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Lucius's (Raven) Batreps

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Way to go mate , seems you're really in the swing of your list now , looks very refined as well. Anymore possible changes you're thinking of for your list?


Thanks, yeah have edited out the DC and the Sanguinary Priest in favour of and HG with 3 Melta's and 5 Termies w/ TH/SS.


List now is:



Honour Guard w/ Jump Packs, 3 Melta's

Assault Terminators w/ 5 TH/SS

Furioso w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Furioso w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Assault Squad (10) w/ 2 Meltaguns, Fist

Assault Squad (5) w/ Meltagun, Melta Bomb

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns




Anyway, played the above list today against the ETC Captain's new Salamnaders list which was:



Libby w/ Gate, Null zone

Tactical Squad (5), Lazback

Tactical Squad (5), Razorback (Bolters)

Scout Squad w/ 5 Sniper Rifles, Combi-Melta, Melta Bomb

Land Speeder Squadron (2) w/ Multi-Melta/HF, Multi-Melta

Land Speeder Squadron (2) w/ Multi-Melta/HF, Multi-Melta

Land Speeder Squadron (2) w/ Multi-Melta/HF, Multi-Melta

Predator w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Ironclad w/ Meltagun, Heavy Flamer, Pod


After this game he decided to drop the libby and get some pods for the rest of the dreads and get some points for Las/Plas turrets and combi-plasma's.


The Mission was KP, Pitched Battle, He took first turn, I reserved everything, he deployed in a corner covering half the board. Vulkan is in the Bolter RB and the libby is in the lazback. My Termies get The Red Thirst.


Turn 1 : He deploys his pod on the right but it scatters 11" to the left, he runs the dread. Moves some stuff around, nothing much happens as there is nothing for him to do.


Turn 2 : His scouts come on(outflanking) and he rolls a six so they walk on next to his preds. He boosts his Speeders in line 24" to cockblock my ravens, his 2 MM dreads turn their backs to LoS blocking walls to protect from my melta. He smokes Ironclad, 3 Preds.


My turn 2 and everything bar the Termies Raven comes in. Mephs raven boosts forward 24" staying just 1" away from his speeders cockblock, my HG drops in front of his Ironclad, I combat squad my 10 man RAS and deploy the 2 melta half in front of one of his MM dreads but scatters back 4 next to a pred, my 5 man RAS lands next to his other MM dread the other half with the sarge land next to mephs raven. My shooting, Meph's Raven fails to do anything to the speeder squadron in front of him with the Assault Cannon, HG blow up the Ironclad with him failing both Penetrating cover saves, the combat squaded meltas immobiles the pred they landed next to as he failed another cover save. My 1 meltaguns squad hit the MM dread and rolled an 3 on 2 D6 for armour pen -_- . That was it from me.


Turn 3 : He gets the Vulkster out of his razorback and marches up to the HG. The bolter Razorback moves 6" to the left. 1 Speeder squadron bounces in front of Mephs raven, again to cockblock while the other 2 move to the right. MM dread goes for the combat squad and the other goes for the 1 meltagun RAS. His shooting phase amounts to: 1 Shaken Raven with 2 pens from the preds Autocannons :lol: . Vulkan charges the HG and kills 2, i do no wounds back, my squad holds, 1 MM dread charges the combat squad and kills 1 then it gets immobilised by a lucky grenade :lol: and they hold, my other squad also gets charged and they lose 1 and they hold. (I forgot about the sarges melta bomb the whole game!).


My turn 3 and the termies arrive and they boost 24" up the right flank. Mephs raven moves 12 and Meph gets out after his Wings gets nulled once and he perils the 2nd time :P . My combat squad with the sarge bounces 12 towards the closest speeder squadron next to mephs raven. Meph fleets 1" :huh: but is in plenty of range to charge the Vulkster. Shooting mephs raven does nothing, Termies raven wreck a speeder squadron with the assault cannon! Meph assaults Vulkster and gets off Str 10 and is not nulled and the Vulkster fails his Ld 6 test and is quickly despatched by Meph. My combat squad charges the closest speeder squadron and wrecks 1 with grenades, the sarge rolls a 1 to penetrate with his fist the tool. The immobilised dread kills 1 more and i stun him. The other MM dread kills another 1. Both squads hold. In consolidation meph moves behind the HG in Operation Human Shield.


Turn 4 : His 2 mobile preds pivot on the spot to try and get rid of the pesky HG. The speeder next to mephs raven moves 12 to the right, the speeders next to the termies raven move 12 in front of it. In shooting he tears the AssCann off of the termies raven, Immobilize mephs raven and reduce the HG to the meltagunner and priest making them flee, they run away 12 and land in DT but they both live. In assault the Immobilized dread kills 1 guy from the 2 meltagun squad, and the other MM dread kills off the last scrub in the 5 man RAS.


My turn 4 and my HG run away 12 as they are still in range of the Pod and the priest dies due to DT, Meph flies 12" and lands next to the libbies razor, Termies raven boost forward 24 next to the immobile dread as the termies have no target. Shooting meph fails to penetrate the libbies razor with his PP, his raven does nothing with the AssCann,MM and the missiles :huh: . The termies raven blows the autocannon off the immobile pred. In assault my sergeants combat squad charge the closest pred to mephs raven and wreck it, meph wrecks the libbies razor and they pass pinning, immobilised MM dread does nothing while the other one kills the MB sarge. Again both squads hold.


Turn 5 : Speeder near mephs raven goes 12" next to it, speeders near termies raven move 12 in front of the preds to fire on teh raven.Bolterback tank shocks meph and he passes on a 10 :) . His librarian casts gate but is nulled. In shooting he kills 2 of the sergeants combat squad and wrecks both ravens ;) , Termies auto pass as they are Fearless and lose 1 guy from the HB on the immobilised pred. In assault both MM dreads do nothing.


My turn 5 and Meph moves 12 next to the Libbies squad, termies move 6" , 1 fails DT but passes Ivul and get ready to multi-charge the mobile MM dread and the Full speeder squadron.The dread from the termies raven moves 6 and passes DT, gets ready to have some BBQ scouts. Other Furioso moves 6 to try and bag the squad in the BolterBack. In shooting i kill 1 scout with Heavy flamer, furioso bags the BolterBack(Wrecked it) and Meph kills a scrub with his PP from the Libbies squad. In assault the furioso blends down teh scouts, Meph bags the libby and the 3 of the 4 man squad, Termies bag one speeder and immobilize the dread. The MM dread kills the last guy in the small RAS, other Immobilized dread does nothing.


Turn 6 : Dice is rolled and we get a T6. In his turn he moves one of his speeders in front of the dread that killed the scouts and the other speeder behind the furioso which bagged the BolterBack.He blows up the Furioso which got the Bolter back and immobilized the other furioso and also killed the Sergeants combat squad. In assault the Termies stun the MM dread. Meph finishes off the libbies squad and the immobilized MM dread again does nothing.


MY Turn 6 and meph flies 12" next to the remaining Tac Squad, HG meltagunner moves 12 behind the speeder which blew up the furioso. In shooting the immobilized furioso blows up the speeder and the HG meltagunner blows up the last speeder. In assault meph chages the Tac squad and only kills 2 as i forget to cast powers, he holds, termies explode the MM dread and nothing happens again in the other dread combat.


Game ends here 12-5 to me! Overall a very good and enjoyable game.

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Well, have a game lined up against a fellow BA player for tomorrow night and his list is as follows:


Librarian w/ Shield, Unleash Rage

Sanguinary Priest

Assault Terminators w/ 3 TH/SS w/ Land Raider Crusader, EA, MM

3 x 5 man Assault Squad w/ some gear, TLLC Razorbacks

2 x 2 Land Speeders w/ 2 Multi-Melta + 1 Heavy Flamer per Squadron

2 x Predator w/ Auto-Las

1 x Predator w/ Bolter Sponsons.


Should be an interesting game and i will try and get pics + report up for Friday night.

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Hmmmm, 2 Ravens and a Raider, Inteeresting, I think I might give it a look and see what its like with a Raider in the list the list would look like this:



Furioso Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Assault Terminators (5) w/ 5 Thunder Hammer + Storm Shields

Assault Squad (5) w/ Godhammer Raider, Extra Armour

Assault Squad (10) w/ 2 Meltaguns, Fist

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns


Also i got a draw against The mech BA list last night so i will post up the report tonight.

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Hmmmm, 2 Ravens and a Raider, Inteeresting, I think I might give it a look and see what its like with a Raider in the list the list would look like this:



Furioso Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer

Assault Terminators (5) w/ 5 Thunder Hammer + Storm Shields

Assault Squad (5) w/ Godhammer Raider, Extra Armour

Assault Squad (10) w/ 2 Meltaguns, Fist

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns


Also i got a draw against The mech BA list last night so i will post up the report tonight.



That list comes in at 1770 mate. You need to drop the heavy flamers on the dreads to fit it all in. I'd also go with the meltagun and meltabombs on the 5 man assault squad instead of the extra armour.

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Oh, i am indeed 20 points over, I never included the Heavy Flamers for the dreads so I'll drop them. I dont think i will need the meltagun and bombs if they are just going to be sitting back shooting, which is why i took EA because (if) its still alive near the end of the game it can take objectives without worrying about Glancing hits.


New list:



Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Assault Terminators (5) w/ 5 x Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields

Assault Squad w/ Land Raider (Godhammer) w/ Extra Armour

Assault Squad w/ 2 Meltaguns, Fist

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns


*EDIT: Also, quick question, are you on www.w-ired.org/forum at all?

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Oh, i am indeed 20 points over, I never included the Heavy Flamers for the dreads so I'll drop them. I dont think i will need the meltagun and bombs if they are just going to be sitting back shooting, which is why i took EA because (if) its still alive near the end of the game it can take objectives without worrying about Glancing hits.


New list:



Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Assault Terminators (5) w/ 5 x Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields

Assault Squad w/ Land Raider (Godhammer) w/ Extra Armour

Assault Squad w/ 2 Meltaguns, Fist

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns


*EDIT: Also, quick question, are you on www.w-ired.org/forum at all?


I'm not no. I do read the forum though. Why do you ask? I;d argue for the meltabombs + meltagun as they give some more anti tank. its unlikely your landraider will experience much ranged firepower as your opponent will be focused on dealing with the ravens and their cargo. I could be wrong though.

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I just thought you'd be on that for some reason. I think what I'll do is try the extra armour for a while and if i dont feel the need for it i'll replace it with the meltagun/meltabomb.



Sure give it ago. You can always switch back if you don't like the landraider.

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Right so after a few games with different concepts like raiders, 3rd Gunship, jumpers, Honour Guard etc i have finally decided to give Razors and preds a go so here's the new list i will be trying for a while unless its good, in which case i'll continue it, anyway here it is:



Furioso w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Furioso w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Assault Terminators w/ 5 x Thunder Hammer + Storm Shields

Assault Squad (5) w/ Razorback, Twin-Linked Lascannon

Assault Squad (5) w/ Razorback, Twin-Linked Lascannon

Assault Squad (5) w/ Razorback, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Multi-Melta, AssCannon

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Multi-Melta, AssCannon

Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons.



The Predator here i have a bit of leeway with in that i can swap to a Baal pred with Flamestorm or other vehicles which occupy the same points.


Will be giving this list a run through against Stormbrow II's new (Even)Shootier wolves tomorrow and I will do a rep with pics of that game.

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Right so after a few games with different concepts like raiders, 3rd Gunship, jumpers, Honour Guard etc i have finally decided to give Razors and preds a go so here's the new list i will be trying for a while unless its good, in which case i'll continue it, anyway here it is:



Furioso w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Furioso w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Assault Terminators w/ 5 x Thunder Hammer + Storm Shields

Assault Squad (5) w/ Razorback, Twin-Linked Lascannon

Assault Squad (5) w/ Razorback, Twin-Linked Lascannon

Assault Squad (5) w/ Razorback, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Multi-Melta, AssCannon

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Multi-Melta, AssCannon

Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons.



The Predator here i have a bit of leeway with in that i can swap to a Baal pred with Flamestorm or other vehicles which occupy the same points.


Will be giving this list a run through against Stormbrow II's new (Even)Shootier wolves tomorrow and I will do a rep with pics of that game.



Looks Very similar to my Warpcon List ;)

Except I didn't have Mephiston :P


The Baal Predator isn't worth taking in this stlye of army list.

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Looks Very similar to my Warpcon List ;)

Except I didn't have Mephiston :P


The Baal Predator isn't worth taking in this stlye of army list.


What can i do :P it all boils down to razors or rhinos and id really prefer tanks that can do stuff. As to the Preds its up between the Auto-Las, AssCannon Baal or a Flamey Baal.

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Looks Very similar to my Warpcon List ;)

Except I didn't have Mephiston :P


The Baal Predator isn't worth taking in this stlye of army list.


What can i do :P it all boils down to razors or rhinos and id really prefer tanks that can do stuff. As to the Preds its up between the Auto-Las, AssCannon Baal or a Flamey Baal.


Auto/Las predator. Its one of the best units in the codex in my opinion.

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Was going to write a full bat rep for my game against Stormbrow II's Retcon 2011 wolf list but while i was half way through writing it somehow my internet refreshed itself and so i lost the write up. For now I'll just do a summary of the game.


His list was:


Rune Priest w/ Jaws, their 5+ cover save power thingy

4 x Wolf Guard w/ Combi-Meltas

1 x Wolf Guard w/ Combi-Melta, Wolf Claw

4 x Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun, Las-Plas Razorback

2 x 6 Long Fangs w/ 2 Lascannons, 3 Missiles, Las-Plas Razor

1 x 5 Long Fangs w/ 4 Mssiles, Las-Plas Razor

Land Speeder w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Land Speeder w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

1 x 5 Scouts w/ Meltagun


The list i took is:



2 Blender Fist Dreads w/ Extra Armour

5 Assault Terminators w/ TH/SS

2 x 5 RAS w/ Razorback w/ TLLC

1 x 5 RAS w/ Razorbakc w/ TLHB

Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCannons

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCannons



We rolled up Annihilation and Dawn of War (My Favorite Mission and Deployment), I got first trun.


Game ended 8-5 to me. Meph did nothing all Game as he just sat in his Raven for the ENTIRE game. my MVP's for the game were definately the dreads and ravens, the dreads took out 2 long fang packs and a grey hunter squad while the ravens took out 3 or 4 Razors.


Basically for the first 4 turn literally all of his 11 Lascannons missed on 2's! In turn 5 1 of his remaining two lascannons hit one of my Furries but failed to do anything. I mad pretty much most of my Cover saves while he was also failing most of his.


I lost the Pred, 1 Lascannon RB, 1 Heavy Bolter Razorback, 1 RAS squad and the Termies Raven. He lost 4 Razors, 2 Long Fang Packs, Scouts and a Grey hunter squad.


All in all a pretty good game, i did not think my list would perform so well against his 11 Lascannons and Various Plasma and melta shots.

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After Retcon , I'm more inclined to move away from the mech angels and focus more on Terminators + Stormravens as an army , with Jump infantry as Troops


For example , my new list will be as follows:




Librarian in terminator armour 125pts



5 Assault Terminators , 4 thunder hammers + stormshields , 1 pair of lightning claws. 220pts

5 Assault Terminators , 4 thunder hammers + stormshields , 1 pair of lightning claws. 220pts

5 Assault Terminators , 4 thunder hammers + stormshields , 1 pair of lightning claws. 220pts



10 Assault Marines , 2 meltaguns. 210pts

5 Assault Marines , meltagun , 110pts



Stormraven , Twinlinked Assault Cannon , Twinlinked Multi-melta , extra armour 215pts

Stormraven , Twinlinked Assault Cannon , Twinlinked Multi-melta , extra armour 215pts

Stormraven , Twinlinked Assault Cannon , Twinlinked Multi-melta , extra armour 215pts


TOTAL 1750pts.


Down right Lethal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those Storm Raven builds are very much 'Go big or go home' armies that win by loads or lose by loads. Ask Dave about his game against my Grey Knights. It was lolworthy - I blew his army away in 3 turns.


My Razorwolves are capable of the same when I play them properly.

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Yeah raven builds are a win or lose, no draws usually. Out of the 40+ games i have played with them recently there has been i think 2 draws.


Again the Grey Knight game was ridiculous, I love them S8 dreads. Mind you remember you stole the initiative and 1 of my ravens was out of cover ^_^


Here's a new list i have been working on with Stormbrow and the ETC captain:



Assault Terminators w/ 4 TH/SS

Assault Terminators w/ 4 TH/SS

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armou, Blood Talons

Scout Squad x 10 w/ Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles x 10

Assault Squad w/ Flamer

Storm Raven w/ MM, AssCanns, Extra Armour

Storm Raven w/ MM, AssCanns, Extra Armour

Storm Raven w/ MM, AssCanns, Extra Armour



With this list most opponents are going to have a hard time i think with the Target Priority, shoot Meph and the Furioso down OR the Termies Ravens. Most armies do not have enough AT to reliably take down 3 Ravens that have boosted in their face.


The scout squad is going to be outflanking most Obj. Games and combat squading while i CAN either DS the Marines or put them in mephs raven if for some reason i dont want him in it.

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Yeah I've moved away from the idea of 3 stormravens. Looking at the following now:



Librarian /w combi-melta , shield of sang and blood lance

5 Assault terminators /w 4 TH/SS

5 Assault terminators /w 4 TH/SS

5 Assault Marines /w meltagun , las/plas razorback

5 Assault Marines /w meltagun , las/plas razorback

5 Assault Marines /w meltagun , rhino

Landspeeder Typhoon

Landspeeder Typhoon

Stormraven /w Assault cannon, multi-melta , extra armour

Stormraven /w Assault cannon, multi-melta , extra armour


Overall idea is boost ravens. Supress Tanks using my ranged power support.

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