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5th edition 40k Trivia


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I have 10 tacticals who are rolling on Imperium credits and purchase a razorback as designated transport.


Question 15


Can I deploy 5 guys and keep the other 5 in reserves so they can come into the game embarked on the RB?


Difficulty: 5/5


Warning: this question is counter-intuitive and needs a good knowledge of the rules/reading them before you reply. 90%+ of the players do this wrong! (me included till last friday)

  Tanhausen said:
I have 10 tacticals who are rolling on Imperium credits and purchase a razorback as designated transport.


Question 15


Can I deploy 5 guys and keep the other 5 in reserves so they can come into the game embarked on the RB?


Difficulty: 5/5


Warning: this question is counter-intuitive and needs a good knowledge of the rules/reading them before you reply. 90%+ of the players do this wrong! (me included till last friday)


yes you can... combat sq rules say when deploying a unit you can choice to split it(C:SM p51)... reserves are chosen at deployment time and can be done after combating a sq(BRB p94) the sq must be specified as being in the DT at this time.


This does not work for drop pods as they have alternate rules for combat sq'ing, also C:DA still have a FAQ Q&A saying this cant be done even thou an errata in the same FAQ removes the rule the Q&A quotes.

Tanhausan, no you cannot, C:SM FAQ page 2:


"Q: Can you take a Drop Pod with a 10-man squad and

then put a combat squad in it, deploying the other combat

squad on the table, or leave it in reserve but not in the

Drop Pod? (p69)

A: No, because squads that are placed in reserve may not

break down into combat squads."




Difficulty 4/5


In who's turn can a C:SM Librarian use any of his powers ?

Actually, Mojonir got the answer right but not the rules (FAQ only talks about Drop Pods, not other DT) and timmytool the rules but not the answer xD


It is at deployment when you choose what to reserve or not, but what you can't do is send part of a squad to reserves and deploy the other half... a unit has to do all the same, or you'd end up with a unit being both in reserves AND deployed.


You could do A with the 10 men and B with the RB though...

  Brother Mojonir said:


Difficulty 4/5


In who's turn can a C:SM Librarian use any of his powers ?

a C:SM libby can only use psychic powers in his own turns as explained for each power on C:SM pg57. other librarians, such as BA ones, can use powers in the opponents phase though eg. shield of sanguinius



  Tanhausen said:
Actually, Mojonir got the answer right but not the rules (FAQ only talks about Drop Pods, not other DT) and timmytool the rules but not the answer xD


It is at deployment when you choose what to reserve or not, but what you can't do is send part of a squad to reserves and deploy the other half... a unit has to do all the same, or you'd end up with a unit being both in reserves AND deployed.


You could do A with the 10 men and B with the RB though...

i think Mojonir got it all spot on. the answer to the FAQ question refers to all reserved squads, not just squads with drop pods.



  angry man said:
  Brother Mojonir said:


Difficulty 4/5


In who's turn can a C:SM Librarian use any of his powers ?

a C:SM libby can only use psychic powers in his own turns as explained for each power on C:SM pg57. other librarians, such as BA ones, can use powers in the opponents phase though eg. shield of sanguinius




A C:SM librarian can use a force weapon, which counts as a power, on his opponents turn.

  Reglor said:
  angry man said:
  Brother Mojonir said:


Difficulty 4/5


In who's turn can a C:SM Librarian use any of his powers ?

a C:SM libby can only use psychic powers in his own turns as explained for each power on C:SM pg57. other librarians, such as BA ones, can use powers in the opponents phase though eg. shield of sanguinius




A C:SM librarian can use a force weapon, which counts as a power, on his opponents turn.


Haha, AM (hey man long time no see) came up with the answer I was looking for, but Reglor out tricked the trickiness of my question (it was the early hours of the morning, I forgot about force weapons). Either of you are really within your rights to ask the next question, fire away :)

You also would not count cover for the vehicle if the models who are firing at it (who can actually damage the vehicle) have clear line of sight to the vehicle while the remainder of the squad (who can't damage the vehicle) would be providing a cover save because of their obscured sight to the vehicle. Those who cannot damage the vehicle don't count when you calculate a cover save for a vehicle.


Vehicles and Cover - Obscurred Targets pg 62 of BRB

  timmytool said:
using brb rules only....


Q7 D3/5 If l cant see 50% of a tank can I still kill the tank without it getting a cover save.


2 answers needed


1 only if the facing the firer is in is 50% obscured is a cover save granted


what is the second answer if the 50% is the facing the firer is in?


Yes, with my Hive Guard <_<

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I'm not sure where my 40k Rulebook is at the moment...so no page unfourtunately


I'm not sure if this is a legal question based on the format, if not I'll post something else...


Question 19: Only 2 armies in the game do not have access to the feel no pain special rule, what are they? Difficulty maybe 3/5

  breng77 said:
I'm not sure if this is a legal question based on the format, if not I'll post something else...


Question 19: Only 2 armies in the game do not have access to the feel no pain special rule, what are they? Difficulty maybe 3/5


That's a cool one...


I'd say Necrons and Space Wolves...

Lone Wolfs get FnP Tanhausen. I'd say Necrons, because I can't think I've run into that (and they have WBB) and Eldar, mainly because I don't think I've encountered them using FnP. I'm pretty sure every Imperial Army has access to it through one form and the other, so it wouldn't be one of those. Nurgle has it in Chaos armies, Dark Eldar are kind of built around it, Orks have pain boyz, Nids have the Tervigon, so yeah, I reckon its Necrons and Eldar

Necrons do not have it. Witchhunters do not have it.




  DarkGuard said:
I was looking for a sub-heading or something. Of course, there seems to be no benefit to do so, as you auto-pin yourself, but without the cover save!
This needs correction. You do not actually auto-pin yourself: "the models are deployed...but the unit can't do anything else for the rest of the turn."


This is not nearly the same as "the unit can do nothing until the end of its following turn."


The situation came up last night. A Trygon assaulted my Chimera on his and wrecked it, forcing the dudes out the front. He said "haha, now you're pinned and I have nothing to worry about on my turn." I pointed out the very opposite in black and white and he was sad.



Question 20:


Do you distribute wounds caused by Dangerous Terrain tests the same way as shooting, or is it a model by model basis? (I was happy to be proven right on this one, by the way :drool:)

answer Question 20 Very good on the FNP question, to answer yours, no you do not. 40k Rule book FAQ p. 2


Question 21: You have 3 Space marines in a straight line (like so 0 0 0) the models are 2" apart (full coherency). You get shot and end up losing the center model, then fail your morale check. Will you automatically regroup on your turn? (2/5)

No, because you are out of coherency (p46). The only restriction lifted by And They Shall Know No Fear is the "below half strength." In fact, those marines will never regroup unless terrain/models forces them closer together during their fall-back move, as otherwise they always moves toward their table edge by the shortest route possible (ie, two parallel, straight lines). I'd give the SM page but I don't have it on me.


And which did you answer "no" to on my #20? :whoops:


Question 22:

Moar DT! If you are forced to take only a Dangerous Terrain test when assaulting, does your Initiative value get lowered to 1? (assuming you don't have assault grenades or their equivalent)



The is it done like shooting, it is model by model, as to never regrouping, you can run while falling back, I am not sure at the moment whether that has to be straight back (I know it has to be toward your board edge.) this can at times save squads that are falling back and out of coherency perpendicular to the table edge (since not all models need to run.

No, you cannot regain coherency when fleeing by Running or any other means of movement, as you must still follow the Fall Back rules (ie, straight line):


Q: When a model that can move outside of the

Movement phase, for example jet pack infantry, is

falling back, can it use this move? (page 45)

A: Yes, though it must follow the Fall Back! rules to

determine the direction it will move in.


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