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Does this make any sense?


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.....So in my army list I have a Stormraven Gunship - only thing it has nothing to transport.


Well there is the option of mounting an Assault squad and librarian in it or a Vanguard squad and Librarian........does it make sense though to mount troops with jump packs in the stormraven?


Also been a while since I've played so can a squad start a battle in a stormraven?


Thanks for any help!

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To answer your first question, I doubt many people would transport JP equipped troops. Much better spending the points on other stuff. I suppose you'd see it in apocalypse or something but I very much doubt I would do it, I'd rather have more bodies than the extra movement.


Second question - Yes, squads can start the battle aboard a Stormraven. You just have to make it clear who is riding in what.

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To answer your first question, I doubt many people would transport JP equipped troops. Much better spending the points on other stuff. I suppose you'd see it in apocalypse or something but I very much doubt I would do it, I'd rather have more bodies than the extra movement.



Actually I'd say JP marines can be one of the best things to put in a stormraven, makes a unit of sanguard or death co very very adaptable. Skies of blood and DOA were made for each other and JP's mean you can jump out before the raven moves and still assault atleast 18" leaving the raven to inflict "mischief" elsewhere. Its not the only way naturaly but you will find plenty people who run JP units in their ravens.


N.B. Librarian dreads work very well in ravens too for the same reasons as above (assuming you give it wings).

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i thought if they jumped out they were not able to assault kinda like assault ramps on a raider?


and to my knowledge again the wing of sanguinius does that confer the DOA rules because its a libby moving roll what if he failed does he fall out of the SR and not land correctly. Or does he benifet at all because its not trully a jump pack.

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i thought if they jumped out they were not able to assault kinda like assault ramps on a raider?


and to my knowledge again the wing of sanguinius does that confer the DOA rules because its a libby moving roll what if he failed does he fall out of the SR and not land correctly. Or does he benifet at all because its not trully a jump pack.


No the WoS does not give you the DoA special rule as it does not say he uses a jump pack but "Moves as Jump Infantry"

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i thought if they jumped out they were not able to assault kinda like assault ramps on a raider?


and to my knowledge again the wing of sanguinius does that confer the DOA rules because its a libby moving roll what if he failed does he fall out of the SR and not land correctly. Or does he benifet at all because its not trully a jump pack.


You are correct in what you said but I think you misunderstand me.


If a unit disembarks before a vehicle moves it can move and assault normaly (ramps or no ramps), hence JP marines and libby dread can disembark before a raven moves, and bounce 12" move + 6" assault (+2" deployment in theory) and the Raven is free to move shoot etc. unburdened by its cargo. This will almost always give you the same assault range as moving the raven 12" and assaulting 6" out of it (+2" deployment again) and has the added bonous of leaving your raven free to do what it wants.


Re: skies of blood and libby dreads see below:


No the WoS does not give you the DoA special rule as it does not say he uses a jump pack but "Moves as Jump Infantry"


Actually it says "It allows the Librarian to move as if he had a jump pack" (verbatim from codex)! Theres a pretty substantial (and compelling) arguement that Librarian dreads that have sucessfully cast wings of Sanguinius (which is done prior to move) can DOA out of a raven. (but that belongs elsewhere so I shall leave you to make your own choices/research). They cannot however do this out of deepstrike by themselves as 1)they dont have deep strike anyway) and 2) they would not be in play at the begining of the movement phase when wings is cast either.


In a storm raven I can find no good reason why DOA wouldent apply following a sucessfull test for wings. I can also find no good reason why a locator beacon would not allow the occupants of a raven to make a scatter free skies of blood move provided one of them is within 6" of where the raven finishes its move (i.e. a 6" buble around the rear of the raven as it has to be a point moved over).

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i thought if they jumped out they were not able to assault kinda like assault ramps on a raider?


and to my knowledge again the wing of sanguinius does that confer the DOA rules because its a libby moving roll what if he failed does he fall out of the SR and not land correctly. Or does he benifet at all because its not trully a jump pack.


You are correct in what you said but I think you misunderstand me.


If a unit disembarks before a vehicle moves it can move and assault normaly (ramps or no ramps), hence JP marines and libby dread can disembark before a raven moves, and bounce 12" move + 6" assault (+2" deployment in theory) and the Raven is free to move shoot etc. unburdened by its cargo. This will almost always give you the same assault range as moving the raven 12" and assaulting 6" out of it (+2" deployment again) and has the added bonous of leaving your raven free to do what it wants.


Re: skies of blood and libby dreads see below:


No the WoS does not give you the DoA special rule as it does not say he uses a jump pack but "Moves as Jump Infantry"


Actually it says "It allows the Librarian to move as if he had a jump pack" (verbatim from codex)! Theres a pretty substantial (and compelling) arguement that Librarian dreads that have sucessfully cast wings of Sanguinius (which is done prior to move) can DOA out of a raven. (but that belongs elsewhere so I shall leave you to make your own choices/research). They cannot however do this out of deepstrike by themselves as 1)they dont have deep strike anyway) and 2) they would not be in play at the begining of the movement phase when wings is cast either.


In a storm raven I can find no good reason why DOA wouldent apply following a sucessfull test for wings. I can also find no good reason why a locator beacon would not allow the occupants of a raven to make a scatter free skies of blood move provided one of them is within 6" of where the raven finishes its move (i.e. a 6" buble around the rear of the raven as it has to be a point moved over).



Sorry i did not have codex to hand, was too lazy to get up off chair B)

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