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First game against new Grey Knights.

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I traveled to another GW today for a cross store competition. I told them I'd be playing a 40k game with my Templars sot hey set me up with another guy to play against. I wrote a list and he broke out the Grey Knights. Not what I was expecting.


The guy was real fun to play against and he was using a collection of other regular's models (Power armor Grey Knights, Razorbacks, Land Raider Redeemer) and the store's new Black Box Grey Knights (Terminators with some of the new eqipment and the much fear DreadKnight).


I was going up against a pretty 'ard list:

1500 pts



Grand Master w/ Force Weapon and rad grenades and Hammer Hand


5 Terminators, 3 Halberds; 1 Daemon Hammer; 1 Warding Staff


5 Halberds and Justicar w/ Force Weapon, and Hammer Hand


5 Halberds and Justicar w/ Force Weapon, and Hammer Hand


5 Halberds and Justicar w/ Force Weapon, and Hammer Hand


2 Razorbacks w/ Twin Las and Extra Armor

1 Razorback w/ Las/plas Extra Armor

Heavy Support

Land Raider Redeemer


Dreadknight w/ Psilancer and "Big Special DK sword of re-rolls."


This was going to be a daunting fight for the Emperors most loyal servants.



Emperor's Champion w/ AACNMTO

Reclusiarch w/ LC, Artificer Armor, Terminator Honors, 3 Cenobytes



8 Crusaders, 2 Neophytes w/ Power Fist and Melta

8 Crusaders, 2 Neophytes w/ Power Fist and Melta

Rhino w/ Extra armor

Rhino w/ Extra armor


10 Crusaders, 4 Neophytes w/ Powerfist



5 Terminators; 3 TH/SS; 2 LC

Land Raider Crusader


I don't want to make this an extremely comprehensive battle report (nor will I) but I wanted to give some people the run down of what happened.


We rolled for deployment and mission and got a very tasty vanilla Pitched Battle, Annihilation match.


I got first turn and set up. My Chaplain was foot slonging with my 14 man unit and my Emperor's Champion rode in the Land Raider with my Terminators.

The first thing I did was move my Crusader trying to get a few pot shots at his Razorbacks and LR. I managed to stun one Razorback and my Multimelta bounced of his LR. So I didn't manage to cause any real damage.


His Razorback used the Fortitude psychic power and ignored my stunned result and moved the transports forward, firing two guns at my Crusader. All his shots bounced off, only managing to scratch my sacred hull. His Las/plas shot my flootsloggers, making them charge forward in a righteous fury.


I moved a Rhino over a hill, trying to get a melta gun into range to fire at his LR. My Crusader moved to fire the multimelta for a bit of insurance against his LR. MY foots sloggers moved forward gettign into assault range of his Razorbacks. Both my meltas failed to cause any damage to his LR, but my Chaplain managed to wreck the charged Razorback, causing a squad of Knights to pile out and go to ground.


His Redeemer pivots and flames my Crusaders making them fall back, leaving only one alive. Another Squad of PAGK pile out of a nearby Razorback to fire on my Chaplain's squad. Making them RZ away from the nearby Grey Knight squad and towards the enemy LR (in an attempt to ruin his assault). The Dreadknight charged my vulnerable Rhino and with re-rolls, destroyed it in a fiery explosion.


Come my turn I moved my foot slogging unit back towards the cluster of Razorbacks and the two disembarked squads of Power Armor knights. I make a multiple assault on the two 6 man squads. The unit was full of halberds so most of them attacked before anything I could throw at them. The Justicars cast Hammer Hand (I figured this would really matter, so what if the Justicars got str 8?). Much to my surprise it made the entire squad +1 str, and he killed five more of my initiates. Next my Chaplain attacked killing four of one squad. My iniates manged to only kill one more Grey Knight and his Justicars killed another one of mine in turn. I lost by 2 and managed not to lose any from pokes. In the same turn I geared my Terminators up to assault his own Terminators, convinced I would break open his LR this time around. Both Melta shots only managed to break his assault cannon and an inferno cannon. Not good.


He continued the assault against my Chaplain and his squad, killing the rest of the initiates and Leaving the Chaplain alone. My Chaplain then killed 5 after another squad of Grey Knights Joined the fray. His Terminators assaulted mine, throwing rad grenades and lowering my Toughness to 3, and my Emperor's Champion died fighting the Grand Master, only managing to cause a single wound. My Storm Shields protected me from his slurry of Nemisis Force weapons, allowing my LCs to strike, killing 3. Next my hammers swung, but bounced for his protective wards. Luckily I won the assault and he fell back, with my Terminators close behind.


It wasn't looking good for my Chaplain, surrounded and outnumbered the Grey Knights swung their Halberds at him. All but one hit and failed to wound. Truly the Emperor protects the faithful. The Chaplain then killed 5 more, winning him the combat and catching all the squads, making him lose 4 more to No Retreat! saves. Again I fired two melta weapons at his LR only managing to break his last flamestorm cannon. I assaulted it with my initiate squad, desperate to wreck the tank. I only managed to stun it. My Chaplain then slew the remaining Grey Knights, staggering from the vicious melee as the sole survivor.


His Razorbak crew turned their weapons on my Chaplain, firing searing bolts of plasma. The rosarious protected him, but failed under the strength of the lascannons, bringing the mighty Chaplain down. The Dreadknight moved to protect the LR, assaulting my initiates and killing all but two. The Dreadknight's protective fields failing to protect it against my initiate's powerfist. His Terminators continued to flee, just inches away from his table edge.


My terminators moved to keep close with the Grey Knights Terminators, but wary of the Dreadknight as it slew the remainders of my crusader squad. My Crusader fired all weapons at the Grey Knight Terminators, failing to cause any damage.


His Terminators fired at my pursuing Sword Brethren two of them falling before his storm bolters and psycannon. His Dreadknight assaulted my Terminators, killing the one paired with LC and my Storm Shield protecting the other. They managed another two wounds to the suit.


Knowing my lone Sword Brethren wouldn't be able to stand against his Dreadknight another turn I moved my Landraider Crusader full inches to get within 6 inches of his terminators. The Dreadknight killed my last Terminator.


His Grandmaster and the rest of his Terminators fled the board. His Dreadknight charged my Landraider, scoring three hits and no penetrations, even with re-rolls. My next turn I fired all weapons on the rampaging suit, bringing it down.


The game went on for one final turn, allowing my Landraider to kill a Razorback, leaving myself two kill points ahead.


The game ended on turn 7, 8 to 7 kill points. Black Templars win.

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Huzzah! Good to know that despite their brand spanking new toys and update, they are beatable with Templars


Chaplins for the win! Makes me think I shouldn't give mine so much equipment when to be honest...he seems to perform as well or better without.

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It was a really hard fought game on both sides. Both of us getting absolute garbage rolls (I probably shot his LR with about 10 melta all together and never killed the darn thing).


From what I could gather he usually plays Necrons so he wasn't so used to playing with a mobile army so he stayed a little still. Next time I'm thinking I'll have to spam some Razorbacks myself in order to take down that Dreadknight. For 30 points less than a Carnifex it sure is a monster.


EDIT: What's your load-out for your Chappy?

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It was a really hard fought game on both sides. Both of us getting absolute garbage rolls (I probably shot his LR with about 10 melta all together and never killed the darn thing).


From what I could gather he usually plays Necrons so he wasn't so used to playing with a mobile army so he stayed a little still. Next time I'm thinking I'll have to spam some Razorbacks myself in order to take down that Dreadknight. For 30 points less than a Carnifex it sure is a monster.


EDIT: What's your load-out for your Chappy?


Senior Master of Sanctity: Abbas Iratus Gray

- Adamantine mantle.

- Artificer Armour.

- Storm Shield.

- Legion relic (apoc)

- Thunder hammer (If have the points)

- Frags.

- Meltabombs (If no relic or hammer)

- Bionics.

- Teleport Homer.

- Holy Hand Grenade.


He is quite a beast O.o But..thinking back, he always was. And personally I think he may have been better with the extra two attacks instead of the storm shield.

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I watched this game and it was good, and bloody till the end. Lot of trash rolls though. The dreadknight failing to kill your LRC in combat was just dumb though. 4 attacks, 2d6 and re-roll.... not once did he get over a 7. And your chaplain is really what won you that game, that one combat turned the game. Was a good day for both our Templar!
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Yes definitely. My Chaplain and the fact that those Terminators ran away really cut me some slack. I need to retool my list if I wanna be able to take on these new Knights, maybe add a couple of Dakka Preds.


It was definitely a lot of fun, they have so many dirty tricks up their sleeves.

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Now, after what you saw, do you think a gunline BT army might be better? Like you said, a couple of preds to take out the dreadknight, and the crusaders with boltguns. Also, I would send the EC against his infantry, because he would slaughter 'most anything. Avoid the grandmaster and instead kill all his infantry and vechicles. Then swarm him.


just my 2 cents.

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Now, after what you saw, do you think a gunline BT army might be better? Like you said, a couple of preds to take out the dreadknight, and the crusaders with boltguns. Also, I would send the EC against his infantry, because he would slaughter 'most anything. Avoid the grandmaster and instead kill all his infantry and vechicles. Then swarm him.


A gunline would seem to be preferable against the new Grey Knights, but I'm just not so sure you'd be able to out shoot them with their Codex and the crazy things that they can bring to the table. I'd rather keep with the strengths of the Black Templars and their preference for combat.


That being said, I would definitely recommend shooting the bastards to hell. I'll probably want to pick up another couple Razorbacks along with a pair of Preds. I might even think about dropping the LC from the terminator squad... but that's a big stretch. You definitely need the 3++ against such high initiative troops but because of their lack of True Grit, WS 5 and strength 6 they wont cause nearly as many wounds as before.


EDIT: Planning to send my Emperors Champion into his Terminator squad might have been a bad idea, but I wanted to cause every possible wound I could and it was either that or fight the Dread Knight (or sit in the Crusader). But yes, I would much rather send him after infantry, I just didn't have room in Rhinos and I didn't want him with my Chaplain. I suppose it was just poor planning on my part.

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Close Combat isn't really a BT "thing". If anything it is more like a mild preference and firepower is still respected. True, we get the option to go BP/CCW, but all the next few Marines I put together will be carrying bolters.


Look at it this way: If they are shootier, we have a CC edge and AACNMTO just makes it nasty. If they are about equal with us in shooty and stabby, then AACNMTO gives us an edge. If they are more stabby, then AACNMTO just helps with the pain some and it doesn't do any good to have all those BP/CCW Marines when they end up dead from S5/I5 Furious Charge.

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To be honest, I'm not too concerned with the Grey Knights. They have some nasty things such as Psycannon-spam, Fortitude, Special Characters, and various other Psychic Powers...but nothing that can't be dealt with just like everything else. They are just as easy to kill as other MEQ forces. :lol:
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To be honest, I'm not too concerned with the Grey Knights. They have some nasty things such as Psycannon-spam, Fortitude, Special Characters, and various other Psychic Powers...but nothing that can't be dealt with just like everything else. They are just as easy to kill as other MEQ forces. :D


If not more so, since they'll be putting fewer models and vehicles on the table.




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