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Lucius's (Raven) Batreps

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Ya, them Ravens are a balls when your suck-ass dice refuse to roll over a 2 when you manage to pen a vehicle. I've thrown out a couple already, although I'll be taking a hammer to the bad ones next time. Like I said before the game, my bad luck playing games in my place is legendary so I'm not too pushed about it.


I know how to beat your list fairly easily: roll 4's when you pen and 6's when you glance against the Ravens and hopefully do it in Turn 1 or 2 at the latest. Its tactical genius I tells ya. Oh, and don't bunch units up when there's 2 of them nearby, especially when your Long Fangs decide to go senile for a few games...



You mad bro? Also have you destroyed that printer yet? :D


And @ Corby, Was chatting to your good friend Nick about your next grudge match and he said he's well up for it unless he ;)'s out.

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Ya, them Ravens are a balls when your suck-ass dice refuse to roll over a 2 when you manage to pen a vehicle. I've thrown out a couple already, although I'll be taking a hammer to the bad ones next time. Like I said before the game, my bad luck playing games in my place is legendary so I'm not too pushed about it.


I know how to beat your list fairly easily: roll 4's when you pen and 6's when you glance against the Ravens and hopefully do it in Turn 1 or 2 at the latest. Its tactical genius I tells ya. Oh, and don't bunch units up when there's 2 of them nearby, especially when your Long Fangs decide to go senile for a few games...



You mad bro? Also have you destroyed that printer yet? :tu:


And @ Corby, Was chatting to your good friend Nick about your next grudge match and he said he's well up for it unless he :D's out.


Is nick coming up for retcon? looking forward to a re-match.

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You mad bro? Also have you destroyed that printer yet? mellow.gif

No to both. I will have to get rid of it eventually though.


You still bitter about the Grey Knights taking you and making a show of Meph? Dreadknights HO!


Not bitter yet as those 2++ have yet to be confirmed. When you write up the report ill copy and paste or Link it to here.

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Got another win today against a different Wolves list which contained the following :


Rune Priest

Rune Priest

Thunder Lord w/ Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Bear, Talisman, 1 Wolf Puppy


4 x Wolf Guard w/ Combi-Meltas, Las Plas Razor w/ Hunter Killer

2 x 7 Man Grey Hunters w/ Drop Pods, Meltagun, Standard

2 x 5 Grey Hunters w/ Las Plas Razors w/ Hunter Killer

1 x 6 Man Long Fangs w/ 5 Rockets

1 x 6 Man Long Fangs w/ 3 Rockets, 2 Las




Long story short i massacred most of his army by turn 3 with both ravens alive until the top of 4. All he had left at the end of the game was Arjac on 1 wound, 3 grey hunters, 2 Pods and one razor which was immobilised and had no guns.


I had my full HG left, 1 dread, my Priest and 15 ish RAS


The game we played was 3 Objectives, pitched battle and i got first turn. went on to T7 and was very close for him to draw for the last 2 turns but my (combat)squad managed to live arjacs (and his remaining 3 grey hunters in combat) hammer and contest his objective.


Currently my Raven list is at 10 Wins / 1 Loss / 0 Draws


I have a game against (ANOTHER) wolves list thursday night whose general is Corby's best friend nick. Big difference in his list in that it is double raider so this game should be a lot more interesting.

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Well, played Corby's best friends (Nick) Double Raider wolves today and it was a great success!


His list was something along these lines:


Rune Priest, 3D6 str 3 hits power, jaws

Rune Priest, Necklace, Jaws, Tempests Wrath?

4 x Wolf Guard w/ 1 x Termy Armour w/ Chainfist + SS, 1 w/ Power fist and 2 regular guys w/ Redeemer Transport (For the grey hunters) w/ EA, MM

2 x 10 Grey Hunters w/ 2 Meltaguns, Mark, Banner, Combi-Melta

1 x 5 Grey Hunters w/ Lazback (Twin Las)

Crusader w/ EA, MM

1 x 6 Fangs w/ 5 Rockets

1 x 6 Fangs w/ 3 Rockets, 2 Las


My List:



Honour Guard w/ 2 Power Fists, 1 Lightning Claw, 3 SS

Furioso w/ EA, BT

Furioso w/ EA, BT

Priest w/ Jump Pack

Assault Squad w/ Fist, 2 Meltaguns

Assault Squad w/ Hammer, 2 Meltaguns

Storm Raven x 2 w/ EA, MM, AssCannons



Mission was 1 Objective each, Pitched Battle, I had first turn, he failed to seize. None of my units get thirsty.


I deploy both Ravens w/ their cargo in the center and Reserve the 2 assault squads with the priest (For Deepstrike Shenanigans), he deploys his raiders on the left (one 10 man squad w/ runepriest next to the redeemer as itis the wolfguards dedicated transport, the other is already in the crusader with the other priest) with the razorback and the Fangs on the right.



Turn 1


I boost both my ravens right in front of his 2 raiders, here he is loling as he thinks i cant fire but then i remind him of PoTMs. Mephy's raven wrecks the Crusader and the HG's one immobilizes the redeemer. Good turn for me! the Grey hunters with the Priest do not get pinned.


His turn he moves the lazback 6" to the left, the runepriest in the squad not in the redeemer breaks off and embarks on the immobile raider. That squad then moves up to the HG's raven. The other priest breaks off from the TDA wolfguards squad and goes behind the wrecked raider. the Wolfguards squad moves up to mephys raven. His shooting phase and all he manages to do is blow the AssCannons off of mephy's raven and stun the other raven :lol: . In combat both squads basically bounce off the ravens as everything needs 6's to hit and 6's to glance. Chainfist misses all attacks.


Turn 2


Both my reserves come in on the far right to harass the LF and the priest squad looses a scrub due to DT, other squad comes down behind them but out of FnP range. Mephy casts wings and rolls double ones :D , opponent decides not to try and stop as it might stop the power working and mephy saving a wound. Meph then moves 12" towards the rune priest behind the raiders wreck. Both furiosos disembark. Mephys raven moves 12 next to the immobile raider and the HG's one moves 12 next to the Razorback. My shooting involves me wrecking the raider and exploding the razorback. The runehis pinning. i kill off the Pack leader and the WG in the LF with both squads fire. One furioso charges the TDA WG's squad and kills 2, he blows off the meltagun arm in return. The other furioso eats the whole 11 man grey hunter unit (the redeemers one) and the Wulfen does rend once but doesn't glance. Meph takes another wound from DT, down to 3 already :D . Meph eats the Rune priest with the cover save power. consolidates 1.


His turn and his 5 man grey hunter squad from the lazback move up to the HG's raven. His 5 missile long fang squad shoots frag into my non-priest assault squad and kills 2. Then the las-missile squad fires 3 frag at the squad and their lascannons into the HG's raven, penning once and stunning it :lol: . The frags on the squad then kill off another 4 scrubs and a meltagun, they pass their check. my 1 armed furioso kills a scrub and the Wolf Guard as he failed his 3++, he fails Ld and runs away with me consolidating behind him.


He calls game here as he CANNOT win/ or draw.


He concedes at the end of his Turn 2


40K in 40 mins :lol:

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Great job mate!. Seems like you're getting the hang of your list quite nicely. You should start playing some guard armies and see how you fare. Hyrdas and being denied juciy targets by a chimera screen may throw a spanner in the works :lol:
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Great job mate!. Seems like you're getting the hang of your list quite nicely. You should start playing some guard armies and see how you fare. Hyrdas and being denied juciy targets by a chimera screen may throw a spanner in the works :Elite:


Thanks, yeah i have to get a game against a guard list soon. I think the only thing i can do to deal with them is suicide the assault squads and alpha strike them with the Bloodstrikes.

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Great job mate!. Seems like you're getting the hang of your list quite nicely. You should start playing some guard armies and see how you fare. Hyrdas and being denied juciy targets by a chimera screen may throw a spanner in the works :D


Thanks, yeah i have to get a game against a guard list soon. I think the only thing i can do to deal with them is suicide the assault squads and alpha strike them with the Bloodstrikes.



Wouldn't advise it , you'll loose the ravens very easily without those cover saves against guard , I'd go all out in his face turn 1 ( if you've first turn) or hopefully turn 2 ( if your reserve rolls are good) Get a few multi charges going , with a mix of infantry and vehicles ( so you can stay locked in hopefully) You may suffer against the parking lot of guard due to not having enough anti tank weapons to go around.

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But there's no point in boosting as the hydras will ignore the cover anyway. What I meant was if I had first turn then I would alpha strike them bit if I didn't than I would deserve and boost.


I'd still boost them if you had the first turn , the hydras need 5s to glance your stormravens , sure you won't get a cover save , but you'll be jumping out of your stormravens wreck right in front of the guard parking lot the following turn. When playing guard you've to go all in. It won't do you any favours trying to alpha strike some vehicles from your back line , as guard will have enough vehicles around the following turn to deal with both ravens , . Dealing with 3 vendettas will be the tough part , due to your lack of long ranged firepower , added with the possibility that the vendettas may be scouting to try block your ravens.


But then again , Imperial guard would be your hard counter as an army.

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Yeah your right, after some discussion with Stormbrow on this as well it would be best for me to boost. Need to play a guard army soon!


Have also dropped the HG in favour of a Foot DC with Lemartes and so far they have already performed better.



Good call. The honor guard were far too expensive for what they provided , Should be interesting to see the death company in action.

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Ran an 9 DC w/ Fist, Lemartes against Stormbrow running the new Grey Knights. They did alright considering i chose the wrong target for them but they soaked up a lot of monsters. I charged them into a DreadKnight and while they took 3 wounds off it it killed 1 and took a wound off lemmy :D , he then charged in another knight, a termy squad with a Brother-Captain a 10 man Grey knight squad w/ Libby and Lemmy then killed 3 of the grey knights so they did so-so as i stupidly chose the wrong target.


Will give them a thorough run through tomorrow in a few games and also got a game against Floody's Nids on thursday so they should perform pretty well against them.

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Right, played 4 (ish) games today. 1 Against a BT army and 2-and-a-quarter games against Irelands ETC Captain.


I won all 4 :P


The list i took today was this:



Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack, Melta Bomb

Furioso w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Furioso w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Assault Squad (5) w/ Meltagun, Infernus Pistol

Assault Squad (10) w/ Fist, 2 Meltaguns

Death Company (8) w/ Power Fist, Power Weapon, Lemartes

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns


The list the Capitano took was an ETC Chaos List consisting of:


Demon Prince w/ Wings, Lash

3 Obliterators

3 Obliterators

3 Obliterators

5 Marines w/ Rhino, Icon

5 Marines w/ Land Raider, Icon

5 Marines w/ Land Raider

3 Terminators w/ 3 Combi Plasma's

3 Terminators w/ 3 Combi-Melta's



This was my first time Playing a Lash/Obliterator Spam List. I Honestly did not think my list would perform as my DC fall down to Plasma and My ravens and dreads have to face 13 Lascannons, 4 of Which were Twin-Linked.


I will not write up detailed reports of these games but i will give a General Overview of Shooting and Assaults:


So Game 1 was 3 Objectives, Dawn of War, He got first turn gave it to me. I reserved everything with the Ravens coming on first turn, he also reserves everything with the Termies. Oblits and Prince deepstriking.


I won this game 1 Objective to none as i had killed 2 of his troops while his 3rd was in combat with one of my dreads. My small RAS had gotten Fearless and came in my T5 and dropped down on an objective on my table edge. Lemartes fell at T6 after taking 3 wounds from bolters (passed 1 failed 2 FnP saves) but before this he and his squad killed: Demon Prince, then the squad got wiped out and he took a wound, then he killed 3 Oblits and 3 Termies. What a little hero he was! Str 6 , 7 Att and I7 on the charge is nothing to be laughed at! and Re-rolling hits and wounds! At the end of the game I had Mephy, 2 Immobilised ravens, my 2 dreads (one lost an arm) and my 5 man squad left.. He had a raider, 3 Oblits left.


Game 2 was Kill Points, Spearhead. He won first turn and castled in the top left hand corner of the board, he reserved his rhino squad. I reserved everything. His deployment from left to right was: Oblits, Prince, Oblits, Raider, Raider, Oblits. I reserved my ravens.


This game went very well for me game ended 7-2 to me. He killed my 5 man RAS and a combat squad with the 2 Meltaguns. I killed his Prince (again with DCo.), 2 Oblit squads (the last was down to one oblit), the 2 raiders, 2 five man squads and both Termie squads.


Game 3 was 1 Objective Each, Pitched Battle. I got first trun and deployed my Ravens up the full 12" midfield and my 5 man RAS in my bottom right hand corner in a ruin holding the objective out of LoS. He deployed nothing and reserved everything, again everything that coud deepstrike did. His objective was in the top left hand corner in a ruin.


At this stage the shop was closing in an hour but with the speed of our games we started this one. Basically for 2 turns i boosted around and at the end of T2 i was in the midfield so i could move wherever he deepstriked. My 10 man squad did not come in.


In his T2 his Prince, Melta Termies and 2 untis of oblits deepstruck infront of my two ravens. a Raider come on in his back lines. At the end of his Shooting T2 he tore the melta off of Mephs Raven. He called the game here as all four of his Deepstrikers were in range of my four CC units, I.E the DC would go for the Prince, Meph for an Oblit squad and 1 furioso would kill the termies and the other would go for the second Oblit squad. So there was no point in playing on.




So after these 4-ish games today i am currently on 15 Wins, 0 Draws, 1 Loss!



I have another 2 games against the Capitano on Thursday against both his Niddies and his Vulcan Salamanders (Both very hard lists to crack)

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I have another 2 games against the Capitano on Thursday against both his Niddies and his Vulcan Salamanders (Both very hard lists to crack)

The Nids aren't but the Vulkan list is quite hard. Funnily enough I've beaten his Vulkan list with a Dual-Raven list before. The main thing he has over the Chaos list is the extra accuracy of his Melta.


What I will say is that his target priority was all wrong: for example, in the last game he should have been blasting Meph with Plasma til he fell over, poured Melta into the Raven and thrown the Daemon Prince at the Dread. I reckon he was just taken aback at how much firepower they can soak up.


I think all of your games will come down to dice and not necessarily any other factor like tactics and such. If you can't get 4's when you pen the Raven's after its moved Flat Out you're in the height of it. Simples.

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I think all of your games will come down to dice and not necessarily any other factor like tactics and such. If you can't get 4's when you pen the Raven's after its moved Flat Out you're in the height of it. Simples.


Doesn't this whole game come down to dice though? It could happen anywhere especially in Tourneys where dice decide to dick you. I Just really need to get a game against Guard. If i can do well enough against them then I'll be happy.

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I think all of your games will come down to dice and not necessarily any other factor like tactics and such. If you can't get 4's when you pen the Raven's after its moved Flat Out you're in the height of it. Simples.


Doesn't this whole game come down to dice though? It could happen anywhere especially in Tourneys where dice decide to dick you. I Just really need to get a game against Guard. If i can do well enough against them then I'll be happy.


Tourneys are a different thing entierly. You're in a different Mindset while playing , Its hard to describe the feeling/mindset. but you perform on different levels in a tournament where bad luck won't hurt your game plan as much.

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Tourneys are a different thing entierly. You're in a different Mindset while playing , Its hard to describe the feeling/mindset. but you perform on different levels in a tournament where bad luck won't hurt your game plan as much.

You tend to have a plan before you start rolling dice in a tourney game so that helps to mitigate luck a bit e.g. against Guard in Objective games you *know* you will either rush them when going first or reserve everything when going second.


You'll also think things through more so you'll have a Plan B in case things go wrong by trying to spot moves that your opponent can make if all your shooting/assaults fail miserably.


Moar reports when ready. Feel free to mention Njal. :tu:

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Well, as Stormbrow mentioned I played 2 games against his new shooty Wolves list. Got a Draw and a loss. The draw would have been a loss but we played an Irish Cons STUPID "You have to win an annihilation game by 2 KP's" rule.


Anyway the list he took is as follows:






4 Wolf Guard: 1 CombiMelta, 2 CMelta/Fist, 1 CPlasma

Lone Wolf: TDA, Shield, Chainfist

Lone Wolf: TDA, Shield, Chainfist



5 Grey Hunters: CPlasma

Lasplas Razor

5 Grey Hunters: CMelta

Lasplas Razor

6 Grey Hunters: CMelta, Wolf Banner


7 Grey Hunters: CMelta, Wolf Banner




Speeder: MMelta, H Flamer

Speeder: MMelta, H Flamer



5 Long Fangs: 1 Lascannon, 3 Rocket Launchers

Lasplas Razor

5 Long Fangs: 1 Lascannon, 3 Rocket Launchers

5 Long Fangs: 4 Rocket Launchers



My list was the following:







Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer



Assault Squad (5) w/ Meltagun

Assault Squad (10) w/ 2 Meltaguns, Fist

Death Company (8) w/ Bolter/Fist, 6 BP+CCW, BP/Power Weapon, Lemartes



Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, Assault Cannons

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, Assault Cannons



First game we played was Spearhead, 1 Objective each, I won the roll off for first turn. My objective was in a ruin about 12" from my table edge and his in the very far corner of his deployment zone.


I deployed my Ravens as close as possible to the semi circle with the 2 assault squads in reserve for some deepstrke shenanigans. He deploys Njal and his squad in their rhino out of LoS with a squad of Fangs above them in the ruin with a Lone wolf on the 2nd floor, another lone wolf to their right next to njals rhino, a Fang pack on the far right flank as far forward as they could get and another Fang pack in the corner of the board. He reserves his speeders, 3 razors and rhino.


Turn 1 : I boost forward 24" in his long fangs face and fire my Assault cannons from one raven into the fangs on the far right killing the leader and the other raven also kill the pack leader.


He begins by moving Njals rhino back ontop of his objective 12" and Pops smoke. His shooting is a bit of a fail and he blows an AssCannon off the DC raven and the Mephs raven suffers a shaken result.Yeah for 4+++ saves! :D


Turn 2 : My Small assault squad comes in and hits next to Njals Rhino. DC raven moves up 12 and disgorges the DC ready to charge the Lone Wolf. Mephs raven boosts 24" onto his table edge next to the long fangs in the ruin as Meph has not targets yet. My shooting equates to the Meltagunner missing to hit Njals rhino the tard, mephs raven killing a pack leader of the other Lascannon fang pack in the corner and the DC's raven killing 1 rocket fang. DC unleash their almighty Bolter and bolt pistol shots on the Lone Wolf and he takes no wounds due to FnP. I then charge the Lone Wolf and he fails 6 armour saves and fails 3 FnP saves. They consolidate 3 into cover towards the fangs on the right flank.


His turn 2 his Plasma squad comes in with their razorback, the long fangs razor comes in in front of that and one of his speeders comes in and boosts 24" to try and kite my DC, He gets Njals squad out of the rhino leaving Njal inside and they get ready to pour some melta into the DC or the furioso. His shooting blows Mephs raven out of the sky wrecking it and not damaging the DC's one. Meph passes his Pinning (just). GH squad fires into the 5 man RAS and kill 1. they subsequently charge while popping their banner and they promptly wipe out the squad. Lone Wolf by the long fangs charges the furioso. Furioso wounds twice but both are saved Lone wolf misses 3 times with his chainfist but gets to re-roll all failed hits as the dread is a walker and.........misses again all three times.


Turn 3 : My big squad comes in and lands next to the Plasma GH squads lasback behind the long fangs lasback. they scatter 2 but are thankfully out of 1". DC move 3" towards the long fangs, meph goes for the Lone Wolf, DC's raven moves 12" and unloads the Dread infront of the GH squad. Shooting my 10 man RAS wrecks the plasma squads razorbakc and Pins them! :jaw: Raven kills 2 rocket fangs from the fangs in the corner. In assault my DC wipe out the Fangs on the far right, Meph charges the lone wolf in combat with the stricken dread and the furioso charges the GH. Meph kills the Lone wolf outright and consolidates 3", dread consolidates 5". My furioso in combat with the GH's kills 3 and then the Wolf guard hits once with his power fist on a 6, rolls a 6 to pen and then rolls a 6 on the damage chart :) . Didnt go to plan there, they consolidate back towards their rhino. DC wipes out the long fangs (obviously).


His turn 3 and he see's his remaining reserves come on besides for the Lasplasback with the GH, he moves the speeder 12" behind my furioso and prepares for a rear shot, the rhino GH squad comes on next to the wrecked raven and moves 12" up to the DC and the squad disembarks ready to pur melta and bolters into meph. the land speeder that boosted last turn moves to just inside 6" to kite the DC (moved over 6). Las Plas Razor tank shocks my large assault squad and they pass morale, Njals grey hunter squad embarks into their rhino to score.Shooting sees him blow up the DC's raven and kill off 2 DC with 1 of Njals 3D6 S3 powers (1 w/PW so i can move somewhere else and a wound off lemmy :jaw: ), GH squad pours Melta and bolters into meph taking 2 wounds off him. Speeders wreck my furioso :( . No charges occur for him.


Turn 4 DC get kited towards the rhino but is also in charge range of the speeder, Meph moves to within 1" of the Gh pack that just shot him. RAS move towards the Lasplas which had moved 12 through them. Shooting meph kills a lad with his PP, RAS blow up the lasplas doing no damage to themselves. DC charge the speeder and the power fist into the rhino, meph charges the GH and gets off Re-roll hits even with Njals 3+ null shenanigans and kills off everyone bar the Wolf Guard who promptly flees 8" off the table, meph condolidates 5" back into ruin but just out of cover. DC wreck the speeder(Well Lemmy does) and the power fist fails to even hit the rhino with re-rolls.


His turn 4 and his last GH squad with Las Plas comes on nex to meph and gets out. Speeder bounces 12" to shoot Meph. In shooting he kills off Meph and kills off another 2 DC. No charges occur here again.


Turn 5 : My RAS speed back towards my objective 14" through running but are about 5" out of scoring it. DC move towards his (Empty) rrhino. DC wreck the rhino.


His turn 5 and his Speeder hauls ass 24" towards my objective. He kills off the rest of the DC but lemartes lives. Njal casts the dngerous terrain for Jump infantry power thingy.


Turn 6 : The dice is rolled and we get a T6. Lemartes bounces 12" towards his GH squad of 7 in the open and fails dangerous terrain thanks to one of Njals powers last turn but passes his invul! Me RAS bounce 12 onto the objective and take no casualties from DT. Lemmy kills the Whole 7 man squad in combat ( Oh how i :cry: Lemartes).


His Turn 6 and his speeder moves about 18" behind a ruin out of LoS and hopes for another turn to boost on my objective. He moves his remaining LasPlas onto my wrecked raven and does not immobilize itself (this picture is also a metaphor for how the game went):


I take no damage from his fire as i go to ground, lemartes bites the dust :(


Turn 7 : I do nothing as im pinned.


His turn and he boosts 24 next to my obective. He kills no-one from shooting. Now, here's where shenanigans occur: because you can measure Objective to MODEL his land speeder is just in :






Objectives are the Yellow/Brown termies.


Anyway it was a very good and enjoyable game like all of mine and Stormbrows so far.



Will not post up the 2nd game as im too lazy and it basically ended 7-6 to him in KP's i had a dread, full DC and an immoblised dread left. He had lost, Njal, rhino, las plas razor, 2 speeders, 2 lone wolves, GH squad. My fault here was not leaving the Lone wolves alone as he would have lost 4Kp's i just forgot about that rule. Also game was DoW, Kp's



Njal is a cad and a bounder or C.......nt

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Tourneys are a different thing entierly. You're in a different Mindset while playing , Its hard to describe the feeling/mindset. but you perform on different levels in a tournament where bad luck won't hurt your game plan as much.

You tend to have a plan before you start rolling dice in a tourney game so that helps to mitigate luck a bit e.g. against Guard in Objective games you *know* you will either rush them when going first or reserve everything when going second.


You'll also think things through more so you'll have a Plan B in case things go wrong by trying to spot moves that your opponent can make if all your shooting/assaults fail miserably.


Moar reports when ready. Feel free to mention Njal. :)








Way to go mate , seems you're really in the swing of your list now , looks very refined as well. Anymore possible changes you're thinking of for your list?

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