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Jimmi's Worldeaters WIP

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Hi all,


I'm new here so.......hello everyone. Im recently back into the hobby after 5 years away from things. I have to say im slightly gutted at just how pap the chaos codex is but im sure everyone feels the same. Anyway, this is my first model and I wanted to get feedback. Im aiming for quality over haste as im more into the modelling side of things, although i like the odd game or two aswell.

Ive opted to do a Forgeworld World Eaters army as the amount of time it takes me to paint stuff means i can justify the cost to my better half!

I couldnt resist Zhufor when i saw the model and it kind of drew me into a full Worldeaters list (which i'll post seperately).


Anyway, i opted to do a lot of techniques im unfamiliar with in order to expand my skill set a bit. The list includes NMM gold, glowing eyes, dripping blood.

The model has advanced a little since i took these pics last week, and i only have his shoulders to finish now and the snow base to redo! More pics to follow once ive finished those.


Apologies for the pic quality, its the best i could get. Please feel free to criticise/comment.








Ive just recieved my first 5 FW termi's so coming up soon will be the start of a 7 man retinue, with 4 paired lightning claws, reaper autocannon and some power weapon/combimelta guys. Incidentally, i'm modelling the power weapons as 2 handed chainaxes using the Grey Knight Termi arms, and im modelling the combi meltas into "storm meltas". Any thoughts on this?



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I love it B) The red is a great shade and that blood effect is awesome.


Only three (hopefully constructive) criticisms/suggestions from me, though:


1. The NMM gold needs another highlight or two to make it look more like metal. If you look at anything made of metal, even pretty dull metal, it'll nearly always have an almost-white shine somewhere.


2. The eye OSL is a little 'sudden'. What I mean by this is that the red armour has been completely drowned out by the green light, without any evidence of it left behind, making it look painted on. IMHO, the best OSL effects are when you can see the light gradually fading into the underlying colour.


3. Maybe use a little red ink to show a couple of blood splatters that have already landed in the snow?


It's still WIP though, so my apologies if these are things you were intending on fixing anyway - they're just what caught my eye after looking at the mini closely :)

Hi all, many thanks for the comments and feedback, glad you like it.


For those asking about the blood effect, its very easy and quick to do. I used to use the technique years ago but its pretty commonplace now ive rejoined the hobby. You need to get hold of some Tamiya Clear Red Acrylic. Its used for painting brake lights onto remote controlled cars and is fairly easy to find. Its also waterbased. They do a few other coulors too which are good for weird slime effects.

I mix a little badab black ink into the Clear Red and make a couple of different shades to represent dried/fresh blood. You can paint the gloop on or like me, use a pin to apply little blobs everywhere for a nice realistic splatter effect. The gloop can begin to dry quite quickly so i find i tend to make up a few mixes during application. The blood drips are also very easy. You can use fishing line or human hair. Just dip it down the nozzle of your glue bottle and let it dry to add a bit of strength. Keep dipping the tip of the wire a few times to form a drip. Glue it where you want then paint it with the blood gloop. You can create quite dynamic splatters by glueing the fishing line into curved patterns etc.


I might redo my blood drips as i think 3 looks a bit too much.


Cheexsta, thanks for the feedback, its much appreciated. :D I may add a few more layers to the NMM, i'm in two minds because i went a bit too far on my test mini and it looked cack. The photos are also not the best and dont look as good as in the flesh. I want to do it but im at the stage where my OCD fiddling can make things go wrong. I think i'll do another tester tonight to see if i can improve.

The eyes are a weird one too, i know what you mean about the lack of fade. I think thats also partially due to how recessed the eyes are into the head. The cheekbones jut out a lot and you end up with no gradual fade. I did a sort of rough drybrush to see where the light hit. I think ill have a play tonight and see if i can tweak the base colour into the glow.

The base is unfinished as some of my bicarb snow fell off. I picked off a lot of the old snow including the blood splattered bits so ill be redoing that in the next day or 2.


Many thanks to everyone who had a look and commented, its all very helpful.


Here are the latest pics - just the base and aforementioned niggles to try and remedy, then its done. Its taken an age but im really pleased considering its my first mini for 5 years. I appear to be re-addicted to the hobby, my FW termi kit has just turned up! Yay


Oh, does anyone think it will look weird if i paint my lord and retinue with NMM gold/red then use a red and bone colour for my troops and heavies? I dont think i can face 50 models worth of NMM gold and im kind of hoping i can say "the elite dudes have shiney armour" to justify it!









Hi all, just updating my finished pics. He's done at last. Rebased, redid the blood drips and added another highlight to the gold. I daren't do anymore to the model in fear of messing it up so i'm calling it a day at that. Overall i'm really happy with the finished model, onto the termi squad now!



Many thanks, im really chuffed with it. I say do it with the FW stuff. It seems daunting at first but its worth it. Once you get past the tedious prep the model is a joy to paint. The detail makes it easy to get good results as long as you persevere. Also, with the finecast price rise the FW stuff isnt that expensive anymore. DO IT you know you want to!!!

Hi all, thanks for the comments,


crandall87 - The recipe is snakebite leather base coat, then a quick black ink wash. Recoat with watered down snakebite and then blend with snakebite/bubonic brown (50/50) then add 25% golden yellow to prevous mix and blend in. Highlights done with previous mix with 30% ish white added in to make a sort of lemon colour. (sorry for the vagueness i just mix it by eye to the stuff on my wet palette). Then a final highlight to very fine edges with a little more white added. Hope that helps :tu:

Thanks Cheexsta, yes i'm pretty proud of it. Im glad i redid the blood, i'm much happier with a less OTT drip going on. I just added one extra highlight in the end - thanks for suggesting that! Just hoping i can keep the quality up across the rest of the army. Currently doing my terminator torso's but i'm pretty slow. Need to buy some legs and arms soon!

Many thanks for the kind comments. I should have some updates with pics of his retinue soon. Halfway through painting the torso's and ive just ordered legs and most of the arms tonight. I've also opted to use the Tyberos the red wake model for one of the squad. Im planning to replace the torso with a FW world eaters one, then dremel off the shoulder pads and replace with FW world eater ones. I think im getting rid of some of the dimples on the legs and i might sculpt some trim detail on and maybe a loin cloth. Hope i can do the model justice. Not sure whether to mod the head or swap it out?

I'm trying not to add up what this squad is costing in bits but its starting to rack up a bit now. Still need the FW chain axes and 2 more grey knight halberds to finish the squad completely!

Hi all, just a quick little update. Iv'e knocked up a little conversion using the Tyberos model as a base. I wanted peoples thoughts on wether to use the bare or helmeted head. I think I prefer the baldy look for this guy but i thought i would get everyones opinions. Im also interested to know if people think i should get rid of the leg dimples and sculpt some trim to the legs, or wether to keep the dimples. I quite like the dimples but dont know if they suit the rest of the model? Sorry for the cruddy photos! My other bits turned up today so i'll be one with the rest of the squad this weekend.


*MOD's* Could i move this thread to a WIP one or a project blog, rather than trawling my Zhufor thread up every week?








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