collaspe upon itself then it winked away. A still quiet filled the ruined building as a cloud of swirling dead ash began to settle down leaving a thick coat. Both parties looked across the empty space at each other.

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"Even some of the best laid plans go astray." said War Bellum to no one in particular. "My brothers the task at hand is now solely upon us!" he shouted through his vox. "Let us take up our glaives and lay waste to these fiends!" The Sanguinary Guard held forth his sword gripping the long iron hilt with both gauntlets. "They are fast and deadly, that we all know. I say close your eyes and trust your instinct. It has always seen us through." War Bellum leapt on top of a bolted table and fired his Angelus bolter into the enemy. The other four spread out fanning their glaives. Again the war hawk cried out emitting his devastating battle cry. The Sanguinary Guard crossed the distance then crashed into the last of the Purifiers hacking down with their long sharp blades. It was an intense charge filled with unbridled rage. Their glaives struck down like forked bolts of lightning cutting through the Purifiers' silvered armor. It was over just as quick as it had begun. They breathed hard looking down upon the dead.


"What now?" asked brother Androcles.


"We take the head of the traitor and return with it as proof for our absolution." said the war hawk.

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The Sanguinary Guard named Andromeda bent down and drew two deep marks in the black parched dirt. His brothers looked down to acknowledge the mute. "Yes there are still two other Blood Saints here." said War Bellum. "Brother Abel and the Librarian Inritus must be close by. The last report I heard tell of them stated they are fighting in a rear guard with the Knights of Blood." The war hawk lifted his helmet and took a deep breath. Everything stank of ripe death. He looked at the newest member of the retinue. "Neophyte, it is your sole task now to go find our two brothers. Bring them here and then await our return. Both Abel and Inritus were members of the original party sent here."


The neophyte saluted with a thump of his left gauntlet against his golden chestplate then ignited his jump pack soaring off into the morning sky. The three remaining Blood Saints were left standing at the mouth of the ruined building. "Now we go to finish our task in honor of our chapter and newly departed Chaplain." said Fidelis as he furled the battle standard.

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The trio made there way towards the major battle jumping from one building to the next. The ordnance strikes had come to an end and the sun had climbed up to midway towards the zenith. They refrained from speaking to one another simply listening to growing sound of melee as they gained ground. War Bellum halted their flight behind the large ruin of a collapsed burning building and stopped to check the number of rounds left for his Angelus bolter. The ancient weapon had been embellished with grandiose glyphs and terrifying totems from previous battles fought across the galaxy. The war hawk slid back the action for one final check. The bolt slid back easily and another round popped into the chamber. Andromeda lifted his infernus pistol to examine its laser sight. Androcles withdrew a spare pack of munitions and silently handed it over to War Bellum. Suddenly there came the sound of another roaring jump pack and Fidelis, their standard bearer, stood amongst them. He unfurled the blood red banner and let it sway in the soft wind. The symbol of infinity had been embroidered in gold thread across the middle and the figure eight shone under the warm sun light. War Bellum, Androcles and Andromeda all paused to study the mysterious symbol in utter silence. For all they knew it was the last remaining relic of their chapter. Only if they could honor the Void Walker's debt might there be a chance to reverse their ill fortune. The sound of close combat grew louder and broke their concentration. Pulling on his helmet the war hawk drew his glaive and gave the final signal.
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The four Sanguinary Guard each held out a gauntlet gripping them together. "If nothing more we die a glorious death taking many of the traitors with us into the black void." said the war hawk. "Let us walk silently across their graves like unseen ghosts." They simultaneously ignited their jump packs vaulting over the high building like ancient Titans. The sun had just reached its zenith and the sharp rays reflected off their polished armor cascading in a prism of fierce colors. Fidelis landed upon a ledge on top of the ruin and let the standard fall open. The golden symbol of infinity seemed larger than before and it's chained links began to twist about on the blood red cloth. Bright rays of golden light collided off the standard splaying the ground below. What was left of the traitors looked up caught unaware by the surprise attack. There were still many but their total number had been greatly reduced in their fight with Captain Sam and brother Ardwin. Both suits of steel terminator armor lay cold still upon the ground unmoving. Khane looked up and cried out a bloody shout cursing the arrival of the Blood Saints. There came then the roar of three more jump packs. The neophyte along with Abel and the Librarian Inritus soared overhead dropping grenades down upon the traitors' heads. The three landed beside their brothers.


"You have the right to engage the fallen Flesh Tearer in honor of our departed Chaplain." said Abel to War Bellum. "We will be there with guarding your back."


The war hawk felt the words like a heavy weight. "It is right." he replied as he drew his long glaive.

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Brother Abel quickly counted the number of traitor Marines left. There was just over a score including their Warlord. Khane cursed again spitting up copious amounts of frothing crimson blood. It dripped off his square chin and the bright fluids specked his torn armor in a chaotic fractal pattern. He held up his warhammer commanding the last of his Marines to assemble around him forming a tight knot of protection. "I smell the blood of a dead Chaplain!" he barked then laughed. "He would have made for a good match. As to the rest of you we will skin you out from your armor, fley apart your grey flesh and grind your bones! Your skulls will be added to our trophy racks for all to see! Come down from your lofty perch and fight!"


Abel spied a freshly turned skull fastened on a long spike jutting out from the top of Khane's armor. The facial flesh hung off to one side and the eyes were still in the skull sockets. "You are a mad man!" Abel shouted back.


"Not nearly as mad as the Chaplain." sneered the Warlord. " I can sense a huge breach imminent in the warp here. Something is not right with this world now and my instinct tells me it is because of some crazy tampering by the Void Walker." Khane spat again at the mention of the name as if a bad taste lingered in his mouth. "It does matter to us though for we are the children of Chaos. You though are in grave danger. I felt a pole slip once already. This area is unstable, that is sure. The albino went stiff as a board then fell over dead as a driven nail. We then took down his brother!" Khane laughed again. "The next pole slip will be much worse... That I am certain and it will leave you all weak as little children. So come down while there is still some time left and die like the proud sons of Sanguinius you are!" Again he coughed then spat up a black lump of phlegm.

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"We shall fly down and kill you all." replied brother Abel as he brandished his lightning claws. "You will look in my eyes and I will be the last thing you ever see." The Priest ignited his jump pack and leapt off the perch. War Bellum and the Sanguinary Guard soared down like a host of angels. Fidelis lifted the standard holding it high, it's golden rays burned the traitors' armor as it shone down upon them.
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The Blood Saints quickly landed just a few meters beyond the enemy dropping into strewns of smoking rubble. They fired their Angelus bolters and the infernus pistol then charged into the fray. War Bellum gave his battle cry at full strength. They leapt from the rubble brandishing their steely weapons and descended upon the final enemy rank. Their aim was true as they quickly cut down one traitor after another. Blood flowed and severed limbs flew about. The Librarian Inritus ignited his force axe and leapt in front of the Knights of Blood Warlord swinging the double headed blades down with savage fury. Khane threw a close by Chaos Marine in front as a shield and the axe split the traitor in half instantly disintegrating the unlucky warrior. Khane laughed as he brought up his warhammer to attack. As the Warlord looked up to smite the Blood Saint he was momentarily blinded by an intense beam of golden light pouring down from the banner which Fidelis had left planted on top of the high ruin. The light burned his exposed skin and he felt intense pain. "Damn you bastards!" he cursed as he pulled down his faceplate to stop the burning. Inritus lifted his force axe again swinging it above his head then brought it down for the killing blow. Another traitor shoved him in the back and the axe glanced harmlessly off the side of the Warlord. "It's not my day to die!" shouted Khane as he kicked the Librarian in the torso knocking him back. The Warlord charged in towards Inritus lifting his warhammer for a killing blow. There was a loud thud and Khane felt his backside blown out. He turned to see War Bellum standing behind him holding his smoking infernus pistol. Khane dropped down to one knee. The pain from the blast was intense and for a moment he thought he would black out then the sky drew dark as night and the very world began to sway. "Another slip of the cosmic pole." he thought to himself as he felt the temperature plummet to sub zero. His wound began to knit itself together as he willed the warp to repair the damage from the melta wound. Khane rose back up holding the long haft of his weapon across his broad chest. It was pitch black now and the ground tremored.


The Blood Saints felt their strength immediately ebb. Their weapons felt very heavy and their breath grew tight. Khane laughed. "Just as I said your High Chaplain's madness has brought about your fall! I'll smite you all down one by one." Lifting the head of his warhammer he approached the war hawk. "You first."

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Khane slowly walked over towards the war hawk. "On your knees miscreant! Look into my eyes." he shouted as the Warlord shoved him down with a savage kick. War Bellum dropped his glaive as he stumbled down. The Blood Saint tried to right himself but his strength was gone. He looked up at the fiend through his visor and weakly glared back. The Warlord's eyes blazed beneath his iron mask like hot burning coals of fire. Khane gripped the end of his warhammer tight with both gauntlets lifting it high above his head. "Any last words?" he cruelly laughed. All was silent.


There came the sudden sound of a slight tumble. Khane turned his head to see the suit of steeled tactical dreadnaught armor housing the albino stir. "What is this?" said the Warlord. Sam rolled over and slowly pushed his chest up with gauntlets spread across the freezing ground. The traitors could hear the enemy gasp as he drew in the frigid air and a beard of frost hung from his chin. The albino looked up and grimaced. His eyes were milky white orbs and the rot throbbed upon his bare face. Sam grit his teeth hard and his long fangs descended then he drew himself up upon his knees and raised out his arms to either sides with the palms of his gauntlets pointing up towards the dark skies. The Captain closed his eyes tight as he concentrated. The earth grew still and the darkness began to fade.


"Don't stand there watching like a bunch of fools you idiots!" shouted Kane. "Kill him and make sure he's dead this time."


The closest Chaos Marine thumbed the activation rune on his heavy chain axe and charged then the rest followed suit and joined in the madness. Khane looked back down to swing his hammer only to find that the Blood Saint was no longer there.

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