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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Do I like the new models?


Just ordered 20 PAGK, 10 GKT and 2 DK... nuff said!


I must says that I find the DK a bit... odd... Yet, I' pretty sure I'm going to get used to the look. Possibly some plating over the GK's legs will help.


I think's it funny that people lack about the lack of Chaplains. 90% of web user were crucifying Ben Counter because he included them in his novels (GKs are too pure to get chappies, they don't need them was the consensus. Oh, and they're all Psykers, so they don't need libbies... etc etc). I personally am happy about the Libby and will use a Chaplain as my Brotherhood champ. if I ever use one (not sure I like the rules...).




I was 1 of the few heavily pro chaplains. It made no sense not to have them. A group of incorruptables would do everything in their power to keep their minds pure and monitored. A wise old experienced warrior, a Chaplain serving as a control device so to speak would be logical. Yet they have none. Awfully sloppy in my eyes.

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Pro-Chaplain as well, I will probably use a Chaplain model for my brotherhood champion. I may have missed it, but what is the final word on SB and NFW? Are they counting as pistol/ccw or not?


They are not.

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It irks me that he doesn't have IC status (confirmed on warseer by someone who has seen the codex first hand), but they place him in pictures so it looks like he can join the squad.


Doesn't that make him an entirely pointless character then? What can he do if he's by himself? He'll just get shot to ribbons... seems a bit pointless...


~Gil :angry:

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According to the "What's New Today?" on the GW site 2000 Grey Knights have mysteriously vanished and the chapter now functions at 1000.
Probably departed to join the forces of the astartes spiritual liege. ;)
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According to the "What's New Today?" on the GW site 2000 Grey Knights have mysteriously vanished and the chapter now functions at 1000.




Crowe is pure fail.


You're paying 150 points to in essence, make probably the best Grey Knight unit (tied with the NDK, depending on actual rules) troops.


As a SC, my god he's bad...


Mat Ward~ :HQ:

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I probably missed it somewhere in this thread, but has anyone commented on the LR variants being able to take psycannon upgrades out of this coedx? Or will you still be forced to use the FW rules for the upgrade? Thanks in advance.
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Well, I'm not nearly as impressed with the new plastics as I thought I was gonna be. I think this has been said quite a bit on just about every forum. However, I think this is partially GWs PR staff rather than the models themselves. Its kinda like the Sang. Guard models from the BA release, I HATED them when I first got a look. The poses they put together for the Sang. Guard on the GW site are just undramatic and rather static which shouldn't be the case when it comes to super skilled jump troops. When asked to put a unit together and paint it for a friend of mine I was shocked at how dynamic the models really were. Rotate some torsos, trim a bit here and there to get an arm in a bit more interesting spot, remove some nipples, and you have some neat models. I think the GKs are in the exact same boat, GW did a bad job posing them so they just don't look as bad ass as they possible could. Look at the GK helms for instance: on the metal models the helm is always pointed down a little bit, this doesn't upset the eye line as there isn't any reference to where the mouth and nose are like with regular SM helmets. In the GK models GW put together some of the heads look super blocky and "slab sided," especially on the Terminators. I believe that is because of how the helmet is positioned rather than the helmet itself.


One thing I will say, the Storm Bolters just seem odd to me. Maybe they are to big or maybe the person who drilled the holes for the barrels just didn't make the holes big enough to look like it would actually fire something substantial (honestly, from the GW pics they look like they fire needles or 22 cartridges). The Magazines are an interesting idea, I just wouldn't have used sickle mags. I already pulled out some plasticard and started to experiment with making a belt feeder like the old metal models.


Also, the DK isn't a bad model, it is just SUPER STATIC. Looking at the sprues it is pretty easy to see that with out some serious cutting there are very few poses one can make with the stock kit. There looks to be really no way to twist the models torso with the GK strapped to the front of it. The legs are all one piece so no bending at the knee even though they had the foresight to put ball joints in the feet and hips. The arms are also all one piece which again seems a little silly, they could have put together a simple peg and bracket system or another ball and socket for the elbow.


Okay, rant over. Any other rules people have picked up?

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According to the "What's New Today?" on the GW site 2000 Grey Knights have mysteriously vanished and the chapter now functions at 1000.


Yes, I noticed that too. Somehow it seems a tad impossible for these guys to cover the Imperium with only 1,000. They have a much greater are than a regular chapter, and even those often struggle.

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Yes, I noticed that too. Somehow it seems a tad impossible for these guys to cover the Imperium with only 1,000. They have a much greater are than a regular chapter, and even those often struggle.


Yea, feels like a needless retcon. Space Wolves weren't arbitrarily reduced to 1k marines just because Phil Kelly said so.


Unless Ward wanted to make Grey Knights even MORE like Ultramarines. :huh:

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3rd party Silver Compass Designs is coming out with a multiple sets of laser-engraved/cut tokens compatible for play with the new Grey Knights. Here's a preview of some of them:




(click here for a bigger pic with detail).


SCD has a patent-pending process of laser-engraving a 3D image into the back of a plexiglass token, so you can easily color/paint the engravings yourself to match your army color scheme. The 1" wide tokens are supplied with the engravings unpainted. SCD should have the tokens available on their website later this month.

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Yes, I noticed that too. Somehow it seems a tad impossible for these guys to cover the Imperium with only 1,000. They have a much greater are than a regular chapter, and even those often struggle.


Yea, feels like a needless retcon. Space Wolves weren't arbitrarily reduced to 1k marines just because Phil Kelly said so.


Unless Ward wanted to make Grey Knights even MORE like Ultramarines. <_<



Just in, Grey Knights are really blue, and are led by Marneus Calgar!

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3rd party Silver Compass Designs is coming out with a multiple sets of laser-engraved/cut tokens compatible for play with the new Grey Knights. Here's a preview of some of them:




(click here for a bigger pic with detail).


SCD has a patent-pending process of laser-engraving a 3D image into the back of a plexiglass token, so you can easily color/paint the engravings yourself to match your army color scheme. The 1" wide tokens are supplied with the engravings unpainted. SCD should have the tokens available on their website later this month.


Those look epicly awesome!!

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I think I've sat in the shadows following this thread.......

With nothing much to contribute besides clogging up the thread with more " OMG NEW GREY KNIGHTS!!!!!" posts, I though it best to wait until we had some proper rules to start debating, soooo.....


as a C:BA player for the past 5+ years my Grey knights finaly get the dust off they deserve.....

the NFH is going to be a pain for just about any player! BA essentially looese their biggest bonus and with Hammer hand assisting marines will die in droves, as will any army faced by these monsters of combat...... as for perils, I have played a few "test games" with the leaked dex and perils did not come up often, in fact in three games, the only perils was from the librarian who suffered from eldar runes, once combat started the farseer was already dead, which I think is the key in our new dex, anti psychic abilities will be first targets for our long range guns, and paired storm Ravens are extremely powerful, especially when the liby inside casts the Shrouding.....

our main weakness for me is what it has always been NUMBERS, we are always going to be outnumbered, but with acess to rhinos and razors (AT LAST!!) we should close with foe must quicker allowing our I6 marines to start slicing up enemies or if that wont do it for you then a purifier unit in a stormraven with 4 incinertors will!


well thats me done for now......

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Do I like the new models?


Just ordered 20 PAGK, 10 GKT and 2 DK... nuff said!


I must says that I find the DK a bit... odd... Yet, I' pretty sure I'm going to get used to the look. Possibly some plating over the GK's legs will help.


I think's it funny that people lack about the lack of Chaplains. 90% of web user were crucifying Ben Counter because he included them in his novels (GKs are too pure to get chappies, they don't need them was the consensus. Oh, and they're all Psykers, so they don't need libbies... etc etc). I personally am happy about the Libby and will use a Chaplain as my Brotherhood champ. if I ever use one (not sure I like the rules...).




I was 1 of the few heavily pro chaplains. It made no sense not to have them. A group of incorruptables would do everything in their power to keep their minds pure and monitored. A wise old experienced warrior, a Chaplain serving as a control device so to speak would be logical. Yet they have none. Awfully sloppy in my eyes.


So, um, maybe I just missed the boat on this one, but Brotherhood Champions are Chaplains.

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According to the "What's New Today?" on the GW site 2000 Grey Knights have mysteriously vanished and the chapter now functions at 1000.

Don't forget they will tend to go out and deal with trouble in just a squad maybe even just 1 guy.

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i'm liking these changes alot!


My first 40k army was deamonhunters but i quickly changed to Space marine chapter cause in opinion grey knight where not that good vs other non deamon armys. to expensive and to restricted in rules. now with the dreadknight (scouts ftw :lol:) the paladins (YES finally 2 wound terminators!!), rhino's, stormravens, grand master special rules....OMG! bring it on! xD


the models i have mixed feelings. the helmless heads look really lame! Dread knight... well avatar ftw xD. the paladins.... hmmm they could have made them a little bit more distinguished from the normal terminators. thank god i have my metal terminators for that with a little bit conversation :). the new grey knight options look need.


all and all a good change. only price is high on GW. Maelstrom ftw! xD

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Funny how some people burn Crowe down because he's not an IC. I guess people don't like to think out of the box (or are not able too). Fine by me, makes me more special :)


Oh and btw:


I was right about Crowe not being an IC :lol:

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Crowe not being an IC is a stupid oversight. Brotherhood Champions are meant to join units, they're essentially Emperor's Champion+Chaplain. It's dumb and hopefully someone makes a quick edit before it ships.


With Mordrak, its a ploy to force you to buy his Ghost Knight bodyguard (and to prevent the obvious exploit of attaching him to a Purgation or Purifier squad to land them perfectly for psycannon/incinerator). Which is perfectly reasonable, because his Ghost Knights are actually pretty awesome and you get a discount compared to even Troop Terminators.


Every other hero (both special and generic) in the codex is an IC. My personal feeling is it's a slip up that they'll correct with a quick edit before printing.




Now, to gush inanely about the new stuff...3,2,1


I originally planned to field a Dreadknight and a Dreadnought, just to see how they compared. Having seen both now, I'm fielding two Dreadknights. It doesn't matter one bit they'll never get a cover save, I'm just making sure I take teleport homers on my Stormravens and a Grandmaster to call them in early. No need for guns, that big sword is going to waste if I'm plinking away at them from a distance. Get up close and stab them through the face with a sword taller than a Dreadnought. I knew we'd be in for the Blood Angels treatment, because it was Matt Ward (hence insane), but the rules and statline are divine. Daemons, Tyrands and Eldar are going to be crying into their respective beverages for quite a while.


From the sound of things Interceptor squads are the teleport dudes, Strike squads are just regular nubs on foot. So, I'll just take some Strike squads in Rhinos to fill out Troops, and to bring heaps of psycannon. I was planning a 'jump pack dudes with psycannon' list, but if they're not even fufilling the FOC requirements, meh. Apparently Troop squads still get Warp Quake anyway, so no real loss. Just buy Rhinos and laugh when your Fortitude makes it annoyingly difficult to disable them.


New Terminators look meh, but I've already got 10 of the old school ones, so no problem. Paladins are insanely awesome, and you don't even have the drawback of non-scoring, because of the Grandmaster 'super seekrit plan' which is intended to let you screw with the conventions of 40k at will. Stormravens to carry them into the enemy's face, and deliver the Dreadknights safely into enemy lines.


/ lovefest



I especially love the two strands of internet hate currently being generated by this codex release (not here, check out Whineseer). In no particular order:


- 'Boo hoo Dragio is too awesome'

- 'Dreadknight is ugly, I'm blind btw'


Which is especially amusing, when you consider virtually no one is complaining Grey Knights now possess the perfect gun. It's called a psycannon, and it's good against everything, and it's cheap on virtually every unit worth taking it on (ie not Terminators, because they're hacky, and not Purifiers, because they get free incinerators and are anti-horde anyway). Once people (meaning us lucky people, who clung onto the hope we'd get this treatment one day) get out there and start dropping lots of psycannon downrange, other players will wake up the nightmarish carnage of this gun. There are literally a handful of units it won't scare, and they're all in Apocalypse datasheets.


'But wait' I hear you counterpoint, 'it's ok. Marine plays won't moan too much, because we didn't get AP3'. Maybe, but they will really begin to complain when their Landraiders are destroyed on Turn 1 by glorified autocannons. And then their Biker Command squads and Terminators get shot enough that Rending begins to pick them off. Hell, even regular Marine lists will bemoan their inability to keep Rhinos alive past Turn 2.


What makes me especially glow inside is that psycannon spam (or even just mild amounts of psycannon) is essentially the answer to all those annoying MSU lists you see bandied around as 'unbeatable'. Turn 1, half your Razorbacks are dead. Turn 2, all your Razorbacks are now dead, and I'm picking off your combat squads of Assault/Tactical Marines/Grey Hunters with gradually less enthusiasm. Same applies to AV13 spam from Blood Angels (although Vindicators and Baal Preds with flamestorms do make my expensive infantry cry like small children). I'm also prepared to say mechanised Eldar is going to face a real challenge, given they can't spam

armour to anywhere near the extend of Guard or even Marine variants.

Ironically, because we now possess Stormravens, psycannons are a perfect counter to them as well. Yes, please turbo-boost so you can't do anything but sit there (otherwise not even cover saves will be on the agenda). Now cry when you get blown up and take a big pile of Dangerous Terrain tests on those embarked squads.

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Funny how some people burn Crowe down because he's not an IC. I guess people don't like to think out of the box (or are not able too). Fine by me, makes me more special ;)


Oh and btw:


I was right about Crowe not being an IC ;)


Meh, it just seemed so obvious:


-Herald of Titan rule

-2 Wounds



I guess my problem was placing too much faith in Ward to do the right thing. Hope really IS the first step on the road to disappointment. ;)


Won't stop me from using Crowe, either, so we are alike in that regard. :)


I especially love the two strands of internet hate currently being generated by this codex release (not here, check out Whineseer). In no particular order:


- 'Boo hoo Dragio is too awesome'

- 'Dreadknight is ugly, I'm blind btw'


Yea man, a gigantic exo-suit with tall, spindly limbs, sleek curves, and blank spaces of armor missing a ubiquitous amount of purity seals and skulls and in general has basically pooped all over the Imperial design aesthetic should totally be immune to criticism. :D


It would make for a great Tau unit, if the Tau weren't dumb enough to leave the pilot on the outside. I wonder if the reason the Grey Knights are so tight-lipped about the thing's origins is because it's actually a nanny robot built by a race of alien gigants whose sole purpose is to care for their children. It'd explain the diaper. If I ever buy one it will only be for the express purpose of making my Bloodthirster's base look very spiffy. :D

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