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Pre/heresy-era World eaters

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Apart from the obvious - only normal landraiders, no furiosos, no razorbacks, no speeders, few jump troops, no baals, no twin las-turret predator variants, no SP...


Infantry, CCWs, rhinos... These things are good.

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Leonaides has pretty much hit the nail on the head.


If it's an authentic feel you want to the army then your best bet is decide whether you want to go with a late or early crusade army mainly because of the armour and equipment that was available at the time.


Your best bet is to stick to Mk II and Mk III armour for early stuff and then start adding Mk IV armour as you get closer to the Heresy. Avoid mixing armour types too much as well.

Avoid using Land Raider Crusaders, Razorbacks and Vindicators which were all Heresy or Post Heresy vehicles along with the Predator Annihilator which was invented much later by the Space Wolves. Leave out chaplains if you are doing early crusade stuff and librarians in late crusade stuff.


For jump troops stick to using Vanguard veterans as the jump pack troops of the time were considered elites in the same way as Terminators are seen now. You could use sanguinary guard but it'd be best to avoid them because of their rather unique rule set.


Death Company could be used to represent marines that had undergone the cybernetic gladiator implants, Mephiston would make a great Angron proxy as well if you don't use his psychic powers and Seth would make a great Khârn.


You can also include Storm Ravens in the army as there isn't any real indication that they weren't around pre-heresy.


The bike rules make great jet bike proxies as well.


To be honest though you have a great deal of freedom in interpreting the codex how you want to at the end of the day. Anything that you include can be explained away with a little imagination.

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I think that might have been a minor background error and Graham McNeil mentions then in Thousand Sons as well briefly.


It's always been the case that they weren't a pre-heresy vehicle though as they were originally created during the very early years of the Heresy during the street fighting that took part in the Rothern I campaign by the loyalists.


But at the end of the day it's down to the individual building the army I guess, personally I wouldn't include them though.

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Check out these sites;

Throne Of Skulls - everythign you wanted to ask about World Eaters but were too afraid of having your head chopped off - dedicated Khornate fanbase, HEAPS of preheresy World Eaters stuff (painting too).


The Great Crusade - everythign you might ever need to know about pre-heresy logistics and army composition.


As a fan of Khorne and BA id also say to use Priests to simulate the ferocity of the troops.There were allegedly Blood Priests (im working on fluff for it myself) and other Khorne heralds/chaplains.



There is also a Rhino mentioned somewhere (cant find it anywhere right now though) that served with Angron and is covered in spikes, each adorned with severl Imperial skulls, i think it was Gladius and its Machine Spirit had been rededicated to Khorne.

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I wrote an article on this very subject on my blog, I hope you will find it useful:




I think Doghouse has hit the nail on the head though, you have a hell of a lot of freedom if you are taking the PH route. There is room for pretty much everything, from bog standard marines with an assault bias, to an all-berserker skull collecting expidition, the background is there to justify either if it's your desire.

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