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Stoneburners - Chapter Champion (Dueling Master) WiP Model

Bryan Blaire

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Oh...I thought you had actually carved the "vengeance" on the chest and I was all wound up!


How can you play with my feelings in such a terrible way? *** sobs ***


BTW, the Barathiel is SUPERB: original robes, I like the contrast of the white in the front of the helmet and the right pad feels like you spent A LOT of work therw!

Oh heck no, I can't do anything like that with a knife! Sorry you got all worked up, sadly it's a pretty simple kit bash and manipulation.


Thanks for the comments on Sgt Barathiel, I think he turned out well and I really like how the sandy robes look against the bone colors, plus it matches my concept for the Stoneburners of representing Death clothed in robes the color of the deep sands.


Consider both idea's stolen  :)...


I always look forward you your updates.

Thanks Arkley, that's a huge compliment! :D I did already snag the downward blade idea from 1000Heathens, so it just propagates the idea. All of his conversions and kit bashes are awesome, I definitely encourage people to check out all his threads!


You're showing some serious momentum Bryan, great output at a sensational skill level. Well done and please carry on :tu:



Thanks Broke-Hand Bobz! :D Sadly this evening wasn't that productive, have some "continuing education" reading to do over the next couple of nights, but I'm still hoping to take some time to get at least a little paint on these guys, would like to be finished by half way through March. The legs just need text, icons and edge highlighting to be finished, though some of that will probably wait until I get the upper bodies done.
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Hey Guys ! We need to get a new bottle :lol:  It Looks like Bryan poured the whole bottle of awesomesauce onto his new models!!! there's none left for anyone else to use... :o ...


fantastic stuff as always BB



New bottle?


I think we need a crate as Bryan never fails to impress ;)



You guys are too funny! Glad you like, hopefully the painting will do this stuff justice and not hide any detailing. I am planning on trying a new barrel glow effect for the Multi-Melta for this squad. We'll see how it works out.

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  • 1 month later...

Sadly, I had a hard month and never got to work on a new barrel glow to steal. :laugh.: I may improve it some in the future (or just completely redo it) with my idea, but for now, these will have to suffice as "Completed."

I present the first five members of Squad Sebriel of 7th Company, Stoneburners Chapter:


Basing details are from the battlefield where the Extinction Angels wiped out part of the "garrison" of Iron Crusaders.

My favorite guy:

gallery_59244_8168_40575.jpg gallery_59244_8168_3133.jpg

I really like how his combat "gladius" blade turned out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I've had some time to regroup and sort my thoughts, and while I'm having to fight the temptation of Chaos and Xenos, I've gone ahead and started on work on a DV biker (the sergeant) as a "proof of concept" for my Boneseekers, since right now, the only thing I've done for them is a Landspeeder (and it was done using my old bone method with only a step or two of mixed shades).

So here's Squad Temiel's sergeant with just his head and rebreather done (and the inside of the hood/robe in dark green):


That's only my third bare head/skin ever, so I think I have some improvement to do in that area (my wife said that my initial paint job on him made him look like a Devaronian from Star Wars). I think I will try for some lighter coloration next time, but I wanted the actual Akhundran marines to be pretty close in coloration to what I achieved.

I'm also going to be trying a new method of doing the flexible armor joints (I think you can see some of it in this pic) to make them stand out a little more than they do right now.

C&C? (and I understand "Shaddup and paint more because there's not much to actually talk about here") :biggrin.:

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Armour joints look great on previous post where is the blade from?

Thanks! Thoughts on the flesh/eyes?


The gladius blade? I made that from a Grey Knight PA falchion and the tip of a melta-gun barrel for the round guard. Was fiddly to put together, but I think it turned out pretty good looking. I think the blade is just slightly out of alignment, but it seems pretty straight over all. If I do one again, I will try and sand/file flat the bottom of the blade and where it fits onto the guard. I also had to put a pin through the whole thing.


Seems with every pic Brian posts, I am filling my notebook with stolen Ideas :D

Oh in regards to the models themselves, not fan of the mustard robe (is it the pic?) but otherwise:




Thanks Brother Immolator! LOL, steal away, I'm a straight up idea thief also. :D


Which robe looks mustard-ish? On the bike sergeant I haven't done anything on the robe except the inner green. On the old sergeant, it may be the pic, but I think the robe overall does look more yellow vs the newer more khaki/sand robes (the old desert yellow color was actually yellow, while the new sand color actually looks tan-ish sandy).

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This is really high quality stuff - as per usual Bryan! The combat knife marine is really awesome not only because of the movement but also because of the implied savagery - something that is not readily associated with DAs!


The skin tones are also top notch but I have to agree with Stobz - the eyes man, the eyes are just perfect! :thumbsup:


So 7th Company now huh? The Inner Circle demands close-ups of the knee pads! :laugh.:

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Have to agree with Crazystobz that the face could do with a final highlight.


The eyes are great and the flexible armour joints look good too (Boltgun and black ink?).


Now give us more!

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Stunning. If I haven't said this before: loving the attention to detail in their personal heraldry where it is applied. Really does set the Stoneburners apart creatively and visually.




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Bryan, I think you are the only person on this forum who could get away with posting a completed head as an update! :) He is looking good though, especially as you say this is only your 3rd un-helmeted head (my first unhelmeted head ended up looking like Hermann Munster!) Looking forward to seeing the rest of him!

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The flesh looks great .the gladius really caught my eye.I find your work stunning.:thumbsup:

Thanks deathspectersgt7, it's easy to say, but they obviously mean a lot to me, but it means even more if other people like them too.

Your flesh looks good Bryan; I'd add another superlight highlight to his forehead and crown though, he looks a little waxen and flat across that area.

The eyes are freaken sensational, I wish I could pull that off. I cheat and hide the fact that I can't :wink:


Sounds like a plan. I'm going to have to see what I can mix up for a highlight without making it really obvious that there is a "highlight" line. That's what I've always disliked about flesh, it needs more smooth blending than what I'm actually capable of, IMO.

The eyes were an accident, TBH. Basically what I did was paint the entire face the base color (Skrag Brown). Then I did a wash with Druchii Violet in the recesses around the eyes. Then I painted the eyes with Ulthuan Grey just inside the lids. After that, I washed the entire head with Reikland Fleshshade, and I allowed just a little bit to end up on the eyes (the excess I cleaned off with a dry brush). Then I painted the pupils black (because you can't really distinguish between pupil and iris on something that size), added just a speck of Ulthuan Grey near the edges of the pupils to brighten it back up some, and then I tried to highlight the eye lids some, but they are freakin' tiny, not sure I actually did anything on them.

This is really high quality stuff - as per usual Bryan! The combat knife marine is really awesome not only because of the movement but also because of the implied savagery - something that is not readily associated with DAs!

The skin tones are also top notch but I have to agree with Stobz - the eyes man, the eyes are just perfect! :thumbsup:

So 7th Company now huh? The Inner Circle demands close-ups of the knee pads! :laugh.:

Well, they are supposed to be the "black sheep", I intended them to be very cold but brutal. I had the start of a story for the Quelling of Hybreon IV in my head showing some of that, but I would need to actually put pen to paper (as it were) to really share it. I want them to seem more callous than most Marines, because not only are they transhuman, but they also have a very large disdain for most of the Imperial population. I'm glad the pose says something to you. I'm hoping that I can do some more with it.

Thanks for the kind words on the skin and eyes. I still need a lot of improvement in the skin area, but I think this guy is going to be about the darkest I really want to take skin tones (as I said, my first attempt was described to me as "Why did you paint a Devaronian?" - red skinned demon thing from the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars).

The 7th Company designator:


I'm trying to put them all into my IA as well. As soon as I figure out how to do a chart with the new board code, I actually want to put a chart into the IA with the images in there.

Have to agree with Crazystobz that the face could do with a final highlight.

The eyes are great and the flexible armour joints look good too (Boltgun and black ink?).

Now give us more!

Thank you, thank you! I haven't really wanted to do the flex armor in metallics, because I've spent an inordinate amount of time going "No, they shouldn't be metal, metal doesn't flex like that and isn't ribbed." Then I started looking back at my original Stoneburners stuff and realized that there is essentially no difference between my flexible armor joints and the highlight color on the edge of the armor plates and I think it looks really crappy. So then I realized I was being kinda dumb and went and took a look at a lot of images of the flexible metallic fiber tubing that exist. Then I finished justifying it to myself as "Well, even if that stuff doesn't look like it would be good armor (it's way too thin), I'm sure that 38K years into the future, they will have figured it out" and went with it. :biggrin.:

It's actually the middle silver, Ironbreaker, with Nuln Oil. I think the tone turned out pretty well over all.

I will post more images just as soon as get some more painted. :biggrin.: Thanks to a suggestion from my brother, my loving missus bought me the new version of XCom for my B-day (mostly because she can't find anywhere that will sell me a working Iron Man or Warmachine suit of any variety), so I'm killing Xenos in multiple realms. Haven't done much painting because of that.

That one, though now that I see it better it must be the light.

Ah. Yeah, he is a little mustard-ish, but not as much as that image makes it out to be. I really am going to have to go back over all my previous robes and get them all looking more standard. As I said, the old Desert Yellow was a lot more actually yellow (and much, much thinner) than the new Tallarn Sand is.

Just to reiterate what everyone else has said, the gladius marine really is awesome! :thumbsup: Pretty much exactly how I've imagined an Astartes combat blade/gladius to look like after reading the HH novels.

Excellent work mate (as always :smile.: )

Thanks! Yeah, it's pretty much how I've imagined them too, the knives have always looked a little too small compared to the Marines for me. But those are the size of the blades GW chose and I don't have enough bits to make all my combat blades look that way. :sad.:

Thanks for the support!

Stunning. If I haven't said this before: loving the attention to detail in their personal heraldry where it is applied. Really does set the Stoneburners apart creatively and visually.



Thanks, Master Isiah! :biggrin.: It's always nice to hear! Some of the latest Marines need to go back into the paint shop for their accolades/heraldry, but that may not happen for a while.

Bryan, I think you are the only person on this forum who could get away with posting a completed head as an update! :smile.: He is looking good though, especially as you say this is only your 3rd un-helmeted head (my first unhelmeted head ended up looking like Hermann Munster!) Looking forward to seeing the rest of him!

:lol: Thanks, facmanpob! I don't think I'm the only one, just the one lazy enough. :wink: I think it worked out well, but I do need to do as suggested and give him a crown and brow highlight. Hopefully I'll pull myself back into painting so I can get him done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bryan,


quick question regarding Squad Temiel's Sergeant....you've painted the head without basecoating the rest of the torso. Do you intend to use the Imperial Primer as a paint on primer, rather than spraying? If so, is it any good? If not, how do you accomplish priming with paritally painted minis such as this?





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