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C:DA5 - What do you expect?


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I'm not sure I expect it but what I would love to see is Scouts changed to match C:SM in stats and occupying a Troops choice and a new Elite choice brought in of Ravenwing Scouts, an elite scout unit that would illustrate how the Dark Angels actually track down the Fallen (bikes and landspeeders tending to stand out in a crowd).
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I'm not sure I expect it but what I would love to see is Scouts changed to match C:SM in stats and occupying a Troops choice and a new Elite choice brought in of Ravenwing Scouts, an elite scout unit that would illustrate how the Dark Angels actually track down the Fallen (bikes and landspeeders tending to stand out in a crowd).

Or scouts could stay in elites (just as they are now in codex SW) but more integrated into the ravenwing (I think this was FerociousBeasts Idea) as another way the RW scouts and searches for the fallen. Adding scouts like the RW say with a Teleport homer on the sarge for synergy with Deathwing would be cool and very much in line with how covert ops. (they'd need the stealth cloaks and suchs off course)


And that "Ravenwing Stormraven" idea really hit some sweet spot didn't it? I look at how people react and I must agree the idea is banging hot!


Please GW, feel free to steal/borrow/use that idea as it would be so cool!

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If that happens we will have DEATHwing DEATHtroops with DEATHBolters and DEATHClaws supported by a DEATHdreadnought ... OF DEATH!


(See wolves with wolf everything, Bloodangels with blood everything, Grey knights seem to have something similar :wub: )

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I'd love to see Belial with assault cannon/cyclone missile options, or at least some kind of shooting upgrade bigger than a combi-weapon on our terminator armored HQ's, and maybe Belial will be honored with an Iron Halo like all the other company masters :P


It would also be nice to see a Terminator Armor option for Azrael, he is after all, the chapter master, the most inner circle of inner circles, the real commander of the deathwing, and all successor deathwings.

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Belial brought up to speed, Iron Halo, sword as relic weapon. Also our company masters need to have a face lift in wargear and stats.


But what I'd really like to see is a return of power swords and axe's bonus to strength. I know that's asking to much but to me CC was truly devastating under some of the older rule sets. JMO.

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What I expect, and hope, to see...


Special Characters

Supreme Grand Master Azrael - general buffing of rules and returning him to his rightful place amongst the worthies of the other Chapters - Fearless + IC + Rites of Battle + return of version of No Retreat & No Surrender rules + Orbital Bombardment

Ezekiel - new powers + the 'Know Thine Enemy' rule makes a return (may re-roll the dice when attempting to sieze the initiative)

Belial - Sword of Silence = +1 Str master-crafted power weapon + Iron Halo - Fearless + IC + Rites of Battle + perhaps something more representative of Belial like a 'Hero of Piscina' special rule (grants Belial and any squad he joins Counter-attack) + perhaps Orbital Bombardment

Sammael - Ravensword = +1 Str master-crafted power weapon - Fearless + Rites of Battle + gains Scouts & Jink (has Skilled Rider special rule + can re-roll failed turbo boosters cover saves) his Speeder version also gains Jink (may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrains tests)

Sapphon - the Grand Master of Chaplains makes a long overdue return

Brother Bethor and the Sacred Standards making a welcome return

possibly the return of Asmodai with some new characters added



Company Master - As C:SM 5E Captain (less the options for Terminator armour and a bike (I would also add the option of Orbital Bombardment for +25 points)) - Fearless + Rites of Battle

Librarian - As C:SM 5E - Fearless + new Dark Angels specific powers

MotF- As C:SM 5E - ATSKNF + Stubborn

Interrogator Chaplain - As C:BA 5E Reclusiarch with Litanies of Hate instead of Liturgies of Blood + gain option for Vengenace rounds for +2 points (Bolter - 18" Str 4 AP 3 Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!; Storm Bolter 18" Str 4 AP 3 Assault 2, Gets Hot!) - IC + Honour of the Chapter + Litanies of Hate + Hunter of the Fallen rule (may include a single unit of Deathwing Terminators as a Troops choice)

Dark Angels Retinues - a collected set of retinues including - Command Squad + Deathwing Retinue + Ravenwing Command Cadre + hopefully a retinue type for Azrael (First Circle) and maybe a new retinue of executioner types unique to Interrogator Chaplains and Librarians.



Chaplain - As C:BA 5E (less option for Terminator armour) - IC + Honour of the Chapter + Litanies of Hate

Deathwing Terminator Squad - As C:DA 4E + some tweaked weapon options (including Vengeance rounds) - Fearless + Deathwing Assault

Company Veteran Squad - As C:DA 4E + slightly tweaked options - ATSKNF + Stubborn + Combat Squads

Venerable Dreadnought - As C:SM 5E + option of an upgrade granting Deathwing Assault and a teleport homer for +XX points.

Dreadnought - As C:SM 5E

Techmarine and Servitors - As C:BA 5E




Tactical Squad - As C:BA 5E - ATSKNF + Stubborn + Combat Squads

Scout Squad - As C:SM 5E - ATSKNF + Stubborn + Combat Squads + option of new Sergeant Naaman character


Dedicated Transports

Rhino - As C:SM 5E

Razorback - As C:SM 5E

Drop Pod - As C:SM 5E


Fast Attack

Assault Squad - As C:SM 5E - ATSKNF + Stubborn + Combat Squads

possibly also a Scout Bike Squad - As C:SM 5E - ATSKNF + Stubborn + Combat Squads

Ravenwing Assault Squadron - As C:DA 4E slightly tweaked option costs - Bikes & Attack Bike - Fearless, Scouts, and a new Jink rule (giving Skilled Riders & a 5+ cover save if move more than 6" in their turn + can re-roll failed turbo boosters cover saves); Land Speeder - new Jink rule (may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests)

Ravenwing Support Squadron - As C:DA 4E slightly tweaked option costs - Deep Strike + Jink


Heavy Support

Devastator Squad - As C:SM 5E - ATSKNF + Stubborn + Combat Squads

Land Raider - As C:SM 5E

Land Raider Crusader - As C:SM 5E

Land Raider Redeemer - As C:SM 5E

Predator - As C:SM 5E

Whirlwind - As C:SM 5E

Vindicator - As C:SM 5E

Mortis Dreadnought - As current Mortis options AV 13 to Front and Side, plus a unique rule to represent specialist targeters and sustained fire

Ravenwing Strike Squadron - 1-4 Ravenwing Attack Bikes, if includes 4 can attach a Typhoon launcher equipped Land Speeder - Attack Bikes - Fearless + Combat Squads + Jink + Scouts; Land Speeder - Jink


Just my rough guess...

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