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Looking for super tiny rare earth magnets


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Thanks for the fast reply, but the shipping here is a whooping $21.50 USD. I'd still use them if there wasn't any other option, but hopefully theres somewhere else out there with cheaper shipping.


Thanks though, at least its something to think about ;)

So where in the world are you? There are plenty of other magnet sellers, but it's been my experience that Americans tend to not know^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hforget this and simply recommend American things to everyone ;)


Hey, I recommend what I use. Also, the OP didn't say where he's from, not my fault! :lol:

I use K&J and they are fast, but like you said shipping costs could be an issue. Anyways, I have been playing with these a lot and I can at least reccomend sizes. For the wrist section that is attached to the weapon use a D101-N52, its 1/16" X 1/32". Into the arms I like to insert a cylinder, a D12-N52 1/16" X 1/8". These are the up strengthed rare earths and you can lift a whole plastic mini by the weapon if you use these. They still come off really easy when you want them to. For metal minis you can lift quite a few of them by the weapon, but not all.


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