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Drop Pods & DoA


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Alright folks, been considering adding to my all SG army by adding in a few Drop Pods with Locator Beacons to my army. Was thinking maybe 2-3 for dropping down issues and to save me from scattering into units and getting more accurate drops without losing the benefit of Infernus Pistol 2d6ness.


I realise in kill points this maybe a problem but depending on how well I manage to kill my opponent quick enough.

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What do you want to drop? Furiosos are the best compromise here, I guess, as SG can't exchange their JP for Pods. If you haven't already, try frag cannon furiosos with hvy flamers, 3 templates of doom can be very funny.


I haven't had any problems with deepstrinking into 3", mind you. Descent of Angels is a blessing indeed, and most of the time you won't need any locator beacons but I see your point. If I were you, I'd add one or two pods, along with Furioso dreads as they are perfect for threatening vehicles and to make sure your SG arrive without harm on the battlefield.


Just my thougths here. :)




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I'm pretty tempted to add another Furioso with Talons into my list, it's kinda veering away from the theme of my army though :) I've had the worst luck ever tonight during a game and found that if I wanna shoot at a vehicle then I need to shoott he hull. The problem is though, apparently sponsons dont count for shooting purpses.
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What are you thinking of packing into the drop-pods? Dreadnoughts or Sternguard? Or, dare I say, Deathcompany?


And interesting option might be a 10 man death company and two DC dreadies. You can put either the DC or the dreadies in the thick of it from turn one. Put locator beacons on and good to go. I'd give them Blood Talons as well, just to take advantage of the extra attack and the furious charge. Death Co. seem to be a surprisingly reliable force to drop-pod in, they act as a great distraction and are tough to kill. Only equip them with one thunderhammer or powerfist, you want them boltering stuff to death and charging.


Sternguard are probably the more reliable option. Though I guess you could go with Honour Guard. Saves you having to get a 75 point jumppack Sang. priest.



Also, add one or three pods. And I'd recommend 3 for the two coming in on turn one, so that you have a reliable chance that the locator beacon will survive.

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I'm pretty tempted to add another Furioso with Talons into my list, it's kinda veering away from the theme of my army though :P I've had the worst luck ever tonight during a game and found that if I wanna shoot at a vehicle then I need to shoott he hull. The problem is though, apparently sponsons dont count for shooting purpses.


Well, tough luck's just tough luck. :) happens, I guess. By equipping your Furioso(s) with Blood Fists you can make sure that the majority of tanks will be penetrated most of the time if you charge.


I think that the sponsons do count for shooting purposes, but that's only my opinion. If I had a tank with sponsons shot at and my opponent could only see the sponson, I'd gain a coversave but let him do his shooting attacks. In the end, it comes down to your gaming group. :huh:


If your army theme is pure SG and none of anything else, then it would be wise to add more IP to your squads and don't even add Drop pods to your list. :P




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I seem to have filled out all my JP options that I can think of, either that I could always add more Vanguard Veterans to the list. Yeah I was thinking the same thing tbh and having 3 so I can drop in 2 on the first turn. The Drop Pods would also be empty, just so I can drop 2 down on any side of of the board.
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