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1250pts Grey Knights Vs Marines


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Had a 1250pt game today against Lamenters


My list


Grand master

Mastercrafted Psycannon


Psychotroke grenades







Might of titan




6 Paladins

6 halberds

Master crafted psycannon




Grey knight Strikes demi-squad (5 man)

5 Halberds


Grey knight Strikes demi-squad (5 man)

5 Halberds


He took



Terminator armour


Fury of the ancients


Sang priest


Sang priest

Jump pack

Power weapon


6 Terminators





10 tactical amrines


Missile launcher


10 tactical amrines


Missile launcher


9 assault marines

Power fist



5 Devastators

3 missile launchers


We rolled up Slave raid and the Lamenters too the roll of the Dark Eldar




The Lamenters deployed everything near the middle line. His assault squad, with attached priest, were on my left, supported by a tactical squad in a forest. In the middle the terminators held fast, with the second priest and the Librarian attached. Next to them were the second tactical squad. Finally, on the right, the Devastors deployed in a ruin building. Finally the Dread deployed behind the terminators


The second tactical squad gains Red Thirst.


I deployed my Paladins and both characters, against the Assault squad, out of LOS of the rest of the army.


My two strike squads deployed in ruins opposite the Terminators, and the Vindicare deployed in the upper stories of the ruins.


The Paladins and 1 strike squad got counter charge


Turn 1


The left most tactical squad and assault squad moved to intercept the Paladins, whilst the Terminators and second tactical squad moved towards the strike squads in the ruins.


In the shooting phase the my Librarian cast shrouding, worried about the encroaching dread, however it turned its’ guns on the Strikes, though the cover stopped its shots.


The terminators and seconded tactical squad added their fire to the dreads volley. Alas their shots couldn’t penetrate the armour of their foe, with only a single strike falling, and the Librarians smite was stopped.


The Devastators fired a trio of Krak missiles at the Vindicare and ended his life.


The Assault squad and first tactical shot the Paladins, to no effect.


Knowing that it was charge or be charge, the assault squad charged the Paladins, who counter charged. The Psychotroke grenades caused fear in the fearless (reduced to Ld2) then it took 3 attempts to get hammer hand off. Though the marines were wiped out before they could strike a blow back. The paladins consolidated towards the first tactical squad.


VP Grey knights 3 – Marines 2


Grey knights

The two strike squads advanced on the terminators, aiming to kill the enemy’s sorcerer, the Paladins advanced on the first tactical squad.


Shooting saw a terminator and 6 marines fall. The marines fell back 3”, but were still within charge range of the Paladins.


The Paladins charged the tactical, and both Strikes assaulted the terminators, with the 4 man squad getting 3 in position to attack the Librarian and 1 to attack the priest.


The Paladins went first (I forgot that I had charged the Terminators to kill the enemies hood). The Psychotroke grenades did nothing, but the tactical were wiped out


In the centre the 5 strong Strike squad cast Hammer hand and reduced The terminators of the sergeant and one terminator. The 4 man squad failed to cast hammer hand, then failed to hit the priest and only wounded the Librarian once. In return the Strikes lost 3 men from the 5 mand squad and 1 from the 4 man squad, drawn combat.


VP Grey knights 5 – Marines 2


Turn 2



The dread stomped towards the paladins and the second tactical moved to assault the three man strike squad


The dread failed to hit the Paladins and the Devastators decided to use Frag missiles to maximise armour rolls failed when all their missiles went wide


The tactical then assaulted my Strikes. I reduced the Terminators to one man, bit lost 4 Strikes in return, then my remaining Justicar to no retreat.


Not sure if this was correct, but the terminators and the tactical consolidated away from the Paladins (can you consolidate if the enemy dies from no retreat?)


VP Grey knights 5 – Marines 5


Grey knights

The Paladins advance on the enemy dread and concentrated pyscannon fire removes is powerfist. They then charge. Psychotroke Grenades do nothing (rolled a one rather than no useful effect). Took two attempt to cast Hammer hand, damn hood. The the hood dispelled might of titan. So my boys threw their krak grenades and melta bomb that did nothing and the dread failed to hurt them

(Do I still strike at +2 I when armed with halberds but attacking with grenades?)


VP Grey knights 5 – Marines 5


Turn 3


The Terminator squad (what a joke the squad had 1 terminator and two independent characters in it) and the tactical pulled back then ran back a bit.


No shooting


The Grand master hits with his melta bomb and wrecks the dread, consolidating towards the blod of enemies


VP Grey knights 7 – Marines 5


Grey knights

The Paladins advance into the face of their enemies and shoot both psycannons only at the tactical (I didn’t want them to break), killing one. They then charges both squads, with the Grand master getting in contact with both.


Psychotroke grenades do nothing to the tactical, but reduce the terminator squad to 1 attack each and lets me hit them automatically.


Both units are butchered and my opponent calls it


VP Grey knights 11+D6 – Marines 5

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