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GW's SR background


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A ramjet is a ramjet. If you change the design to have moving parts you fundamentally altered the design at which point it is no longer a ramjet.
And a red glaive is a red glaive, not a blue and gold two-handed sword or ax.



# In the 15th century it acquired the meaning described above.

# Around the same time it also began being used as a poetic word for sword (this is the main use of the word in Modern French)


from the page you linked...

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dude, it's a freaking game.

they just want to make it sound all sciency and stuff. besides NONE of the technology should work. nuclear power plant backpacks? i mean really? a device that tears a hole in the space time continuum so that space ships can enter another dimension? ...really?


long story short, GW isn't worried about what's scientifically accurate.

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Really digging the sarcasm. :) Was hoping this would end up being more of a discussion or what not and not the traditional "well don't forget about all these other outrageous things in 40k" comparison thing. Not sure why you think it's a stupid question. A ramjet is a ramjet. If you change the design to have moving parts you fundamentally altered the design at which point it is no longer a ramjet.


Now if the ramjet were to say have been updated as some say with provisions for slow atmostpheric flight and vacuum then it could be some kind of hyrbridized engine. You've got say chambers that during normal ramjet operation are one continous comparment from the front to rear of the engine. This would act as a ramjet after the craft has finished reentry. Given the speeds of reentry I'd figure the vehicle could tilt forward a bit so the high speed dive gets the ramjet going. As far as space one of the compartments, a rearward compartment in the engine, would be used simply for rocket propulsion. This way there is no jet/ramjet issue. Lastly, during low speed maneuvers below Mach 3 the front compartment of the engine is activated and acts as a kind of jet engine. When the craft is ready to go back to mach 3+ speeds it hits afterburner and kicks it. Of course this leaves the problem of the actual jet engine components in the way of the ramjet's inlet. The airflow would be severely restricted relative to a ramjet that does not have a jet engine in front of it.



btw, zeller it's a fictional world involving fictional people, and fictional technology...they can call it what they want.

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dude, it's a freaking game.

they just want to make it sound all sciency and stuff. besides NONE of the technology should work. nuclear power plant backpacks? i mean really? a device that tears a hole in the space time continuum so that space ships can enter another dimension? ...really?


long story short, GW isn't worried about what's scientifically accurate.


I understand that.


On the topic of reactors a company is looking to develop reactors something around the side of about 8 feet tall by 3 feet in diameter or something along those lines. The point is the reactor will be smaller than current reactors and is designed to be replaced in a kind of way that you replace a battery. You simply remove the reactor and replace it.


The Nuclear Option


Also found this in a related search:


In addition, there is a penny sized nuclear battery known as a radioisotope battery that is in development to power various devices. These batteries are said to have the power of roughly a millions times that of a traditional battery. With enough of these and of course a bit more development I'd wager they could power vehicles and even power robots and exoskeletons.


Radioisotope battery link

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I don't want to step on toes here, but as an artist, the very least you can do for your research is to hop on google OR wiki and get an idea of what exactly you're doing. Just like how we people of the 21st century answer things with our knowledge (mostly technology), Medieval people answered with enchantments and sorcery. Same could be applied to 40k, but I think what steps on people's toes is when one group of thinking steps on another as someone is being disproved of their belief system in the 40k fluff realm.


Enough of the sociological view, I personally just think as a creative person who is invested in just designing sci-fi could at LEAST do SOME research. I mean isn't that a common trait amongst us sci-fi geeks/boffin? Don't we get all nerdy and giggly over a model's stat line? I don't know, but if GW did truly wanted to be consistent/inconsistent (or being consistently inconsistent), they could of just invented a new term/word instead of making the assumption that everyone in the 40k community shares the same logic/rational. Either suspend all our beliefs, or apply contemporary terms to explain a universe that is way too far out in the future too truly fathom.


**On a side note, nuclear reactions is just a splitting of a atom. In a controlled environment (i.e. power plant) it is capable to contain it's energy. But once again it maybe GW applying confusing contemporary terms to explain something they just had an idea of without doing prior research. I'm sure there will be an alternative power/fuel source that is much more efficient than nuclear energy. Power plants just boil water with nuclear power to turn a wheel.

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I don't want to step on toes here, but as an artist, the very least you can do for your research is to hop on google OR wiki and get an idea of what exactly you're doing.


the very least you can do is nothing at all...


the artist didn't have to research as they didn't' name what the engines were, he just made a mini he thought looked good:)

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I don't want to step on toes here, but as an artist, the very least you can do for your research is to hop on google OR wiki and get an idea of what exactly you're doing.


the very least you can do is nothing at all...


the artist didn't have to research as they didn't' name what the engines were, he just made a mini he thought looked good:)



I think you misunderstood my post? I'm referring to the writers/artists at GW :S

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Stupid Answer (ask a stupid question...): In the future ramjet technology is able to perform extreme air compression even at low speeds.


I think GW picked ramjet simply because the engine on the Stormraven happens to look like a Ramjet.


actually the storm raven engine looks like a jet turbine, completely different to a ramjet. See those fins of the front internal section of the engine ther aren't their on a ramjet as they are used by jet turbines to create low pressure and suck air inton the engine allowing it to operate at low speeds during take off and landing and that is why ramjets are now largely defunct.

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dude, it's a freaking game.

they just want to make it sound all sciency and stuff. besides NONE of the technology should work. nuclear power plant backpacks? i mean really? a device that tears a hole in the space time continuum so that space ships can enter another dimension? ...really?


long story short, GW isn't worried about what's scientifically accurate.


^^ this


There is a special games-workshop concept called 'creative science', where they use real, existing scientific ideas that sound cool, and bung it into a book. But some of these ideas just truly dont work in the real world. For example, you know promethium, that highly volatile fuel for ALL space marine flame weapons? In real science, its one of the least reactive elements, and would NEVER set alight, unless you put it in a blast furnace! You couldnt possibly choose a worse element to fuel a flame weapon! But, it does sound awesome if you dont know what promethium really is. Just remember, that while 40K is a truly awesome game, it still has that element of fiction in it, as i quite sure that no-one at gw HQ can see 38,000 years into the future! :P

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Seriously... every time I hear this kind of rediculous comparison it makes me laugh. Fiction: "is any form of narrative which deals, in part or in whole, with events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary and invented by its author".

Thats probably why its after the Science part, you know sci-fi stands for something a little .... longer.


If your following even the most basic principles of the 40k universe then its probably not an idea to try and delve into the realms of possibility.

But then whats more rediculous: concepts that are meant to be 38,000 years in the future, or trying to relate them to science today, then criticising a lack of consistency?


Yes its truly those terrible authors at GWS with problems.


Of course this entire arguement is kind of silly, since this is meant to be a craft that is capable of making an entry through a planets atmosphere, meaning it travels through space... you know, with no air and all.

Mind blowing stuff.

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I think you misunderstood my post? I'm referring to the writers/artists at GW :S



naw i'm just being silly...





and yes, we all know it's a game... so what.


Some people like, desire, want the developers of their games to do some research on the terms they use, or designs they make... if you don't like reading about it, then stop reading the tread with people talking about it?


so let them argue about what works and what doesn't and either enjoy the read or skip it.


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I don't understand why some folks just can't seem to grasp that this sort of discussion is part of the hobby that I and some others enjoy. Whether it's 40k, Battletech, Deadspace, a sci-fi movie, or whatever it's fun to think about the technologies and ideas in those universes and try to figure them out. What other tools am I supposed to use to try and understand these things if I can't use modern technology and knowledge? I doubt thinking about an aircraft as some kind of messenger from God and leaving the explanation at that will do any good.


This reoccuring idea that we can't grasp the idea that this is just a game is silly. You can use your imagination and call a powerplant a ramjet or whatever on your imaginary vehicle but realize that there is an entire world of knowledge available to the person on the Internet. It's not hard to check out the Internet just to get a rough idea so you have some science in your fiction. Of course, to those that create entirely new and unheard of devices or what not then more power to you I suppose.


So if these kind of threads aren't a person's cup of tea then please take the liberty to move along. Adding to the bandwagon of "haters gonna hate" isn't necessary or productive.

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This discussion made me remember one my former colleague, who did not like 40k. His major argument was that "why do they use close combat weapons, when they do have lasers, robots and space ships that could incinerate everything on the surface?"


When I started 40k I also thought it was a bit weird, but as I dug deeper into the fluff I found the explanations - either within the fluff or made by myself. I can believe that most things that form 40k universe could happen indeed, especially the power armor - not only it is cool, but it was introduced in many different sci-fi universes, and it is being developed by real world companies.


They have weird tanks like the ones of WWI, they have bulky spaceships that lack aerodynamics, but they had reinvented the technology nearly from scratch. There is little And the understanding of technology is different that nowadays. Speaking of the ramjet - maybe the AdMech had no knowledge of the ramjets, but saw the word in ancient archives? So the aforementioned SR turbines are their understanding of the ramjet, could it be so?


I know it is a fictional universe and some things are just unreal and can not be explained by modern science, but those are the things that form the uniqueness of 40k or any other sci-fi universe.

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Not going to give a funny or serious answer, but I think we should let people talk about it seriously if they want to. I don't like putting sense into 40k either, but I'm not going to annoy someone else by complaining about it in their thread.


Don't want to make anyone feel bad, but we all enjoy the hobby in different ways :D



I agree.


I am pretty certain that all of us aware that this is a fiction (and those that are not, hmm, there is nice gentleman in white coat that has nice shirt for you ;) ), but I like threads like this because you can actually learn something new and interesting.

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