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1500pts Daemonhunters vs Orks.


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Mission is Anniliation, Deployment pitched battle.


I ran;


Grandmaster (naked)

Two ten man Grey Knight squads with two pyscannons.

One eight man Grey Knight squad with two incinerators.

Landraider Crusader.

Dreadnaught with Extra armour, twin-lascannon and missile launcher.


The Orks had (From Memory)


Warboss with Cybork body, evy armour and 'uge choppa.

ten nobs with dok, banner and other assorted wargear.

Unit of a ton of grotz.

one twenty man unit of 'Ard Boyz with one rockkit launcher and claw-nob, second squad of twenty boyz with no nob and two rokkits.

Large Loota squad (ten guys?)

Deff Dread.

Burna Boyz with truck.

Mek with shock attack gun.


My opponent won the first turn roll, so deployed first. Lootas and Dread behind the grotz in cover on my left flank. Truckk with the Burna's deployed in the far right side behind a building. Mek sat in the very back of the table in the middile with the no-nob boys squad as a shield. 'Ard boys and Nobs (with warboss) deployed along my right flank. A tree-house and house cut the table at the middle.

I responded by deploying my two tenman squads on my far left in order to pummel the orks with their psycannons, and the Dreadnaught deployed in the woods to the right of them. The Grandmaster and third squad of Grey Knights started in the Landraider which I deployed to anchor my right flank.




I rolled to steal the initiative and I did!


Turn 1.


Landraider creeps up a little bit, but it's out of range of fire. My dread lights up the ork walker with it's anti-tank weapons, but fails to find a kink in it's armour. Psycannons from my two footslogging squads rain death onto the Grotz, and they go to ground in response.


For the Orks, the Trukk zooms to the left, while the ardboys and nobs advance towards my landraider. loota's fire into my Dreadnaught, but score no damage. Mek attempts to shoot one of my Grey Knight squads with it's shock attack gun, but is defeated by the shrouding. A number of rokkits fire in the vauge direction of my Landraider, but it's made of stern stuff.





Turn 2.


Raider creeps up closer to the Ard 'boys. I figure I had a better chance at wounding some of them then the nobs. One of my footslogigng squads advance's a bit. The other squad fires at the Grots again, I hope that if I kill enough I can force them to flee, but that doesn't happen. My Landraider knocks down a few 'Ard boys, while my dreadnaught kills his. Unfortunately his Ork Dread doesn't explode.


In the ork turn, the Mek gets into the Burna's truckk, which then drives towards the Grots. Lootas move to get into a better firing position, while the hordes of orks on my right advance closer to the raider. I take no damage from shooting.






Turn 3.


Landraider plows fire into the 'Ard Boys again, felling more. My footslogging squads fire into the Nobs, killing one.


The ork Nobs and 'Ard boys advance to the raider, while the Mek disembarks from the Tuckk, while it disembarks the Burnas near my psycannon squads. Calling a Waagh, the Lootas blow the lascannon off my Dread while the Nobs charge the 'Raider and the Burnas charge one of my Grey Knight squads. The Grey Knights kill off the Burnas with no harm to them, while the Nobs and warboss shake the raider.






Turn 4.


Time to get my hands dirty.


Grandmaster and his squad disembark from the raider after it backs up from the nobs a bit. My squads to my left fire into the 'Ard Boys, killing some more, while the landraiders one hurricane bolter fells a couple as well. The Incinerators and Stormbolters from my grey knight squad wail into the Nobs squad and fells a number of the models, then I charge in. Grandmaster kills one nob, while my Grey Knights and the Nobs each take a good number of wounds. In the end, I win combat by one. However the orks are in no mood to run away.






The Orks respond specaularly, as the Meks' shock attack gun kills six out of ten Grey Knights in one of my footslogging squads, while the remaining 'Ard boys join into the combat and kill off my Grandmaster and the remains of my squad. Not before I kill a couple of 'ard boys and another Nob.


Turn 5.


My weakened Grey Knight squads heads up table in order to try and kill some of the Lootas, while the rest of my attention is spend trying to kill the warboss and the remaining Nobs. The Landraider splits fire into the Nobs and the 'Ard boys. The Nobs are reduced to only a handful of models, while I manage to kill the remaining nobs and wound the warboss. The Warboss flees after his squad is killed as well, though the 'Ard boys think they better show their the braver boys.




The warboss regroups and joins the Ard boys on the way to my weakened Grey Knight squad. He is unable to make it into base to base (fortunately), so I am able to worry about just killing the 'Ard Boys. The claw remains and fortunately so do I.


The die is rolled and the game continues.


Turn 6.


The raider advances to create a wall to the second large squad of orks and my grey knights wail on the Lootas, killing a couple. The Dread kills the Truck. My Justicar rolls all one for his attacks, but somehow manages to live.


The Loota's blow off the Dreads missile launcher, while my Justicar falls in the combat.


Annnnd Turn seven!


In summery, I kill off the warboss and 'Ard boys, while he tries to shoot down my remaining footslogging squad. Loota's shoot my dread, but to no avail.




So, he killed two of my Grey Knight squads and my Grandmaster, while I killed the Truckk, Dread, Burnas, 'Ard Boys, Nobs and Warboss. Giving me a 6-3 KP win. Huzzah!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds like a fun game. i always like it when those dirty orks get their clocks cleaned.


One thing I can't get over is the blue and orange Grey Knights!?!?! Doesn't look horrible, that not what I mean. Just somehow feels like blasphemy.


Prepare to be purged heretic. :D

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