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Iron Snakes 'Counts-as' BA


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True I'm a trol, not a chaos trolll.

But I use BA rules, cause trolls are hard to kill and get angry and stuff.

The rumours we turn to stone during the day are also greatly overexaggerated.


Best rule for stand in is the rule of cool. If you do it well most people won't mind. Why? Because it shows your not JUST a fotm reroller who wants the best new rules.

Some will always complain, but they are probably jealous of your skillz if you did a good job.

(I get that alot - like people won't accept my models as 3 colours even though bad lighting has made them obviously 3 totally different greys)

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Suggesting IA is a joke, its not even an official ruleset.


Now who's anti-fun, and unable to use hir imagination? We play with Forge World in my group. And if you model a character, a vehicle, or even a special building that has no rules, we make up things for it on the fly. Usually everyone will line up to play against it, too.


Why would hardcore, fun-hating tournament players suggest someone use Forge Word?


it shows your not JUST a fotm reroller who wants the best new rules


And WingsOfTheFalcon, to anyone who's seen him post around like I have, is clearly not that.

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unless your a space wolf :down:


and tbh if youd FEEL it, your already dead :HQ:


but that aside...try to at least keep it civil, or move on to PM's guys.. this isent doing anyone (nor the board) any good and if its so obvious that you guys cant come to an agreement just agree to disagree or something :(


the OP asked a pretty good question (and a decent one imho showing he at least cares about his fellow gamers.) if you have shared your opinion fine. but someones opinion cant be wrong (because of the nature that its..well an opinion)


cant we all get along? -_-

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but that aside...try to at least keep it civil, or move on to PM's guys.. this isent doing anyone (nor the board) any good


I'm trying to stay relevant, honest. For a lengthier post that tried to insult me, I ignored it and addressed only what has any bearing on the thread. To wit:


Should Wings use Red Scorpions rules to represent the Iron Snakes, or should he avoid them since they aren't "official"?


The rules let him do exactly what he wants to do — have an Apothecary lead every squad. Imperial Armour books are published by a Games Workshop subsidiary, it's not like they're fan rules people just made up (though as I said, groups may enjoy using those too); how are they unofficial if their source is GW? Because they aren't tournament-legal? Wings said nothing about tournaments.


It may be that Forge World doesn't fly with Wings' group, but that's something only he can answer, and is something only he and his friends can discuss between themselves and nothing we say here can have any bearing on that discussion. Individual groups do what they want.


Oh, and as for calming down, my only reaction to this thread so far has been a resounding shrug. If I was angry, italics and exclamation points would be involved.

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Hey guys,


Thanks again for all your feedback, I seems to have stirred up a bit of a nest of hornets (for which I apologise) but I do really appreciate that you guys get that I'm asking the question for all the right reasons.


I think for now I'll probably just continue to run with C:SM, though I will investigate IA:9 to see what the special character is all about. From what you guys have said though it sounds like he allows Apothecaries as an upgrade for the squad Sergeant. If that is the case then it doesn't really fit with what I'm trying to acheive which is a squad with a Sergeant, Heavy Weapons marine, Special Weapons marine and an Apothecary.


That being said I think the BA codex poses more problems than it solves, whilst I would get an Apothecary (after a fashion) I'd need to come up with a very clever way to justify the Red Thirst and FNP rules, which I think would probably come across as a bit strained anyhow.


For now, my search for 'The Codex' continues.. :wub:

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From what you guys have said though it sounds like he allows Apothecaries as an upgrade for the squad Sergeant. If that is the case then it doesn't really fit with what I'm trying to acheive which is a squad with a Sergeant, Heavy Weapons marine, Special Weapons marine and an Apothecary.


Ahhhhh, I see. Then, even if it seems sticky in some areas, I do think CBA is the way to go, just use lots of Tacticals. Just by using Tacs as your go-to Troop choice you'll be running an unorthodox — though not ineffective! — list and I don't think many will accuse it of trying to powergame. Especially not if you willingly give up your Red Thirst rule.

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