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Stoneburners - Chapter Champion (Dueling Master) WiP Model

Bryan Blaire

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Maybe it was just too much at once, I've split it up for easier quoting I hope, as I really would appreciate thoughts, comments and criticism.


Home World:

The Stoneburners are completely fleet-based, centered on three Battle Barges, Monolith, Seraph's Blade, and the Relentless Sun. The first was new, granted to the Chapter when it was formed, and the third was more recently built, completed after the 9th Crusade, but neither of these hold prominence within the fleet. That honor goes to the Seraph's Blade, gifted to the Stoneburners by the Dark Angels, and its history is a long and storied one. It was presented after their formation to expand the patrol and hunting capability the fledgling Stoneburners had available to them. It serves as the flagship of the Chapter's fleet and is a star-faring relic, doubling as a holy city devoted to the greatness of the sons of the First Legion as well as the home to all First and Second Company units while they are not deployed. Unless they are specifically pursuing a Fallen, the Stoneburners follow their mandate to patrol and combat the forces of Chaos in the Segmentum Obscurus with a religious zeal. They range wide within the galaxy arm from the Eye of Terror out to the Ghoul Stars, watching and hunting down those they determine a tainted by the touch of Chaos.


The planet Akhundras does hold primacy within the history and current traditions of the Stoneburners. The clans of the ergs and stone deserts gave birth to both Aetrion and many of the original as well as current Marines of the Chapter. The sandy colored tabards, surplices, and robes are worn in remembrance of the life that transitioned them into the company of the Emperor's Finest and in memory of Aetrion himself.


The planet has a broad band of harsh deserts around approximately half the northern and southern hemispheres, filled with salt plains, stony desert flat-lands, and the sandy wastes of the deep ergs. These areas often feel the wrath of massive sand storms and are generally inhospitable, though there are places where this harsh clime is broken and life finds a way. Succulent plants thrive low to the ground and are covered and filled with self-protection mechanisms, but animals have adapted, learning to live on this rough vegetation. Much of that life is reptilian in origin and bears its own protection, but there are some avian and mammalian derived species that live in the deep desert, and some that even appear to be a successful blending of these different gene lines. The largest of these is a creature that bears the hallmarks of many different species, much feared due to its quick acting paralytic venom, heavy scaled and armored hide, and voracious appetite. It bears the name Achreshek among the clans of the pan and erg, or "king sand lion" translated in Low Gothic.


Outside this band, the world is houses semi-arid steppes ringing the northern upper latitudes, and above these, mountain ranges periodically broken with rolling hills. These low points allow the movement of what little storm activity does come out of the semi-tropical forests of the northern pole down into the steppes. The southern pole of the planet is a harsher climate of rough mountainous terrain and plateaus that are periodically mined by transient Imperial ore and minerals collectors.


With little of value to the rest of the Imperium, the desert people of Akhundras live in much the same way as they did in the Age of Strife, dwelling in clan communities in deep cavern holds, with their lowest reaches devoted to storing water where the parched desert air has less chance to drink it before they do. Much of community life on Akhundras is guided by a belief that originated long before the arrival of the Imperium to their world, that a mighty savior would descend from the heavens and lead them in a final world-ending battle against the "Sightbreaker" who the clans believe was a primordial well-spring of all evil. Whether this belief originated on the planet itself though long years of alteration of earlier traditions or was planted to assist in recruitment of suitable Marine candidates is unknown and would likely be a point of scholarly debate if anyone truly cared to investigate. The clans continue to dwell with a slightly modified version of this, believing that the savior came in the form of the Lion, and their sons now compete to be a warrior in the retinue of eternal angels combating the Sightbreaker. Each clan jockeys for position as part of shifting alliances, each believing that they will have the most sons picked for the battle on the Last Day.


While there is almost constant raiding and low-level fighting amongst the clans, there is less outright killing done than one would expect given this frequency. All members of a clan are trained and expected to fight, except for those trained as technists, who maintain the water reclamation skin-suits, worn while outside the clan hold, and the limited and primitive machinery used by the clan. Throughout the clans, there are brotherhoods (sometimes more than one) binding each of the trades together beyond clan lines, and it is these brotherhoods holding back much of the outright warfare amongst the clans by providing binding ties and communication lines among even members of clans that are engaged in open hostilities with one another. Even during open war between clans, the technists are considered sacrosanct during all fighting, for without them the machinery of life in the clans and the holds themselves would quickly fail.


Of more concern among the clans than warfare is the simple fight for survival in the brutal environment, but the people of the clans know no other life and hold too much insular pride to regularly mix with Imperial visitors. These beliefs have colored the Marines of the Stoneburners directly, such that they will often espouse comments about the softness of most Imperial citizens and are critical and dismissive of those not from worlds classified as "feudal" or "death-worlds" in Imperial records. They see this softness as the reason Chaos is able to gain strongholds on the worlds of the Imperium.

Combat Doctrine:

In temperament, the Stoneburners are very much like their progenitors, the Angels of Vengeance. This feeds over into their combat doctrine as well, but they take their single-mindedness and direct it almost exclusively on the hunt for Chaos, often favoring campaigns against Traitor marines over xenos combat. Their hatred of the Traitor marines and the taint they bring with them coupled with the distaste for the softness of much of the Imperium has led the Stoneburners to purge entire star systems for capitulating without regard for the circumstances. Given the vastness of space, there have been survivors of the purges who have given differing accounts of these cleansings while locked in the tender ministrations of Inquisitorial questioners, disputing the righteousness of these actions. The High Lords of Terra are not yet in agreement about what extent the action taken against the Chapter will be. Knowing that these events have drawn the eye of the Inquisition and High Lords, the Inner Circle of the Stoneburners has been collectively called to the Rock to stand on account and face judgement. While this is more likely to curb the excesses of the Chapter than anything short of excommunicatus the High Lords might order, the Terran Council knows none of this and perhaps rightfully fears that rather than sending a simple dogged defender into the Segmentum Obscurus, they have instead loosed an unregulated cyclonic torpedo.


The mark of the Angels of Vengeance on their descendants also shows in their overly developed stubbornness which can often override their battlefield judgement. While they have never suffered losses as severe as their progenitor Chapter, there have been several campaigns that depleted the majority of the Marines across multiple battle companies. The gall the Stoneburners felt from the lost combat time due to heavy recruiting and advanced training has caused them to seek out larger challenges that have repeatedly cost them further transhuman lives.


The use of the First Company, the Deathwalkers, is little different from other Unforgiven chapters, acting as the heavy mailed fist of the Stoneburners and the direct combat force when a Fallen is identified on the battlefield and confronted. The Second Company, the Boneseekers, is atypically larger than in other Unforgiven, exceeding the Codex Astartes proscription by a time and a half. Generally a quarter of the Boneseekers are left embedded amongst each Battle Company to act as a direct scouts, but are left with the freedom to leave and rejoin the Battle Company forces as their missions dictate. I this way, the Inner Circle feels they can better analyze information on potential Fallen without devoting Deathwalkers to each combat engagement.


Chapter Grand Master


Inner Circle: Non-Terminator armor signifiers: Bone Helmet, Black armor, Bone pauldron trim, Command members wear the red command stripe

-All Interrogator-Chaplains (will have all bone helms with black iron skull plates)

-All Librarians

-Master of the Forge

-All Company Masters


Deathwalkers: Non-Terminator armor signifiers: Bone helmet, black armor, Command members wear the red command stripe

-Some members of the Company Command Squads (1st-5th - potentially any of the Apothecary, Company Champion, Standard Bearer, 2 Veteran Marines)

-All Deathwalkers 1st Company Marines

-Sergeants from the 1st Company sometimes seconded back to the Battle and Reserve Companies as missions require


Inner Circle Potentials/Initiates: Signifiers: Bone stripe on black helmet

-Veterans from 2nd-7th Companies (includes all Veteran sergeants)



Most of the beliefs of the Chapter are lifted from those of the clans of the erg and pan on Akhundras or are slightly altered variants thereof. The identities of both the First and Second Companies owe their foundations to beliefs stemming from the desert planet.


The legend on Akhundras says that the Deathwalker began as a death sentence for criminals condemned for the worst crimes, traitors against their clan, water thieves, and the like. The one declared Deathwalker would be taken out to the deep desert with both hands bound, no skin-suit or head coverings, and left near the den of an Achreshek in the path of a sand storm with a quarter day's ration of water. If the criminal could return to the clan with at least a single fresh Achreshek fang, then the traitorous act would be wiped clean by this redemptive act of bravery and toil. The legend says that the first man to survive this sentence met Death and broke his sword with the Achreshek's tooth after he fashioned it into a weapon such that Death could not strike him down until the Walker told Death he was finished. This changed slowly into a ritual for the truly suicidal young warriors of the clans who would make the smallest infraction that would warrant death in this manner (typically the theft of water given to a non-clan member that is also not a member of the same trade brotherhood) and and then they would go to their clan chief and ritually request a Deathwalk from the Elder's Council. Since the coming of the Dark Angels and then the formation of the Stoneburners, this has become the name of the deadly contests and trials assigned to those young warriors seeking to become initiates of the Chapter. The Stoneburners prize the legend of destroying Death's sword and the concept behind the legend enough that they named their First Company for the legend.


In a similar fashion, the Chapter also took the name of a legend of Ahkundras from a death cult of the clans there for their Second Company. The Boneseekers were believed to be both spirit and walking dead held together by a compulsion for vengeance that drives them to forever hunt. The legend states that they seek out the wronged and take up their vengeful thoughts, reforming them into a new quest each time that drives the Seekers even into the dreams of those that have wronged. They come in the night, walking from dusts that billow before them like dust ground from the bones of those they hunt and drag the oppressors of the vengeful into the deep desert, stripping flesh from bone, which they collect for the next time they are reformed. The Boneseekers ride the beasts of the desert from place to place, driven by their hunt for vengeance, often taking wing on the backs of carrion birds with bone colored feathers and claws.



Scions of the Dark Angels Legion, pure in gene line and dedication to the Unforgiven.


Battle Cry:

"Until the stones run as blood!"

Hi Bryan,


its tough to write a good Chapter history, and you've done an excellent job! :tu:


Two small points if I may:


1) You mention that the first Chapter Master, Aetrion, is from Akhundras, and so returns there to recruit the first marines for the fledgling Stoneburners. As Aetrion was originally from the Angels of Vengeance, Akhundras must have been an AoV recruiting world. As I understand it, a marine Chapter would take a dim view of another Chapter stealing one of their recruiting worlds, so it might be an idea to add in something about Akhundras being gifted to the SBs by the AoV on their founding, as part of a sort of standard "1st Legion New Chapter startup package". :P


2) The Deathwalker myth might be considered a little derivative of the Fremen taking the walk out into the deep desert, or a Judge taking the Long Walk in 2000AD. Don't get me wrong, you develop the Deathwalker ritual nicely and take it in a different direction by allowing it to change into a sort of "coming of age" for nutters, but you might get a bit of stick for it in the Liber Astartes forum ;)


Other than those two small points, I can't find anything to comment on, except to say that its a well-rounded Chapter history; it covers all of the major discussion areas; and is well written. :lol:

Hi Bryan,


its tough to write a good Chapter history, and you've done an excellent job! :o


Two small points if I may:


1) You mention that the first Chapter Master, Aetrion, is from Akhundras, and so returns there to recruit the first marines for the fledgling Stoneburners. As Aetrion was originally from the Angels of Vengeance, Akhundras must have been an AoV recruiting world. As I understand it, a marine Chapter would take a dim view of another Chapter stealing one of their recruiting worlds, so it might be an idea to add in something about Akhundras being gifted to the SBs by the AoV on their founding, as part of a sort of standard "1st Legion New Chapter startup package". ;)


2) The Deathwalker myth might be considered a little derivative of the Fremen taking the walk out into the deep desert, or a Judge taking the Long Walk in 2000AD. Don't get me wrong, you develop the Deathwalker ritual nicely and take it in a different direction by allowing it to change into a sort of "coming of age" for nutters, but you might get a bit of stick for it in the Liber Astartes forum ;)


Other than those two small points, I can't find anything to comment on, except to say that its a well-rounded Chapter history; it covers all of the major discussion areas; and is well written. ;)

Facmanpob, thanks a bunch! If those are the only two things that you felt need to comment on, I'm pretty happy. Good call on point #1, I do really need to put in something like that. On point #2, yeah, it was intended to call the Fremen tradition as well as the method the Aiel use to rid themselves of male channelers in the Wheel of Time, so I'm actually glad the connection was made. I was also intending the "legend" to double as one of those allegories told to initiates (broken sword of Death, redemptive quest, continuance in spite of difficulty).


Thanks for the comments! Hope to be done with the bases soon and that they don't disappoint.

Facmanpob, thanks a bunch! If those are the only two things that you felt need to comment on, I'm pretty happy.

Oh no, there was loads more I couldn't be bothered to discuss! :) Just kidding, I enjoyed reading your Chapter history, which is very positive, because normally I end up getting halfway through Chapter histories and going "yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah.." and never finishing! :) In this case, your writing style kept my interest right through to the end. ;)


On point #2, yeah, it was intended to call the Fremen tradition as well as the method the Aiel use to rid themselves of male channelers in the Wheel of Time, so I'm actually glad the connection was made. I was also intending the "legend" to double as one of those allegories told to initiates (broken sword of Death, redemptive quest, continuance in spite of difficulty).


Thanks for the comments! Hope to be done with the bases soon and that they don't disappoint.

That's cool - I'm glad you're glad I made the Fremen connection! :)

Looking forward to seeing the bases, and I'm sure they'll be top drawer!

:tu: Thank you guys so much for the enlightening commentary on my IA. :) :P :P


I at least was hoping for Pom-Pom cheerleader smilies. What a let down.




Well, mebee you will like the bases better. :P


(Yes, all of the above was a joke, I thought Stobz comment was funny. I will take ship name suggestions into consideration, because right now I'm drawing blanks. Preferably something tying into the themes and allusions I've presented here - no, I'm not using Heighliner.)

Awesome Chapter history Brother Bryan. I especially liked what you wrote for the Home World, very good stuff. Since you need names for your Battle Barges, I've always liked the word "Monolith". Try it out for your self. :)
Awesome Chapter history Brother Bryan. I especially liked what you wrote for the Home World, very good stuff. Since you need names for your Battle Barges, I've always liked the word "Monolith". Try it out for your self. :)

Thanks Brother Kovash! Glad you enjoyed it, even if it was a pretty specifically derivative part. :D


Monolith, hmmm. I think I really do like that, since the geological formation is often comprised of igneous rock, literally burning/liquid stone. I'm going to roll that around this weekend, but I think it is going to definitely rank up there, Brother Kovash. Thanks a ton!


Facmanpob, looking forward to seeing your suggestions!


On the actual modeling note, I have the bases all gritted up, glued down, and I'm painting up the broken up CSM armor from their opponents right after I hit submit on this post. Might be done with this one soon. :D

Ok, so first thoughts:


there's the obvious 40k style names, such as


Fury of .....

Wrath of ....

Doom of ....


Then there are more chapter specific names, e.g.


Aetrion's Hammer


Darkness Unfolding

Light of Vengeance (I like this one for the ship gifted by the Angels of Vengeance)


Or we could go more 'Banksian' ;)


Barn Door

Over my cold, dead, lifeless ....

Unforgiven until proven

Gellar wasn't joking

Imperial Mint

Random warp jump

Oppenheimer's Gift

Immaterium or Bust


Or, in the same way as Banks used part IV of Eliot's The Wasteland (Consider Phlebas, The Profit and Loss etc), we can use part V of the poem, which is far more DA appropriate:


Wasted Land

Rock without water

Sterile Thunder

Murmur of Lamentation

Age of Prudence

The broken seal

Fragmentary Ruin


I hope this gives you some ideas :)

Addition for the IA:
Robes amongst the Stoneburners: Unlike other Unforgiven Chapters, the formal rank system and mysteries initiations within the Stoneburners are not indicated by the wearing of tabards, surplices and robes, but rather by markings on the armor of the initiated. Life on Akhundras typically sees a clansman wearing not just a skin-suit, but also some form of camouflaging outer garment and head coverings. This has become a tradition within the Stoneburners as well and the wearing of these garments is left up to each Marine individually. Many of those that continue to wear them are often of Akhundras origin, but some simply wear them to honor their brothers or the traditions, such that these garments may be seen among members of any rank within the Chapter.

Completed Bases on Squads:

So this was originally the start to Squad Detoriah. The missile launcher bearer and plasma gunner have since defected back to the 4th Company (which was where they were supposed to be in the first place) and joined Squad Barathiel.

This is the back line to Squad Barathiel:

Some of my favorite base details:


Also, added a couple of ship names to my IA.

Per CPT Semper's request that I divulge (come up with) the meanings behind the armor markings I've been using, I give you the following:


Armor Markings and Honors of the Stoneburners Chapter:

Skill Honors:

Sword point down across eye lens: Marksmanship Honor

Sword w/inward pointed lightning bolts: Killed an opponent in single combat while unarmed

Downward sword + outward pointed lightning bolts: Close combat weapon expert


Task/Situation Honors:

Small quartered shield: Participated in a pacification task force against a Chaos cult garrison

Checkered marking on the armor: Commanded squad when sergeant killed in combat

Single lightning bolt: Drop assault combat duty (at least 30 combat duty drops)

Triple lightning bolts: Drop assault veteran (more than 100 combat duty drop assaults)


Armor Ornamentation:

Swords across elbow armor: Ornamentation

Diagonal stripes on bolter/chainsword: Ornamentation

Wings on gauntlet plates: Ornamentation

"Leo" on armor: Motto honors (also common: Burn, Angelis)


Chapter Mystery Initiations:

Sword w/crossed lightning bolt: Initiate of the first Chapter Mystery (demonstrated knowledge of common Chapter myths and tales, examined for understanding of nature behind these tales)

Whirlwind: Knights of the Scourging Whirlwind are initiated to all Chapter Mysteries except those known only to the Inner Circle


Honors to be marked on a Marine's armor are chosen by the Marine with the general rule of "All or some, but never none." A Marine that bears some form of honor must display at least one of the markings, but which are used are at his discretion.


Comments, questions or criticism? Just thoughts on the subject? Interesting idea, see something wrong, etc?

First off I think you’ve done a tremendous job of fleshing out your Chapter; congratulations are in order! :teehee:


Now for some comments (certainly not criticism):




I do like that they originate from the Angels of Vengeance! :( I also like the idea that the recruiting world is a desert world – that makes for physically tough breed of people. But I’d like to know a bit more about the culture… Are they nomads? Do they live in permanent settlements? Do they have trade or are they food collectors. Are the various tribes at constant war with each other (thus making for a strong martial culture) or maybe they are ruled by a secretive cast which claims esoteric knowledge (thus giving them the right mindset to become DA successors)… Also it’ll be cool if you can describe the selection rituals, i.e. how the candidates are selected. The fact that the Stoneburners negotiate drafting quotas with the Akhundras’ ruling cast means that the society’s higher echelon’s now the Space Marines for what they are and are treated as partners rather than god-like creatures… So what’s the deal there? Do the rulers know and the rest of the populace is oblivious? There might be something there to play up the secrecy things.


I will be adding more comments later...


Your work is, as usual, off the charts! :)

Thanks CPT Semper! Good point about Aetrion's discussion with the rulers of the clans, I may take that part out, or may just reword it such that Aetrion makes the decision, but only tells the Chapter. The clans should definitely believe that the Marines are part of their myths, then again, the secrets held by clan leadership really would be interesting...


I don't know that I really want to flesh out the details of the selection trials, but I did give some information on their origins in the Beliefs section. Also, most of the answers about the clans themselves are found in the Homeworld section.


Thanks for the comments! Glad you are enjoying so far!

  • 1 month later...

Home World:



Well you have fleshed out the tribes of Akhundras very well... fixed settlements but very low tech, rivalry between the clans but not outright war, cultural references to the saviour agianst the primordial evil... All boxes ticked - well done! :tu: Why not make your Akhundras your homeworld? A Fortress monastery in the arid hilltops of the desert would give both a knightly reference and a mystic dimension for the Akhundras people... Hey, you'll even get the chance to describe a Fortress Monastery! :D I mean Akhundras is now a fairly detailed setting - it can do with an upgrade in the contex of its place in your Chapter. It's also a good opportunity to make the Stoneburners kind of unique among the Unforgiven as they'd be having a Homeworld of their own... Just a thought.



Combat Doctrine:



Wow! Black sheep even among the Unforgiven? I like the loose cannon character you've given them - they are fanatics equivalent to some Blood Angels successors as in they do not care drawing attention to their exterme actions as long as the job's done. But being repremanded by the rest of the Unforgiven? That's really is putting them in a league of their own because it's not the hunt that's too severe but the fact that they not care so much about the cover up! So more direct and brutal than the average Unforgiven with the risk of becoming a liability? I can see potential there... ;) On the downside they might come accross a little "sloppy". By that I mean that the Unforgiven are like hunters of the Fallen but they also go to great lengths to clean-up the mess so no compromising evidence will leak...



I think this chapter is in stark contrast with Brother Captain Sharp's Angels of Vengeance - they are the "cleaners" of the Unforgiven! :D Maybe you guys should work together on a story!



Chapter Organization:



OK, I'm lost... AGAIN! :P



So, company Veterans (2-7th) a bone stripe on black helmet but that also might mean that they are Inner Circle potentials? And 2nd Company - are they all company veterans - and Inner Circle potentials? So they are DW already and could potentially be Inner Circle material (surely they can not join the Inner Circle straight from the un-initiated)? But if they are DW (i.e. Non-Terminator Deathwalkers) then they'll be having white helmets as per your description above... Personally I think you have too many signifiers in your army: white helmets, black helmets, white stripes, red stripes, white/black pauldron rims... :confused: Good thing you paint to this fantastic level and we get to see all these in reality!



And to be absolutely fair, this was hardly a detailed force organization - it was more like markings of the Chaopter. I'd like to see the relative hierarchy in the Chapter, how does the Inner Circle works, how is your Chapter different than the Dark Angels? Maybe you want to consider the option (in conjunction with making Akhundas the homeworld) of dedicating the companies to certain Akhundasian clans - a bit like the Salamanders... You already have established a rivalry between the clans - the 3-9 companies might actually been directly drawn from corresponding clans from Akhundas while the 1st and 2nd will be where the clan lineage is phased out completely and the hunt of the Fallen becomes the only conisderation worth... ermm... considering! :)







Excellent ritual mate, Deathwalk! This is trully for the toughest to survive! I also like the changeing of the menaing over the years (somethign that happens in actual life too) and from something associated with criminal behavior it becomes as point of honour and a "coming of age" ritual! And the Boneseekers legend's cool too! A bit metaphysical - it bodes well with understanding the nature of the Hunt.



Look, I really think you've put tons of effort in the background and it shows. I think Akhundas is for all intents and purposes IS the homeworld of the Stone Burners. Make it so! :yes:

CPT Semper, I will definitely get back to ya!

First, my finished Venerable Dreadnought, Gathrael, lauded Knight of the Scouring Whirlwind:


The base:


Inside of the fist:


So, it really isn't showing up well (not did I remember that my laptop doesn't auto-correct my contractions like my phone does - stupid laptop), but the fist, all the lenses, and the wax on all the seals is actually glossed to give it some extra shine.

Hope you guys like!

Next, my WIP shots for the LPC (supposed to be seven Tactical Marines, it's actually six plus one sergeant):


The first three with base coats on the legs, torsos, and bases:


Group shot with first two completed legs, torsos, and bases, Sergeant with only partially completed robes:


So now here is the front line of Squad Barathiel of the 4th Company with the newly defected missile launcher Marine and plasma gunner formerly of Squad Detoriah (who has now been shifted to a Devastator squad, still 5th Company):


So a couple of things I noticed: the plasma gunner was originally painted using my old method for painting eye lenses. He is staying this way. :teehee: I like my new method of eyes better, but I still have 4 more Tact squads, 3 Assault squads, 3 Devastator squads, my Command squads with leaders, and then my Deathwalker and Boneseeker support units to paint. So I'm being lazy! :laugh.:

Other note: Sergeant Barathiel and his squad will not be using the colorful frag grenade markings.

So here are the two new members of Squad Barathiel (they don't have names yet). On the bases, they show some of the debris from one battlefield of Hybreon IV, where members of the Extinction Angels Chaos warband struck down a less than Company sized garrison of Iron Crusaders who were left behind on the Chapter's way out to the Ghoul Stars.

Member One:


I worked on decking these two guys out and I'm hoping to keep it up over the remaining Marines I make, since I have a large miscellaneous bits container now. This Marine bears a thin strip of fabric colored as the sands of Akhundras II and a simple motto stamped into his greave.

Member Two:


I switched to the shield shape, rather than the larger square, for the company marking as I did for the 5th Company squad on the Mark 6 legs, and I think I really like it. This guy bears a motto stamped into the greave and a motto on a scroll (Wrath).

I'm hoping to get Sergeant Barathiel finished off this week, then I will have a hard decision on exactly what I want to work on next.

Comments, criticism always welcome! :thanks:

Hope you enjoy!


Aaaaaahh, satisfied now. Rest.

Brilliant work on the fist BB, I love it!!



Stobz, I'm glad you like it. I think it really caps him off as well. As much as I do like the fist though, I have yet another method for a power weapon I'm planning of try on Sergeant Barathiel's power maul. Hopefully it comes out as well as I'm imagining it at this time.


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