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Sons of Malice, 5th Company Soul-Reavers

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Sons of Malice




5th Company, Aata the "white daemon's" Soul-Reavers

A True-Scale Renegade Marine Force


This thread will specifically chronicle my "adventure" into building a True-Scale Space Marines army, specifically the Sons of Malice. Concerning GW official fluff or history for the Sons, all that is known, is that they are ferocious cannibals, who were excommunicated for this heinous act and fled into the Eye of Terror, which resided close to their home-world. It is unknown whether the Sons worshiped the renegade god Malice (also known as Malal) before their fall or if they discovered him in their weakened state. What is known illuminates the fact that they do follow Malice and every century they gather upon a space-hulk dubbed the Labyrinth, where they compete for a place amongst the legendary Doomed Ones, to be sacrificed so that Malice may enter the material realm and bestow his blessings upon the Sons, so they may one day take back their lost home-world.


So why make a project log?


Well I am a slow SLOW painter (and modeler) and I have a notorious habit for pursuing every Chapter and or Legion under the sun. So I begin this thread in the attempt to keep my attention solely focused on one project, True-Scale Sons of Malice. I must warn you though, I will always do my best to keep the updates... up to date but things like family, work and video-games all fight for my attention and its usually the first two that I give in and commit to ;)


So what does it all mean?


The Sons of Malice have always had a special place in my cold black heart ever since I first discovered them in the 3.5 Codex: Chaos Space Marines. I took the plunge once before and well, I dropped the project as I just didn't feel it. However, recently two other Sons of Malice lovers such as myself, hushrong and GooseDaMoose began a thread where we could bounce fluff ideas off each other and even welcome others into the fold of Malice. With that I combined my two loves Sons of Malice and True-Scale and decided to begin a serious thread. I've been working away on producing some True-Scale marines for a while and have finally settled on committing to building a full Company (or at least half the size). I have at least 5 marines in production and have in my collection 15 more Terminators to donate bits to the project.


I will also from time to time offer up pieces of random fluff that I will post both here and on our topic thread, the Labyrinth over in the Chaos Ascendant section. So prepare yourselves as I begin my journey to completing a force of cannibalistic rogue space marines...


Getting started...

You cant start a W.I.P. thread without some pictures so I present the first 3 of the 4 marines I have been working on along with a sneak peek of my Captain/ Ragnar Blackmane counts as. I am currently using the Space Wolves codex so these will become my first Grey Hunter squad and are still early in W.I.P. Please enjoy.


+++ Power Fist Grey Hunter +++



+++ Grey Hunter 1 +++



+++ Grey Hunter 2 +++



+++ Some arm and weapons bits +++



+++ Captain Aata the "white daemon" +++



Let me know what you guys think. Comments and concerns are very appreciated.

@hushrong: thanks brother, I'm biting at the bit to get these boys finished and painted. I'll don some more GS work tomorrow.


@GooseDaMoose: Your welcome :P I thought it would be wallet devouring too at first but I found a good bits site for here in the U.S. and I'll prowl E-Bay for some bits here and there. If my math is correct to build a 5-10 man squad I would only need about $30-50 depending on what bits I choose to go with (it seems using loyalist bits is the cheaper route). So all in all I'll be spending $50 extra to throw in a ton of extra Chaos bits to disperse among the current squads and future squads like, a set or two of Termy legs, backpacks, arms, boltguns, shoulder pads, spikey bits etc. Plus I found a site with the rounded bases I want badly and of course I'll be buying lots of GS :cuss I think in the long run it may end up costing a bit more then a "normal" force but I think it'll be worth it.

I have an update with a snippit of fluff for you all to enjoy concerning weapon load outs and such. Also with a few new W.I.P. shots and a group shot!


Veteran-Brother Sukh'bata




Equipped for C.Q.C. (close, quarters, combat), Veteran-Brother Sukh'bata of the Sons of Malice 5th Company is pictured above with variant chain-axe and bolt-pistol, each of unknown mk. not seen in service to the Imperium. Also note of "trophy rack" adorned with loyalist Astartes helm, a sign of Veteran status amongst fellow brethren. He is seen, advancing, steadily aiming with his modified pistol to compensate for recoil, wind resistance etc.




Sukh'bata's chain-axe seems to be of an unknown manufacture. Notice external power lines attached to bottom of arm guard leading up to shoulder guard, perhaps leading into back-pack generator. Also notice heat exhaust suggesting higher amounts of over-heating perhaps due to experimental production.




Another example of "rogue" Chapters acquiring fire-arms post-excommunication. Take note of elongated stock, assault variant bolt magazine, and side mounted laser sight/flash-lamp added for night "guerrilla" tactics. The flash-lamp allowing the veteran-brother to switch on after landing and or infiltrating, with a strobe effect to blind and confuse opponents.


So Sukh'bata is going to be my "example" Initiate. I love the head and his pose (at least to me) makes it seem like hes eying up targets after hes mowed down some grunts in C.Q.C.(gorey chain axe and a bit of splattered gore expected). I want to order/make tons of trophy racks so every marine will look like he's been around the block and killed his fair share, that or get some jewelry chain and hang some skulls here and there. Also his name Sukh'bata is a shortened Mongolian name meaning "hero of the axe". Also planning on doodling up some heraldry for all the individual right shoulder pads, think, every Initiate is/was a hero in his own right even after their excommunication.


Some updated W.I.P.


Veteran-brother Ihaka



Held together by blue-tac. I decided the mohawk didn't really work, although I thought I did an awesome job for my first hair sculpt IMHO. I also changed the power fist position and wanted it to look as though hes been chowing down on some poor guardsman sergeant who gave him a good fight. Hes also known to rip off their "balls" and stick them on his trophy rack ala Planet Terror ;)


Veteran-brother Chuluun




I went to town on this guy who was my first attempt at True-Scale. I wasn't going to use him but I went ahead and added more to him and I now like him and call him Chuluun (Mongolian for Stone). I wanted him to be the demolition guy who smacks around his enemies with a huge hammer when hes not blowing stuff up. I see my Hunter squads being more specialist, one guy carries the demo-kits (krak grenades all over), one anti-infantry/tank (power fist or power sword), one or two special weapons expert(s) and of course the others being a mix of range and C.Q.C. The chest vent is cut from a back-pack vent, I may add guitar wire to the sides... His "belt buckle" is that thing on the back of the terminators, I cant even think of what it could be other then a neat buckle :P


Group shot 5/10



The boys of squad Ihaka. Although Ihaka isn't technically a Sergeant I believe he's more of an unofficial squad leader (since there are no Sergeants in Grey Hunters squads). I want to take advantage of the free 2nd special weapon so I probably wont distribute Wolf Guard. If I do then he'll be promoted to Wolf Guard :P Hope you guys like. I will hopefully be grabbing the GW basing kit this friday to add some dynamic awesomeness to their bases. More to come soon.

They are looking good bud! I really like the Mongolian influenced names. I cannot wait to see these guys with more trophies, based, and painted. This is going to be one awesome force.


One thing I'd like to mention is to maybe file off the chaos emblems on the shoulder pads. That can eave room for some free hand or another trophy...like a human skeleton torso and skull. I always wanted to do that.

One thing I'd like to mention is to maybe file off the chaos emblems on the shoulder pads. That can eave room for some free hand or another trophy...like a human skeleton torso and skull. I always wanted to do that.


Yeah I was debating on that. I need to get my grubby claws on a WHFB Skeleton box set, their the perfect size in relation to normal models and my Sons and I so dearly want to add lots of grizzly trophies :lol:

So, you chopped up terminators to make... terminators?


I'm confused :( Are you confused about what True-Scale is? I'll give you a quick run-down and some hastily taken pics for size and such. If thats not it then I'm sorry...


True-Scale or Art-Scale is a form of modeling Space Marines and well any figure from GW to represent the transition from fluff descriptions to table-top figures. GW sculpts in the Heroic-Scale, so every figure has enlarged heads, hands and feet and pretty much every Space Marine model straight out of the box is not "true" to fluff. True-Scalers like Apologist, Migsual, binary and the Master Lamenter believe that throughout the fluff and plethora of novels from Black Library, the description of a Space Marine is a fully armoured super giant who stands 8-9 feet taller then a normal human, who is barrel chested and stands over humans and xenos alike. The Guardsman models pretty much set the bar for the size of humans compared to others, so a standard Space Marine model should be, like a walking tank by fluff and novel standards. I'll give you examples,


Guardsman Character vs. Space Marine



Notice (although blurry) the Guardsman stands, even while running, is as tall as a standard Space Marine model. Theoretically if one were to take off their power armour, they would by GW sculpting standards, be the same size as a Guardsman. Adding that the power armour looks paper thin compared to the idea that it should be inches upon inches thick (thinking realistically) and the Space Marine should tower over the lowly human.


Guardsman Character vs. True-Scale Marine



The True-Scale is larger both in size and stature to the Guardsman, even though both aren't standing straight up. However even if they were, the True-Scale would tower over the Guardsman, the idea being that he has to look down at the human adding to the terror of meeting a Space Marine.


True-Scale vs. Standard Space Marine


Again the True-Scale dwarfs the Standard model making him seem more like a lightly armoured Guardsman, not the genetic "sky-gods" they are meant to be.


If that cleared anything up then I'm glad, if not I apologize, don't think I'm being a d-bag I just wanted to clarify all this anyways, you just brought it up earlier :D

Looking good Mr. Malevolent! I like Sukh'bata's pistol, but yes, I would agree removing Chaos iconography. What with the Sons of Malice hating Chaos and all.. :( I also feel like Ihaka should be looking the way he's pointing his gun, it just seems a bit random this way


trophy...like a human skeleton torso and skull. I always wanted to do that.


Ooooh man me too!! I am seriously considering doing some true-scale guys just so I can do that! :P



So, you chopped up terminators to make... terminators?

Wut? :D

Looking good Mr. Malevolent! I like Sukh'bata's pistol, but yes, I would agree removing Chaos iconography. What with the Sons of Malice hating Chaos and all.. :( I also feel like Ihaka should be looking the way he's pointing his gun, it just seems a bit random this way


Yeah, I was going to go with the "chapter symbol" up at the top and at the bottom of the pics but I may just remove it :P Oh and Ihaka is supposed to be firing/pointing his gun while in the middle of indulging his hunger. I may give him an arm that looks more like hes just holding it till hes done eating :D


Ooooh man me too!! I am seriously considering doing some true-scale guys just so I can do that! :P


I'm eagerly awaiting to see you make one brother!

No, I completely under what true scaling is, but your marines look terminators with marine backpacks and the armored "hood" cut off, and not scaled up marines. If they looked more like PA marines, it would definitely help get the point across, but it looks like a slightly re-posed terminator with a backpack.


And since the normal marines are now about the same size as termies, what then will do for marines that really are in terminator armor? Not ever use them? Completely sculpt them from scratch?

Mr. Maleovent, I think I can explain what brother chaplain kage means...


Yes it is the basic true scale principal...but by using termy bits for the arms, pads and not cutting off the thingh guards they still look a lot like temrinators.

I'm assuming you a re familiar with Lamentors work?


Check out this one first

and then

this one second


I know he's really bllody good...but done like this they look a lot more power armoured Here's a good comparison


hope this helps



All tutorials/pictures are the work of Lamenter

You can see more of his true scaling work at Master fo the forge




Kage got there first...

but check out the links I've added...I'm sure they'll help!!

Ok I see what you mean. If I ever do use Termies in my list I would basically have to use a ton of GS and plasticard to make them HUGE. I totally see what you mean as I figured using the Teminator front would give them that look. It probably doesn't help that I don't use plasti-card to make shoulder pad trim but eh, I love the way I went with them. Thanks for the critic though, I was a bit confused at first :jaw:

@DarKHaZZ13: Thanks man. I figured out what he was meaning. Oh I've seen Lamenters stuff and by the Emperor is that man a god of True-Scaling but I just went the route of Apolgist's original Praetors of Calth Ultramarines a bit and a large dose of fafnir's Gallowsmen style. I may in the future grab some plasticard to make the shoulder pads more inline with normal marines, hell even give a try at Lamenter's but I just choose to go this way.


Edit: I had that exact link in my response haha

Yeah, Darkhazz, I've seen Lamenter's work, and his skills make me green stuff green with envy.


Mr. M, looking at your pics a bit more, I think the two things that really throw it off for me are the hip armor and the shoulderpads.


And I have made a few bigger marines in my time, if I may be so bold as to post some of my own photos in your thread:






Here's a conversion based on the Pedro Kantor artwork from the previous edition of 40k. At the time, I had no idea it was supposed to be the Chapter Master, and he was simply going to be a captain, tentatively named Capt. Stomp Ass. Termie legs with sculpted knee pads. Although not a fan of John Wayne myself, I really liked the look of the artwork and tried to reproduce that strutting bravado and confidence in the figure that seemed taken straight from The Duke. He ably commanded my old CF army to many a victory. Note that at the time this pic was taken, he was still WIP and the shoulderpads had been removed for painting, and the head was just sitting in there for the pictures.


Then when the new Codex came out, me being a sucker for conversions based on awesome artwork, I wanted to make Vulkan He'stan figure which later had me repainting my old CF figures green. Sadly, he and my "new" Salamanders army never got finished. Pardon the crappy pics, but I had lost my digicam at the time and had to make do with a phone.



Very nice Kage! At first I thought you didn't know what True-Scale was but you've disproved me! Dealing with my minis; I figured those were the two things that threw you off :jaw: That is an awesome job on your Crimson Fist (based on the exact image from so long ago that put me on this path). Your GS skill is way beyond mine as you can tell, I havent done alot of sculpting with it so hopefully this project will whoop me into shape haha. I know eventually I can master it, clay shapers will help indefinitely (so glad my local art store just got them in), I just use one of those GW sculpting tools which is horrible I know.... my tool set needs to grow as well, I lost alot after moving a few times :P Hey any tips or tricks you have for me are greatly appreciated!

Thanks! I'm gearing up for yet another repainting of my marines, this time to a scheme I had always been too reluctant to paint: Imperial Fists. You can expect to see the captain with a new paint job in the near future.


As for sculpting tips, I'm not that spectacular, but I can pass on what I know:


Clay shapers are definitely a great tool to improve your skills with. I too started with the GW sculpting tool and not knowing any better, only dipped the tool in water for lubricant. Boy, did I hate GS back then. And this was around the time of 3rd ed first coming out, so it's been a while. I read a White Dwarf article with some sculpting tips that suggested using something like Vaseline or talcum powder to keep the tools from sticking to the gs, and not having either in the household, I looked around and finally settle on vegetable oil from the kitchen, and I've been using it ever since. What I've recently started to do is to put a dab of the oil on the back of my left hand so I can just touch the tool to that if I need more lubricant, instead of breaking my sculpting flow and reaching over to the little cup of oil.


Something else that took some getting used to is only working on small areas at a time, and being somewhat impatient when I have a conversion idea burning in my brain, lots of early sculpting work was ruined by misplaced thumbs and fingers. I've been working on a chaplain conversion over the past couple of weeks(work and life keep intruding on my progress), and I couldn't imagine having the patience for something like that when I first got started in this conversion business.


Another sculpting tutorial in a WD a few years later, by Chris Fitzpatrick iirc, suggested using a brand new X-Acto blade to very lightly scrape down the cured gs and smooth out any little lumps, bumps, or wavy areas - with the blade turned at about a 45 degree angle to the surface, you use the edge and a very light touch. Like most things, it will take some practice, but it will help smooth out some of the finishes that cure less-than-perfect. I've even used some high grit sandpaper(like 1500+) with water to smooth out the finish on some gs after the scraping, but if you do that, make sure you use a very light touch.


Beyond that, just experimentation, and seeking out more tips and tricks from others is the best way to improve. If I think of anything else that I might be forgetting, I'll put it up here.

Thank you Kage, you've really helped me with your tips. I'm always seeking advice and tips like this so please feel free to drop me a line either on here or by PMing me. Like I've said I'm kind of new to GS (about a year on and off very VERY sparingly) and I hope this project will jettison me forwards and develop better sculpting skills. Thanks again brother!
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, life has been fun, fun ,fun. Anyways, I bring you a few new pics of the boys of 5th Company. I went through and did a little cleaning here and there mostly on the GS as some of it wasn't at all to my liking.


+++ Brother Sukh'bata and Veteran-Brother Ihaka +++



I re-sculpted Sukh'bata's chest and gave him a more "menacing" head. I also removed the strobe-light as I figured it threw off the feng shui. I'm trying to not go overboard with detail. I also threw a skin-cloak to his shoulder pad, his latest victim he flayed alive to emphasis on his eviscerating tendencies. Also, I added a combi-bolter to Ihaka, he is a Veteran and I believe Veterans deserve to be equipped with rare equipment ;) Yes this does mean he will become a Wolf-Guard, cant give combi-weapons to any regular grunt now can we? I also added a close-up of his "meal". I had to keep my "happy meal" theme going from the last project.


+++ Brother Chuluun and the revered "White Daemon" Aata himself +++



I cant describe how much I actually like Chuluun now after I re-worked him. I went back over his chest, smoothed it a bit more and went to town on bitz and yes that is a lime green terminator arm (the Termies from my failed Salamanders project have gone rogue). I knocked together the top-knot from two parts, a spare top-knot from a lone marine bit and this awesome "horse-tail" bit I found at the bottom of my old bitz box. I need to find more of those as I really like it and definitely want to give the top-knot treatment to more marines. I added the trophies using the spikes from the Chaos Lord terminator bitz, let me know if they seem a bit too long, as I have this feeling they seem "off". And then there is the teaser from last time. I originally chose this model to be a Chaplain but I figured it could work for Aata. But of course I dont know how I feel about it. If I can obtain some Space Wolf bits I can just straight up make Aata in plastic and maybe switch this one out for my original Chaplain idea. Let me know what you all think.


Oh and one more surprise...


+++ Counts-as Fenrisian Wolves +++



I found these two bad boys a few days ago. They are the sabre-tooth tigers from WHFB Ogre Kingdoms Hunter model. I love these models so much, they stand to about the midddle of the chest of my Marines and to the neck of a guardsman so I think they add that "oh :lol:! Thats huge" factor to the army. I figured I could fluff up some strange sabre-tooth/beast/wolf in the same idea as the crocodile things in Blood Gorgons to act as the counts-as Fenrisian wolves for my list. These two would of course join Aata in whatever form he takes, once I flesh out a list. If I were to expand on these, for lets say a foot slogging list I would order the WHFB High Elves Tiger models to make a huge pack of them, of course adding GS huge fangs to emphasis on sabre-tooth. Let me know what you guys think.


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