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5th edition 40k Trivia


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Don't know if this has been started before, but this morning I tought of this idea:


Most of us know fairly well at least the rules that apply to our specific builds... but that is usually not going to help much at winning games if we don't know the opponent's strengths and weaknesses.


Lets share the wealth!


Since knowledge is power, how about a little trivia...about rules!


The rules:


1.- Only 1 question at a time.


2.- The question has to have an answer in the fashion of Yes/no, black/white, 1/0. For example: Is BnC a PA only forum?


3.- The answer has to include reasoning or page citation. For example: No, because it also allows Daemons.


4.- You have to grade the question difficulty, 1 to 5, being 1 really basic and 5 some obscure knowledge. For example: 1/5


5.- Try and number the questions and quote them for your reply... it will make it easier to "review" when we hit the 300 page mark :ph34r:


6.- Please, stay away from RAW vs RAI hot topics: there are plenty of threads for that. This is for fun and to learn, not to prove anything.



So... here is the first one:


Question 1


Difficulty: 1/5


Can a squad of tactical marines rapid fire with their bolters and then assault?





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Excellent idea.... lets see how it goes.


Can a squad of tactical marines rapid fire with their bolters and then assault?




pg. 28, paragraph four, left hand side:

Models that shoot with rapid fire weapons in the Shooting phase cannot assault into close combat in the ensuing Assault phase.


What special rules are lost if a unit is joined by an IC that doesnt have them?

What special rules are lost if a unit is joined by an IC that doesnt have them?


Answer: 6


  BRB page 74 said:
The special rules marked with an asterisk are automatically lost by an independent character joining a unit that does not have the same special rule. These rules are lost by a unit that is joined by an independent character that does not have the same special rule.


Fleet, Hit and Run, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Scouts, Turbo-Boosters

  DarkGuard said:
Sounds fun. Here's my question:


Difficulty 1/5


If I move 12" can I fire my Rhino's storm bolter?


This depends on what codex you are using. Typically the answer is "No" as Tanks cannot fire any weapons unless stationary or moving at Combat Speed (see the Vehicles/Shooting section, BRB).


The BA codex Rhinos are Fast, and thus may fire a single weapon plus all defensive weapons when moving 12" (which is effectively their 'combat speed'). Interesting caveat though: the passengers in said-Fast Rhino may only fire from the hatch if the Rhino moves 6" or less. (Transports/Passengers section; note that the 'Fast' vehicle modifier affects only the vehicle itself and not the passengers.)

  DarkGuard said:
*face palm* Ah you caught me there thade, I was only thinking about C:SM, my bad. Well your turn to ask a question now ;).


Right, then. :D


Can a Dreadnought pop smoke after it Runs?


Difficulty, I dunno...3/5 ?


EDIT: I am not very smart on Wednesday mornings.

  thade said:
  DarkGuard said:
*face palm* Ah you caught me there thade, I was only thinking about C:SM, my bad. Well your turn to ask a question now :P.


Right, then. ;)


Question 4.


Can a Dreadnought pop smoke after it Runs?


Difficulty, I dunno...3/5 ?


EDIT: I am not very smart on Wednesday mornings.


Yes, vehicles can launch smoke even when they can't fire. Don't have my books available so I can't doublecheck... embarrassing if I screw up :D


I'll wait for confirmation before landing another question...

Can a Dreadnought pop smoke after it Runs?


Difficulty, I dunno...3/5 ?



Unfortunately Tanhausen, the answer is no, thade just chucked out a trick question. :)


A Dreadnought can only pop smoke after it moves. It can still run afterwards, but it cannot pop smoke after running as smoke launchers are used in the movement phase after moving, not in the shooting phase.


  40K Rulebook FAQ said:
Q: Can smoke launchers be used after a walker makes a

Run! or consolidation move? (p62)

A: No, they can only be used in the Movement phase.

  DarkGuard said:
Unfortunately Tanhausen, the answer is no, thade just chucked out a trick question. ;)


That :) :D : cuss piece of :P xDDDDD I fell for it completely. Also, if you pots a page/FAQ, state what body it belongs to!


You get to ask then!

  Tanhausen said:
  DarkGuard said:
Unfortunately Tanhausen, the answer is no, thade just chucked out a trick question. :)


That :cuss :cuss : cuss piece of :cuss xDDDDD I fell for it completely. Also, if you pots a page/FAQ, state what body it belongs to!


You get to ask then!


OK then, fixed.


I am not smart on Wednesday mornings, but I am tricky. msn-wink.gif (Thanks for the compliment.)


No problem, it was a good question to ask, as I think a lot of people do that wrong.


Difficulty 3/5 (I guess)


My Land Raider has moved 12" and popped smoke. Can I fire a weapon using Power of the Machine Spirit?
  DarkGuard said:
My Land Raider has moved 12" and popped smoke. Can I fire a weapon using Power of the Machine Spirit?


As angry as it makes me to say this, no. This was FAQ'd recently and very specifically addressed.


Making me say this was pretty harsh vengeance. :cuss


Next question goes to whomever can find the FAQ citation (I'm at work and don't have time to pdf dig. <3)

  thade said:
  DarkGuard said:
My Land Raider has moved 12" and popped smoke. Can I fire a weapon using Power of the Machine Spirit?


As angry as it makes me to say this, no. This was FAQ'd recently and very specifically addressed.


Making me say this was pretty harsh vengeance. ;)


Next question goes to whomever can find the FAQ citation (I'm at work and don't have time to pdf dig. <3)

Q. Can a vehicle with the Power of the Machine Spirit fire

a weapon on the turn the vehicle uses Smoke Launchers?


A. No.

Space Marine FAQ 1_1 page 2.


Can space marines deploy in front of a rhino like it was open topped?



  Abyssel said:
Can space marines deploy in front of a rhino like it was open topped?




Yes, but only as an emergency disembarking and when there is no other place where they can exit the rhino.


Ill wait for confirmation before posting a question...

I'm pretty sure the answer is a no. I can't find emergency disembarkation anywhere. Page 67 BRB:



The passengers must immediately disembark and then take a Pinning test. Any models that cannot disembark are destroyed.


Destroyed - explodes!

...The surviving passengers are placed where the vehicle used to be and take a Pinning test.


So I'd say it's a no, the Rhino is not open-topped, and it doesn't have an access point at the front. Therefore, you can't disembark at the front. In cases where your Rhino is blown up you disembark normally, or are placed within the "shadow" of the Rhino, which is different to deploying infront. I can't see any rules for emergency disembarkation, but am aware they may be in the FAQ. Apologies if I'm wrong.

The rules for emergency disembarkation are hidden in the first paragraph under disembarkation.


By blocking the exit points yourself, you can in fact disembark, and then 'realise' you can't disembark, hence you emergency disembark. Not sure why you'd want to though. So no, exiting from a rhino elsewhere than by exit points is not possible except for the special case of entry points being blocked.

  DarkGuard said:
Can a Dreadnought pop smoke after it Runs?


Difficulty, I dunno...3/5 ?



Unfortunately Tanhausen, the answer is no, thade just chucked out a trick question. ;)


A Dreadnought can only pop smoke after it moves. It can still run afterwards, but it cannot pop smoke after running as smoke launchers are used in the movement phase after moving, not in the shooting phase.


  40K Rulebook FAQ said:
Q: Can smoke launchers be used after a walker makes a

Run! or consolidation move? (p62)

A: No, they can only be used in the Movement phase.


That's not how I interpret this rule. The smoke launchers BRB never state that the use of smoke launchers are used exclusively in the movement phase only. Instead only after the vehicle moves. Looking up running in BRB says it is also movement of D6". Referencing the p62 rules tthe smoke launcher says it doesnt matter how far the vehicle moves. So imo, yes, a Walker with smoke can run and then pop after it is done moving as far as it is going to move.

Ok, I have one, hehe...


Question 6 (?)


My Razorback suffers a weapon destroyed result. Are both the Lascannon and the Plasma Gun destroyed?


Difficulty, Dunno, maybe 4/5, as it has been FaQed in 2 different places, but only ONE applies. Your opponent may not realize this.


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