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The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe


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So yes, a vague title but one that I will explain with tortured analogy as I proceed with my question.


So, from what I can gather, the fate of most primarchs is known, at least in general terms, to the populace of the Imperium (they are revered as saints and demi-gods after all)


Dorn died during a black crusade

Roboute got shanked by fulgrim

Russ wandered off, leaving his armour so apparently he is naked

Corax went to the eye of terror in a fit of Edgar Allen Poe induced madness

Vulkan got bored and tootled off after spreading his gifts around the galaxy

Khan chased the Dark Eldar into a webway portal

Sanguinius got shanked by Horus

Ferrus got beheaded by fulgrim


The Lion expended all his energy fighting his chaos infused mentor whilst his homeworld was torn apart by warp storms, his legion collapsing in civil war in an epic duel of jaw-dropping proportions.



I doubt with the whole 'secret' aspect of the DA that the general populace would know about this sort of stuff...


So how would it go?


Imperial citizen/IG commander: So, your Primarch mysteriously vanished, at the same time that your home world inexplicably blew up and your legion lost half it's strength?


DA Chaplain: *Thumbs activation rune on crozius*


Is there an official line on this, is it a case of Imperial Dogma treating it with a dose of 'lost in the warp' or is he said to have died during the scouring?


Many thanks



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Creating credible cover-up stories is what DAs do... and do well! But having said that I doubt the average Imperial citizen would know anything about the Heresy or the end of any Primarchs. This is something akin to mythology or legend. The general populace cannot handle the truth. It is not up to the DAs to cover it up, it's up to the entire Imperial establishment. The DAs need only cover it up against the elite few that actually could have the knowledge of the Heresy in the first place!
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[Learned]Imperial citizen/[Learned]IG commander: So, your Primarch mysteriously vanished, at the same time that your home world inexplicably blew up and your legion lost half it's strength?


Dark Angels Chaplain: While returning from the Crusade to Caliban for re-supply and reinforcements, the Dark Angels fleet was attacked by Traitor forces that had infiltrated and taken over the planet. At the culmination of the the Battle for Caliban, the Traitors somehow caused a massive warp rift to open which, added to the destruction caused by planetary bombardment, ripped Caliban asunder. This destroyed all but a sizable chunk of the planet's crust attached to the main fortress monastery of the Dark Angels, which had only been preserved due to the massive defense fields protecting it. Most everything else was sucked into the warp rift. The Primarch was, unfortunately, lost in the destruction of the planet. Now it is time to pay for your insult, mortal.


*Thumbs activation rune on crozius*


I think it would go down just about like that. ;)


That would be the common story of course, and yet it is all true. It just leaves out quite a few additional truths. :D No need to paint the whole sordid picture for those who need not know it(let alone a "mere" Chaplain won't even know much more than that anyways).

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A one time, not sure if it is still official canon, the destruction of Caliban became the Maelstrom also known as the "little eye". I think it was during the Eye of Terror campaign and it established Caliban's ruins near the Maelstrom.


This explained the destruction of the the homeworld and why they lost half their strength including their primarch. It also seems to be the reason why the Unforgiven seem to have a huge beef with Chaos (or at least certain portions therein).


But in the 41st Millenium, true knowledge is coveted and guarded jealously. Most Imperial Citizenry has about the same level of education as a Third World country or grade school level. It is easier to hide truths in the ignorance of the masses; however it comes at a horrid price, usually a very high casualty rate. Look to one of the Primer books from Black Library to see what I mean.

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I think Shabbadoo's line is more or less spot on. And in many cases they may say even less - simply that the planet was consumed by chaotic forces, the Primarch along with it. And guess what, for the majority of the Unforgiven, this would be the true anyway, as only the members of the Inner Circle would know the real story - or parts of it depending on their rank within the circle. So, we not only cover it up to the greater Imperium but among our own brethren as well.


I also agree with the sentiment that much of the Imperium is not well educated and the Adeptus Astartes along with their origins have become legend. The average citizen of the Imperium, barring where Marine fortresses may be located, may never see a Space Marine in his or her life time (and they'd probably be better off for it).

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Considering that there is only one marine for every million imperial citizen i dot the dark angels have to worry about the average citizen. I doubt an IG commander would every have the chance to speak to a marine unless he or she is a lord commander.
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