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The Unforgiven - A collaborative, creative guide book -

Master Barachiel

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Good day,


it was a great dream of mine to possess the Deathwing-equivalent of the Guardians of the Covenant. This chapter seems to be quite popular and I have seen tries to give the GotC background, painting schemes and so on. Things you wouldn't expect from players of one single successor chapter. Anyway, that made me think. If there are already people creating this stuff for the Unforgiven chapters why don't collect those Idea in one big compendium about every Unforgiven chapter. Therefore it could be avoided that many people create stories about one and the same thing while there is already great background.


So, what I want to create is a guide book (almost like a codex) for the whole union of all Unforgiven (or at least a great amount of these chapters). This guide book is supposed to contain background stories, scenarios, maybe some fan-fiction extracts, quotes of the Successor Chapter HQs, character-related detailed information texts, painting schemes for each of the chapters (not only the ones for the Tactical Marines), some illustrations (wallpapers, good sketches, ...), photos of miniatures and whole armies, squadrons, companies and so on, the heraldry of those chapters and their HQs', ...


It would be a codex without summaries and any information about the features of the troops in-game. So to speak, a pure background/painting/moddeling-Codex without any use in a table-top battle.


That this will be a huge mass of infomation on these chapters, should be clear to every one but there are already some texts or extracts of those we might base our texts upon. I won't be able to look for the very all details that were ever posted about the Unforgiven. Therefore I need your help. If you can contribute anything like those aspects I enlisted, I would like to include your ideas in this project. If you have any idea about something that was not thought of, yet, than please post this idea. It may help a lot.


I think the Unforgiven chapters to be only about 17+, which would mean that there are 11 chapters missing in the DA codex. As far as there are own chapters of the Unforgiven created already, we could simply base upon these if those players are OK with that. In the end I would like to leave 3 chapters not explained to give space for more chapters.


It would be quite easy to create this guide book as a PDF (or as a website if someone would do us this favour) and it could be structured like a Codex. Of course it's impossible to use anything from the DA codex or other GW publications but I really believe that there can be enough things collected that were made by fans. And I also think that the most of them wouldn't forbid to use them. So, there shouldn't be any big problems about the legality of this project.


Now we need ideas about those aspects for each of the successor chapters (Angels of Vengeance, Angels of Redemption, Angels of Absolution, Disciples of Caliban, Guardians of the Covenant, Consecrators). And there should also be a small chapter of the guide book about the Fallen and the Unforgivens' hunt for them. And although it won't be really easy to create stuff about the DA themselves without getting in trouble with GW, we should try to add some information at least about them. Maybe by adding some details but nothing from the Codex, of course.

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DIY = Do It Yourself

Basically a player created army.


I have some of this in the past by elaborating the six canon Successors as well as a thread for player created chapters. The Fortress of the Unforgiven also houses several player created successors as well though they are older.


Successors of the Unforgiven link to the DIY thread.

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I think that the comparison between the 6 codex chapters that you have done already is quite close to what I imagine this guide to be like. I only want there to be specific terms for the Deathwing and Ravenwing. The codex states only that they got equivalents but I think it would be difficult to say which chapter's Deathwing is meant if they are all called the same. I think that a few might have different colour schemes just like the DA have for their both wings. Then there would be a story behind this as it is done for the Deathwing who wears this bone white since one specific battle/campaign (don't remember right now).


Don't take me wrong, those "little" articles about the chapters are cool and interesting. But considering that so many players created different background for example about the Guardians of the Covenant, I think that much more would be possible of those creative guys would work together.


The same works for the painters and those who create great Green Stuff models. You always catch some colour schemes by searching for them but it was much better if the best ones were collected and shown in one single document. Nothing else is what I intend.


I not quite sure how to handle the different, already existing backgrounds. For example the GotC have two background articles I know so far. Yours and another. I could try to combine those 2 with permission of the authors of course or present them both and make the reader decide which is better (but it would be kind of boring) or I start a voting for the best one. Or, and that was my most favoured option, all the GotC players that have ever made out ideas of the background and those who already wrote some down combine for ONE new Background, which would be quite more complex and detailed then. Therefore greater dislike among those who already thought out backgrounds might be prohibited.


What do you think, Grand Master Belial?

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Well, not all of the successor chapters use any term like "Deathwing" or "Ravenwing" for the 1st or 2nd company.


For example, on page 75 of the current DA codex, the Angels of Absolution chapter's 1st and 2nd companies are described as working with the Dark Angel's Ravenwing and Deathwing to bring in some Fallen. In that write up, it is the Ravenwing and the 2nd company of the Angels of Absolution working together.


I don't see any reference to the other 5 successor chapter's 1st or 2nd companies in the codex, but I might have missed it.


My DIY DA successor chapter, the Angels Unrelentling's 1st company is called the Supernova and the 2nd company is the Phoenixwing, for story reasons that I am still writing up.


Also remember that the Dark Angels codex has 7 chapters, the Dark Angels and 6 successor chapters.

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thanks, Jehoel. Due to the fact that I only read the German translation of the Codex (will buy the original soon, though) I'm not quite sure if this text about the Angels of Absolution implies that they actually call their company 1st/2nd Company of the Angels of Absolution. Maybe Citadel wanted to leave that to the players. In the Codex there is also another 1st company spoken of. A terminator of the Disciples of Caliban is shown and it's mentioned to be a terminator of the 1st company.


But regardless of that, I think that some of the successor might not have terms for their "Deathwing" and "Ravenwing". If there won't be ideas on how to name those companies that the players of these chapters agree with, I think it's the best to stick with 1st and 2nd company. Supernova and Phoenixwing are greaet names, in my opinion. First I was a little stunned about "Supernova" but when I thought about it, I think the name is fitting perfect with the 1st company's effect on the battlefield.


Maybe we could include your "Angels Unrelenting" in this guide?


Right, those 7 chapters is to be taken care of. I am still not quite sure how to deal with the DA themselves without telling information from the codex. But I hope I will get an idea.

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I didn't want to elaborate too much on the successors as was found with the GotC some players want to take their fluff in other directions (Fortress monastery on a prior Eldar world and they found the wraithbone core or like the Iron Hands they wear red robes as they are more closely linked to the Mechanicum and take to the field in larger numbers of vehicles) and that has been GW's approach lately. Give the gamers a little something to whet their appetite and then let them take in their own path. We can certainly try to create a nice guide of the Unforgiven and their successors and chart a more uniform path within the B&C community for them to take but I must stress that we should NOT be the end all, be all and allow other players to come up with their own ideas.


And we must not forget the Angels of Vigilance as they have been ignored as of late. Though of questionable lineage, most gamers associate them with us because of the prior Angels of <blank> nomenclature that we used to have in prior editions (but Angels of Fire were an Ultramarines Successor, hmmm...).

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Ok, I thought that to be clear. It's almost impossible to include the very every interpretation of the successor chapters. If this project had started right after the codex getting sold by Games Workshop and if it had become public quickly enough, this whole thing could be some kind of representation of a majority. But even then it was just fan-made stuff that can or cannot be ignored, as the player think it to be right.


I only want to get one catch-all guide through the world of the DA. Something as detailed as a Codex. An then the people could get an idea of the successor chapters. I also want to point out that the successors are more than just some nice painting schemes with DA background and rules. If the people think this rubbish then and if they disagree with it, it's fine. But at least a try is given to it then. GW doesn't ask the fans before publishing a Codex either. And some fans also ignore the Codex (DA players for example). So ignoring fan-based fluff should be quite easy for them.


I think the best would be, to get in contact with the players of the successor chapters. I am playing the GotC, so we need a DA player (I will contact Isiah for the DA), a Disciples of Caliban player, a Angels of Absolution player, a Angels of Vigilance player (one that thinks the Angels of Vigilance to be a DA successor chapter of course), a Angel of Redemption player and a Consecrator player. If anyone of you two knew someone who plays one of these armies it would be nice to tell me.

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The diciples of Caliban also have some good background as a great fan of them myself I have researched them alot and i once found info on them fighting alongside this other chapter. After witnessing almost a whole company of DoC terminators marching into the fortress monastary of the enemy and been almost slaughtered to a man by an enemy who wore almost the same armour as the DoC and had identical features to them it was clear they were fighting the traitor fallen. After the battle that chapter, though not officialy classed as one of the unforgiven they forever thought themselves one of them. Ill have to try to find it again cause it is a great piece of fluff. I think it was on lexicanum but im not sure so ill have to find it again, ill get back to you when ive found it since it may help you with what your doing.
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Interesting. Are you just looking for canon-Chapters, or would you be interested in player-created DIYs?



I’ve just started to write a DIY “Angels of Vengeance” successor chapter. It’s know where near finished, but you can take a look at what I’ve written so far. ;)

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