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Crimson Fists Project B&C member update....25/3/14

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Definitely jealous of that mighty fine box! As far as any C&C goes, I would say you definitely have great poses and are good at shading, so the only thing I could suggest was to add a bit of a highlight to the blue (and maybe the red, but that's up to you as sometimes it tends to look orangey with certain highlights). I really like these CF man (particularly the hand-painted insignia as I have a heavy dislike of using decals myself lol) keep em comin'! ^_^

@Keith: thanks man and I'm listening to music on Xbox....lol


@Alanofangels: thanks so much for the C&C, really helped me a lot, I did think after a hole te red was too strong or not 'crimson fisty' enough, again thanks again.


Right ladies and gentle men may I present; to you;


The master of the Crimson fists, Lord Hellblade, 29th chapter master & Pollux reborn;


Chapter master Pedro Kantor












The base was given to me by a good Freind who is on this forum, Telos05 just waiting for him to kick start his malevs thread back up again.


I'm really pleased with him, any C&C are welcome as always.



@Zxyogi: cheers mate.


@raz:I think what you've seen is how the was has pooled and dried, something I need to rectify, ill double double check when I'm in from work, thanks still though man, now get on with your guys.



kantor is looking fine mate!

very nice choice of parts and details ;)


i gotta agree with Brother Syth though, the chest plate looks a liitle bland and uneven.

also his foot looks like its not flat on the base and the pin is slightly visible...

@Biohazard, midnight runner, Brother syth and wicced: thank you very much fellas, concerning the chest I did think that but I wanted to stay away from the Kantor 'blinged' GW model but still retain 'kantor', I may put a small etched brass symbol there,also with the pin ill rectify that ASAP.


Thanks again guys


Also I wanna say this too


I, Dorns_fist of the Crimson fists, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 10 Crimson fist Sternguard on or before the 31st of March, 2013. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

Evening everyone, well happy new year, hope 2013 is blessed for you all.


Right picture time...


My LPC update.


1st half of the squad




2nd half




Individual pictures






















They're all jut Blu tacked at the moment, they'll be getting pouches/purity seals etc added to them.


Off LPC topic


My attack bikes coming along nicely




Thanks for looking and hopefully some more updates soon



Dude!!! love the progress,


sone plastics I can't identify where they are from, but like how they wok togather with the resin parts...


but you have issues with mould lines!!! please, oh please notice them before you atrt painting, don't rush this stage through!


other than that, keep it up!

nice looking sternguard mate!


two things i recognized:


first his sword looks bent, might just be the picture



second thing is the wolf decorations on the last guys heavy flamer, is there a reason for them or are you gonna take them off/replace them?


and last but not least, good look in the LPC man :wacko:



Love the pose on this guy, the attack bikes coming along well also. Look forward to the Sternguard being painted.

  • 1 month later...

Thanks a lot all you lot for the kind words and comments.


Right as the boards been undergoing a lot of work I've been doing a lot to my LOC vow....done the 1st five in the first 3 weeks of jan then I ended up painting up some pre/ heresy era loyal World eaters and web working on getting the parts for them aswell as my beloved crimson fists


Right onto the 1st five Sternguard LPC vow


The sgt






Brother bayonet



Brother inspector tec



Brother bolt



Brother melt-u



So that's 50% of my LOC done


Here's chapter champion Ràymondo 90% done



And here's my scheme for my World eaters



I will at some point do another thread just for my world eaters so that was just a little 'coooweee' from the phsyco legion


As its standing for my crimson fists i have lots of FW goodies ready to be ordered to be mixed in with my mega force set, along with more tac marines, scouts, contemptor with duel KAC,a storm bugdie and a ton of tanks, so lots to keep me busy.


Well hope you all have enjoyed this small update and leave your comments as per usual.



YAK: thank you very much mate


Razblood: cheers fella, the WE scheme is undercoat halfords grey primer, wash with army painter soft tone wash (brown), then dry brush Dheneb stone, layer on Vallejo model colour 'ivory', then Vallejo 'off white', then wash with army painter brown 80% water 20% wash mix and then paint all the details and dirt etc to taste.


Gearhart: thank you aswell mate, the writing/script work is all done by a steady hand and steady breathing, I use dheneb stone as the colour for the script on the armour and Vallejo black on the seals.


Brother syth: sterngaurd are just lethal I love them and they fit the Crimson fists to the bone, how are you getting on with your PH IF's?


Cheers guys hopefully another update soon




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