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Librarian with Death Company?

Lord Asher

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I'm not trying for a complete power army here, my gaming group is quite fluffy and tame by some standards.


This is more of "has anybody tried this" type of thread,


I currently pod 9 death company and conventional wisdom states a Chaplain should accompany them for "liturgies of Blood", typically I land take a few smacks on the chin, but the 4-5 DC left after opponents turn 1 shooting, still manage to cause enough carnage to justify their existence (There has been a few cases of ordnance landing on their heads and erasing them, but oh-well)


however...has anyone considered substituting the chaplain with a librarian (shield and rage).


With the librarian I can throw up Shield and save a 1/3, then unleash rage the following turn when we charge in. So essentially, I'm trading reroll "to wounds" for a 5+ cover. The cherry on top would also be my librarian's hood should be within range to actually stop something.


Anyone ever find success with this set-up, or am I completely in theory hammer here.

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yea libbys can get blocked or fail their test. whereas a chappy always give his boost on the charge. of course you could get both and have sheild/ rage and hae the chappys booster. or split into seperate units and have the libby near enough to sheild...
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sounds like the problem is not with the IC, but in the choice of transport. Throw em in a stormraven/Land raider, so they can assault at full strength and from the transport. Either that or put another pod in the list and bring them in as the second pod, giving the rest of your army time to kill some stuff/spread the shots. Seems like they are just getting thrown into the mix unsupported.


I still like the Chappie, rerolling to wound with PW/PF/TH/CCW's is sweet

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Yup, tried it. Like you said, some times it works some times it doesn't. I also like to run it with Sanguine Sword for a s10 force weapon. I have run this unit out of a drop pod and out of a LRC. I was hoping to add some Psychic defense to the army, only prob is in the DC doesn't always last that long. I use the LotD Sarg with the skull helm and ax. He makes a nice looking DC Librarian. This can be a fun unit to play. Best of luck.



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