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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Its dissappointing that i now will in the future ( when SoB codex gets released) have a stack of worthless miniatures that i hardly use to begin with, in that i wont be allowed to use all the Inquisition miniatures i have.


I mean i have Cortaez, Rex, a WH Inq Lord (female) and a WH Inquisitor (hellsing look a like) and stacks of retinue that will be redundant shortly. Why i say this, well honestly i doubt with more than a grain of salt that they will be in the SoB codex.

Add to that, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers with Chimera, 2 Vindicare, 3 Callidus, 1 Eversor and 1 Celexus assasin and 3 deathcult assasins. Thats alot of money ive wasted to know they won't be used in my new codex when it comes out as they are now with the Grey Knights codex.

Anyone else have this problem??


For now, i know that i can still use them with the current WH codex, but seriously in the end (hopefully sometime this year) i will be parting with a lot of money, time and effort.

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Its dissappointing that i now will in the future ( when SoB codex gets released) have a stack of worthless miniatures that i hardly use to begin with, in that i wont be allowed to use all the Inquisition miniatures i have.


I mean i have Cortaez, Rex, a WH Inq Lord (female) and a WH Inquisitor (hellsing look a like) and stacks of retinue that will be redundant shortly. Why i say this, well honestly i doubt with more than a grain of salt that they will be in the SoB codex.

Add to that, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers with Chimera, 2 Vindicare, 3 Callidus, 1 Eversor and 1 Celexus assasin and 3 deathcult assasins. Thats alot of money ive wasted to know they won't be used in my new codex when it comes out as they are now with the Grey Knights codex.

Anyone else have this problem??


For now, i know that i can still use them with the current WH codex, but seriously in the end (hopefully sometime this year) i will be parting with a lot of money, time and effort.


On the bright side, if you buy one or two extra boxes you probably have a daemonhunters army. (If you even need to buy anything for that. Coteaz hench list with counts as dreadknight penitent engines or something)

Not saying that makes it all good, but you know, chase the silver lining :confused:

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Thanks Capt. However the issue was what blind grenades do, not what defensive grenades do. If they do act as similar to smoke grenades it will help a lot in the shooting phase, considering the possible cover save bonuses. As defensive grenades they would help to dent the charge by negating the opponent's assaulting bonus. TBH, units in these GK leak seem to have so many grenades, I wonder if they'll be in the final version. Alessander didn't really clarify whether his Vindicare was KO'ed in the shooting phase or the assault phase, but playing with either concepts may have helped.


EDIT - On the subject of grenades, I wonder if psyk-out grenades will require enemies to make a leadership test before assaulting and being assaulted by Grey Knights. I doubt it rewards I10 (as in IA7) to GKs on the assault, as evil as that would be.


No need for a little hinted rudeness. I think blind grenades will work as defensive grenades, I should have stated that more clearly. I don't think that they'll improve a cover save, because in real world terms you would have to thow them everytime someone aims at you. And smoke grenades obscure your vision too. On the other hand, this is SciFi :P. Regarding the psyk-out grenades, it could be anything from a leadership test to an initiative advantage which could simulated dizziness of the victim. The name is pretty vague, like our good old psilencer. Yes the leaked codex has many grenades. Maybe some of them got removed and were for testing purposes only.


If they stick to the established fluff/rules psyk-out grenades will be an anti-psyker/daemon grenade, like they are in the witch-hunters codex (they force a psyker to make a leadership check or lose a wound iirc). They could of course be completely different now... but given just about every squad ad character has them, one of them's gonna run into the enemy psyker at some point...


Edit: More here:



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Rofl, so they're basically filling grenades with the Emperor's feces?


Too bad Jokaero don't have Psyk-out grenades, or we'd have poop-flinging monkeys. :P


Edit: Would that then count as Holy ;):...?


...ok I'm done with the poop jokes. :)

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Rofl, so they're basically filling grenades with the Emperor's feces?


Too bad Jokaero don't have Psyk-out grenades, or we'd have poop-flinging monkeys. ;)


Edit: Would that then count as Holy :cuss:...?


...ok I'm done with the poop jokes. :)


Haha! There's a simple reason you can make that joke:


Source: Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader <- the good ol' days.

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If the leaked codex is correct about how henchman armies work, do you think I could get away with 8 warbands if I take two inquisitors?


6 as troops and one for each inquisitor as per the normal allowance?


I'm thinking 2 full squads of daemonhosts, PBS, couple of firebases, and then some mix and match assaulty goodness.

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If the leaked codex is correct about how henchman armies work, do you think I could get away with 8 warbands if I take two inquisitors?


6 as troops and one for each inquisitor as per the normal allowance?


I'm thinking 2 full squads of daemonhosts, PBS, couple of firebases, and then some mix and match assaulty goodness.


If that leaked codex is correct, you can only either take 2 in Elites if you take 2 non-Coteaz Inquisitors, or 6 in Troops if you take Coteaz.

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If they stick to the established fluff/rules psyk-out grenades will be an anti-psyker/daemon grenade, like they are in the witch-hunters codex (they force a psyker to make a leadership check or lose a wound iirc). They could of course be completely different now... but given just about every squad ad character has them, one of them's gonna run into the enemy psyker at some point...


Edit: More here:




Thanks a lot! On one hand a specific anti psyker grenade might be too specialized, on the other hand aren't melta bombs too? And Grey Knights seem to have low psychic defense, so it's a real good possibility. Thanks again.

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Hehehe, that looks like any old BB at the moment! Waiting until Saturday it feels like they'll be a rush to be the first to get photographs online of their contents. Should be swamped with GW HQ pics by then too.


They might change it to just decreasing leadership. It IS what psykers use for their powers, so it's still keeping in line with the whole "Bane of Psykers" deal

Not a fan of target-specific wargear on a mass scale. It's unbalanced and will no doubt cause a lot of moaning. But if this codex has supposedly taking the direction of 'Preferred Enemy: Daemons' I wouldn't put it out of question. After thinking about it yesterday, a good defence-based (not defensive) grenade that requires enemies to pass a Ld test before assaulting GKs would be cool. Still not so sure how it would work if it was offensive instead...

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Hehehe, that looks like any old BB at the moment! Waiting until Saturday it feels like they'll be a rush to be the first to get photographs online of their contents. Should be swamped with GW HQ pics by then too.


They might change it to just decreasing leadership. It IS what psykers use for their powers, so it's still keeping in line with the whole "Bane of Psykers" deal

Not a fan of target-specific wargear on a mass scale. It's unbalanced and will no doubt cause a lot of moaning. But if this codex has supposedly taking the direction of 'Preferred Enemy: Daemons' I wouldn't put it out of question. After thinking about it yesterday, a good defence-based (not defensive) grenade that requires enemies to pass a Ld test before assaulting GKs would be cool. Still not so sure how it would work if it was offensive instead...



Agreed, but an anti-psyker grenade wouldn't be too bad, almost every infantry unit has them, and it would be nice to have something to chase farseers around the board with if it's at all good. Or playing 'fetch' with runepriests...

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Its dissappointing that i now will in the future ( when SoB codex gets released) have a stack of worthless miniatures that i hardly use to begin with, in that i wont be allowed to use all the Inquisition miniatures i have.


I mean i have Cortaez, Rex, a WH Inq Lord (female) and a WH Inquisitor (hellsing look a like) and stacks of retinue that will be redundant shortly. Why i say this, well honestly i doubt with more than a grain of salt that they will be in the SoB codex.

Add to that, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers with Chimera, 2 Vindicare, 3 Callidus, 1 Eversor and 1 Celexus assasin and 3 deathcult assasins. Thats alot of money ive wasted to know they won't be used in my new codex when it comes out as they are now with the Grey Knights codex.

Anyone else have this problem??


For now, i know that i can still use them with the current WH codex, but seriously in the end (hopefully sometime this year) i will be parting with a lot of money, time and effort.


The assassins are still there, the stormtroopers will be 'henchmen', the random retinues will probably find a role too - you just need to use Coteaz to play them.


Heck, I've got 30 FW Grenadiers (stormtroopers) running around wondering how their future will look - I'm guessing cheap cannonfodder ^_^

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The assassins are still there, the stormtroopers will be 'henchmen', the random retinues will probably find a role too - you just need to use Coteaz to play them.


Heck, I've got 30 FW Grenadiers (stormtroopers) running around wondering how their future will look - I'm guessing cheap cannonfodder ;)


In the new Grey Knights codex they're still there, yes. Sister Rosette Soulknyt was talking about the Witchhunters codex, which, if rumours are true, seems to detach themselves from the Inquisition again. With the inclusion of Ordos Xenos en Ordos Hereticus into the Grey Knight codex, that does seem likely.


While fluff purists will probably say the Sisters of Battle should never have been grouped with the Inquisition in the first place, it does suck for the people that have a Witchhunter army with a big Inquisition element in them, as they either have to use the new Grey Knights codex to play their army or they have to split their army in two.

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Hehehe, that looks like any old BB at the moment! Waiting until Saturday it feels like they'll be a rush to be the first to get photographs online of their contents. Should be swamped with GW HQ pics by then too.


They might change it to just decreasing leadership. It IS what psykers use for their powers, so it's still keeping in line with the whole "Bane of Psykers" deal

Not a fan of target-specific wargear on a mass scale. It's unbalanced and will no doubt cause a lot of moaning. But if this codex has supposedly taking the direction of 'Preferred Enemy: Daemons' I wouldn't put it out of question. After thinking about it yesterday, a good defence-based (not defensive) grenade that requires enemies to pass a Ld test before assaulting GKs would be cool. Still not so sure how it would work if it was offensive instead...



Agreed, but an anti-psyker grenade wouldn't be too bad, almost every infantry unit has them, and it would be nice to have something to chase farseers around the board with if it's at all good. Or playing 'fetch' with runepriests...


think of the devastation on tyranids. synapse creatures are psychic, so that includes: Tyrants, Swarmlord, Tevigons, Tyranid Primes, Zoenthropes, Doom, Warriors, Shrikes and Trygon Primes.


if these grenades are badass enough, they will completely wreck two to three whole armies simply by existing.

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if these grenades are badass enough, they will completely wreck two to three whole armies simply by existing.


Sometimes you suffer a bit against a certain opponent because they are good against something that is the core of your army. That's hardly new. Grey knights as rumoured will be very dependent on psychic powers. They'll still have to face hoods, runes, shadows etc that theyll just have to deal with eventhough it'll suck for them. If Grey knights get grenades that are good against certain lists, those lists will just have to deal with that, eventhough it'll suck for them. If the things psy grenades are good against are also the things that annoy grey knight psychic powers, then thats probably only fair. So it really depends on how they design it.

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emesis Force weapon is +1 to inv save. Nemesis Force Halberd is +2 to initative. Nemesis force stave 2+ invun to close combat wounds. Brotherhood Banner -25 points. +1 attack to unit, and all models in the unit automatically pass there pyschic test for there force weapon. Interesting factoid -Psybolt Ammo gives +1 Strength to Stormbolters,Hurricane bolters,Heavy bolters, Auto Cannons and Assault cannons. Warp Stabilization Field allows Librarian to transport vehicle using the Summoning Power. Servo Skulls act like mystics with extra goodies And Brain mines means affected unit cannot act that assault phase Psycannon: S7 AP4 Assault 2, Heavy 4, Rending Heavy Psycannon: S7 AP4 Large Blast Rending Heavy Incinerator operates like the hellhound(+12") Doomfist are basically Nemesis Dreadnought CCW(ie S10 powerfists) Nemesis Greatsword is S6 but allows rerolls to hit and wound DK Daemonhammer is S10 Thunderhammer all nemesis weapons have daemonbane which basically ignores eternal warrior for daemons and psykers Psilencer? It's got: Range of 24" Strength 4 AP -Heavy 6 There's also the option for a Gatling Psilencer, which has the same stats excepts it's Heavy 12 A Psilencer always wounds Daemons on a roll of a 4+ unless the score required to wound would normally be less. Psyk grenades has random abilities (waiting to hear more) Rad grenades are -1T Blind grenades are defensive


Sorry for the formatting.

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Man some of this stuff sounds a little too good. Not saying it isnt accurate because multiple sources are confirming but still, init. 6 str 5 pws and such is just nasty, even for 26 ppm. Also the dread knight is s6 t6, not surprised as I completely expected that one. Sadly though it sounds like gkss with teleporters will only be fast attack- can anyone confirm this one 100%?
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Dread Knights:

-S6 T6 now with the same saves as in the PDF

-Slightly cheaper than in the PDF

-Nemesis Doom Fists (seriously?) are just like DCCW at S10 I1

-Nemesis Great Sword is S6 but allows re-rolls to hit and wound


GKSS lost the ability to take Personal Teleporters but now there is a completely different entry in the Fast Attack section for your Teleporting Gray Knights. They are now called Gray Knight Interceptor Squads.

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Warp Stabilization Field allows Librarian to transport vehicle using the Summoning Power.




If 'Summoning' doesn't work with a Libby's Teleport Homer (or if they aren't changed to get a Locator Beacon), then this is really a pointless upgrade. The chance of scattering a Tank into your libby (go go StormRaven?) is a lot higher than a unit where you can place them to avoid the libby as best as possible...


Why would you even want to take this for a StormRaven anyway?

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GKSS lost the ability to take Personal Teleporters but now there is a completely different entry in the Fast Attack section for your Teleporting Gray Knights.

Damn! That really threw a spanner into my lists.


Can anyone answer the following:

-how much cheaper is the dreadknight?

-is crowe an IC?


what do the following pieces of wargear do:

-psychotroke grenades

-orbital strike relay



-condemnar boltgun

-null rod


-scythian venom talon

-ulumeatni plasma syphon


Thank you

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emesis Force weapon is +1 to inv save. Nemesis Force Halberd is +2 to initative. Nemesis force stave 2+ invun to close combat wounds. Brotherhood Banner -25 points. +1 attack to unit, and all models in the unit automatically pass there pyschic test for there force weapon. Interesting factoid -Psybolt Ammo gives +1 Strength to Stormbolters,Hurricane bolters,Heavy bolters, Auto Cannons and Assault cannons. Warp Stabilization Field allows Librarian to transport vehicle using the Summoning Power. Servo Skulls act like mystics with extra goodies And Brain mines means affected unit cannot act that assault phase Psycannon: S7 AP4 Assault 2, Heavy 4, Rending Heavy Psycannon: S7 AP4 Large Blast Rending Heavy Incinerator operates like the hellhound(+12") Doomfist are basically Nemesis Dreadnought CCW(ie S10 powerfists) Nemesis Greatsword is S6 but allows rerolls to hit and wound DK Daemonhammer is S10 Thunderhammer all nemesis weapons have daemonbane which basically ignores eternal warrior for daemons and psykers Psilencer? It's got: Range of 24" Strength 4 AP -Heavy 6 There's also the option for a Gatling Psilencer, which has the same stats excepts it's Heavy 12 A Psilencer always wounds Daemons on a roll of a 4+ unless the score required to wound would normally be less. Psyk grenades has random abilities (waiting to hear more) Rad grenades are -1T Blind grenades are defensive


Sorry for the formatting.


where does that information come from?


also, is it definitive that Nemesis Force Swords are now Power weapons + 1 optional force attack? It just seems a bit rediculous that for 20 points you get a model with a power weapon and a storm bolter. Oo

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