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Consecrators question...

Captain Semper

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Well I'm thinking of taking a small break from my Disciples and add a couple of squads from another successor. The thinking here is to ultimately add a few squads from all successors to my DoC's and I plan to start with the Consecrators. Now consecrators apparently have a lot of the original Legion's relics - they are custodians of the ancient hardware. In the Codex, the single Consecrator miniature is depicted with MkVI Corvus armour (as is in the coloured picture as well).


I assume the preference to depicting them in MkVI has to do with the fact that it is the oldest type of armour currently produced by mainstream GW. However if one decides to go FW wouldn't it make more sense to have older versions of power armour? Anything from MkII to MkV? If these guys have a stash of pre-Heresy stuff it'll be strange to have only MkVI that (as it is mentioned in Imperial Armour 10) were virtually developed in parallel with MkVII. However Lexicanum states they wear MkVI... I'm really willing to disregard this as not substantiated by any source (other than a depiction of a random trooper in the Codex) but then I saw, again in Lexicanum, that the estimated strengthof the entire Chapter is 100! I also tend to distregard this as a typo (really meaning 1000) but two strange things in one Lexicanum entry made me think if there is anything official out there that I'm missing (unlikely but you never know...)


Any thoughts?

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My thread might help -




I did quite a bit of thinking. My conclusion in a nutshell was that they would be in mostly Mk6 Corvus armor with some older marks for veterans and some newer marks for the newest marines. I went the Mk 5 Heresy toros proxy route for Corvus though as I did not feel like buying from FW. As mentioned above it is a bit of personal preference because there is so little written about them - an opportunity to make up some of your own fluff.


Not to long ago, Lexicanum said 300 for their numbers, which I took as perhaps because they were a relatively young chapter (presumably). However, I see that someone has amended this to 100... I agree with you in this case, it's probably a typo. Regardless, there is no official numbers for them that I know of.

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Since those guys have the DA pre herecy equipment,you cant go wrong with using any type of armor or weapon that was used back there.

Also i agree with the typo regarding their chapter str.AThey might also have havoc launchers or reaper autocannons,you never know(br....)

The only chapter that may be undermaned at given times is the AOA given their stuborn nature.

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Actually I'm leaning towards Mk5. I like how the studs are red - a nice contrast in an otherwise black armour... In fact Mk5 offeres the opportunity to work this on the leg too!


Great work you've done there!!! I like the chequered shoulder pad in particular - and the yellow eyes! I would have gone for green but you influenced me. I only hope I can emulate your technique - I'm hopeless with the yellow...


@ Brother Immolator:


You are right - a lot of room to build a pre-heresy force in the 40k context...

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Actually I'm leaning towards Mk5. I like how the studs are red - a nice contrast in an otherwise black armour... In fact Mk5 offeres the opportunity to work this on the leg too!


Yea, my buddy had a bunch of extra Mk5 toros, so I grabbed them up. The studded shoulder pads I purchased off ebay (you only ever get like one per tactical squad box I think). Mk6 Corvus actually does utilize one studded pad, more so as a nod to the heresy Mk before it. I'm only going to do the Sarge's studs in red. I also had some fun cutting off the trim from regular shoulder pads for the other side - you could get away with not doing that though.


Lexicanum has a nice page on armor mks you should take a look at if you haven't already done so - I used that and cross referenced with FW. The meltagunner was actually my attempt at a Mk4 torso and his helmt (actually Mk4) came from the Death Company kit (also bought from ebay). I think you can also find one in the BT kit.


What I really wish FW would do is make a mixed pack of armor Mks. I wouldn't mind a set with a Mk3, one or two Mk4s and maybe another Mk5 and 6. Than I could augment my tactical squad nicely. Maybe save the Mk3 for someone special in my regular DA force.


Yellow can be a pain, but as it's just the eyes - tedious in their own way - you don't have to have it perfect. I really only use a coat of Iyanden Darksun than a smaller section of Iyanden Darksun/Bleached bone mix. Topped off with a tiny dot of chaos white.


Thank you for the kind comments!

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EPK, what started as an alternative to my DoCs will turn into a project of its own with the Contemptor Dreadnought and all!!! Black with a red stripe in the middle - I can just picture it!
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EPK, what started as an alternative to my DoCs will turn into a project of its own with the Contemptor Dreadnought and all!!! Black with a red stripe in the middle - I can just picture it!


Yea, that thing is going to look amazing! Can't wait to see some alternate weapons the make for it.

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Consecrators do have some additional fluff that was given to them by Fantasy Flight Games in their Deathwatch RPG. The book is Rites of Battle if I remember correctly. Not the main book.


But your current plan sounds good and easily within the background of the chapter.

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