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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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Just out of interest, but is using this unit a logistical nightmare? You have 10 different models to keep track of and when making attacks by shooting and assault you have to roll a bunch of dice separately because of some getting re-rolls etc.


I can imagine it takes ages to use the unit? I would find that frustrating were it not for the fact the unit makes up half the army!

So the way I intend to deal with this is via modeling.


Each Paladin has a unique load-out. Each paladin sits atop a base with a little pin sticking out of the back of it...one of those little pins with the colored balls on them (all painted a single color, silver, with a red patch underneath). I allocate wounds out by placing dice near those affected and roll separately for saves. As wounds are taken, I pull out pins and stick them into the pin cushion. If a model has no pin to give, it's removed as a casualty.

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As a frequent opponent of Nurglez, I can say that although it does take much longer to deal with the rolling for these complex units, you have to remember that these units are part of a very elite army: typically 3 units!

Compare that to my hordes of 'Nids, which are simpler, but more units.


Six of one, half a dozen of the other.


What's more, Nurglez is now well practised at complex attacks and saves, so does it so fast I don't even bother to try and keep up!


Different coloured dice are your friends!

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As a frequent opponent of Nurglez, I can say that although it does take much longer to deal with the rolling for these complex units, you have to remember that these units are part of a very elite army: typically 3 units!

Compare that to my hordes of 'Nids, which are simpler, but more units.


Six of one, half a dozen of the other.


What's more, Nurglez is now well practised at complex attacks and saves, so does it so fast I don't even bother to try and keep up!


Different coloured dice are your friends!


Also I very much like your little heavy metal dice for wounds as they are much less likly to be picked up. When I tried out my Nobz squad with differnt gear I made a little sheet listing each bloke and how many wounds they have (Crossing off the dead ones) bit long winded but helped out as when I was picking who got what wound I put the dice on each named guy. Though I found the whole thing took ages which is one of the main reasons I don't like to run with that sort of squad dispite how useful they can be. I've played vs Nurglez and caused 5+ wounds to his squad (Which is never easy with +2 saves) and didn't kill a single one. Str 8+ weapons deal with that sort of thing but I would highly recomment making your Pally's as different as you can :P


Curse you Nurglez your thread is making me want to borrow your army and try out some GK madness! That and the fact your whole army goes in one tiny little box :D

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Thanks for that rundown Nurglez! Much appreciated.

Why do you only MC combat weapons though? Is it wasted on Psycannons? Since Palladins have Ws5 they shouldn't have a hard time hitting things, but with 'only Bs4' and a lot of time at range footslogging towards the enemy, I could really see some merrit in MCing Psycannons.


Looking forward to getting my mini's. Being much much more of a painter then a player and being very stretched for time, I want my armies small, to keep them interesting to personalise and actually have a chance of finishing it before I grow too old to hold a brush!

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@ John Thompson, I MC'ed the close combat weapons because, well, I was in a hurry and was only really MCing for the wound allocation.


Just because you normally hit on 3's, doesn't mean a reroll doesn't come in handy. at 1750 I've MCed 2 of my psycannons.


@ Ranting Fool, by solid builds, do you mean for "normal" grey knights? there are quite a few builds, crowe wing, MSU spam, Corteaz with henchmen (death cult assassin's are rather good at assault), Mordrak alpha strike list, and then normal lists with led by grandmaster/libby/cheap inquisitor, with troops, some elites and some heavies.

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Ok, I sent my paladins off to someone to paint them, he's almost finished and I think they look awesome, here is a wip of them, uploaded from my phone so not sure of the quality...



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I'm sure you wont be the only one with some unpainted models. I went majorly slack in my painting over the past few weeks o_O


The odds of me finishing/painting my whole army is very very low at the moment.... at least I've finally finished building most of it ;) :P


@Nurglez read the GK Codex ya got me... Draigo is Chuck Norris Reborn. That and the fact that you COULD quite easily field 3 ven dreads and 3 normal ones is suprising though I doubt it would be as useful.

Never thought of a transport for your smaller squad instead of more killy?

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Dude, they look sweet!


Might have to send him all my nemesis blades as I really can't figure how I'll work all mine out and your's look nice.


Look forward to hopefully not facing you on Sat!

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They do look really good! :mellow:


Mine are still in the state they were in when I last posted about them: nine-assembled with gold paint done (in need of clean-up, is all)...no other details done. I'm currently speed-assembling Dwarves to try out Fantasy...and for me "speed" means "clean all mold lines, glue together, base-coat, and base"...so I can paint as I play. They are nearly done and then I'm back to my Paladins...which I'm not sure I'll be willing to field until completely painted. (Also, my Custodian models just arrived at the post office! I have to pick those up.)


I've had a boxed Dreadknight staring at me for like a month now. He's getting antsy.

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Just curious...


What is everyone's 500pt Draigowing list? :)

It's funny you should mention that (even if intended to be tongue and cheek) as I'm considering playing in an escalation league that would start at 500.


Honestly, I may not be permitted to play and I'm not sure it'd be fair anyway. Draigo at 500 points is kind of broken. He's effectively invincible with so few units to oppose him and if he manages to close he'll single-handedly mulch whatever unit he closes with. What's really funny about this is that at 500 you'd have Draigo and like three to four other Paladins, tops. So while you have some super-powered units, they are few and can only cover so much ground and sustain so much fire. Not saying I won't try it, and I'm not sold as to whether it's awesome, sucky, or balanced...but I have my reservations.


Warhammer doesn't scale well below 1k (really, I still feel that it's best balanced between 1500 to 2000) and this is a very harsh example of that.

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