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The Inferno

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As Recarus stepped from the burning remains of the Rhino, he could only imagine the plesure he would feel from killing, no, destroying the captain of the Legion of the Dead that stood not twenty meters from him. slowly he walked toward his target, relishing the moment, whishing it could not ever come to an end, the slow walk towards the hated loyalist. Suddenly the command squad veteran sargeant stepped out from the shadows, and alerted the captain to Recarus. Such a shame, the look of suprise on any marine's face before he died was a victory onto it's own, and then the veteran and Recarus locked eyes, and slowly a smile appeared on his face, no victory could be better than this, a fellow Fallen once again serving amongst the Emperor's Finest? Then again, only unsung hero's and the redeemed end up in the Legion, and they must die in combat before even that happens.


"Well well, if it isn't the rat who stole my glory and then tried to play it off as if we were still friends." Recarus shouted, "I had thought I had seen your face for the last time when I shoved my flamer down your throat! ready to die again, Romulus?". "I am not the one who will die tonight, monster." was the reply, followed by a rather more quiet order,"take him, mordus.". Recarus barely heard the last part, and only just barely dodged the searing melta blast, already withdrawing his pistol to return fire. "whats the matter Romulus? can't fight fairly? Or are you just to afraid to take me on?".


Mordus was standing in the wrecked Rhino, lining up his next shot when the rock bounced off his helm, causing him to look up in couriousity, he saw the chaos cultist aim the sniper rifle at Romulus, and everything went in slow motion. Mordus fired off a shot at the sniper, just as Recarus fired his bolt pistol in turn at Mordus, hitting him in the neck, and arm. Romulus dropped his flamer and pulled out his bolt pistol and shot the modified promithium tank on Recarus's backpack, and the highly flammable liquid spilled onto the ground. The bolt caused Recarus to stumble forward, and turn in anger. Enraged, and not thinking about the pool of promithium infront of him, Recarus turned on his flamer, too late seeing the trail of promithium he left when he fell forward, too late relizing the path lead back to him, Recarus erupted into a ball of fire as another fallen died.


Mordus was in bad condition, the apothicary had said, but would live, not that it mattered, considering he would return in the body of another. Romulus had not even known of the sniper until he had talked to Mordus days after he was stable, and that was only to brief him on the next mission, a Word Bearers incursion in the Raptureon Sector.......



this is the prologue to a story I'm writing resulting in the clash of my Word Bearers and my Legion of the Dead.

the next part is coming soon!

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