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lava bases

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i use lave bases for a few of my armies and i need ways to keep them looking different.

I was wondering, could power armour withstand being in lava?


i was imagining a SM climbing out of a shallow lake of lava, one foot on land, the other sunk to the knee in lava

i'd do this by cutting the leg off at the point i want it too be and then simply sticking that down to the base.


what do we think?

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That is a cool image. Considering the prevalence of weapons that apply significant heat energy to the target, it is certainly very reasonable to conclude that power armour would have excellent conductive properties. I would guess being able to spread large amounts of heat on the outside but being very insulated at conducting it through. Probably need some kind of composite material to have these two somewhat mutually exclusive properties. This would result suit of armour that could absorb a lot of heat without cooking the Marine inside.


I could see Terminator armour withstanding it for sure, power armour, I am not sure about. I would be inclined to say they could survive limited exposure, if only because of the rule of cool.


We could probably get a fairly accurate assessment of power armour's protective properties by comparing how weapons with known energy penetrate it, or don't. An example would be a lasgun which is relatively powerful compared to todays firearms, it just so happens it gets a reputation for being weak because it is used against armour which is comparable to modern apc's if not mbt's. I would not use the battle game as a basis becaus of the limitations of a D6 system and the fact that comparitive capabilities have to be modified for balance and playability reasons.


But all that is anal and hardly as cool as a spectre of death emerging from the fiery depths of molten rock, ready to give you a lead enema.

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While it is a cool image, I don't see power armor or even terminator armor as able to withstand direct contact with lava for more than a couple seconds. Marines in either can be killed with a standard flamer which I don't see as anywhere near as hot as lava. But again, it would be a cool look.. maybe paint up the armor like it is starting to fail (heat spreading up the leg, the armor glowing from the heat, etc), but he had to go through it anyway.
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Terminator armor was derived from designed used inside Plasma Furnaces. The armor was designed to withstand those temperatures with little long term problems. I don't see surface temperature lava being any challange for Terminator Armor. Power Armor on the other hand... hmmm if a Marine fell in and got out real quick the armor would probably be alright, the Artificers wouldn't be too happy about it when he got back to the chapter keep though.


But like if Brother Jimmy wanted to find out just what the armor could take and jumped into a Volcano.... yeah. He's not coming back.

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