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The Rensar VI Revolt


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Galenus peeked over the top of the ditch, before ducking down quickly as rapid-fired lasbolts whizzed over his head, impacting hard into the dirt behind him. His command squad was huddled around him, each waiting for his to give the order to go over the top. Galenus bent over and reached into a leather pocket strapped to his calf armor, and pulled out a small carving of an eagle. The carving was exquisite, each tiny intricate detail carved with an amazing skill that only a woodsman on Macragge could learn. His father had given Caito the eagle the day before he was taken to the Agiselus barracks to be trained and tested for his ascension to the Ultramarines Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Caito had kept the eagle with him through every challenge in his long life, and he found that the tiny piece of wood gave him comfort. He clutched the eagle now, praying to the Emperor for protection in the coming fight.

He looked to his right at Fabian, his Company Standard-bearer, and gave him a curt nod.

"Raise the standard high, brother!" Galenus called out, and felt his heart soar as Fabian unfurled the great banner of the Fifth Company of the Ultramarines and raised it high in the air for all to see. Galenus turned the the other members of the command squad.

"Are you ready, brothers?" he asked, already knowing what their answers would be.

"Always, captain," they replied in unison. Galenus smiled. Trinian, a veteran of many campaigns, hefted his multi-melta, his bare head showing his dark grey eyes and stoic features, ready to take the fight to the foe. Beside him stood Kratos, the Company Champion. He was the only member of Galenus' command squad who had served since it's creation, and in that long period he had killed many enemy leaders and champions. Apothecary Valuis was next, prudently running a last-minute check on his narthecium. Lastly came Dercian. The newest member of the command squad, he had been elevated to the position after single-handedly stoppering a breach at the northen wall of the castle that the Fifth had taken shelter in during the Bloodborn attack on

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