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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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I lost 2 pallies to sanctuary in game 3 (I think I forgot to take my invulnerable saves for it, but it was the last turn so whoops).


Well, I swapped the space wolf battle force for a dark eldar one, gonna give them a try and see how they do (my first non 3+ or 2+ save force! what do you mean i need to use cover?). I will try and get some practice games in with draigo wing against "tailored" lists, to prepare me for throne of skulls :devil:



Honestly I don't know how much you'll like DE after playing strictly termy armies for so long... Having no save (other than FNP sometimes) against 90% of the weapons in the game really sucks. On top of the fact that mere Bolters will wreck your rides more often than you care... ugh :( But its a fun army once you learn to play it; don't be surprised if you lose a few in the beginning. Dark eldar are VERY unforgiving if you have a string of bad luck or misplay

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Well, I'm sure they are very different, which is another reason I will try them out. And it might make my friends happy to see my floundering around for a change :)


Termies are cool heh.


Thats a massive understatement lol...


Not saying you'll flounder; DE just take a good bit of finesse and aren't very forgiving unless you run Venomspam. Its a fun army tho. You'll have to get used to only having 4+ saves lol

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I think dark eldar matchup fairly well versus Draigowing. The biggest threat to dark eldar versus Draigowing are the psyflemen. Each dread can pretty much pop a skimmer each turn. The massive amount of S8 AP2 shooting is was what can really hurt Paladins.


G :cuss

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I heard someone today say Paladins have problems with leadership and defense against psychic attacks. I'm a noob, so 1) do you think that's correct and 2) what can Paladins or Deathstars do about it?


First, read the BRB.


Second, read the condex.


Thirdly, make you own decision. They are LD9, LD10 with an attached IC, have TSKNF. Not too shabby. The only thing that worries them are repeated tank shocks, ~8% chance of failure, or LD lowering psychic powers such as fear of the darkness, of psyker battle squads which manage to get past their Aegis and possible psychic hood.

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I heard someone today say Paladins have problems with leadership and defense against psychic attacks. I'm a noob, so 1) do you think that's correct and 2) what can Paladins or Deathstars do about it?


First, read the BRB.


Second, read the condex.


Thirdly, make you own decision.

I'm asking your opinion. Sorry I asked. Next time I'll just read the "condex."


They are LD9, LD10 with an attached IC, have TSKNF. Not too shabby.

Indeed, which is why I came here asking questions. I'm not well versed with other codices or the interactions between their many units. It might have been futile for me to try to figure out that, "Oh, he was talking about tank-shocking." I didn't ask for the leadership value of a Paladin; I sought wisdom gained through playing multiple games- an experience I lack. I guess the smarter action would have been to read the rulebook cover to cover. That's how I would have learned of the power Fear of Darkness- by looking in the rulebook (if only it was actually in there).



The only thing that worries them are repeated tank shocks, ~8% chance of failure, or LD lowering psychic powers such as fear of the darkness, of psyker battle squads which manage to get past their Aegis and possible psychic hood.

So there's the answer, thank you.

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Basically, unless you take a libby, the only psychic defense we Have is the -1 from aegis, or the enhanced one from a nearby dread. Certain abilities will hurt quite a bit, like null zone, or paroyxm. Ones that don't target you don't suffer from the aegis effect, such as null zone or sanctuary.


Tank shock can be annoying, especially vs high armour units. For example, if being tank shocked by a landraider, we can only glance it in a 6 if using death ot glory, where if we had a meltagun, they might think twice before tank shocking.

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Be careful versus IG with their Battle Psyker Squads... Their range is 36" and can target the Paladins while out of range for from your Librarian's psychic hood. I tend to clump a dreadnaught close by my Paladins to shut them down. Once the Paladins are locked in melee they tend to be safe. Most psychic attacks are a maximum of 24"... As such I find PSB to be kind of broken but you just have to deal with it.


I haven't had much problems versus tank shock as I have Ld10 and shoot any vehicles that come close... This is one area where psybolt ammo is worth it to me as you can glance rhinos and razorbacks on the front|side and pen chimeras on the sides.


G :D

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Be careful versus IG with their Battle Psyker Squads... Their range is 36" and can target the Paladins while out of range for from your Librarian's psychic hood. I tend to clump a dreadnaught close by my Paladins to shut them down. Once the Paladins are locked in melee they tend to be safe. Most psychic attacks are a maximum of 24"... As such I find PSB to be kind of broken but you just have to deal with it.


I haven't had much problems versus tank shock as I have Ld10 and shoot any vehicles that come close... This is one area where psybolt ammo is worth it to me as you can glance rhinos and razorbacks on the front|side and pen chimeras on the sides.


G :)


At the last tounrament I went to every guard army but 3 had a psycher battle squad. Pretty much was useless against me as coteaz made my paladins stubborn. Amazing guy, I will never write a GK list without Coteaz after that tournament and winning best general, best HQ in the game, maybe tied with Njal.




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At his request, today I use my son's Imperial Guard against Nurglez' Draigowing, as a training exercise for Throne of Skulls. It's my son's usual list, plus a full Battle Psyker squad, and there's 2 Leman Russ Plas/Plas plus a fast small blast melta tank in there! I'm a-goin' Pally huntin', Yee-Haw!
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well, i have to say, that because of this tread and the fact that i have been working on an idea with loose plans to use DA DW rules for a low count number force...

that have taken the plunge and place an order for 85% of the bits and models to follow foot steps of nurglez and zagman

i will still need to acquire some 40mm bases, the codex and figure out if i should field the NDK w/PT or run a pair of dreads with DCCW(hvy flamer) + single TLAC with psybolts (these would be MUCH easier to model for me)


i doubt that i will have any thing to show any time soon but i did feel the need to post the impact on my hobby-ing.

Thanks guys

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I still feel that dk's compliment a paladin heavy force. As they are ws5 'terminators'. I played vs sasha twice yesterday, and those plasma tanks were Damn annoying. Managed to destroy one with a heavy incinerator to the rear :) won the first game but drew the second.
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Paladin Nurglez, you are ever my inspiration.


Life lately hasn't been too conducive to painting for me, sadly, so my Paladin models lie in wait at my dark painting station. Hopefully not much longer. <3

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The only painted models I have are the 15 paladins I had painted by commission heh, I'm working on making my own draigo, as I'm not that fond of the GW version. And am trying to get practice in for throne of skulls, while I'm also trying to sort out my dark eldar force... Too many armies and not enough time :D


And nice to know I can inspire ;)

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Amazing guy, I will never write a GK list without Coteaz after that tournament and winning best general, best HQ in the game, maybe tied with Njal.





What? I find that hilarious. Most Space Wolves players don't touch Njal unless they are playing him for theme or fluff. If you go over to the Fang, hardly anybody fields him, but you're listing him as one of the top HQs in the game. Maybe you wouldn't mind starting a thread over there to tell us why?





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What? I find that hilarious. Most Space Wolves players don't touch Njal unless they are playing him for theme or fluff. If you go over to the Fang, hardly anybody fields him, but you're listing him as one of the top HQs in the game. Maybe you wouldn't mind starting a thread over there to tell us why?


Guy who won the NOVA Open this year fielded Njal at 2000. I can see him working well in high points games... the 2/3 chance of negating psychic powers, knowing all SW powers, and having those turn based automatic powers. Not too shabby. But yeah, any more talk about that guy needs to be in the SW Forum, don't it?

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Hmmm, let me check, Njal......... Nope, he's not chuck norris, or even in the grey knight codex, Though I do measure his success factor as 5 Bernard's..... Better kick him out of here and chuck him in the space wolf forum ;)



Back to Draigowing then :lol:

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What? I find that hilarious. Most Space Wolves players don't touch Njal unless they are playing him for theme or fluff. If you go over to the Fang, hardly anybody fields him, but you're listing him as one of the top HQs in the game. Maybe you wouldn't mind starting a thread over there to tell us why?


Guy who won the NOVA Open this year fielded Njal at 2000. I can see him working well in high points games... the 2/3 chance of negating psychic powers, knowing all SW powers, and having those turn based automatic powers. Not too shabby. But yeah, any more talk about that guy needs to be in the SW Forum, don't it?


Funnily enough he beat a draigowing in the last round quite convincingly. The guy also won it using Njal last year. You don't win NOVA 2 years in a row with a 265 point (around that) point sink. I honestly can't be bothered writing a thread on it. To be honest I hate Space Wolves as a codex and if their players don't feild Njal against me then I am not going to try to convince them otherwise. It must be to difficult for them to use the only unit in their codex who isn't an undercosted 100% point and click unit. In most cases, ingorance is my opponents greatest weakness and it is prevalent in 40k, it is the reason my paladin list has gone 20 straight wins after most people said I was crazy to not have Draigo and a librarian and how my 2 vehicles would 'automatically die' in that list. Then it goes to the Australasian Championships and and tops the field being the only list to win every game and not 1 of the vehicles is destroyed in a single game. The problem with most people is they can't see the big picture on the battlefield. Most people miss how units interact with each other to become greater than their sum unless the unit specifically has a rule that effects other units such as a sang priest. Anyway enough of that.


Has anyone had success using Paladins backed up by something other than Dreadnaughts or Dread Knights? I see people running 5 man paladin units along side their 10 man units, I don't personally field them in 5 man units as their resilience in many ways is actually less than half that of a 10 man unit. Just wondering what other units people use to support their pallies.




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Crynnwing. :)


G ;)




I use 1 squad of 5 and 1 squad of 10, as I own 15 paladins thats all I'm gonna use :D


The 10 man squad often attracts the most fire (as 900+ points in an 11 model unit will do <_< ), though I do generally run it down the middle towards the enemy, while the 5 man will either flank or follow along side. I have found that combat squading the 10man rarely works, the loss of survivability outweighs the flexibility of having 3x5 pallies, as draigo can only be with one of them, which means 1 of the 2 remaining squads will often get targeted and destroyed/crippled.


As we all know I'm sure, I use 2 PT DK's at 1750 points.


It must be to difficult for them to use the only unit in their codex who isn't an undercosted 100% point and click unit. In most cases, ingorance is my opponents greatest weakness and it is prevalent in 40k snip The problem with most people is they can't see the big picture on the battlefield. Most people miss how units interact with each other to become greater than their sum unless the unit specifically has a rule that effects other units such as a sang priest. Anyway enough of that.


This is quite interesting, and not meaning to sound like a personal attack Crynn, but you were very much pro psyrifle dread and anti DK. This point above sums up why I feel DK's are better for my army then psyrifle dread's, apart from fitting my theme. DK is expensive, and yes sometimes it dies quickly (being less survivable then paladins, as soon as people realise this they try and kill it), yet my DK's provide so much more then it would seem on paper. Shame I had to quote you but you summed it up so much better then I could have :D

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Yeah there is much wisdom in crafting a competitive list that can either go unnoticed or is deemed non competitihat by those that like to stick to their "tried and true" net lists. Flying under the radar and seemingly being an innocuous list has it's merits as often people don't know how to counter until at best it's too late. I have seen that happen more times than I can count and often when I don't show the proper respect for an opponent's army I tend to lose. It is what it is .


G <_<

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