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What if salvation for the Flesh Tearers was found?

Malus the Destroyer

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I got asked a question tonight I simply had no good answer to. How would Seth, Dante, and the Order of the Argent Shroud react if a Deathwatch Kill-team actually found a way to save the chapter?

I was awe-struck at the possibility. At first I shot it down. No amount of gene-manipulation. But he just wanted an answer for the Deathwatch campaign.

The team has a Flesh Tearer Chaplain (me). I Wagered if it was only a means to bring our brothers back from the Black Rage after they slipped and served a battle in the Death company being the only possible means, they'd be awarded wargear built by Flesh Tearers and Blood Angel Artisans, statues......I dunno.

And if members of the team were of those Chapters........well......I am boggled as to how it would be handled.

Then I remembered The Order of the Argent Shroud. Figured they could have accepted that the FT's were killing themselves off with war to further pursue the decleration of Excommunicate Traitorius. With the "cure", and FT's rebuilding to full capacity.....they would probally spin off the deep end again over what happened.

What are some of your opinions? What awards, etc would be given to the Kill-team? Of members of the other chapters involved, and of members of the FLesh Tearers and Blood Angels? We have 1 of each in our kill team.

SamaNagol and Whiteinferno, I really need your input for my friend. You 2 have been FT brothers since I joined this forum!

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The majority of the Chapter doesn't know about the extent of the geneseed degeneration, nor the timetable in which we as an audience know about.


Other than Gabriel Seth, the Tearer's priesthood, High Chaplain Carnavron, and senior librarians, I would not be suprised if no one else knew at all. They live their very short lives with the assumption that they are one of the fiercest astartes chapters, who has taken a horrendous amount of casualties from the conflicts they have partaken in. Very few would think about "the long run", nor how realistically grim and fast approaching it is.


In the recent BA codex, in Seth's own entry, it states that he didn't know about the extent of the problem, until the day of his ascension to Master of the Chapter, by the priesthood.


Then I remembered The Order of the Argent Shroud. Figured they could have accepted that the FT's were killing themselves off with war to further pursue the declaration of Excommunicate Traitorius. With the "cure", and FT's rebuilding to full capacity.....they would probally spin off the deep end again over what happened.


This would have little effect if you think about it. The Imperium has always found the Flesh Tearers (or Chapters like them) a necessary evil, like a church needs a gargoyle, they win some of the most brutal and dirty conflicts, in a manner that echos the Emperor's bloody fury. The High Lords of Terra personally ignored the collateral damage inflicted in their 3,000 year crusade while punishing worlds who gave their loyalty to Horus, citing their ever expanding victory list to the Inquisition. They know how degenerate they can be, even in todays terms, but what is the destruction of a small city compared to the utter anihilation of the Imperium's fiercest enemies?


Why would they indulge the sisterhood? For the Order to demand the death of Astartes ...


"My sword is at the Emperor's command, I answer to no man, living or dead." --- Chapter Master Tu'Shan, Salamanders


Add on top of that the loyalty of all Sons of Sanguinius, for what resides in the Tearers, what fate befalls them, waits for all the bloodline, and Dante knows that, and would not broker or idly stand by their destruction.


In the new codex, I thoroughly appreciated that they specifically mentioned the Tearer's "Staunchest Critics" and their reactions to the FT, Seth's entry follows it with:


"These things are of little concern to the Flesh Tearers Chapter Master..."

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See, that's my view on it as well more or less. Lots of excellent points. I'm gonna fight him on finding a cure because it isn't public knowledge, even within the Flesh Tearers, and if it did happen......my char would be pulled from Deathwatch vigil to serve in a station of honor in the chapter and another brother sent to replace him.


I thought some more about it, and the closest I could think of is a chapter of Lemartes/Mephiston mentality running around as the nearest thing to a cure.

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This si just me speaking, but i doubt anyone apart form an inquisitor would know of our secret, and that would only be ine xceptional circumstance.


No, the "cure" would probably be no more then advanced mind control/meditation like the lamenters are said to posess.


I also second teh idea of eliminating the rest of the team.:D

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also i would say they would be sceptical of a 'cure'. it couldnt just be taken and wide spread throughout the chapter. it would hve to be throughly inspected in case of taint nd to find out where it came from etc. rember how the thousand sons were 'saved' only to discover it was a trick. and as said, very few out side of the chapter know of the flaws. if your character was seconded to the priesthood, its probable he keeps an eye out for a cure but again is likely o be skeptical and keps the secrets to him self. but not in the same way as the dark angels...
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In the Tearers IA article, there are FT who are combing the galaxy for a cure, or lost knowledge on the subject, so the idea isn't new. Whether or not that cure could or would ever be found is another matter entirely, but from an RP standpoint, it would be cool to make it play out the way Brother nathan said, your Errant Flesh Tearer finds the "cure", only later to find out it's too good to be true and there is a dark price to pay.
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think your confusing other chapters fluff with the ba. sure our libbys do look for info. but our priests are charged with looking for a cure and therefore also comb the galaxy looking for it. they have collected ad researched blood from all over the galaxy(i think i rember reading that somewhere) thats part of the reason why they are so important to our chapter. they also help out others to help increase their base knowledge of potential areas to look into...
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I think the important thing to take from that excerpt is that they do search for a cure. If a chaplain is in a position to find one, he'll go for it as well as send a message requesting a specialist (librarian). However, as the 40k universe is in a state of stasis, one shouldn't literally find something immediately useful... or as others have said, worth the price to be paid.


I think a guy that found a cure wouldn't get a reward until the chapter/gene-seed bank was literally saved. I.e. after many decades have proven the efficacy. It matters too much and the reward should suit the result. No one wants to reward or be rewarded for something that may turn out to be wrong.

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I have 2 FT chars in Deathwatch, Chaplain Brother Richtor originally a Devastator. He served next to Seth before Seth was the Chapter Master. Richtor was always primarily a Devastator because his iron will allowed him to maintain control of the urges to come to grips with the enemy and maintain disciplined fire from his Heavy Bolter.

And Librarian Brother Valendros (Best conversion and painted model I have ever done) is a Librarian. His story is 150 years later than Richtors, so Richtor will probally be the chaplain the snatches him after he skewwers and force-explodes a rampaging Death Company brother that butchered his village. Down side......in the back story that we played out, Valendros as a kid broke the Chaplains nose!

Anyways, the Flesh Tearer angle is supposed to come about in the Librarians team/timeline.

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