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Freehanding a Blood Raven symbol.

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I've searched the internet and found nothing, but id really like to figure this out.



I could just keep attempting it (and ruin countless shoulder pads) but i always find it much easier with a guide to follow, could someone point me the right way?

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I've only done one for a banner in a commison but the technique should be the same for a shoulder pad.


The basic start is a vertical line with two arcs coming off of it left and right to set the wings. Then you fill in using a dot with a small beak for the head and a teardrop shape for the body with a fan of lines for the tail. The wings are done by putting in lines to form the feathers. After the base is set you refine it a bit with the pen and the base pad color to clean things up and then add the red blood drop. Do a few practice ones on some paper first and you should get the idea.

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