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WIP: Angry Marines

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As of 09 Apr 2011, I have assembled (for the most part) 830 points worth of soon-to-be Angry Marines. (Ahhh yeahhhhh)




Most of them come from the Assault on Black Reach boxed set, hence their sitting on top of the lid. The assault cannon bit, and the standard bearer and heavy bolter marines came from GW mail order. The following photo explains my position on not having at least one assault cannon with my termies and one heavy bolter available for my army's use:




I picked up a few boxed sets, including the commander boxed set, whose leftover parts went to the sergeant on the tac squad to your right. The standard bearer came with a banner pole backpack, and after sleeping on it, I realized two banners on one 25mm model would be overkill. The one gripe I have with the standard bearer is the right shoulderpad prevents the backpack from sitting flush. I'm on my way to pick up some mighty puttygreen stuff to fix that.


That's all for now. More when I get the first coats on these bad boys.

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I'm a fan of the Angry Marines, and I always get a giggle out of seeing /tg/ stuff modeled out. Are you going to have Power Wrenches and do the silly things like that, or are you just going for the colors and the iconography?


Mainly the colors and iconography, but if you know of any place I can get 25mm metal or plastic wrenches on the cheap, I'd be willing to listen... :HQ:


Do a power chair! DO EET. :P


On a more sensible note, how are going to model/paint their iconography?


Paints are easy enough, found me some P3 yellow ink to wash over the models after I prime them. I have a contact that's going to send me his AM icon decal sheet, and I'll change the mad face from red to yellow to better match the /tg/ designs. Is the LPC still open? I'm seriously considering kitbashing up a Predator Angrinator, which should make up for the lack of power steel chair.


On another note, there was no need for the mighty putty after all. After looking over the model some more, I realized I could get three points of attachment off the shoulderpads and the back mount, and CA glued that recalcitrant little backpack on.

No new photos at the moment, but here's some impressions from my night assembling the latest shipment:


1) Plastic Assault Marine Jump Packs were precision engineered by GW's team of boffins in Nottingham to resist the neophyte/average modeller's attempts to take them off the sprue with hardly any leftover mold flash.

2) Speaking of more GW fail, how about the instructions for the Vindicator treads? Talk about clear as mud on the tread assembly; damn near ruined my model when I realized I had the treads on the wrong way. :whoops:

Fortunately, the glue had not yet dried completely, and I got the treads on the right way. If it's not going into the channel smoothly between the interior and exterior hulls, You're Doing It Wrong. Learn from my very near fail, kiddies.

3) On the subject of very near fails, remember to check for hidden mold flash that could interfere with the assembly on snap-tight parts. After knitting my brows over the Vindicator for fifteen minutes, using as much brute force as I dared, wondering why the body assembly wasn't fitting flush, I found the culprit: flash on both holes for the deck tabs in the starboard interior hull part. ;)


I realize this must seem like old hat to most people on this board, but be advised I've never assembled an army of this magnitude before. The only other experience I've had with GW minis prior to starting this army was a Cawdor gang back when Necromunda was first released.


So basically, this WIP is also serving as a chronicle of my journey along the path of miniature assembler/painter/modeller, at least in regard to the experience gained on this project.

Fruits of last night's labors, or what gave me so much trouble:




Close-up of my assault sergeant to show my workaround to the tippy-toe problem:




I can't get any closer looks; my camera loses focus on extreme close-ups. :)


Here's the Vindie:



I insist that your leader guy be using another marine as a weapon.


In true Angry Marine fashion, when brother-captain Overreactus Literalus ran out of weapons, he used the closest thing on hand, the marine next to him.


I'm imagining a marine holding another up by the leg and using him as a flail personally.

Have you seen Doghouse's Cosmic Space Knights (of Doom)? He's got some really funny conversions in there that might give you some inspiration for Angry Marines. A Power Wrench might be too difficult to be worth it, but a Power Baseball-bat-with-nail, or a Power Boot, wouldn't be too hard.
Have you seen Doghouse's Cosmic Space Knights (of Doom)? He's got some really funny conversions in there that might give you some inspiration for Angry Marines. A Power Wrench might be too difficult to be worth it, but a Power Baseball-bat-with-nail, or a Power Boot, wouldn't be too hard.


I haven't gotten past Slab Benchpress yet, but if my experience at the mini-RT tourney my local shop had yesterday is any indication, And They Shall Have No Clue pretty much describes my efforts on the gameplay front. :lol:


750 pt list, no idea who I'd be facing. Had a seperate list drawn up to handle Dark Eldar lance spam, but as there were little to no Dark Eldar in the field, went with my first option (captain, vindie, 2 tac squads, assault squad, TLHB razorback). First round, spanked (not tabled, but close enough to it) by IG with Vendetta, 2x vanilla Leman Russ, and Deathstrike (which deviated off target despite getting the shot off on the turn he fired). Held on for draws in objective games against Razorback spam/Blood Claw/Jaws of the World Wolf Rune Priest Spehss Woofs Space Wolves and Tyranids. Featuring the Vindihater getting its cannon blown off in the first turn of the first two games, incredible saving throws by my captain against lascannons, and utterly vile hit/armor pen rolls by my force's only missile launcher.


Really. The only kill it made all night was the confetti-ing of the Vendetta on Turn 6 of the first game past the point for me where Only A Military Genius With Loaded Dice Could Possibly Win This Battle.


My first star of the night was the assault squad. Wiped out to a man in all three games, they accounted for one Leman Russ and the Rune Priest.


Second star of the night: the Vindihater. Started making its bones in the latter games by destroying and putting to flight the sole Long Fang squad, killing one Tyrant Guard and gimping another.


There was NO! third star of the night, despite my captain resisting almost every attempt to plink him.


On a brighter note, I picked up a Libby and assembled my Ironclad (to be named Sven Angerfister, an outright theft homage to the brilliance of Caboose down at 40K Barn for his naming sense)


EDIT: I'd already glued down the storm bolter to the CCW on Sven before a look at the tactica suggested a heavy flamer on that arm. :)

But at least I now know what to do with those heavy flamer hoses left on the sprue... all in together, now... POWERFEET ARE FOR KICKING THOSE ;) IN THE BALLS! Yes, the captain will be getting himself a pair of powerfeet.

You're :D ing right we have banners!




Basically I grabbed the generic banners pdf off Bell of Lost Souls and exercised some photoshop fu. If anything, the long banner is much too long and the square banner is too wide. As my printer is out of ink, and I suspect my printhead is effed up, I can't change this right away.


The ill-fated 750 point force under Captain Tom Freeway (no, this won't win any painting/modelling awards without a ton of work):



EDIT: I'd already glued down the storm bolter to the CCW on Sven before a look at the tactica suggested a heavy flamer on that arm. :(

But at least I now know what to do with those heavy flamer hoses left on the sprue... all in together, now... POWERFEET ARE FOR KICKING THOSE :P IN THE BALLS! Yes, the captain will be getting himself a pair of powerfeet.


Magnets are your friend when it comes to situations like this.


POWERFEET! :D Looking forward to seeing how you do it.

I insist that your leader guy be using another marine as a weapon.


In true Angry Marine fashion, when brother-captain Overreactus Literalus ran out of weapons, he used the closest thing on hand, the marine next to him.


I'm imagining a marine holding another up by the leg and using him as a flail personally.


I was thinking more along the lines of the following, from the epicenter of all things Angry Marine:




Would be worth getting a Marine command squad and a Cadian squad just to do it.

Here's the powerfeet conversion. I cut the lines on the leftover heavy flamers from my Ironclad Dread kit, then trimmed them further to that they were mostly straight with a slight bend. Bendy bit goes on the back of the greaves, straight end (with a slight angular cut so it fits flush) goes on the square end at the small of the back, just above the rump but just below the backpack mount. The cloak adds a degree of difficulty, so a set of locking tweezers (the figure 8 looking things you find in your hobby tweezer pack; I use GF9's pack myself) is essential, along with a 03 micron marker for marking your cuts.





EDIT: My reference picture is right here. Moms, take note, they use the f-word there. Also found a proper name for those tweezers I used.

Great work so far. For things like wrenches and baseball bats, I'd use Legos. They have a bunch of tools and stuff, and there are plenty of sites where you can order individual pieces.


Also, I found the thread about Angry Librarians. Linking because I don't think I'm supposed to quote something with so much profanity.


Remember that Libby?




Looks fairly run of the mill, doesn't it? Unfortunately, Codex colors means it'll look like an Ultra-smurf, and with that scroll and padlock on the left shoulder, that doesn't leave much room for chapter badge, doesn't it?


Not so, for we have green stuff! (You might have noticed it.)




When this gets painted, the mad face will proudly adorn said shoulder pauldron instead of boring gold chain and lock.

But power chains and locks are good for beating pretty marines with.


When wrapped around fists, I agree wholeheartedly. However-comma, when it interferes with chapter badge placement, then it's too much.


On another note... force axe, or force *wrench*?

lol i would go with force wrench :confused:


This is the libby next to the wrench I'm looking at. There's a noticeable change in level of detail, which is why I'm torn about whether or not to do this conversion.




If it were a troop type, I wouldn't think twice about it -- I'd break out the cutters, pinning material and go to work. But this mini right here... this is a HQ type. So I may have to do some extra modelling to the wrench to make it work on the mini.


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